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Hex and the Single Witch
Vehicle City Vampires Book One
By Roxanne Rhoads
Publisher: Bewitching Books
Genre: Paranormal Erotic Romance / Urban Fantasy
Word Count: 83,000
Anwyn Rose is descended from a long line of powerful witches yet she can barely cast spells young witchlings have mastered. She has one functioning witch gift, the power of knowing, which she puts to good use as a Detective on Flint’s Preternatural Investigation Team.
It’s a new era in VehicleCity, supernaturals are running the town.
The P.I.T has their hands full with paranormal crimes. Top priority is a serial killer, who appears to be a vampire, draining young women in the city.
Anwyn is on the case with her sexy partner Detective Mike Malone. Complicating things is her relationship Galen, a vampire who looks more guilty than innocent, although Anwyn trusts her instincts even if her power is on the fritz.
Mysterious spells, compromising situations, and a possible demon on the loose make it hard to focus on the case, but Anwyn has to make things right before the human police execute the wrong vampire.
Hex and the Single Witch contains magick, a little bit of mystery, a lot of supernatural mayhem, and a sexy love triangle that will leave you wanting more.
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Book Bonus material http://roxannesrealm.blogspot.com/p/hex-and-single-witch.html
Book Trailer http://youtu.be/TnlTlZ2VEMY
If you enjoy ALL things paranormal with an erotic twist, then this is definitely the read for you! It has a darker side to the Paranormal world, but still has plenty of humour and mystery thrown in to keep you wanting more. ~ Nomi’s Pararanormal Palace
Hex and the Single Witch had a little bit of everything from romance, murder and snarky one liners. If you are looking for a quick, steamy and well fleshed out plot to read then you should give Anwyn, Mike and the others a go in the first book of the Vehicle City Vampires series. ~The Book Nympho
This book is fun and full of all things supernatural and smexy! Featuring not one, but two sexy men to keep you squirming in your seat wanting more. The heat level was a lot higher in this book than I was expecting, but hey I’m not complaining! ~Book Liaison
From beginning to end the pages of Hex and the Single Witch were full of supernatural creatures, fun sexy music, action, mystery, smokin hot scenes, and magic. This book has something for everyone age 18 and over. Simply put Hex and the Single Witch was fun, witty, and hot. ~ Brenda Demko
Reviews from Amazon
I loved everything about this book and really can’t wait for the next instalment. ” ~ sarah brown
No one told me to have a glass of ice water at my side while reading Hex and the Single Witch. By the time I realized how much heat this book generates, I was too engrossed to put it down and too busy turning pages to go to the kitchen. Passion, desire and hot, steamy sex are a big part of this book but there’s so much more. The sign of good Erotica is removing the sex and seeing if you still have a story, otherwise it’s just porn. Hex and the Single Witch delivers a great story. This paranormal thriller will keep you guessing on a couple of levels and leave you anxiously awaiting the next release. ~ Deborah Sanders
This was a great book that left me wanting more!! Good writing, great characters and a good story… ready to read more!!!! ~ HB
This book really grabs you from the start and makes you hold on tight for the ride. Can’t wait for the next one 🙂 ~ Jen b
Roxanne Rhoads spins book one of her riveting tale that captivates you at the beginning that I can’t wait for book two! ~Linda Bass
“So you have a complete data base storing the images of magick you take with the camera?”
“Yeah, I have used my talents for combining technology and magick for more than just weapons and wards for the P.I. T. Crew. I’ve created this camera to record everyone’s signature magick. With some tweaking, like I did a moment ago, I can also capture images of magick placed on someone or something. I upload it all into my magickally altered computer and start sorting out the spells, bindings and threads layered on you. While I am at it, I can also add your personal magick signature to my database.”
“How many Others have you stored in that thing so far?”
“I have almost every known witch in the area. I have been snapping discreetly, but I don’t have too many vamps, weres, or demons yet.”
“Wow, amazing. I didn’t know magick could be caught on film.”
“The wonders of digital technology are now used magickally. Just look at vamps, for years they couldn’t be seen on film or in mirrors because of the silver used in film processing. Now digital technology allows them to use cameras and screens to see themselves and be caught on camera.”
I was completely awed by Mel’s abilities. “So how long will it take to unravel all this?”
“It’s going to take a while and I really need to concentrate. I don’t mean to kick you out honey, but you know I do my best work when I’m alone.”
“I understand, Mel. I’ll let you work. Call me as soon as you find something or figure something out.”
“You bet, Wyn.” Suddenly a thought seemed to pop into her head, “Hey, are you going to the Vampire Ball Saturday night?” she asked.
“The Vampire Ball? You mean that crazy costume party downtown where humans dress up as vampires not realizing real vampires walk among them?” I snorted, the whole thing seemed ludicrous to me. Plus, no one asked me to be their date.
Mel’s eyes narrowed. “Wow, your Gram really has kept you out of the loop. How do you keep your job as Preternatural Liaison when you don’t know jack about the supernatural activity in this city? Satinka Tala puts on The Vampire Ball so preternatural types and humans can mingle—safely, on her terms. Guardians will be all over the place, making sure no one gets out of hand. And I guess you didn’t get the P.I.T. Crew memo, team members are encouraged to be there. I would think because of your job as Liaison it would be a requirement for you.”
Shit. “Sorry Mel, I didn’t know. I haven’t even checked my mail box at work or my email in days. This whole Galen-Mike thing has thrown me for a loop and is obviously keeping me out of it. Not to mention the fact someone is messing with my personal mojo. And as far as the ball…I was kinda hoping a certain vampire would invite me.” I looked down at the floor.
“Honey, this is the twenty-first century and we aren’t in high school, you don’t need a man to ask you to go anywhere. Nobody asked me and I’m still going, you can be my date.” Her smile was radiant.
“Okay, Mel. It’s a date. Now I need to find something to wear.”
“Don’t worry about it, I have something perfect tucked away in my closet. I bought it but the color doesn’t work with my skin tone, for you…it’ll be perfect. Come by tomorrow and we’ll play dress up. Now, I have to get to work on tracing your bindings.”
“That’s great Mel, thanks.” I smiled at her realizing I had really missed hanging out with her.
“That’s what friends are for, Wyn. Now get the hell outta here.” Laughing she gave me a big hug and practically shoved me out the door.
Here’s what you can win!
Signed copy of Paranormal Pleasures, Hex and the Single Witch keychain, Bewitching Book Tours Witches Broom Ink pen
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About the Author:

Story strumpet, tome loving tart, eccentric night owl…these words describe book publicist and erotic romance author Roxanne Rhoads.
When not fulfilling one the many roles being a wife and mother of three require, Roxanne’s world revolves around words…reading them, writing them, editing them, and talking about them. In addition to writing her own stories she loves to read, promote and review what others write.
Roxanne is the owner of Bewitching Book Tours and operates Fang-tastic Books, a book blog dedicated to paranormal and urban fantasy books.
When not reading, writing, or promoting Roxanne loves to hang out with her family, craft, garden and search for unique vintage finds.
Visit her online
Author blog www.roxannesrealm.blogspot.com
Book Blog www.fang-tasticbooks.blogspot.com
Bewitching Book Tours www.bewitchingbooktours.blogspot.com
Twitter @RoxanneRhoads
Roxanne can also be found on Linked In, Goodreads and Google+