Series Giveaway! Last Chance / The Final Run

Posted: October 21, 2012 in Action/Adventure, apocalypse, Creatures, fiction, giveaways, horror, Interview, Paranormal or fantasy, reviews, Series, Vampires
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Last Chance (Blood Run SeriesBook Three)

by Christine Dougherty

Last Chance

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Another great cover.

Promise has returned to Wereberg.

Promise and Peter left, seeking a cure for vampirism. After losing her parents to the vampires, she lost her little brother, Chance, just one week later. He was bitten and turned.

Her promise to Chance, “I’ll make it alright.”

She’s went through hell trying to keep that promise. Her and Peter may have found the cure. But it has never been tested on a human subject. It could turn half-and-halfs into full vampires and just might kill one that’s fully turned. Could she risk using it on Chance? Should she?

That question will have to wait. That twit, Deidre, who’s so jealous of Promise, has let Chance go. Now they have to find him again. She pays dearly for her foolishness.

It’s great to be back in Willow’s End. So nice to see Lea and Mark, and they’re  very much a couple now. What they’ve done for Promise, keeping Chance alive, shows their love for her and their courage. It’s dangerous to feed a vampire.

There is one character who’s stolen my heart, Evans. He’s like a big brother. Always there to protect you from the bad things. I could read more about him. My hero.

The vampires are more dangerous than ever, the battles are bloodier and the characters are at their best. I was sad to see it end.  Christine wastes no words, the story builds and builds and rushes to a great ending. She puts you right in it!

          Loved it! Loved it!

And a bonus rating for these two!

Tribute to Snow and Ash. No animals were injured during the writing of these books!

You can read my review of First Promise – Book One here .

My review of Two Riders – Book Two is here .

A special treat for you. I have Christine here for an interview and she is letting me host a fantastic giveaway!

I’m so glad to have your here on my blog Christine. I love your books and want everyone to meet you. So let’s get started!
I love the cover art for your Blood Run series. They make me think “Classics.” How did you choose them?
They were a real struggle. My husband helps me with the covers and by ‘helps’ I mean ‘pushes’. He never lets me get away with anything that looks lazy (but it’s hard because with some things, I AM lazy!). We were back and forth with putting Promise on there. People respond to faces, so it can be a good way to get a book looked at. But I also had the idea of this very elegant cover with just a hint of the menace in the story. I think they worked out okay and they look great as a set!
Your characters are so easy to relate to. Do you have a favorite? I won’t tell the others:)
It’s difficult because I relate to each of them. Promise for her fighting, bullheaded nature. Lea because I understand her shy reticence. Mark because of how much he comes to appreciate Lea. Peter for his conflicted nature. And Evans, well, I love Evans, but it might take a reader some time to find out why.
How did you feel after finishing this series? Was it hard to say goodbye to your characters?
I hate finishing books. Hate it. My husband always tries to do something to cheer me up because I usually cry and then drag around like a lost dog for a while. I think about the characters and in a weird way, I always wonder what they are up to after the book ends. Which is probably borderline psychotic, right?
I am reading your collection “Darkness Within” right now. Where do you get your ideas from?
The ideas come from everywhere. Half or more from my husband (are you seeing the theme?) and the rest are usually based off my personal fears. I am easily spooked and I find the world a hard, scary place to be.
I’m also reading The Boat. I know, it’s crazy to read two books at once! The story line and the zombies are quite unique. What inspired this book?
I usually have a few books going at once as a reader. It’s a mood thing, isn’t it? The Boat sprang from a conversation my husband and I had in the grocery store. (I’m lucky to have him, aren’t I?)
You have written many books. Do you have a favorite?
I don’t have a favorite. But there are some characters that keep popping into my mind as though they have more to say.
Are you working on anything now, and if so, can you share something about it?
I am finishing up short stories for a new collection which will be out soon. Hopefully some time in November. I am very proud of the stories going into this book. I think it’s some of the best writing I’ve ever done. I am grateful to my short story teacher, Season, because even though I’m not taking classes anymore, she is still teaching me!
Five Fun Shorts!
1) favorite genre (to read or write)?
My favorite genre as a reader is general, character driven fiction. And I am a re-reader. I’ll read the same books over and over. Freaky, right?
2) creepiest monster?
Creepiest ‘monsters’ to me are the real life serial killers. They make my blood run very, very cold.
3) Why did the chicken cross the road?
Curiosity. Which he better be careful of. Just ask the cat.
4) favorite TV show?
The Walking Dead and HGTV’s House Hunters.
5) worst movie you’ve watched?
God, so many. We watch movies constantly so it would be hard to say. Joe Dirt comes to mind, though I watch it occasionally now. I have such a high tolerance!
This has been fun. Thanks so much for answering my questions Christine. I look forward to having you back soon!
Thank you, Laura.  I’m glad you gave me this opportunity to be on your blog. Although I still don’t know how you have the time to do all the wonderful things you do. All the best.

And now for the giveaway!

The first place winner will receive e-books of the complete Blood Run Series! That’s right. You will win First Promise, Two Riders and Last Chance!

And that’s not all. Two more lucky winners will get an e-book of First Promise, the first book in the Blood Run Series! Isn’t that awesome?!

Entry is easy. Just leave your email address and answer this question, “How would you feed a vampire?”

Giveaway ends November 4th.

It’s not required, but it would make my day if you followed me on twitter and my blog.

You can find Christine Dougherty here:






If you think this giveaway is awesome, please hit that like and tweet button:)

  1. fundinmental says:

    Love all the horse pics. Super interview. Christine and Laura, you did fantastic on this post. I really enjoyed reading it, and of course, am looking for the books. Will add to my goodreads shelf. Thanks you both for the giveaway.

  2. I agree. I love the classical cover choices. Very clean looking, and not lazy at all. Cheers!

  3. Thanks for showing these books off! On my ever growing TBR list for sure! Great post! Lots of love, Emily

  4. Elisabeth says:

    It depends whether or not I could feed said vampire animal blood. If so, I would probably give it chickens or something like that. If not…I’d have to think about it. Maybe tube-feed it? Either way, I’d try to find something that WOULDN’T involve direct contact. =)

  5. Chloroform the people I don’t like then present them. I think they’d be pleased with the offerings lol A mobi copy would rock thanks.

  6. So how would I feed a Vampire? Two answers: a) Any way he wanted! 😉 b) Like in the BDB world, from my vein baby,from my vein!:P

    Loved the post!!

  7. Angie says:

    I would feed a vampire from the heart!

  8. Iris says:

    How would I feed a vampire? Easy… any way and any place he wants

  9. I would feed a vampire with a smile on my face.

  10. adelesymonds says:

    I would feed a vampire – very carefully. Great review and interview, thanks.

  11. Ravenaier says:

    Well, I guess its good I work in a blood bank….a unit or two of missing AB blood wouldn’t really be considered missing would it? 😉
    my email is

  12. Ann Roberts says:

    The horse pictures are so cute! And I agree with some of the other posts–I would have to start feeding the vampire very carefully and in whatever fashion he wanted…he is quite a bit stronger than I am after all!


  13. Wanda says:

    I have two answers about feeding vampires. If he’s creepy and evil, I have several people that I could send him to. If he’s hot, then I would willingly offer myself!

  14. Emma says:

    The Walking Dead has to be one of the best TV shows around right now.
    The book covers really do have a classic feel to them.
    If the vampire in question was Damon, I’d let him feed from me!

  15. Ritesh Kala says:

    All I can think of, is the blood bank.

  16. I want, I want, I want… I put them on my wish list!!!

  17. Interesting way to feel after completing a book and wondering what happens to characters afterwards. I tend to wonder too what their next adventure will be and the answer is the start of a new one. Have a good week and quiet dreams Christine.

  18. The answers to the vampire feeding question are great! And, you know, kind of disturbing. 😉

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Vampires can be disturbing:) You certainly have some baddies in your novels!

      It would be interesting to read everyones comments about feeding vampires after they read these books.

  19. Vanilla Moon says:

    Period blood is my first thought, but it is kind of disgusting now that I am thinking about it. Maybe a special blood-bank…?

  20. DeeDee Griffin says:

    If he was hot, he could drink directly from my neck. If not, I’d give him my boss’ address 🙂

  21. RA Santiago says:

    How to feed a vampire? Hmmmm, good question…..I think I would let the vampire feed from me anyway he wanted! Yes, of course the vampire is male-better if he looked like Damon Salvatore from Vampire Diaries…Or Eric from True Blood.

  22. Dana Delamar says:

    Sounds like a great series! Hmm… I would feed a vampire animal blood. I wouldn’t trust a vampire not to kill me! (Though they can be very sexy.)

  23. Alana says:

    I’d feed a vampire very, very carefully…

  24. How would I feed a vampire?? “Here’s my wrist” LOL (Mallory Heart Reviews)

  25. Marina says:

    I’ll take the vampire to the nearest transfusion center 🙂

  26. Johnni says:

    I would feed a vamp up close and personal. I love vampires!!! I will put these on my to read list. They sound great!

  27. Andrew Grigaliunas says:

    Hello, everyone. To answer your question, I would allow the vampire to drink my blood in the hope that I can become a vampire too…

    agrigaliunas (at) yahoo (dot) com

  28. Sara Killough says:

    I wouldn’t feed a vampire, they are plenty capable of feeding themselves.

  29. Shawna P says:

    The same way I do my boyfriend. Point him to the source of food and say there you go, make yourself dinner

  30. Pragya says:

    Umm feeding a vampire..blood bank comes to mind.

  31. joyce says:

    Very carefully…..

  32. maria baker says:

    New reader to this series. I read it in one day. I was so drawn into this story that I killed the battery on my kindle and instead of waiting tor it to charge, I plugged it in and kept reading. LOL. Addicted!

  33. maria baker says:

    Blood bags. You don’t want to get to close.

  34. maria baker says:

    Or we could just feed them Deidra…

  35. Lori Hayes says:

    I would feed the vampire my. Blood- make sure he/ she diloesn’t take toomuch thats the deal. I think on rare occassion I’d let the vamp go stalk a pedofile when their in need of some serious blood no need to get full kinda nite.

  36. I would prick my finger to lure them in, making sure they didnt feed on anyone else. Then I’d lift my hair and invite them in for a drink.

  37. Elsa Carrion says:

    Blood bank Baby! Every one is happy, but I might want a little neck action.

  38. arielle caldwell says:

    Donated blood in a bag. Blood makes me sick so I’d just give them a cooler of it and be done. 🙂 thanks for the giveaway!

  39. I’d feed a vampire True Blood, lol. Or maybe let one feed from me, especially if it was Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse novels! *sexy Viking vamp*
    pearlofabonogirl (at) hotmail (dot) com

  40. April says:

    Hmm…how would I feed a vampire….directly from the vein.

  41. Ebony McMillan says:

    I would feed a vampire very carefully 😉

  42. llh66 says:

    I would feed a vampire from my self.
    Not enough to kill me just enough to sate him.

  43. Vicki H says:

    Very carefully! littlequeenie29 (@) msn (dot) com

  44. Hate2beLate says:

    Hmmmm…depends on the Vampire 🙂

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