Edward Lorn’s collection What The Dark brings is free to download from Amazon April 7th thru 12th.
This post is a bit long, as I added my review of Edwards bonus stories and there are two killer trailers to watch. Can’t wait for you to see those!
Go here to get your copy!
Follow Edward Lorn out of the light and into the darkest recesses of his mind.
What the Dark Brings is a collection of 19 short stories, beginning with “Literary Sweets”, a tender jaunt into Christmastime that proves all is not lost for one jaded gentleman. But by the time you reach the final tale, “Come to Jesus Meeting”, the darkness is all encompassing.
Tales of hope, heartache, and horror abound.
Come find What the Dark Brings
***As an added bonus to new fans, Edward Lorn has included his mini-anthology, Three After, complete and uncut, at the end of this collection. A total of 22 tales of terror coming it at over 40,000 words.***
My review
This collection has everything!
A man on awakens on a train headin who knows where, no memory of how he got there.
Detective Franklin learns why the caretaker said, “The thing is no good, I tell ya.”
Penny always believed what her father said about the water, “There’s nothing out to get you.”
The sign said:
Opening December 20th:
Literary Sweets
Books and Candies for all ages
A combination of Treasures Await!
Raul had no idea how giving the homeless a few bucks would change his life.
Walter just had to have the chess set, the one made from the wood of the legendary ship, Titanic.
Everyone’s heard the urban legend about the man who goes missing on Christmas, only later his family finds his rotting body in the chimney.
A picture does paint a thousand words for Valerie. She just should have looked more closely.
Two young men, high on pot, watch the news as Chucklers gleefully rampage around the world.
Two young friends meet The Beast of Briar Bank.
There are so many delightfully wicked and twisted tales in this collection.
They each have their own flavor and many may seem a bit familiar. But that’s where the author steps in and takes you in a whole other direction.
I’ve read his anthology, Three After, so I knew where he might take me with these.
If you like the macabre, the noir, the twisted and the darkly humorous, you’ll like this collection.
There was no stopping when I started, as I sped from story to story. Each one so different, so engrossing.
I’d love to see these as episodes for Tales From The Darkside or The Twilight Zone.
Or, maybe, the From The Mind of Edward Lorn Show!
Thanks for some really great writing and plenty of shivers. Edward.
What The Dark Brings gets 5 Stars for bringing it on!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq7FwJfMm2g]
Here is my review of Three After from an earlier post.
Check out my thoughts on Edward’s Bonus stories.
Edward Lorn’s Three After takes you to the darkside with three chilling tales.
If you like your horror twisted and dripping blood, these three tales will give you that and then some. I will give you fair warning that Edward writes very descriptive, almost visual scenes, and they ain’t pretty.
1. World’s Greatest Dad
This is every father’s, hell, everybody’s worst nightmare.
Kimmy is gone. While Carl was trick or treating with his daughter, somebody snatched her. He was only distracted for a moment, but that was all it took.
The last time Carl saw Kimmy, she was talking to a man sitting in a rocking chair wearing a wolf costume. Now the chair is empty and Kimmy is gone.
They found Kimmy, but it was too late. Her body was discovered in a garbage bin, thrown away like so much trash.
Carl is consumed by grief and guilt. The police investigation is going nowhere. There is no consolation to be found.
Carl’s friend David inadvertently hands him a cup of coffee, the cup made by Kimmy. It reads World’s Gratest Dad and, yes, that is how she spelled it. Not able to bear it, Carl asks for a different cup. As he passes it back to David, the words on the cup change.
Help Her
He was the only one to witness it. Believing it to be a message from his daughter, Carl uses the messages that appear on the cup to try to save Her and find his daughters killer.
This is a story of redemption, betrayal and vengeance. What wouldn’t you do for your child?
2. An Affair To Remember
Jimmy has crossed the line. His rage at finding out his wife was having an affair, and with a jerk like Ray, pushed him over the edge.
What happens to Ray is horrific, but he has only himself to blame. Should have kept his pants zipped and stopped taunting Jimmy when he was caught.
But after brutally torturing and killing his wife and her lover, things get really bizarre for Jimmy.
Maybe Jimmy should have just walked away from the whole sordid mess.
3. Snuggles
She seems like such a sweet young girl. Elizabeth loves cats and she has three, Cuddles, Snuggles and Bumbles. Her favorite is Snuggles.
One day, her dad accidentally lets Snuggles outside. These are indoor cats and are not supposed to be let outside because of the road.
Yep, you guessed it. Her mom finds Snuggles in the road and tells her that he has gone to heaven.
Elizabeth is heart-broken and what she does to get Snuggles back is beyond belief.
This story goes from shocking to stomach-turning in a blink. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Five screams for really creeping me out!
I was racking my brain a while ago, trying to remember the name of a story I read, and now I’ve found it. World’s Greatest Dad!
That’s how much I love Edward’s writing. That short story is still with me.
Check out his new release, should be out this fall!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjpkCSgpfuQ?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]

Edward Lorn is an American horror author presently residing in the southeast United States. He enjoys storytelling, reading, and writing biographies in the third person.
Once upon a time, during a session of show and tell, a seven-year-old Edward Lorn shared with his class that his baby brother had died over the weekend. His classmates, the teacher included, wept while he recounted the painful tragedy of having lost a sibling. Edward went home that day and found an irate mother waiting for him. Edward’s teacher had called to express her condolences. This was unfortunate, as Edward had never had a baby brother.
With advice given to her by a frustrated teacher, Edward’s mother made him start writing all of his lies down. The rest, as they say, is history.
Edward Lorn and his wife are raising two children, along with a handful of outside cats and a beagle named Dot. He remains a liar to this day. The only difference is, now he’s a useful one.
For more about Edward Lorn and his books:
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- Hope for the Wicked by Edward Lorn (readingrenee.com)
I already have this on my Kindle, but thanks for the heads up. ^_^
All of them suck you in. You’ll like these Sherry.
Thanks for sharing, Laura. Sounds like a real chiller.
All of his stories are so different, evoking a range of emotions from fear, apprehension, eww! to I didn’t see that coming! I can’t wait for his new one!
Thank you to everyone who’s giving my work a chance. I hope you have as much fun reading these stories as I had writing them.
I definitely had fun reading them. Thanks so much Edward!
Hey Laura, I’m trying to comment with Twitter.
It worked. Just had to approve the first time!!
Did you get Edward’s book. You’ll love these!!
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