International Giveaway is Over/ REVAMP by Beck Sherman

Posted: September 18, 2012 in fiction, giveaways, horror, Paranormal or fantasy, Vampires
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I have 3 e-book copies of Revamp to give away to some very lucky people. Beck Sherman’s story will make you afraid of the dark, as you should be.


I loved this book and will read anything  Beck writes. You can read my 5 STAR review and interview with Beck Sherman here .

Here’s the book description to wet your whistle.

News reporters scrambled. This was the biggest story to come along in weeks.
They called it a blackout.
The last one was in New York City in 2003, but this one was different, special, because the grids in six major cities across the country had been fried, kaput, see-you-next-Sunday. Everyone with some jurisdiction blamed each other, and when there was no one left to blame, terrorism rode in on its gallant steed.
It was the media’s fault. They were so busy stuffing fanatical Muslims with a penchant for Allah and decapitations down the American citizen’s throat, that they never saw it coming. I guess I shouldn’t be too hard on them.
They were partially right.
It was terror after all, but a whole new kind. And when the lights came back on, things had changed.

The dark had brought us visitors.

For your viewing pleasure:


Okay! Let’s get ya’ll entered shall we?

All that is required is to leave your email along with a comment. When the lights go out, what scares you?


My sister Sherry and I are doing a tag team giveaway! For another chance to win, just hop over to Fundinmental .

Though not required, I would love it if you followed my blog and twitter.

To follow Beck or learn more:

Contest ends September 30th.

To purchase Revamp just click on the image below.

About this author

Beck Sherman was born and raised in Massachusetts. Beck attended Syracuse University undergrad, has a master’s degree in photojournalism from the University of Westminster, London, and when not writing, enjoys exploring abandoned insane asylums and photo-documenting the things that go bump in the night, when they’re kind enough to pose.

  1. adelesymonds says:

    I would love to win a copy of revamp, What scares me when the lights go out? Just not being able to see, disorientation.

  2. Chris R says:

    seems like a great book.

  3. adrinthesky says:

    When the lights go out, what scares you? well… the certainty that there’s something behind me, just waiting to grab and hurt me in a lot of different ways… too extreme? Blame Stephen King and Clive Barker. 🙂

  4. Darlene says:

    Basically any weird noises in the house, LOL! Thanks for the giveaway!
    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

  5. Justin says:

    i haven’t read a good scary story in a while, it’d be awesome getting a new terrifying read. or the email i left in the privacy thing 🙂

  6. kerry says:

    When the lights go out I listen to the house 🙂 ya know, just in case …
    kerryjcj AT verizon DOT net

  7. Amber White says:

    Sounds like a real good read. what scares me when the lights go out? well basically anything that goes bumb.

  8. Beck Sherman says:

    Hey guys! Good luck with the giveaway! Hmmm, what scares me when the lights go out? Seeing a vague, human shape in the darkness, still and watching. Creepy. And my imagination going awry.

  9. fuonlyknew says:

    So far, It seems like we are all afraid of that bump in the dark!

  10. S.A. says:

    What scares me? If I hear someone outside my window when the lights go out. In the neighborhood where I live, that’s a constant worry. I’ve already had two Peeping Tom’s (I suspect homeless) at my window since I moved here in April.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway. The trailer is creepy!


  11. Carmen Schweitzer says:

    Looks like a good ride:)

  12. I need to see what my friend, Laura, is raving about! I have to get this book! Thanks, Emily

  13. Charina says:

    I will love to win a copy of this book. Something scary to read on halloween!!! what scares me? well, the fact that I can’t see. My imagination starts to imagen creatures and things that come out in the dark.

  14. Sandy says:

    Sudden noises is what scares me the most. My cat jumps up and then I start to freak. This book sounds really interesting . Thanks for the telling us about it.

  15. Sue says:

    Just in time for Halloween. Looks like a scary book.Love to read this book.

  16. This cover is so awesome! I love it! It reminds me of when I dressed up for Halloween as a kid, and the costumes back then were just a flimsy mask and a plastic outfit that went over clothes, lol. I was She-Ra when I was four. XD

  17. The sounds of coyotes howling. I live in the country and when my hubby is gone those things keep me up, add in my dogs start howling too, then the wind picks up. It’s right out of a novel sometimes.

  18. Tiffany says:

    I am a total scary cat and just about envy thing scares me… I would like to say the idea of ghost is my biggest fear but I read someone say their imagination and I think that’s spot on for me too. I scare the crap out of myself thinking up what ifs or playing things up in my mind…

  19. arielle caldwell says:

    Darkness in general. Drives me insane. I’m 26 years old and still scared of the dark. LoL

  20. I’d really like to win a copy – seems like a great book but I’ll be the judge of that. lol What scares me when the lights go out? The dreams I have – they often come true.

  21. My thoughts! I’m not as safe as I want to be when I’m alone in the dark with my thoughts. You never know what you’ll conjure up. Last time it was that girl from the rings. *shivers* Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! Love the post!

    unputdownablebooks at gmail dot come

  22. Dee says:

    When the lights go out, my hopes and dreams scare me!! For a woman in a conservative family, I am only supposed to fulfill my duties but not dream of unattainable.. My dreams make me rebellious, it scares me the most.

    My id:

  23. Krystal says:

    Revamp sounds like a good book. I am always looking for another awesome vampire book.

    My email:

  24. Samantha says:

    Sounds like a great and original read

  25. Marjana Gole says:

    It looks interesting reading…Iwould like to read it.

  26. […] International Giveaway/ REVAMP by Beck Sherman ( […]

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