Posts Tagged ‘Awards’

What A Wonderful World!!

Posted: December 23, 2012 in Awards
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I met Emily some time ago and she has become a dear friend. We may not have met YET in person, but I feel a sisterhood connection with her.  She is extremely busy with getting her B.S. Degree and going for her MBA Degree while also writing and publishing her Light Bearer Series at the speed of light! How she still finds time to visit so many blogs and leave her heart-warming comments and encouragement is beyond me.

This is for you Emily!

Since trying to do all of the requirements for these awards would make this post endless, I’m going to just say a few things about this past year and nominate some worthy blogger friends!

Since I started blogging, I’ve met some awesome people and made some genuine friends. It has been an amazing adventure and I’m loving every minute of it.

I’ve met some awesome writers, read so many great books, and been welcomed to this community with open arms.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine how my little blog would become such an important part of my life. It has been a difficult year and powering up my computer and seeing my overflowing Inbox makes my endorphins take off and I can’t wait to see what’s going on.

I can’t nominate everyone, wish I could. So I’m sending my Love out to everyone. Thanks for making this year a better, brighter one!

Blog of the Year Award banner 600





My Nominees Are:






Emma & the gang:





Please except these awards in the spirit they were given.  If your blog is award free or you do not post awards, just know I am happy to share with you.

My friend Emily Guido nominated me for not one but three awesome awards. She is amazing. She always finds time to visit and leave wonderful comments even though she is extremely busy writing her Light-Bearer series. She is my friend and a shining beacon in my inbox:) You rock Emily! Thanks so much.

If you haven’t met Emily yet, go here to introduce yourself.

The rules:

1) Include the award in your post.

2) Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.

3) Tell 7 random facts about yourself.

4) Nominate 7 other blogs and let them know you’ve done so.

also the


1) Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.

2) List 7 things about yourself.

3) Nominate 7 other bloggers and let them know you’ve done so.

and then

There is only one rule:

1) Don’t do a damned thing!

And one more.

I received this wonderful Award from Emaginette!

I see Emaginette everywhere. She must have a clone as I don’t know how she has the time to leave her friendly comments in so many places. She is an aspiring writer and I wish her much success.  You should go meet Emaginette here, and say hello. You’ll be like me, checking your inbox to see what she’s saying now! Thanks so much Emaginette!


1) Thank the nominator and link back to them.

2) Tell 7 random things about yourself.

3) Nominate 15 blogs and tell them you’ve done so.

I’m going to break the rules a bit and combine my random facts.

Ten random facts about me. Hope I don’t bore ya!

1) I love going barefoot. Shoes and socks are too confining.

2) I can’t sleep without a fan on. I love the feel of it blowing on me, even in the winter. If the electricity goes out, I’ll awaken because the fan isn’t blowing.

3) I know my mother is an Angel!

4) I love the smell of puppies breath:)

5) I’m not the best housekeeper. Cobwebs sometimes gather on the ceiling fans and dust collects in corners. After working all day, I just can’t be bothered with these issues. I used to fret about it, but now I don’t worry so much and get to it when I can.

6) Blogging is my new best friend! Where else can you meet so many wonderful people and reach out to them at all hours of the day and night. The blogging community is fantastic and I have made some genuine friends.

7) Jigsaw puzzles are one of my favorite pastimes. I love putting those pieces together.

8) The first thing I do when I get home from work is put on shorts and a tank top. Have to be comfortable before I start opening e-mails!

9) I am behind on my book reviews. I took in too many and am slowly getting to each one. Note to self: Don’t do that again!

10) I am trying desperately to win a Kindle Fire!

With Halloween around the corner, I decided to nominate 13 bloggers for these awards. Thirteen is a lucky number for me. And the nominees are:

DH Nevins 

Sherry Fundin

Ella Medler

Rhiannon Paille


Emma Audsley


Emma Meade



Charles A Cornell

Luis Vera and fellow bloggers


I am happy to share the love with all of you nominees. Pay it forward:)

Click on the names to meet some really great folks!

Ribbons and Awards, OH MY!!!

Posted: September 1, 2012 in Awards
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I have been remiss in my posting. I was nominated for two wonderful awards.


The clever, and lovable Robert “Chazz” Chute awarded me the Fabulous Blog Ribbon. Isn’t it pretty?

Thanks so much Chazz. I’ve had a lot of chuckles from your posts.

Here’s how it works. I tell you 5 fabulous moments, five things I love and 5 things I hate, and then I nominate 5 friends.

And Annie from the entertaining Chompasaurus Reviews nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award.

Many thanks Annie. I love it! I may not always comment on your blog, but I always pop in!

For this award you tell seven things about yourself and nominate seven friends.

I took the liberty of combining these two awards and my answers should cover all of the requirements.

Five fabulous moments:

1) Top of my list is my son. Finding out I was pregnant was thrilling, seeing his face for the first time was pure bliss, and sharing the last 17 years with him as been my greatest joy! Can’t wait to see where we go next.

2) My mother coming to visit. She is my best friend and an angel on earth. We have so much fun doing just the tiniest little things, like going to Walmart or playing cards. It is all so much better when she is with me.

3) Moving to Alabama. I moved here 26 years ago and never looked back. The gulf coast is beautiful and the people are welcoming. I feel like I have always lived here.

4) Starting my blog. It has been the adventure of a lifetime. Meeting all of the wonderful book lovers and discovering so many great books. I am humbled that people actually want to read what I have to say.

5) Getting my Kindle! I now can carry around so many books. It is lightweight and fits in my purse. Whenever I want I can plug into a book and start reading, anywhere. What’s not to love?

Five things I love:

1) My home. I love how cozy and inviting it is, like a nest. Having the pool out back and satellite TV with Netflix, I never really have to go anywhere to escape and relax.

2) Books! And more books! I have always loved reading, and can’t ever find enough time!

3) Mornings. I love getting up at dawn, grabbing a cup of coffee and reading for a while. The house is quiet and I am so relaxed.

4) Lawnmowers. I know, it’s weird. But, I love the sound of a lawnmower. It is soothing and I love the smell of fresh-cut grass.

5) Nature. I love nature and revel in its beauty and diversity. Even the tiniest insect has an allure. Pick a blade of grass, pick another, each is unique. What a wonderful world.

Five things I hate:

1) I hate the word hate. It is ugly sounding and leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but it has its moments.

2) Prejudice. We all suffer from this whether in small things or large.

3) Commercials. There are so many inane ones and I hate that the volume always goes up during one. I thought they were going to stop doing that!

4) I hate being the last one to enter a room. Everyone looks at me and it makes me feel self-conscious and on display. Never grew out of it.

5) Rush hour. Even here in the south there is rush hour. So many rude, dangerous drivers out there. They need to slow down, be considerate and put away their cellphones. So many times, I get behind someone using their cellphone. They speed up and slow down and wander all over the road. I consider myself lucky to not get in an accident because of this!

Well, that’s a wrap. It;s been fun.

Now for the nominees!






Stop by and visit Chazz and Annie.  And check out my nominees. You need to meet them.

I was just nominated for this awesome award by fellow blogger Ella Medler. If you have not met her yet, you can find her on her blog . She has so many fun topics and discussions.

Thank you Ella!

I believe I am supposed to nominate 7 bloggers and tell you 7 things about myself.  I will try to make it entertaining.

1. I love cheesy B-movies. The lamer the better. I like to tear them apart.

2. This may seem weird, but I like the way my dog Quigley’s feet smell. They smell of the earth.

3. I am letting the gray show in my hair. There are so many now!

4. I can not cook on a grill. The food is either not cooked enough or burnt to a crisp.

5. I was in love with John Wayne. Had a dream where we were married.

6. I collect ink pens. It seems like I have thousands now.

7. I love to go to resale stores. I find amazing things there and some really great books too.

That is embarrassing:) I really revealed myself.

My nominees are:

Roberta :

Onisha :

Ginny :

Carlie :

Emaginette :

Emily :

Grace :

Enjoy my sisters!

Title: Nimpentoad

Authors: Henry, Josh and Harrison Herz

Artwork: Sean Eddingfield and Bill Maus

I received this book as a gift from the authors.

You are now entering the world of Nimpentoad and his fellow niblings. They look to Nimpentoad for guidance as they travel through the shadowy unkown that is Grunwald Forest. Along the way you will have encounters with Goblins and Orcs and many other creatures. Neebels are the worst!

Henry, along with his two grade school sons have written an endearing tale, accompanied by beautiful illustrations.

While the target readers are 5-10 year olds, all ages will be charmed by the characters and the world of Nimpentoad.

I give this book 5 stars along with my sky-high recommendation.  

 For more about the authors and the book visit