How Can You Not Love Blogging?

Posted: September 30, 2012 in Awards
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My friend Emily Guido nominated me for not one but three awesome awards. She is amazing. She always finds time to visit and leave wonderful comments even though she is extremely busy writing her Light-Bearer series. She is my friend and a shining beacon in my inbox:) You rock Emily! Thanks so much.

If you haven’t met Emily yet, go here to introduce yourself.

The rules:

1) Include the award in your post.

2) Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.

3) Tell 7 random facts about yourself.

4) Nominate 7 other blogs and let them know you’ve done so.

also the


1) Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.

2) List 7 things about yourself.

3) Nominate 7 other bloggers and let them know you’ve done so.

and then

There is only one rule:

1) Don’t do a damned thing!

And one more.

I received this wonderful Award from Emaginette!

I see Emaginette everywhere. She must have a clone as I don’t know how she has the time to leave her friendly comments in so many places. She is an aspiring writer and I wish her much success.  You should go meet Emaginette here, and say hello. You’ll be like me, checking your inbox to see what she’s saying now! Thanks so much Emaginette!


1) Thank the nominator and link back to them.

2) Tell 7 random things about yourself.

3) Nominate 15 blogs and tell them you’ve done so.

I’m going to break the rules a bit and combine my random facts.

Ten random facts about me. Hope I don’t bore ya!

1) I love going barefoot. Shoes and socks are too confining.

2) I can’t sleep without a fan on. I love the feel of it blowing on me, even in the winter. If the electricity goes out, I’ll awaken because the fan isn’t blowing.

3) I know my mother is an Angel!

4) I love the smell of puppies breath:)

5) I’m not the best housekeeper. Cobwebs sometimes gather on the ceiling fans and dust collects in corners. After working all day, I just can’t be bothered with these issues. I used to fret about it, but now I don’t worry so much and get to it when I can.

6) Blogging is my new best friend! Where else can you meet so many wonderful people and reach out to them at all hours of the day and night. The blogging community is fantastic and I have made some genuine friends.

7) Jigsaw puzzles are one of my favorite pastimes. I love putting those pieces together.

8) The first thing I do when I get home from work is put on shorts and a tank top. Have to be comfortable before I start opening e-mails!

9) I am behind on my book reviews. I took in too many and am slowly getting to each one. Note to self: Don’t do that again!

10) I am trying desperately to win a Kindle Fire!

With Halloween around the corner, I decided to nominate 13 bloggers for these awards. Thirteen is a lucky number for me. And the nominees are:

DH Nevins 

Sherry Fundin

Ella Medler

Rhiannon Paille


Emma Audsley


Emma Meade



Charles A Cornell

Luis Vera and fellow bloggers


I am happy to share the love with all of you nominees. Pay it forward:)

Click on the names to meet some really great folks!

  1. OHy my goodness! Thanks so very much….you rock!:O)

  2. I will get to work on them as soon as possible…stay tuned:)

  3. Emma says:

    Thanks a mill, Laura. I’m always barefoot at home too. And of course Blogging is one of my favourite things to do.

  4. Haha! Love it! Thanks Laura! Hopefully I’ll get them posted today! Grocery shopping first I’m afraid. Ugh! Hate shopping! 🙂 Hope your weekend has been fabulous!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      You’re welcome Karen. Can’t wait to read what you reveal:)
      I hate grocery shopping unless someone goes with me. I usually spend too much then, but it’s more fun!
      I hope you’re weekend was great also. Mine was relaxing, somewhat:)

  5. You are too sweet, Laura. Thank you!!! 🙂 I hope you win this award. You deserve it!

  6. Laura you so deserve everything you get!!! It’s funny, I too can’t sleep without the fan AND I also throw on my comfies as soon as I come home from work. Much love and kudos to you! PS remember to get Mactus, it’s going to be FREE next weekend. I will post something on GR! Lots of love, Emily

  7. emaginette says:

    I didn’t know when I came over for tea I was gonna get a side of sweetness. Thanks so much.

  8. ellamedler says:

    We must have been separated at birth! I hate socks and shoes of any sort – I even drove barefoot a lot, before we got the truck. And there is no holiday going by without doing at least one jigsaw puzzle. I get annoyed that the on-line ones have too few pieces. I live in the UK, so no fan is ever necessary, but I always sleep with the window open, no matter what the temperatures outside. In fact, the only point I can’t agree with is 3.
    Thank you so much for nominating me. I feel so loved 🙂

  9. jannashay says:

    Congratulations on all your blog awards. It says a lot about you when you’ve been given awards by so many wonderful people.

  10. […] through a very special person and hopefully new on-line bud:) I was nominated for several awards by FUONLYKNEW and first I wish to give a big thanks and loss of love! Here is a big virtual […]

  11. […] many thanks to lovely Laura at fuonlyknew, who deemed me worthy of four awards. I am honoured and blushing, Laura, just so you […]

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