Posts Tagged ‘They Feed’

Welcome to my Saturday Screams where I share books that, well, make you scream!

Today’s book is creepylicious!


They Feed

by Jason Parent


Genre:  Horror


My Review

I’m a pushover for books like this. Give me a bunch of people wandering around in a park in the dark with something hunting them and I’m a happy camper. Jason doesn’t let me down.

As each group encounters something in the night, it’s a mad dash to find safety. They all wind up in the same place, a falling down shack in the middle of the park. What’s outside wants in. But those inside want out. Most of them aren’t nice people and they all have a reason to want to harm each other. The group dynamics are a big part of the story and I eat that stuff up.

As for the things outside, the author dreamed up some nasty ones for ya. They’re relentless when the attack begins. There’s lots of running and screaming, and one by one, the character’s fall like dominoes. Don’t worry. You won’t mind when some of them bite the dust. The weren’t very likable anyway.

And Jason added some twisted surprises that caught me off guard and sure did contribute to the suspense.

If you like creature feature horror, you might want to give this one a go. It reads fast and definitely keeps you entertained. The title lives up to it’s name.

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The night uncovers all we wish not to see.

A troubled man enters a dusky park before sunset. A young woman follows, hidden in shadow. Both have returned to the park to take back something the past has stolen from them, to make right six long years of suffering, and to find justice or perhaps redemption—or maybe they’ll settle for some old-fashioned revenge.

But something evil is alive and awake in those woods, creatures that care nothing for human motivations. They’re driven by their own insatiable need: a ravenous, bottomless hunger.

The campgrounds are full tonight, and the creatures are starving. Before the night is over, they will feed.

An unrelenting tale of terror from Jason Parent, acclaimed author of People of the Sun and What Hides Within.

Amazon / B&N


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