Coven #Giveaway Review and Guest Post by Diane Wing

Posted: November 26, 2012 in fiction, giveaways, Guest Post, otherworldly, Paranormal or fantasy, reviews, suspense, Witches
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I have a guest ! Diane is doing a guest post here on fuonlyknew! And, there is a giveaway. Details are at the bottom.

But first let me tell you about Coven.

Coven: The Scrolls of the Four Winds

by Diane Wing

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Amira, Mina, Iman, Uzma. They are the Triad witches from long ago, born and raised to protect the Scrolls of the Four Winds.

Once they were sisters in training, until one betrayed the others.

It’s been centuries since the betrayal, since Amira erased her sisters memories of what she’d done. Her lust for the scrolls and the power to rule the world proved too hard to turn away from and she stole them.

The sisters have lived through many reincarnations, but Amira is the only one who’s retained her memories through each life. She’s been waiting many lifetimes to bring them all together again.

Victoria – Amira, Alexis – Mina, Cassandra – Iman, Macy – Uzma. In present day they may have different names but they are still the Triad Witches.  The binding spells cast upon them by Victoria, causing them to forget, are weakening. They’re starting to remember who they are and soon they will remember the betrayal.

Victoria has always regretted betraying the trust of her sisters and longs for the love and companionship she once had. She needs the others to help harness the power of the scrolls but she fears them also.

She wanted ultimate power, but vowed never to harm her three sisters unless it became absolutely necessary.

Victoria is still plotting and manipulating, but she’s also struggling with her inner demons, wanting what once was, yearning for it. She has never felt whole, felt loved, like when the Triad was together. The time will come when she must choose, world domination or love.

I became quite fond of Alexis, Cassandra, and Macy. Their witchly powers are portrayed in their daily lives and are their very essence of being. It was fun discovering how each ones powers showed in how they lived and worked.

Ethan I disliked right away. He is shallow and narcissistic. Not someone I cared for at all. There is another character that I liked at first, but grew to distrust. I’m sure this was the authors intent.

Victoria. Oh, what can I say. She’s a liar and a manipulator, doing whatever it takes to get what she wants. At first I was ambivalent about her, then I got mad at her, and then I felt such sadness for her. If you looked in the dictionary under lost, you’d find Victoria.

There is much to dislike about Victoria, but there’s also much to empathize with, perhaps because of the inner demons she struggles with. Her hunger for power and her longing for the love of her sisters is ripping her apart. She will have to choose one or the other.

Coven is about much more than witches and witchcraft. It guides you through friendship, betrayal, love, loss and regret. You will learn that nothing is final, bad choices can be changed, wrongs righted, and good can overcome evil. Love yourself, trust your heart, and others will love you too.

I was moved by Coven and it made me take a long look at myself. I felt there was a message for everyone in this story and I recommend this book to everyone as it has something for all of you.


I’m thrilled to have Diane here as my guest to tell you about Coven and a little something about herself. The stage is yours Diane.

Coven: The Scrolls of the Four Winds was my first novel.  It was magickal from the moment I began writing it.  I was working in a very demanding corporate job at the time, and I asked the Universe to give me the time to finish writing it.  Miraculously, I contracted the flu, which landed in my throat, ultimately making me lose my voice for many months, during which time I was able to complete writing Coven.  Goes to show it’s important to be careful what you wish for and how you make your request!

The idea came to me as I considered the misconceptions and negative connotations associated with Witches and what it really means to be one.  In its most positive context, everyone has the potential to be a Witch, and many aspire to be so.  Being a Witch is a lifestyle, a way of being, a dedication to lifelong learning, a sense of connection with nature, the Divine, and all of the energies that surround us.  It is the ability to direct those energies toward a focused purpose.  It is the ability to understand Divine Will while developing a singularly strong will of one’s own.  It is understanding Universal Law and riding the wave of the Tao to achieve in an effortless way, to manifest, and to thrive in abundance.  It is a way to come into your power.

Many of the rituals and occult encounters in Coven come from personal experiences…you’ll have to guess which ones!  Life is a string of magickal moments. The Triad Witches embrace who they are and use their powers in the course of everyday life; so, too, can each of us incorporate our Inner Magick into everything we do.  You have magick within you!

© Diane Wing,, For more information about this topic, contact Diane at and become a member of her new website at


Image of Diane Wing

Diane Wing, M.A. is an author, teacher, personal transformation guide, and intuitive consultant.  She is the founder of Wing Academy of Unfoldment and the creator of Pathways: An interactive journey of self-discovery.  She has a Master’s degree in clinical psychology and has been providing valuable insights for the highest good of her clients for over 27 years.  Diane works with her clients to find meaning and fulfillment in their lives by helping them release their Inner Magick.

And now for the giveaway. Diane is giving away one copy of Coven, The Scrolls of the Four Winds.

Paperback or e-book (winners choice).

An International Giveaway – everyone is welcome!

To enter, leave your email address and answer this question, “Could you forgive a friend’s betrayal?”

Giveaway ends December 10th.

I’ve also read Thorne Manor…and other bizarre stories by Diane. You can read my review here .

To purchase Coven and other books by Diane Wing, just click on the images below.

The Snow Witch is predicting snow! Happy Holidays to ya’ll!

  1. Vanilla Moon says:

    I would, but I don’t think I will trust him or her again. I would always be afraid of another betrayal.

  2. Krystal says:

    If you would have asked me that a few years ago my answer would have been a “Oh, Hellz NO!” but now that I have gotten older and I believe wiser 🙂 I could forgive my best friend of anything. As long as I knew nothing of the same would happen again and I would trust that it wouldn’t then I could forgive a betrayal. Also, just because something is forgiven doesn’t mean it is ever forgotten.


    • fuonlyknew says:

      Now that I’ve gotten older I forgive more easily also. And I agrre with forgiven but not forgotten. I don’t think you can forget betrayal.

      • Lori Hayes says:

        I can’t forgive a betrayal.sure some things you can forgive as you said not forget a friend for doing but betrayals are different then that. a little dissagreement or misunderstanding something they could do that just makes you kinda angry but forgivable. Betrayals are different its a strong and powerful word. To me meaning it has to be something unforgivable as well. So its a deffinite no in my case.I cannot forgive a Betrayal!

  3. jendsmit says:

    that’s so hard to answer – I think yes and no… forgive them yes, but get over it and go back to the way we were before no. …I wouldn’t feel like I could trust them again and therefore couldn’t stay friends with them, at least not real friends like before. I think we’d be more of “someone I know” relationship.

    • jendsmit says:

      I forgot to say – if it was family – all bets are off… you have to forgive but like a friend nothing would be the same, but you can’t just write off family – it would eventually work out I think, but you never know.

  4. ELSA CARRION says:

    Could I forgive a friend’s betrayal? Yes, but it would be very hard to trust them again.

  5. Emma says:

    Diane, the cover for Coven is stunning and the story sounds great. I love witch stories and learning more about Wicca. I’d like to think I could forgive but I’d probably never be able to forget.

  6. Sherry says:

    Yes, I could forgive,f but my trust would be sorely tried. Don’t think I would forget and judge their future actions on their past actions. But then again, everybody is truly worth a second chance……

  7. Arielle says:

    Yes I could. I’ve forgiven them beforehand we moved on like nothing happened. 🙂

  8. It depends on the betrayal. But in general, no. I have had to many friends betray me.


  9. Tasha Turner says:

    Love the cover. Forgiving depends on so many factors so my answer is maybe. What was the betrayal, why did the person do it, are they truly sorry, do I believe they won’t do it again…

  10. stuffsmart says:

    Yes, forgiveness isn’t easy but nobody’s perfect.

  11. Arielle says:

    On my phone. That was suppose to say before and lol. I can spell I promise! I am a very trusting and forgiving person and sometimes it’s hard but not worth losing friendships over. Everyone slips. Now if they keep doing it…whoooole different story!

  12. emaginette says:

    That’s a good question. The answer is no. I would always remember the betrayal and that alone would stop forgiveness from ever taking place. emaginetteAThotmailDOTcom

  13. Penumbra says:

    No. I trust people pretty easily, but once that trust is broken in such a huge way then no, I really don’t think I would forgive them or would want to. The person made their choice long ago that takes them on a different path and they can’t go back. They have no right to ask me to trust them again, they gave that right up.

    • Penumbra says:

      Wish there was a way to edit our post. I forgot my email addy- penumbrareads(at)gmail(dot)com

      • fuonlyknew says:

        Wow. The more I read these comments, the more I wonder whether I could. I know I had a close friend who did the worst betrayal. I miss what we had, but we’re no longer friends.

  14. Susan Laine says:

    Depends on the kind of betrayal, I suppose. Some stuff, like stealing from you or cheating with your boyfriend, would fall into the “forgiveness is never going to happen category”, but smaller stuff… Maybe, but I’d never forget. There’d always be the nagging doubt in the back of my head from then on, and the trust issue would keep popping up.

    Sounds like an interesting book 🙂


    • fuonlyknew says:

      Definitely the big stuff is a deal breaker. The small stuff, maybe. But how do you trust again?

      • Susan Laine says:

        I guess you would have to try and rebuild your friendship and your trust. In the end, the ball would be in her/his park. The friend’s actions speak for themselves at that point. Usually, though, saying sorry and a promise never to do anything like that again would suffice. Friends forgive. But… if there was another incident… Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

  15. Chris Merrick says:

    yes I would if the circumstances were right 🙂

  16. Does not matter friend or not friend. yes.

  17. I’d have to say it depends on what the betrayal was for one, and how long I have known the friend for.

  18. Bieke says:

    It depends on how bad the betrayal was and if it was my best friend who I’ve known for years or my entire life or not, so… If my best friend, who I’ve known my entire life, betrays me in some way, I would forgive him/her.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I agree. A long standing, close friendship deserves another chance. I just don’t know about forgiving if it was a really horrific betrayal. I wouldn’t be able to forget.

  19. Elisabeth says:

    Could I forgive a friend’s betrayal? Well, I’m too lazy to carry a grudge and when other people forgive me, I don’t take it for granted. So yes, I would. But forgiving and forgetting are two different things…

  20. Ann Roberts says:

    I would forgive my friend, especially if we had known each other for a long time, but I would naturally guard my heart against another betrayal. Once a true betrayal happens, it is really hard to fully trust again!


  21. twitter: kateluvsanimals says:

    Yes, definitely.

  22. Mark says:

    I thought about at different intervals when I saw this contest going on yesterday, and truthfully my answer is no, I wouldn’t be able to forgive a friend’s, or anybody else’s betrayal.

  23. Julie says:

    I guess it depends on what they have done;. Book sounds interesting. Great giveaway! Thanks!


  24. Trust once broken is hard to regain. Would I forgive, yes, would I forget, never…

  25. It depends on the motivation behind the betrayal. Was this friend doing it for selfish reasons or because he/she wanted to save me from grief?


    Remind me to buy the book if I don’t win. Looks pretty awesome.

  26. I think I would have to say yes IF they had been a friend a long time. You owe your friends a second chance, but I would be wary of how true the friendship was for quite a while afterwards. They would have to re-prove themselves a friend.

  27. Oana Matei says:

    Hm… that’s pretty difficult. I think I would forgive in time, but I’m not sure I’d ever trust them again. It also depends on how much their betrayal hurts me and what the consequences I have to suffer are…

    Here’s my e-mail: oana.matei18(at)gmail(dot)com

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. Nadia da Silva says:

    It depends on the betrayal. I think I would forgive but not forget. I would never trust that friend completely ever again…

  29. bn100 says:

    Depends on the betrayal


  30. Sharon Stevenson says:

    No I would not, and have never. A true friend stabs you in the front.

  31. that’s a hard question. I think it would depend the manner in which I was betrayed and the severity of the consequences. I may forgive, but I wouldn’t forget nor make the same mistake twice. I wouldn’t be close to that person again either. ke7yca at gmail dot com

  32. RA Santiago says:

    That is a hard question. Forgiveness would depend on the type of betrayal. My best friend for 32 years betrayed my trust and love and I have forgiven but I will never trust or be close to that person again.

  33. Pam says:

    Yes, I could forgive their betrayal and have done so in the past.

  34. Zainab says:

    Well, I would forgive her.. If she has a good reason too… But I don’t really think I will be able to trust someone like her… Not again. I would prefer making new friends and trusting other people.

  35. Lori Hayes says:

    From personnal experience you eventually can forgive but you can’t forget. I could never be friends again with that person and she was like a sister to me (some sister)i never spoke to her again, didn’t accept her apology , after all how much can it really mean noing she did what she did she with the man i was engaged to marry. She ruined my life, not that he wasn’t to blame too.I walked away from it all. She meant nothing to him, he never spoke to her again either. So who gained anything?!

  36. Tempest says:

    I think it really depends on how big of a batrayal it was. Even if I did forgive it, I wouldn’t forget. It’d be really hard for me to trust the person at all, but I might attempt to rekindle some kind of friendship if they proved they were truly remorseful.

  37. Forgiveness, hmmmm, yes I would BUT I’d also hope this for the person… May the itch of a thousand fleas infest your body and your arms be too short to scratch! Just saying…. lol

  38. laura says:

    Yes, though i suppose it depends on what they did.

  39. Margaret says:

    NO I couldn’t forgive. I’m just not the forgive and forget kind.


  40. Arielle says:

    Just realized I forgot my email lol 🙂

  41. RA Santiago says:

    I don’t know if I could. It would depend on what they did to me. I do know that I will never trust that person again and I probably wouldn’t have a relationship with them.

  42. shar simms says:

    That’s a difficult question. I don’t think I would ever trust my friend again. No, I don’t think I could forgive my friend for their betrayal. Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. Margianna says:

    It depends on the level of betrayal and the amount of trust lost in the process!
    Trust is not easily earned and once someone betrays you you can’t look at them in the exact same way regardless of how much you want to forgive and forget. Of course intentions always matter too! It’s one thing for someone to lie to you to hurt you and another if he thinks he’s protecting you. It doesn’t make it better just more easily forgiven. At least for me… 🙂

  44. Hmmm. It would depend on the situation I guess.

  45. YES! I can forgive, if they were truly sorry and made amends! Great question! Thanks, Emily

  46. Pam says:

    Also if you do not forgive others for the things that they have done, how can you expect anyone to forgive you for the things that you have done?

  47. ashkrafton says:

    I can be viciously mad for a while, but I won’t spare precious energy holding on to a grudge forever. I prefer to have short-term memory when it comes to things like that.

  48. Depends on the friend, AND the betrayal.

    • Lori Hayes says:

      If your a true friend you wouldn’t betray a friend or family..Simple as that! Once betrayed its emotional, it never leaves you, you might think your over it but its there in the back of your mind concious or not and you never fully trust. It takes years if you own up to it and let that wall down.

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