Posts Tagged ‘paranormal’


Shake-speared in the Park by Joy Ann Ribar Banner

by Joy Ann Ribar
March 17th – April 11, 2025 Virtual Book Tour





When Bay Browning helps direct the Flourish College summer theater production, “Shakespeare’s Couch,” she doesn’t plan for murder at the first practice.


Someone wants revenge against the elite cast members, as more terror unfolds on stage and backstage with each rehearsal. What should be a lighthearted parody on The Bard and his characters is cursed from the start, even without someone shouting “Macbeth” in the theater. Detective Downing takes charge of the crime, but Bay and her puzzle-solving cohort, Jen Yoo, follow their own script behind the scenes. Cassandra, Bay’s extraordinary sister, makes her own dramatic entrance on the case. After all, Cass is now the personal assistant to one of the elites living the high life on the bluff above Prairie Ridge. How many tragic scenes will be scripted before the villain faces the final curtain? .


Praise for Shake-speared in the Park:


“A clever cozy that reads like an elusive buried treasure, that, once uncovered, shines with a burnished gold. Shakespearean scholars can revel throughout, as a college summer play, Shakespeare’s Couch, features a myriad of familiar characters, representing their plays. A costume party with more Shakespearean identities milling about provides sheer fun and frolic. The best part, however, is the thorough depiction of humanity, characteristic of Ribar’s writing. Even secondary characters come alive with strengths and foibles that delight and endear.” ~ Saralyn Richard, author of the Detective Parrott mystery series, Bad Blood Sisters, and Mrs. Oliver’s Twist

“Ribar serves up wicked, clever fun in ‘Shake-speared in the Park,’ the second installment in her Bay Browning mystery series. A young man with much promise falls from a stage-prop balcony. He’s dead when he lands, but that’s not what killed him. Was his brother, the wayward son, involved? His best friend? Or one of the wealthy equestrian crowd? Then, another death, this time in a greenhouse. It’s like ‘Knives Out’ meets Agatha Christie. Suspects abound. Two sisters—one a killer magnet, the other an ex-con—are determined to find out. The escalating tempo keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the end!” ~ Laurie Buchanan, author of the Sean McPherson crime thriller novels

“In this fast-paced mystery and nod to Shakespeare, the murderous shenanigans would please the Bard himself! Professor Bay Browning’s play rehearsals go awry with deadly weapons, poisons, and just about anything else a playwright might use to scare or ‘off’ someone in dramatic fashion. As in ‘Romeo & Juliet,’ differences of class and money between families put a small Wisconsin college and Bay in the crosshairs. Replete with a twisty costume party, this novel opens the curtain on an entertaining theater production with actors poised to take their final bow, pun intended. Ribar balances scenes effectively between amateur detectives Bay and her sister Cass, the latter a plant aficionado and former prison inmate. To borrow from the Bard, ‘To read or not to read?’ The answer is easy: This is fun.” ~ Christine DeSmet, author, Fudge Shop Mystery Series and Mischief in Moonstone Series


Book Details:


Genre: Blended Mystery: Traditional Mystery with Paranormal Twists

Published by: Wine Glass Press Publication Date: February 2025 Number of Pages: 359 ISBN: 9781959078272 (ISBN10: 1959078275) Series: Bay Browning Mysteries: Book Two

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads


Enjoy this peek inside:


Carillon Tower Park was buzzing with activity when Bay arrived for rehearsal. Desmond Carver, the director, was only steps ahead of her, so she dashed to catch up. Bay smiled at his signature bobbing walk on those extra-long legs that might belong to a pro basketball player instead of a theater professor.

“Desmond, hey. Looks like the students are psyched about the show.” Bay nodded toward the outdoor theater area where a portable tech booth had been set up. People inside were testing spotlights and sound effects.

The stage was midway through set construction showing false stone walls and two framed second story balconies. Someone was sweeping the stage free of pine needles, while a couple of others were taping the floor where furniture would go. Bay waved at Jen Yoo, her art professor friend, who was painting a flat with some students.

“It’s a positive sign when they show up early. Believe me, once we’re in the trenches, some will find reasons not to show up at all.” Desmond set a stack of scripts on one of the seats near the middle of the theater. “Actors,” he said using air quotes around the word. Bay’s optimism didn’t dwindle. She was pleased with the turnout for auditions, considering it was a summer production, meaning many students were gone or working. The fact she and Desmond had backups for the main roles revealed enthusiasm for the show. Desmond handed her a theater badge and key for the rooms beyond the stage. “By the way, in case I forget later, thanks so much for volunteering to help with the play. It can be a thankless job.” Bay grinned but wondered why Desmond was being so pessimistic. He wasn’t close to retirement, maybe ten years older than Bay, and she’d pegged him as carefree and upbeat. Then again, in the two years she’d been a Flourish professor, she’d had a handful of short conversations with him. At seven p.m. on the dot, the clock tower bell rang out the hour and Desmond spoke through a megaphone he’d brought to rehearsal. “Let’s get going. We start on time. We end on time. That’s my number one rule.” To Bay’s surprise, every student hushed without delay. She’d heard Desmond was respected, and he knew these students from past plays. Many were seniors doing a final postgraduation show before entering the real world. “For the first few rehearsals, we’re going to need to work around the set builders and the tech crew setting up lights and testing sounds. This isn’t a typical show. Summer theater is a shortened schedule, so we’re putting an entire production together in short order.” Desmond handed printed schedules to Bay, who passed them out to the actors and crew. It wasn’t quite June, thankfully, because performances were marked for the last week of that month, just past the celebration of Midsummer on June twenty-fourth. “You’ll notice on the schedule that all lines must be memorized by June tenth. That’s two weeks, my friends. Let’s make it happen.” Desmond used his teacher voice. Even Bay snapped to attention. “Places everyone. We’ll start with the prologue and go straight through from act one as far as we can until eight-thirty. The script notes some introductory music, but we won’t add that for a couple of weeks. Proceed, Kitt.” Bay and Desmond watched from the back third of the theater, taking notes as lines were delivered, stopping when necessary to help with enunciation or cadence. At the end of the second act, Desmond announced a seven-minute break, then headed to the tech booth to talk about lighting. Bay noticed he seemed nervous about the tech crew being run by an intern. His normal production partner, Leo, another theater professor, was spending summer break in New York City at a Broadway intensive master class. Leo recommended a theater grad student from Madison to take his place. As lights flashed on and off in different positions, Bay watched the techies at the booth. Desmond pointed at the script as intern Evan made notes, then flashed the light Desmond asked for. Bay noticed Evan’s body posture: alert, attentive, like a golden retriever eager to please. In contrast, Desmond alternated running a hand through the twists on top of his head, placing his hands on his hips, then rubbing the back of his neck before repeating the moves again. “That looks intense.” Jen Yoo was sitting by Bay, a clean paint brush in one hand. “Hey, Jen. Yes, I’ve never seen this side of Desmond. How about you?” Jen shrugged. “I haven’t worked on a summer production in some time. The younger Desmond was laid-back. But some of us lose our patience as we age. Thankfully, I don’t have that problem.” She snickered. Bay turned her full attention to Jen. “Why are you working on this production, anyway?” “Two reasons. One: It fulfills my volunteer hours for the whole year. Two: It’s a show you wrote. I’m proud of you and want to see how it turns out.” Jen leaned her head over to meet Bay’s. With break wrapping up, chatter from the stage echoed around the quiet outdoors. When a commotion ensued, Bay chalked it up to high energy from a new show, the honeymoon period. But then a loud thud sounded, someone began shrieking, and a cacophony of shouts and running feet ensued. Bay, Jen, and Desmond ran to the stage, with the tech crew close behind. The adults vaulted onto the stage where the lead actor, Talon Hunt, lay crumpled in a twisted heap. “Everybody back up,” Desmond shouted. “He fell off the balcony,” one of the students called out. “I didn’t mean to. We were goofing around, practicing a duel.” Jackson Lange knelt over Talon, his chest heaving, his face distraught. Desmond, Jen, and Bay knelt beside Talon too, and Jackson stood up and looked away. Desmond checked Talon’s pulse, shook his head, listened for a heartbeat, and shook his head again. Bay called 911. “Let’s straighten him a bit so I can do CPR.” Desmond motioned for Jen and Bay to get on either side of his legs and they gingerly turned him. Desmond was still administering chest compressions and breaths when the emergency team arrived to take over. Thirty minutes later, the EMTs pronounced Talon dead. *** Excerpt from Shake-speared in the Park by Joy Ann Ribar. Copyright 2025 by Joy Ann Ribar. Reproduced with permission from Joy Ann Ribar. All rights reserved.



About Author Joy Ann Ribar:



Joy Ann Ribar

Joy Ann Ribar is an RV author, writing on the road wherever her husband and their Winnebago View wanders. Joy’s cocktail of careers includes news reporter, paralegal, English educator, and aquaponics greenhouse technician, all of which prove useful in penning mysteries. Her cozy Deep Lakes Mysteries, feature baker/vintner Frankie Champagne, who moonlights as an investigative reporter. Joy’s Bay Browning Mysteries blend edgy, traditional, and paranormal elements twisted around classical literary themes. Joy loves to bake, read, research wines, and explore nature. Her writing has received awards and recognition from WWA, PenCraft Book Awards, Book Fest, Reader’s Favorite, and Chanticleer Cozy and Not-So-Cozy awards.

Catch Up With Joy Ann Ribar: Joy’s Substack Amazon Author Profile Goodreads BookBub – @ribarjoy Instagram – @authorjoyribar Facebook – @JoyRibarAuthor


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The Fallen Guardian

by Dawn Chartier


Publication date: March 14th 2025
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

*When Darkness Tempts the Divine*

Gracyn James has made vengeance her life’s mission. Haunted by the brutal murder of her family, she survives on the streets with The Inciters, a vigilante group that delivers justice to society’s worst. But her ultimate goal remains elusive: finding her father and uncovering why he destroyed her world. When a deadly encounter with the seductive and powerful Angel of Death, leaves her faction annihilated, she’s forced into an uneasy alliance.

Lucien Ward, a fallen Guardian with a shadowed past, is on a mission of his own. Stripped of his former glory, he hunts for the truth behind his family’s downfall while fulfilling his grim duties as the Angel of Death. Gracyn’s fiery spirit—and an uncontrollable power she doesn’t yet understand—may be the key to his redemption. Or, she could bring about the end of both their worlds.

In a battle where loyalties blur and fate twists cruelly, can they uncover the truth before their intertwined destinies ignite chaos?

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Enjoy this peek inside:

She took a moment to really see him before stepping inside. He had a face she’d etch in her mind forever. Rumors about the Angel of Death were wildly inaccurate. No one described him as painfully beautiful. Probably no one left alive to give a firsthand account. He didn’t appear the radiant or Greek god she’d imagined. Nor did he have wings. The Inciters had been wrong about that too. Maybe he wasn’t one of those kinds of Seraphs. His build was that of a fighter. A fighter who’d been through hell and back.

He tilted his head, watching her watch him. Her pulse hitched, but that didn’t stop her from memorizing every detail. Silver-blond hair half pulled back, revealing a prominent hard jaw with a slight scar comparable to the scar her father had.

But those hypnotizing, glowing, golden eyes hid something she couldn’t read. They weren’t angelic. More devilish, if you asked her. Kind of animalistic. Like he would hunt her down and eat her alive if she tried to escape his prison.

“Inside,” he ordered with that whisky-smooth, oh-so-sure voice. He’d turned colder since they’d arrived.

“Wait!” She couldn’t accept this was it. They were supposed to barter. Did he lie?

“Get in,” he ordered.

“I thought we were going to talk. I’ll help you and you’ll help me. That’s what you said.” She’d never forget the face of the Seraph who killed her friends. Poor Collin would never get to become an Inciter like he’d dreamed about. She’d only joined to find her father.

“Inside,” he said sterner. “There’s something I must do first. Move.”

She faced the cell and sighed. “How long will I be in here? When are you coming back?”

A steel urinal-toilet combo hung in one corner, with a white sheet-covered cot against the wall. Was this her new normal? Her new life? The realization of never finding the answers she’d been seeking all this time hit hard, unless the Seraph kept his word.

The wall behind her swooshed closed between them. She spun around and banged on the glass door. “No!” Her reflection stared back at her. “Let me out!” Was he still there, watching her? She frowned and hit the door. Her mouth felt like cotton, and the pressure inside her head was splitting her skull in half. “Can I at least get something for my headache?”

No reply.

This moment was like sealing her fate of never having a real home or family ever again. Her adoptive parents were the closest thing she’d ever had, but she still never felt like she fit in no matter how much love they showed her. She was different. She knew it. They knew it.

Now she was ripped away from ever finding out why her dad had done what he did. Ripped away from her best friend, Drake, too. She’d allowed herself to love him like a brother, even though she knew being with the Inciters was only temporary too. So, where did that leave her? Alone? A prisoner? No, this wasn’t her fate.

She dug her fingernails into her palms. How was she going to escape? She had to make a plan to get out of this. Tell him what she knew in small bites. See if he would search as he’d said. Though she doubted he would. She banged again. Tears welled, and she blinked them back. Don’t let him see you weak. Do not cry. Do not cry.

Even though her heart bled for the slain Inciters and Collin, she had to focus on what to say to get what she wanted, but focusing only forced the image of a bloody Collin on the ground. She swallowed. He’d been through so much and hadn’t deserved to die. He’d reminded her of her little sister before she’d died. Her gaze blurred. She shook her head, refusing to cry.

“Crying is for pussies,” Collin had said once after they’d found him shortly after his stepdad beat the crap out of him. She’d caught the glassiness in his eyes, but he never ever cried. I’ll be strong like you, Collin. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you either. The Seraph will pay,” she whispered.

Why had she fallen asleep at the warehouse? Sure, she was sick, but she shouldn’t have ever listened to him. She’d trusted the others to keep him safe, but they weren’t strong enough.

Luckily, Drake had gone to his godmother’s or she might’ve lost him too. He’d be devastated when he found Collin and the others. He’d blame himself. A tear slipped, and she slapped it dry. He was probably searching for her now, but would he even know where to look? He never once mentioned where the Seraphs were. Dammit. She was screwed.


About Author Dawn Chartier:

Dawn Chartier is a contemporary and paranormal romance author known for crafting emotionally resonant stories with compelling characters and vivid worlds. With a background in construction, Dawn brings a keen eye for detail to her writing, creating immersive settings that captivate readers. She has published several romance novels, earning praise for her ability to blend heartfelt romance with suspense and supernatural elements. Dawn lives in the South with her family, where she finds inspiration in the lush landscapes and unique culture of her surroundings. When she’s not writing, she enjoys exploring local cuisine, chilling on the beach and diving into a great book.

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Secrets, demons, lovers and murder…

Who can you trust?


In the Dark

The Cities Below Book 1

by Jen Colly

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Fate will
not be denied.

Faith should
be crowned “Queen of the Wrong Place and Wrong Time.” Her impulsive,
solo trip to Paris seems like a genius idea – until she loses her way back to
the hotel. In the rain. At night. When the two men she flags down for
directions shove her into the nearest alley, she fears the worst.

Soren was
irritable. Not surprising as he’d held off feeding as long as possible. The
thought of feeding from someone he knew turned his stomach, and so he ventured
above to become just another body in the chaos of Paris. But when the cries of
a female in distress reach his ears, everything inside him demands he protect
her, and he is unable to hide the true nature of his species.

Soren has no
choice but to keep her and bring her to his underground city. It doesn’t take
him long to realize why he’d been drawn to Paris, to that street, that
alley…Faith. She is the other half of his soul. Admitting the truth to her
could damage the fragile connection they built, but when an old enemy, lurking
in the dark attacks, they are separated. Now, he may never have the chance.

it 75% off at Smashwords until March 8th!**

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The Cities Below Book 2

His heart
belongs to one woman, his life to another.

Keir didn’t
exist. Not anymore. The Lady of Galbraith had saved him from death. Forever
indebted to her alone, Keir had become her confidant, her spy, her assassin. He
was her secret weapon against those trying to remove her from power. When Keir
is ambushed by a pack of demons, he used the last of his strength to return
home and warn the Lady of impending danger.

To say she
was stunned when a dying man fell to her feet, was an understatement. For the
first time in her life, Cleo acted on instinct and without hesitation – their
lives now undeniably bound together. Her single act of benevolence left her
reeling, confronted with the knowledge that a stranger had more care and
consideration for her well-being than her own family.

upheaval is sweeping through the city of Galbraith, splitting alliances and
stoking discord. When Cleo is abducted, taken in retaliation from the side
she’s chosen, only Keir can get her back. And he will, even if he must start a

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Beneath the Night

The Cities Below Book 3

Demons are
not the only enemy among them…

Waking from a
seven year healing sleep should have been the biggest shock of Navarre’s night.
It was not. The brave female standing before him was, without a doubt, his
fated mate. That wasn’t the stunner either. She’d been sent here to feed him,
to bring him back and restore his strength, risking her life to save his.
Still, not yet the biggest surprise. What had Navarre reeling was her red hair.
She was decidedly not his kind.

Cat had
responsibilities. Five, to be exact. The children in her care were not hers,
but she would do anything to protect them, and that meant staying in Balinese.
The evidence of her mixed species was something she could not hide. As this
city belonged to Navarre, only he has the authority to allow her to stay. Cat
willingly faces her greatest fear, and with it, her past.

Beneath the
night, a dark plot unfolds, and Navarre finds himself in danger of losing not
only Cat, but his entire city.

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The Cities Below Book 4

When the
enemy is your mind, there is no escape.

Bette feared
the city, and for good reason. Valenna had become corrupt, targeting citizens
with any substantial amount of wealth or power to their name. Her self-imposed
solitary confinement caused her to lose track of time, and her sanity. She
could no longer live this way. Only three solutions existed: allow Valenna to
dictate her fate, die in the sun, or flee to the fabled city of peace. Bette

Rollin was a
Guardian. His job defined his life, the man he’d become, and his core beliefs.
Everything he did was in service to the city of Balinese and the citizens
within. When a terrified female crashed into his arms, begging for help, he did
not hesitate. Everyone and everything seemed to frighten her, except Rollin. He
took her home, and once safe under his protection, she began to flourish.

Problem was,
in her plea for sanctuary, she claimed a demon chased her toward Balinese, but
none had been found. His affection for her grows rapidly, as does his concern
over her lie. Then, the arrival of a demon forces Rollin to question his
beliefs, his place among the royal family, and the motives of the woman he so
lovingly sheltered.

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The Guardian

The Cities Below Book 5


to die…fighting to live.

Savard was in
a mood to die, but when a human insists on saving his life, death is no longer
an immediate option. He knew of no species – human, vampire, or demon – that
could see him while in his invisible Spirit form. Unique to this world, this
woman’s singularity was a danger to the entire vampire race.

Waking behind
bars in an underground vampire city was not how Sera envisioned her night drive
ending. She has come to expect nothing from those who pass through her life,
but this man, dying on the side of the road, proves to be different. Savard
fights to free her from tyrannical vampire laws and to hide her unique
abilities. What Sera doesn’t understand, is why he would fight his growing love
for her.

haunted past threatens to tear them apart. Soon, Sera discovers just how far
her guardian is willing to go, and what he’s willing to do, to keep her safe.

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Night Stalker

The Cities Below Book 6

He had
every intention of crossing a line.

In all
honesty, Jake had to give his trip to Paris mixed reviews. Beaten and broken by
seemingly invincible men with eerie red eyes marked the low point, but
abduction by a sexy, knife-wielding vampire? Better than fireworks on the
Fourth of July. She was the best medicine for a wounded man’s body and soul. A
few busted ribs cost him precious time, but he had to keep moving. Call it
vengeance or justice, either way, Jake had a man to kill.

Dulcina had
witnessed the destruction left in the wake of demons for far too many years to
be rattled by a bloody body. She brought him home and catered to his comfort.
Big mistake. The smart-mouth, irritatingly likable man pulled through, and was
determined to leave, but with knowledge of other species in his head, the human
is a problem.

To stop Jake
from escaping, Dulcina promised to help him finish his mission, but the price
was steep, and neither were prepared for what they discovered. Secrets are
uncovered, and as a Night Stalker charged with protecting all species, Dulcina
is forced to make a difficult choice.


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Can you, for those who don’t know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author? 


I didn’t set out to be an author. This was not a life dream, a hobby or passion, and certainly not a natural progression from an avid reader. I was not a reader. You couldn’t pay me to read. Mom tried. The BOOK IT! program tried bribing me with the pizza. It wasn’t until I landed a fantastic, but extremely boring job, that I began to read for enjoyment as an adult. I first tried the Terry Brooks series Mom wanted me to read. Then I read about pirates, druids, vampires, and anything romance. Hate to say it, but they were all right…to a point. You can’t just be told to read and that you must find enjoyment in the pages because everyone else does. That’s not reality. But do keep trying until you find the genre that speaks to your soul and sparks your imagination. So one day I find myself at work around 10am and I finished my book. No back up. Looking at a full day of boredom ahead of me, I began to write. Nothing serious, just killing time. I wrote about a pirate. I found a picture on the internet. Long black hair, open white shirt, both nipples pierced. He was the hero. I could see him move and smile, hear his voice, and could even see him fight with a sword in hand. Even so, I couldn’t figure out his story. I didn’t know what made him smile, who he fought with that sword, and why no matter how hard I tried, I could not see him in anything other than dress slacks. He was regal. Important. Out of nowhere it hit me. He wasn’t a pirate. He was a vampire! Everything fell into place instantly. His name, what made him smile, who he would fight, the city in which he ruled his people, and who he would die to protect. Every story in The Cities Below series stemmed from Lord Navarre Casteel. As we know now, his story is book 3 in the series, Beneath the Night. The previous two books I blame on my Hubby. He read the two page scene I wrote about Navarre and point blank asked me what happened before this scene? How did he get here? What caused him to get to this point in his life. In the Dark is the perfect book to drop you into their world as we see a human taken into the vampire city underground and adjusting to their lifestyle. Bound…well, my only explanation for book 2 is I suddenly realized how complex their world was, how many cities were hidden away beneath France, and how much needed to happen during Lord Navarre’s absence to make his return impactful. Bound takes place mainly within a different city and has a vastly different set of problems. So, basically, I became an author because the stories in my head got so complex I needed to write them down before I forgot them.



Jen Colly is the rare case of an author who rebelled
against reading assignments throughout her school years. Now she prefers
reading books in a series, which has led her to writing her first paranormal
romance series: The Cities Below. She will write about anything that catches
her fancy, though truth be told, her weaknesses are pirates and vampires.

 She lives in Ohio with her supportive husband, two kids,
and four rescued cats.


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When love walks into a family war:

Headstrong siblings, fated mates, a grandmother’s love, and enemies thirsting for revenge.


Saved by the Wolf

The McCullough Pack Book 1

by Nola Li Barr

Genre: Sweet Paranormal Romance

A Sweet Paranormal Romance Complete Series

Fate brought us together, but the scars of our pasts threaten to tear us


The moment I hear his voice, something inside me shifts. He seems to reach
right into my soul, and suddenly, all I want is to be near him, to feel safe in
his arms. But I’ve been down this road before. My last relationship left me
broken, bruised, and wary. And the way his friends hang on his every word? It’s
too familiar—too much like my past.

Still, there’s an undeniable connection between us. My heart whispers that he’s
different, that he’s the one I’ve been waiting for. But how can I trust it when
my head is screaming to run?


She’s shy, quiet . . . human. Not someone my wolf should be drawn to, but he
is. When I’m near her, my wolf is calm, content, and all he wants is to claim
her as mine. But I’ve sworn off love. I know too well the pain of a broken
heart, and I promised myself I wouldn’t go through that again.

Yet, no matter how much I try to push her away, my wolf won’t let me. She’s the
one, and every fiber of my being knows it.

Saved by the Wolf is the first book in the McCullough Pack series—a
heart-tugging, sweet paranormal romance with all the love, none of the spice,
and a guaranteed happily ever after.


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I took a deep breath and walked to the bar, content on hearing her heartbeat and knowing she was okay. I’d catch the next dance; no need to burst her bubble just yet.

By the time I came back, though, she was already dancing with another man, and she was absolutely glowing and having the time of her life. Then the first guy came back again, and she readily let him pull her against him and dance to the next song too.

My heart couldn’t take this. I was a fool to have come here. She was perfectly fine without me. Why in the world did I let my brothers get to me? They knew nothing about love or how much it hurt to be left behind, to be discarded like you had never meant anything to that person. I’d vowed I wouldn’t let a girl do that to me ever again. Yet here I was . . . .

I turned and left. She’d be just fine. No side-stop at an ice cream parlor tonight. No chance of looking into dark warm eyes and luscious lips that had the cutest pout when she was thinking. My wolf was clawing to get out, and I would let it. There was no need for me to be here anymore—no reason for me to have ever come!

I ran toward the woods and shifted, howling a lone tune as soon as I was deep into the trees.



Loved by the Wolf

The McCullough Pack Book 2

published under Nola Li Gordon. The whole series is now under Nola Li Barr.

He loves me . . . He loves me not . . .


I’ve loved
him for years and thought the feeling was mutual. But when I lean in to kiss
him on our first date, he recoils, claiming he only loves me like a sister.

He breaks my
heart that night.

Every bone in
my body is telling me to leave—to start a new life in a new place. A place
without him in it.

But I must be
a masochist because no matter what I tell myself, I cannot stay away from him .
. .


She is my
mate. My wolf knows it.

Ever since
she kissed me, my wolf has been clawing at me to claim her. It is becoming
harder and harder to control myself.

Because I
can’t claim her.

My past
haunts me with reminders of my failures. She’s better off without me. The best
I can do is be her protector—if I can even do that . . . .

against a backdrop of a tight-knit family, this friends-to-lovers story is
filled with all the love without the spice, and a guaranteed happily ever

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Adored by the Wolf

The McCullough Pack Book 3

A Sweet Paranormal Romance

*Originally published under Nola Li Gordon. The whole series is now under
Nola Li Barr.

All is fair in love and war.


I’m the responsible sister. The one my family relies on. It’s the reason I’m
standing in for my sister, instead of going on my well-deserved vacation.

My day brightens when he walks in. I try to act professional, but he stands
close, and his eyes never leave me.

When he leaves, I tell myself he’ll soon forget about me. But on a visit to my
friend, he’s there to greet me. This time, I’m the one who can’t look away.

I’m only enjoying his company. Nothing can go wrong.


I’m the planner of my family, and with war coming to my pack, I must prepare
for it. But my wolf is restless, wanting what my elder brothers have—a mate.

When I see her, my wolf screams she’s the one, and I feel the urge to claim
her. I push him down and manage to leave, but thoughts of her continue to
bombard me every day.

A day later, my brother pays her a visit, and on his return, he starts acting .
. . odd. Once my partner in crime, now he’s looking at me as his enemy.

Suddenly, everything goes wrong.

Enter a world where the strength of a family lies not only with its pack but
also with their soulmates. A world filled with all the love without the spice,
and a guaranteed happily ever after.


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**Don’t miss the rest of the series!!**

Find them on Amazon!

Or get the box sets!

Get Set 1-3 or Set 4-6 and the NEW RELEASE on March 9th – Set 7-9



Subscribe to Nola’s newsletter and get the prequel FREE!

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Nola Li Barr writes sweet family saga romances. Both in
contemporary and paranormal/fairy tale settings. She loves to explore family
dynamics with her characters and see them fall in love, most of the time with
someone they’d never deem possible. In the hopes of sharing her stories with
her kids sooner than later, her romances are always sweet with a happily ever
after. When she’s not writing she can be found reading, baking, and navigating
the path of motherhood. Follow her on social media @nolalibarr or visit

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Stone Guardian

by Gayle Katz


(Masonry, Magic, and Love, #1)
Publication date: March 4th 2022
Genres: Paranormal, Romance

No Steam! No Spice! Gargoyles are immovable statues of stone. Lifeless, the librarian thought, until one of them takes flight to save her from an untimely demise.

A kindhearted but lonely librarian. Nancy is drowning under the weight of an abusive boyfriend, failing grades, and looming unemployment. While at work, she confides her deepest, darkest secrets to the gargoyle perched near her desk. But she’s unprepared when the strange stone statue comes to life.

A gentle gargoyle born under a curse. Treyton can’t believe it. In the past century that he’s been guarding the beloved Victorian library he calls home, the lonesome man never had anyone notice him until now. And he’s enchanted by the beautiful woman yearning for true love under his watchful gaze. But the witch who gave him life wants him back. And she’s willing to kill anyone who stands in her way.

As his vile witch plots against them, will Nancy and Treyton be torn apart forever, or can they overcome the evil threatening their love — and their lives?


The Complete Series:


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Get the complete series HERE!


Enjoy this peek inside:

It was the screams that woke Nancy.

They were bloodcurdling, gut-wrenching howls filled with nothing but pain. It was unlike anything Nancy had ever heard before.

Gasping for breath, Nancy’s eyes flew open. She pitched forward and peered around her with bleary eyes, trying to figure out which of her neighbors must have been shrieking … but instead of her ceiling and her warm blankets, she found herself lying in a heap on the side of a dirt road.

Above her, gray clouds swirled through the frigid night. Snowflakes drifted down and clung to her lashes and her hair.

Why was she outside? The last thing she remembered was diving into bed after Diana left.

Panic filled her as she rolled clumsily onto her arms and knees, finding her legs twisted and tangled in endless yards of fabric. It was only when she managed to drag herself to her feet by gripping a lantern-lit street post that she realized she was no longer in her Wonder Woman pajamas. She was dressed in a long-sleeved frock that swirled around her ankles. She grabbed at the thick fabric, tugging and pulling at it, until she realized that she was wearing some sort of antiquated dress and a petticoat.

“I must be dreaming,” Nancy whimpered, but she was hardly able to hear herself over the screams still echoing around her.

Her chest heaving, Nancy stumbled down the dirt road. She had to find someone, anyone, to tell her where she was and what was going on. This place was unrecognizable to her. There were only ten houses on this small road, as well as a building Nancy assumed was some sort of general store. There was also something almost familiar about the budding town, though Nancy could not put her finger on what it was—especially when she realized that flames licked up toward the sky from most of the buildings. Heat emanated from them, battling with the wintry chill of the air.

Nancy froze. She could only stare as the townspeople ran around wildly and begged for help. Suddenly, men on horses charged through the village, some swinging swords and guns while others aimed flaming arrows at people and homes.

“The outsiders are attacking!” someone screamed before getting cut down before Nancy’s very eyes.

“No … no!” shrieked Nancy. “Wake up, please! I don’t want to be here anymore!”


About Author Gayle Katz:

Daring Women. Dangerous Worlds.

Gayle is a fan of zombies, sci-fi fantasy romance, and psychological horror—though not necessarily in that order. She writes the kinds of books she wants to read but often can’t find. Hoping to scare you, make you swoon, and root for her characters, her love of kick-butt heroines and sassy snark shines through in her work.

Born and raised outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Gayle lives with her husband and they are currently working on their own happily ever after.

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The luck of the draw has never been riskier.


Would You Rather…

part of The Haunting of Pinedale High Series

by Kimberly Baer

Genre: YA Paranormal

Pick a card, any

Would you rather be an amazing artist or a brilliant mathematician?

Would you rather lose your mother or your father?

Would you rather roast to death or freeze to death?

It’s a silly game hosted by a substitute teacher, an exercise in exploring the
workings of the teenage mind. Twenty-three students make their choices, and the
game is forgotten—until the chosen scenarios start coming true. Classmates Ava,
Blake, and Charlie are determined to track down the mysterious teacher and
persuade him to end the curse. But the clock is ticking, lives hang in the
balance, and the foe they seek is more menacing than they could imagine.


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Deej stared at his card for a long time. Then he shot Mr. Trinkley a dark look. “This is effed up.”

Mr. Trinkley said, “Read the card aloud, Mr. Nolty.”

Deej’s mouth twisted like he was chewing something nasty. He read, “ ‘Would you rather die of cancer or be killed in a vehicular collision?’ ”

A horrified silence followed. Jared mumbled, “That’s harsh.”

Deej said flatly, “So either way I’m screwed.”

“Some may see it that way,” said Mr. Trinkley. “Regardless, you must choose. Surely one scenario is preferable to the other.”

Deej shook his head, his lips pressed together. Mr. Trinkley glanced around the classroom. “Thoughts, anyone?”

For the longest time no one spoke. Finally, Charlie said, “If you die fast, you don’t suffer. Dying slow gives you time to reflect back on your life.”

“That’s one way to look at it,” said Mr. Trinkley.

“Fine,” said Deej. “Then kill me in an accident. I’ve only lived for sixteen years. I don’t have much to reflect back on.”

Blake wondered if everyone else was as eager for class to end as he was. He glanced at the clock. Twenty-five minutes to go. He wished the bell would ring before his turn came up, but that was unlikely. There were only six people between him and would you rather.

His heart thudded sickly, a fight-or-flight response with no rational basis. He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to calm himself. Everything is fine. It’s just a silly game.

But was it? His gut insisted something was very wrong.

Mr. Trinkley moved to the next desk and then the next. Blake felt like a fly caught in a web, waiting for the spider to scuttle over and devour him. Would you rather scenarios flowed into his ears and took root in his imagination, like horror-movie shorts.

Would you rather live in a house infested by bedbugs or by spiders?

Would you rather roast to death or freeze to death?

Would you rather have a grotesque rash or chronic diarrhea?

The room blurred and shimmied around him, and he clutched the edges of his desk to steady himself. This whole situation seemed surreal, like a dream. A nightmare, actually. Why were so many of the scenarios bad? Nobody’d had a good one since Jared.

A shape materialized at Blake’s side, dark as a shadow. “Your turn, Mr. Pedley.”

Blake wondered suddenly how Mr. Trinkley knew everybody’s name. Had he memorized the seating chart before class started? That didn’t seem possible unless the guy had a photographic memory.

Blake eyed the tray apprehensively. The cards were no longer lined up neatly but had gotten jumbled, like objects jostled around by an earthquake. The card backs were ivory in color, though it was possible they’d started out bright white and had yellowed over the course of many years. Each one featured a dark blue star with a staring eye in the middle of it. A fancy curlicue design danced around the border.

Blake reached for a card near the middle of the pile but then withdrew his hand. He almost chose a card that was half hidden under several others but changed his mind. He finally selected a card that was off by itself in a corner of the tray.

He winced as he turned it over.




Kimberly Baer is an author
and professional editor who was born and raised in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a
town marginally famous for having endured three major floods. She even lived
there during one of them. She enjoys power-walking on days when it’s not too
hot, too cold, too rainy, too snowy, or too windy. On indoor days, you’re
likely to find her hard at work on her next novel or binge-watching old
episodes of Survivor, her favorite guilty pleasure.

 Kim has had her nose in a
book practically since birth. Her first story, written at age six, was about a
baby chick that hatched out of a little girl’s Easter egg after somehow
surviving the hard-boiling process. These days she writes in a variety of genres,
including young adult, middle-grade, and adult romantic suspense. Her books are
published by The Wild Rose Press and have won several awards.

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Welcome back to the Skeleton Crew.

Bring your knitting needles, a good strong brew, and plenty of snacks.

You’re going to need them.


A Merry Murderous Midwinter

The Skeleton Crew Paranormal Cozy Series Book 3

by Dahlia Donovan

Genre: Paranormal Romance, Cozy Mystery

Welcome back to the Skeleton
Crew. Bring your knitting needles, a good strong brew, and plenty of snacks.
You’re going to need them.

Gender-fluid, autistic vampire
Hyde Snodgrass is living their best life with their bookshop, cats, and witch
girlfriend, Teresa Vega. The colours of autumn are beginning to blend into
winter. An ordinarily joyous midwinter is spoiled by the arrival of their
estranged family.

When their murderous uncle is
found dead in front of their shop, Hyde finds themselves unwillingly dragged
into the investigation. Accusations swirl around South Myrddin. It takes a
village to untangle the mystery.

Can the true killer be
unmasked in time to save them?

Will there be anything to
celebrate in the coming Yuletide season?

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Ah. Our semiferal wandering bard.” Hyde frowned when he hopped up to sit on the counter. “Bram.”

“Just saying hello to the cats.” Bram had returned to the village a month back after a lengthy absence. One of the oldest fae in Scotland, probably the world, he’d been away dealing with the Seelie Court. He’d tamed his wild brown hair into a loose bun. His guitar was, as always, strapped to his back. It only seemed to highlight his lithe yet muscular form. “How is the morning treating you, mo chridhe?”

“I am not your heart. Stop it. Makes me feel like I’m this massive beating heart just flopping around on the pavement.” Hyde knew he wouldn’t stop. He took it as a personal mission to be as disruptive as possible. “What chaos are we causing this morning?”

“Me? Chaos?”

“It’s in your veins. What have you done? You’re never usually this chipper so early in the morning.” Hyde typically saw Bram dragging himself from his lighthouse on the edge of the village no earlier than noon. “Well?”

“I have a rock garden.”

Hyde blinked several times. They glanced over at Mortar, who yawned before returning to Bram. “A rock garden?”

“Aye. In front of the lighthouse. I’ve arranged them along the windowsill.”

“Bram.” Hyde spoke very slowly. “Bram. Why have you arranged pebbles along a windowsill in the lighthouse?”

“Outside the lighthouse. How else will they get sunlight?” Bram smiled brightly when they rubbed their eyes tiredly. “You’ve missed me, haven’t you?”

“Do the pebbles need sunlight?”

“Arthur gets quite grumpy without it,” Bram said with a straight face, as if he hadn’t named a random rock and claimed the thing needed sunlight to thrive. “Cernunnos prefers the south-facing windows.”

“This might be a silly question.”

“No such thing.” He waved off their concern.

“A complete lie. I’ve known you long enough to know there are definitely silly questions. Ones you usually ask.” Hyde soldiered on, trying to make sense out of the fae’s nonsense. “Have you named one of your rocks after the Celtic horned god?”

“He named himself. As did King Arthur.”

“First, Arthur was mythical. Probably.” Hyde had read loads of contradictory material on Camelot, the Round Table, and even Merlin. They’d been drawn to the legends because of living in South Myrddin. “Second, and far more importantly, how exactly did he name himself?”

“The rocks are possessed.”

Hyde bitterly regretted running out of blood wine. They did have a bottle of non-alcoholic blood in the fridge upstairs in their flat above the shop, but it wasn’t the same. As a vampire, they consumed both liquid and regular food. “Your rock garden, which isn’t a garden, is filled with possessed rocks.”


Hyde eyed his mischievous smirk with suspicion. “You’re doing this to annoy Emrys, aren’t you? Why else would you pick King Arthur and a Celtic god important to druids?”



A Fatal Autumnal Stew

The Skeleton Crew Paranormal Cozy Series Book 2

Welcome back to the Skeleton
Crew. Keep your knitting needles sharp and have a strong brew in hand for their
next adventure.

Life for gender-fluid,
autistic vampire Hyde Snodgrass has never been better. Her cosy village
bookshop is thriving as is their new relationship with witch and taco bus
owner, Teresa Vega. Autumn is in full magical tilt in their corner of the
Scottish Highlands.

Everything is beautifully
perfect right up until a tainted meal ends with Hyde sick and someone dead.

The police immediately suspect
the restaurant owners. Hyde and Teresa find themselves drawn into yet another
investigation, trying to save their friends from arrest and themselves from a
murderer. The situation becomes even more complex when family feuds become
tangled in the midst.

Can they find the killer?

Or will everything Hyde loves
go up in flames?

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* Goodreads



“Do not deface the cover.” Hyde narrowed their eyes at the ginger fluffy marshmallow of a cat. Pestle stretched a paw out and set it on the book. “I’ll give Mortar your last baked treat.”

Bright yellow eyes glowered at them for the briefest second before he finally flounced over to the fireplace in the bookshop. Mortar, the more sedate of the two cats, a beautiful Persian with stunning blue eyes, barely acknowledged his presence. They both settled down on the mound of blankets for a nap.

“You are adorable menaces, and I love you.” Hyde gave both of them the lightest of touches before going over to rescue the book in question. They grabbed the bottle of blood on the counter and sipped the last of it. “Battista might try roasting both of you over a slow fire after all the work I did to find this for him and Amalia.”

Amalia Bassani and Battista Sartor were a succubus and incubus who ran the local Creole-Italian restaurant. Al Dente was one of Hyde’s favourite places to eat. The two had asked them to hunt for an ancient Roman scroll on their species.

Hyde Snodgrass, a vampire, autistic, and chubby ginger icon, was the proud owner of Between the Leaves, the lone bookshop in South Myrddin, a small village in the Scottish Highlands. They specialised in many things, including hunting down rare books.

The village had been their home since they were a small fanged child. South Myrddin was the home of the foundling. Abandoned magical people of all varieties found their way to the one place guaranteed to welcome them. It was why it had been founded in the first place.

Picking up the manuscript, Hyde wrapped it delicately in a paper that Battista had given them for protection. The book was old, though not as old as the original. They thought, however, it was a true translation of what had probably been a scroll as opposed to a bound book.

From their extensive research, nothing had been lost in translation. Hyde hoped their incubus and succubus friends found the answers they were looking for. The two had been tight-lipped about what they wanted to discover.

Hyde didn’t mind. For them, the excitement of hunting down rare books was more than enough satisfaction. They glanced first at the clock on the wall and then at the bookshelves. “Time for a quick dust before I close up.”

For most of the cleaning in the shop, Hyde relied on the three brownies who ran Feather Duster, the village cleaners. Dusting was the one job they did themselves, as they didn’t want to risk any damage to some of the older books. Cleaning products tended to make their nose burn and their skin itch, so they had gratefully handed off those duties to the Lyalls.

Between the Leaves was the quintessential quaint village bookshop with a few differences. One section at the back was set up with a selection of armchairs around a coffee table. It was where their weekly knitting and crocheting group, the Skeleton Crew, met at least once a week.



A Curse for Samhain


The Skeleton Crew Paranormal Cozy Series Book 1


Welcome to the Skeleton Crew.
Bring your knitting needles and a good, strong brew.

Gender fluid, autistic vampire
Hyde Snodgrass runs Between the Leaves—a cosy village book store. Their life
revolves around books, all things autumnal, and the two cats who rule their
world. The shop also plays host to a weekly knitting group called the Skeleton

When one of the leaders of the
village coven fails to show up for the weekly knitting meeting, Hyde finds
themselves investigating a horrific murder side by side with their long-term
crush, Teresa Vega.

Suspicion immediately falls on
other members of their group. Hyde and Teresa struggle to find answers to the
growing list of questions. It’s made all the more difficult when the killer has
them in their sights.

Can working together spark the
romantic flame within them?

Will they solve the mystery
before death comes too close?

Books2Read * Bookbub



“What do you think, Mortar? Pestle?” Hyde finished adjusting their button-down collar out of the blue sweater and glanced at the two cats observing them. One meowed quite loudly while the other sniffed before licking a paw. “You’re both remarkably unhelpful.”

The outfit of the day was one of their favourites. A lovely blue sweater with a well-worn button-down underneath. Jeans. A little boyish style from yesteryear with their trousers tucked into their socks and a vintage pair of brown boots.

I am a chubby ginger icon. I can seize the day.

Or I can seize a book to read.

That sounds better.

I’ll seize a book.

A particularly loud yowl caught their attention. The cats were definitely ready for their breakfast. They both looked pitifully up at Hyde.

“All right. Come on, you two.”

Mortar was a stunningly beautiful Persian with startling blue eyes who’d definitely been a queen in a previous life. Pestle, on the other hand, had probably been a court jester. His long ginger fur and almost glowing yellow eyes certainly set him apart, as did his sense of mischief.

They were Hyde’s constant companions. They ruled the roost. And more often than not, they kept the right people in the shop and the rest from overstaying their welcome.

Between the Leaves had been Hyde’s passion project for almost eighty years. The building had been a gift from the woman who’d taken them in as a child. A little shop with a comfortable flat on the second floor, it had once been a place serving afternoon tea, but books had been more interesting to Hyde.

Returning to stare at the mirror, Hyde attempted to corral their short, curly red hair into some semblance of a style. It was going to be a hat day. A hat day. It was a mostly nonverbal day. And a they day.

Being a vampire had its perks; being almost a hundred yet having stopped ageing at thirty was certainly a plus. Being an autistic one, though, had drawbacks. Every sound and smell was amplified by what felt like a thousand. The world could be an incredibly overwhelming place. It was Flossie who’d come up with the idea for the signs.

Flossie Vandermark was one of the three witches who ran The Spiked Cauldron, the village pub. She also happened to be a proud member of the Skeleton Crew, a weekly knitting group who met up at Hyde’s bookshop. Flossie had suggested a sign for days when Hyde didn’t want to talk or when they felt more they than she.

It made Hyde feel accepted. Everyone wanted to do what made them comfortable. It was part of the magic of their village.


Everyone knew about South Myrddin. The little village on a loch in the Scottish Highlands was founded by Merlin himself, or so the lore went. It had a reputation for taking in the abandoned.

Hyde had come as a child when their family vampire coven had rejected them. South Myrddin was the place for stragglers, odd ones, and outliers. A place to find family if one wanted.

A place to find home.

The village had a healthy coven of witches. A few vampires. The odd werewolf. A collection of naiads, dryads, and brownies. Druids and shifters. A stray kelpie. An incubus and succubus, who were Italians who ran a restaurant. And one lone fae who’d been in South Myrddin since the beginning, or so they claimed.

The eclectic bunch of magical beings had all made South Myrddin their home. Most of the villagers came searching for a place to feel comfortable in their own skin. Hyde considered themselves grateful to have been left there all those years ago.




Dahlia Donovan
wrote her first romance series after a crazy dream about shifters and damsels
in distress.  She prefers irreverent
humour and unconventional characters.  An
autistic and occasional hermit, her life wouldn’t be complete without her
husband and her massive collection of books and video games.


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Candle With Care: A Magic Candle Shop Mystery
by Valona Jones


Candle With Care: A Magic Candle Shop Mystery
Paranormal Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Setting – Georgia
Publisher: Muddle House (February 11, 2025)
Print length ‏ : ‎ 290 pages
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0DT2GB9BD

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Amateur sleuth and candle maker Tabby Winslow and her twin sister, Sage, are finally making a go of The Book and Candle Shop. It seems like the only heat they’ll feel this June is from the strong sunshine in Savannah, Georgia. Then their acquaintance Detective Sharmila Belfor is gravely injured in a vehicular assault and is in a coma. Cops turn the city upside down searching for the offender, keying in on the detective’s boyfriend Herbert R Ellis, her felon cousin, and her case files.

Fearing the police are looking at the wrong people, Herbert begs Tabby to investigate. He knows what most don’t, that Tabby has psychic abilities that allow her to home in on emotions and motives. Since he’s a lifelong friend of Dr. Quig Quigsly, Tabby’s fiancé, she agrees. But before she finds answers, Sage’s former coworker is murdered, and her twin pleads with Tabby to find the killer. With dead ends at every turn, Tabby fears the city’s troubles are paranormal in origin. By investigating the crimes, she risks exposure of the way her family manipulates energy and uses other psychic talents. Keeping a low profile is essential.

Meanwhile, Quig’s parents are throwing them a black-tie engagement party in two weeks, and Tabby is burning the candle at both ends. Can Tabby end the crime wave and protect her loved ones before she is quenched?

About Valona Jones

Valona Jones, aka Maggie Toussaint, writes paranormal cozies set in coastal Georgia. Her latest release, CANDLE WITH CARE, book 4 in the A Magic Candle Shop Mysteries, came out on February 11. 2025. Under the name of Maggie Toussaint, she also publishes cozy mysteries and romantic suspense. Her pen name for a three-book science fiction ecothriller is Rigel Carson. In total, she has published 29 works of fiction and won multiple awards. She lives in coastal Georgia, where time and tide wait for no one. Visit her sites: and

Author Links: Website / Facebook / Amazon / Goodreads / BookBub

Purchase Links – Amazon KindleAppleKobo 


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February 13 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT

February 13 – Baroness Book Trove – REVIEW

February 14 – Jody’s Bookish Haven – SPOTLIGHT

February 14 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR GUEST POST

February 15 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT

February 16 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT


February 18 – Angel’s Book Nook – SPOTLIGHT

February 18 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR GUEST POST

February 19 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

February 20 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – AUTHOR GUEST POST

February 20 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

February 21 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – REVIEW

February 22 – Deal Sharing Aunt – RECIPE  

February 22 – Sneaky the Library Cat’s Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

February 22 – Storybook Lady – REVIEW




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The Mystery in the Margins: A Cozy Mystery

(Havenwood Paranormal Cozy Mysteries)

by L.L. Gray


The Mystery in the Margins: A Cozy Mystery (Havenwood Paranormal Cozy Mysteries)
Paranormal Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Setting – Connecticut
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Heroic Rose Publishing (August 25, 2024)
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 258 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 195887339X
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1958873397
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 258 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1958873217
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1958873212
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CR81NTNC

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A quaint bookshop, a sprinkle of magic, and a dash of mystery.

Harper Sullivan yearns for a place to call home, preferably with a delightful bakery nearby. When news arrives that she’s inherited her great-grandmother’s bookshop in the charming town of Havenwood, Harper eagerly seizes the chance. Unbeknownst to her, the quaint bookshop carries more than just shelves of stories—it harbors inherited mysteries and a touch of magical mayhem.

But instead of the cozy haven she envisioned, Harper finds herself entangled in inheritance drama, a surprising cousin rivalry, and a daring book thief on the loose. Can she use her wits and witchy powers to untangle the mystery and safeguard her dreams from unraveling before they even begin?

Crack the case today! Grab your copy and solve the mystery!

About L.L. Gray 

L.L. Gray writes warm, witty, and whimsical cozy mysteries filled with magic, mystery, and a dash of humor. Her books transport readers to charming worlds where lovable characters navigate twists and turns with a touch of magic. A lifelong lover of fantasy and myths, L.L. Gray blends humor and heart, crafting stories that feel like coming home. When she’s not writing, she’s often battling gnomes and other magical mischief-makers with her kids or connecting with readers online.

Author Links: Website / Facebook / Instagram / Goodreads / BookBub

Purchase Link – Amazon 


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February 3 – Jody’s Bookish Haven – SPOTLIGHT

February 4 – Baroness Book Trove – REVIEW

February 4 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT


February 5 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT

February 6 – Angel’s Book Nook – SPOTLIGHT


February 8 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT

February 9 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading Books – REVIEW  

February 10 – Storybook Lady – REVIEW

February 11 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR GUEST POST

February 12 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – CHARACTER GUEST POST, INDIVIDUAL GIVEAWAY

February 13 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW

February 14 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

February 15 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author – SPOTLIGHT

February 16 – Cozy Up WIth Kathy – REVIEW- AUTHOR INTERVIEW




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He’d fight mystic
forces to be with her. She sees her future in his love.


Stone of Hope

Stones of Iona Book 4

by Margaret Izard

Genre: Time Travel, Paranormal Romance

In a twist of
fate, Dominic DeVolt is shown archeologist Moira Joanna White’s beauty through
the Eye of Ra. Trying to save his niece and nephew from evil Fae powers, he’s
sucked into the past and dumped in the middle of her Egyptian archaeology dig.

Moira fears the attractive man who appears at her dig is partnering with her
archnemesis. That is until the bold fighter distracts her with a kiss. His duty
as uncle tugs her heart, but is he only after her precious artifacts?

He’d fight mystic forces to be with her. She sees her future in his love.

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“Pierre Lenoir accused Moira of stealing his notes and discovering the tombs using his research, which put her discovery in a long legal battle. He demanded the Egyptian courts turn over the discovery to his team, saying that a lone woman with a meager team of village riffraff could not have discovered such riches.” He took a deep breath. “Tossing the situation into further turmoil, Miss White mysteriously disappeared shortly after the filing. The case remains unsolved, but they credited this finding to her alone.”

“Moira Joanna White. She sure is pretty. Too bad she’s dead.”

Dominic turned toward the exit as Evie spoke. “Wanna see her in real life?”

He stopped and turned to Evie. “What?”

Evie looked at Dominic, then at the Eye of Ra. Ewan stepped toward his sister as Dominic shot his hand out to stop him.

Ewan grabbed her shoulder. “Evie, don’t.” Evie raised her hands. His ears buzzed, and the room filled with an electrified energy. He’d felt something like this on another assignment where he flew a unique craft. The “out of this world” one he couldn’t tell anyone about. The overcharged sensation overwhelmed Dominic in the same way. Evie shifted her hands, and the pupil of the Eye of Ra turned a little then rotated. It spun faster and faster, swirling into a gray mass. As the gray of the center faded, a picture appeared as he stared and the image moved.

Dominic stood transfixed. Before him was a movie of Moira White bent over a sarcophagus, cleaning it with a large brush. Her thick auburn hair caught the torchlight as dust particles flickered around her head. So, it was red. She turned as if someone had called her, making Dominic’s breath escape in a whoosh. Before him was a full-color live version of the photo. The stunning beauty from the past, alive before his eyes.

As she gave him a full smile, he moved forward, tilting his head. He returned the grin, completing the connection. The picture rotated off-center, and the air traveled around him. The ringing came back to his ears, louder.

A kid’s gasp came from behind as Ewan screamed, “Evie, what’s wrong? What’s happening?”

Dominic turned. Ewan held Evie’s shoulders as she gasped for air and held her hands out to the eye. The wind picked up and swirled around them as the picture inside the eye’s pupil rotated faster.

Evie yelled over the wind, “I can’t control it, Ewan! It’s got a hold of me! I can’t stop it!” The churning wind dragged Evie toward the eye as Ewan grasped her shoulders, trying to push her away. A gust of wind pressed the twins, and they slid fast toward Dominic. When they slammed into him, his reflexes took over, and he grabbed them. He held both teenagers in his arms, trying to push them away from the eye.

Dominic searched for Doug and Kat and found they’d taken cover behind the chariot. Thank God he’s got only two to worry over.

He yelled over the wind, “Doug, keep Kat safe. Stay there.”

Ewan cried out, “Evie, ye have to stop it! Close yer eyes! Shut it off!”

Tears streamed down Evie’s face. “I can’t. I’m frozen!” This can’t be! The eye dragged them toward it. The energized force pulled as Dominic tried to push away. Whatever this was, Dominic feared it was not good.

Dominic yelled over the wind, “Hold on, kids. I’ve got you!” He gathered them both in his arms as he fought to keep them from the eye. The wind hit them with a forceful blow, and all three flew into the Eye of Ra.


**Don’t miss the other books in the series!**


Stone of Love, book 1, Brielle and Colin’s 18th
century Scottish story.

Stone of Fear, Book 2, Marie and John’s
13th century Scottish story.

Stone of Lust, Book 3,
Ainslie and Rannick’s Viking tale.

Thistle in the Mistletoe
featuring a couple in the past from Stone of Love.

Next in the series:

Stone of Doubt, book 5 coming 2025,

Holly and Ivy, a Christmas companion book.

Stone of Faith, book 6.

Stone of Destiny, book 7.

, a Christmas companion book.

This series leads
into another connected series, Dragons of Tantallon, a
dragon-shapeshifter series revolving around the magic Iona Stones.

Find them on Amazon




Margaret Izard is
an award-winning author of historical fantasy and paranormal romance novels.
She spent her early years through college to adulthood dedicated to dance,
theater, and performing. Over the years, she developed a love for great
storytelling in different mediums. She does not waste a good story, be it
movement, the spoken, or the written word. She discovered historical romance
novels in middle school, which combined her passion for romance, drama, and
fantasy. She writes exciting plot lines, steamy love scenes and always falls
for a strong male with a soft heart. She lives in Houston, Texas, with her
husband and adult triplets and loves to hear from readers.

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