Posts Tagged ‘Poetry’

There is just as much beauty and wonder inside this book as there is on the cover.

I don’t profess to know a lot about poetry. I just know I like to read it.

It moves me the way a wonderful painting or other piece of art does.

I don’t have to understand it, I just have to feel it.

Tapestry moved me in many ways. It still does.

I keep it on my ottoman and when I am not busy, I sit quietly and open the book to a random page and read.

Solitaire Parke filled these pages with some wonderful poetry. I just have to show you a couple of my favorites.

It Won’t Be Today

Sometimes loneliness beckons to us all.

Without realizing it, we answer to its call

With a moment of solitude that stretches into days,

Of quiet and pensive recollection

That leads us down this tangled maze.

There are times when I have wanted more,

But it slips away like it has before.

In a moment of hesitation the time will pass,

Into the darkness that is found in me,

And falls ever downward becoming my past.

I keep the world at the length of my arm.

Always standing alert, ever sounding alarm

At the very feelings that could show me the way,

But blinded, my search always end with me,

Proving again that it won’t be today.

Higher Ground

I have discovered when all else fails;

When my eyes are tired and weak.

I have but to pull on the inner strength

For the truth inside me to speak.

Knowing the truth but living with lies

Causes your conviction to break.

You have but to lean on a greater need

For your heart to no longer ache.

The room for wisdom – A place of rest

Where equality’s finally found.

We have but to ask for the master’s help

To stand alone on higher ground.


These are just a couple of the many poems that grabbed my heart and soul.

I look forward to many more quiet moments with Tapestry. Before long this book will be soft and worn from many readings.

I gave this book the 5 STARS it so richly deserves.

Thank you Solitaire for your lovely poems.

Also by Solitaire Parke


I am reading this right now. The first of The Dorian Trilogy.

It is free for your kindle today. Click on the image to get yours.

To buy Tapestry you can click on the image also.

Solitaire is also calling all Dragon Riders. He is having a contest on his blog. To check it out and enter go here:

The Emerald Dragon Character Contest

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The Emerald Dragon by Solitaire Parke

This Contest is open Internationally – All are welcome to participate.