Posts Tagged ‘Heart Search Series’

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Are you ready for the launch of Carlie’s newest book, Heart Search: Book Two, Found?

It’s that time and I have some goodies for you.

This is going to be such a fun tour. So much more is coming!

For today I’ll be reviewing Heart Search: Found!

First, feast your eyes on her cover art. I believe she has a signature for her covers now. Further down in my post you can see the cover art for Book One, Heart Search:Lost and you’ll see what I mean.


One bite started it all . . .

Another mysterious disappearance sparks a frightening chain of events for Remy and her family. Events foretold come to pass, and more strange and alarming occurrences assail her life. Where can she turn?

Coven politics continue to threaten Joshua’s existence, but an even bigger menace looms . . .

And Remy’s life hangs in the balance – can Joshua save her?

Fate still toys with mortals and immortals alike, as hearts torn apart by darkness confront perils which could lead to their doom.


As this is the second book in the series I just wanted to say, I’ll do my best to not put spoilers in my review.

My Review

Remy hasn’t given up on finding Joshua. It’s just that she has a whole new set of complications to handle. You could say, double the trouble.

She still dreams of Joshua and misses him and will not stop until she finds him.

A mysterious peeping tom with piercing green eyes lurks outside Remy’s home. Remy, her twin, Becky, and her best friend, Jakki, all are scared. They wonder what or who he is after.

The vampire coven has problems of its own. One tries to kill another in a fit of rage and jealousy.

And a nemesis from the past has come back, and he’s brought friends. His resentment continues and now he plots to end them all.

5 Stars

I’ve been waiting for this book and I got so much more than I expected!

There are some really sweet and funny episodes with Remy and her double trouble.

The story has some surprising turns that I didn’t foresee. That’s always exciting.

I got to know more about the coven members and how they think. I had to keep reminding myself these are not nice vampires. Once they are turned, they have no compunction or guilt about taking lives.

I read a scene where the vampires were stalking their dinner and the people were just ordinary people, not evil, minding their own business, and bam. They were dead and dumped miles away in moments. The vampires were just doing what they do, but it felt so profound. And, somehow, I still liked them..

Writing like this will keep me coming back for more. The characters are genuine and distinct. The story line flashes back and forth from one set of characters to the next easily. The anticipation builds along with your hopes.

I had a few moments where I sniffled, many where I grinned, and I even laughed out loud at some scenes. Several times a scene evoked disgust or trepidation too.

An all around great sequel with more to come.

Well worth the wait!

I’ll be looking for more of Remy’s story and can already tell the next book is going to be dramatic.


Heart Search: Found is now available to purchase!

Amazon US / Amazon UK


Check out the new trailer!

Carlie has done something incredible!

You’re going to want to run right over and get this book. Just sayin!






Carlie M A Cullen

Carlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing. She has been an administrator and marketer all her working life and was also a professional teacher of Ballroom and Latin American dancing until recently.

She has always written in some form or another, but Heart Search: Lost is her first novel. This was launched 8th October 2012 through Myrddin Publishing Group and book two, Heart Search: Found, is due out early July 2013. She writes mainly in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for YA, New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a professional editor.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. Their first anthology, The Other Way Is Essex, was published September 2012 under Myrddin Publishing Group. Their second anthology is in editing.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

You can find Carlie M. A. Cullen at the links below:


I’ve read Heart Search, Book One: Lost and loved it!

Heart Search: Lost (Heart Search, #1)


Go here to read my 5 Star Review


Stay tuned for more fun and exciting things to come as the tour continues!

Check out these others wonderful bloggers participating in the tour:

Tour host’s:

Sherry Fundin

Joy Keeney

Donna L Sadd

Michelle Birbeck

We will be revealing more about Carlie’s new release with interviews, reviews and exclusive excerpts

Come join the fun and help spread the word!