This is going to be so fun!
I have my sister and fellow blogger, Sherry, here to tell us all about herself and her blog.
She recently moved her blog and I wanted to reach out to all of you wonderful people and let you know where she is now!
Many of you followed her before and now you can follow her again.
She’d love to see you again and new followers are most welcome.
Hope over to fundinmental and say hi!
Sherry is also a photographer. All of the pictures in this post except for the mermaid and the creepy crawlie spider video are hers.
The picture of her pool doesn’t do justice to it in person. The Tiki hut is always piping out the tunes and we have enjoyed hundreds of hours of splashing and soaking up the sun.
Have fun getting to know Sherry. She’s revealin it all today!

Okay, reveal yourself! Well, you know what I mean, tell us a little about yourself:)
Shhhh. That’s a secret. Okay about me. Hmmmm. I love reading and photography. My biggest goal in life was to live as near to the water as I could afford. When I moved south, I bought a house with a pool. If I could afford beachfront, I would be there in a heartbeat. The beach is, sort of, just around the corner, plus there is a small man-made lake at the end of my street and we have access.

I am a water and sun worshipper, too late to worry about the wrinkles. I think they give me character.
How did you get into blogging and what were your plans for it?
My sister, Laura, here at fuonlyknew, got me hooked. But in a good way. LOL She introduced me to Goodreads, then WordPress, and the rest is history. We occasionally do team reviews and promos for authors. My main purpose was to have fun and share my love of books. I didn’t know it would become so addictive.
You recently moved your blog. That must have been a huge undertaking. What was it like?
Moving my blog was something I really didn’t want to do, but it was necessary. I am self-taught on the computer, so I recruited some help. I now have a computer guy who comes to my aid when I am totally stumped. I have also had to learn a lot on my own, which I think is a good thing. When I wasn’t wigging out, it was fun and a challenge.
There were lots of things that didn’t transfer well. I lost my followers and my media library. The media library wasn’t too bad. I already had the photos saved on my computer, so it was just a matter of reloading them into my blog library. Just a time thing.
Probably the biggest thing that bummed me out, I lost all my followers. So please help me find you again. If you were following me before and would still like to keep up with fundinmental, please come on over and follow by email again. I would love to see you hanging out with me.
If I promised you a Review, they will be coming. I was waiting to do this interview with Laura, so I could reach more of my followers and let them know I didn’t vanish, just got lost for a little while. Laura and I have a lot of the same followers because of our similar tastes, so with her help I hope to reach out to all of you and let you know that I have not forgotten any of you and want to stay connected.
Another hassle was the links changed, so I have tried to notify authors of their new links and let them know that I am still around. If you are someone I haven’t contacted and you need or want the new links, shoot me an email (sherryfundin69 at netscape dot net) and I will get them to you.
How do you select books for review on your blog?
Before I moved here, I must have had thousands of books, with bookshelves in every nook and cranny of my house. They were taking over, but I didn’t have the heart to give them away. They were my babies. When I moved here, I sold or donated the majority and just kept my favorites, that I have read at least three times over.
One of the first things I did when I got here was join the library. I have always been a big fan of libraries and would take a big bag, loading it up with 10 or more books a week. I would pick an author and clear the shelf. LOL Because my nearest library was kind of small, I was soon reading authors I never would have chosen otherwise. I think I have read at least half the books in this branch.
My hubby bought me a Kindle and all of a sudden I had access to more books than I can read in my lifetime. Unless, some dark night, a Vampire comes by and gives me a bite.
Online, I started to do R2R, at Laura’s suggestion, and before I knew it, authors were approaching me, asking for Reviews. My biggest problem, which is probably a pretty common one, is taking on too many. I can read through books very quickly, but my Reviews tend to take me almost as long. LOL
Do you have a favorite genre and is there one that’s surprised you?
My favorite genre is thriller/mystery. Horror is a close second, but I used to go for Stephen King and Dean Koontz type of horror. Probably my biggest surprise is my love for Vampires, with Romance right there with it. I had not be a big fan of either, but the great Indie writers and their superb stories have enchanted me, in a very good way.
What do you like to do for fun, besides blogging?
Reading and Photography are my favorite activities, but I love doing the beach and hanging by the pool. A lot of times, I will be hanging on the patio, blogging, reading or taking photos while also taking a dip every now and then. I love piddling in the yard. Recently, my hubby and I have started surf fishing. That even sounds fun. Not only can I fish and drink a cold beer, I have my Kindle at my side. What more can you ask for?
I also like to hack around the golf course. Talk about a frustrating game. Trying to hit a little white ball, all the time dodging the snakes in the woods and the gators in the ponds.
If you won a free vacation, where would you go?
Wow. I love the Caribbean!! I have taken numerous cruises to visit the islands. When I lived in New York, my hubby and I took three cruises within six months to Bermuda. I almost felt at home there. My biggest desire now is to go to the Florida Keys. I have wanted to go there for a long time. Hop in the car and drive down the Gulf Coast, stopping whenever and wherever the urge hits. I want to go to the end of the coast and moon Cuba. I actually mooned the Caymans once, because the water was too rough and they wouldn’t come out and pick us up. I never got to go to Hell and mail my postcard.
But, a freebie, I think it would have to be a month long Mediterranean Cruise. Hit everywhere possible. I always think of it as the Caribbean of the East. And it is something I will probably never do because of the expense.
My hubby and I love to see as much as possible, as cheap as possible, snapping pics and video right and left. Everywhere we go there is water and beaches. It’s like a drug and we have to have our fix.
Now for Five Fun Shorts!
Favorite footwear? Barefoot, oh that’s naked. Flip flops.
Swimsuit or skinny dip? Half and half. Around my pool, well, I’ll leave that to your imagination. I went topless on South Beach once. At least I looked better than the 300 pound woman and the 90 year old Grandma. ^_^
Sky diving or scuba diving? First off – I don’t fly well, so you might not want to sit next to me on a plane, especially if there is turbulence. Second, once in a plane, if you think I am going to jump out of it, well, you must be out of your mind.
I don’t do either, but if I did, it would have to be scuba diving. My hubby calls me his mermaid. ^_^ There is a reason for that.
Do you have a phobia? Spiders!!!!!!!!! I got a chill just typing that. I hate spiders.
Sneaky little buggers. Now you see them, now you don’t.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySXCdcnKBgg?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent] ~
Favorite TV Show.
Hmmm. I confess, I am a TVaholic. I am usually reading or blogging, maybe doing some crossword puzzles, teaching myself to make jewelry or something else, while I am watching TV. I never JUST watch TV. But my favorite – that is a toughy.
Of course, there is usually a hot guy. Not the young sluts, but the real men. Mark Harmon has always been a favorite of mine, so NCIS is right up there at the top. He does a celebrity baseball game every year. He came to Mobile, Alabama and I got a press pass. Got a baseball signed by him and my pic taken with him.
I love watching the Mentalist, Castle, Person of Interest, Big Bang Theory, Two Broke Girls, Two and a Half Men….I love sitcoms. I love to laugh. One of the best medicines of life. So – HEY – come on over and lets talk and laugh and have some fun. The pool is now OPEN.
A Dare!
LOL. That’s funny, because if I don’t have a quick comeback, I usually draw a blank. But I immediately thought of my hubby, who has dared me to do so many things. Sometimes I look back and think – what the hell – why did I even do that. But, am I going to tell you? Now that is something else. Maybe after we spend some time together, as we hang out and get to know one another, something will slip out every now and then.
Say the first thing that pops into your mind. I dare ya!
Damn girl, you got me rambling on and on and on and on…………
Congrats on your trophy Sherry.
Another Redneck Riviera Mullet Toss triumph!
Love ya sis!
Sherry and I do some tag teaming also. We post reviews for authors on the same day, promoting their books with our individual views. We have spent many a day by her refreshing pool, sippin Margaritas or Bloody Mary’s and tweaking our reviews. It’s funny how differently we perceive the material we read.
We often laugh about it afterwards and it is great to give varying points of view for an authors books.
We are always surprised when we read each others reviews.
Summer is finally here on the Gulf Coast and Sherry and I will be spending many a day at her pool.
Stop by
fundinmental and give her a follow. See what she’s cookin up!

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Book Blogging Sisters… The double threat! 😀
Yep. Cue that “Jaws” theme music! lol
Nah, not Jaws… Remember: Even pools aren’t safe from Cthulhu!
Thank you so much for having me here, Laura. I loved your questions and I think I “exposed” myself more than I meant to. LOL
Just want to tell everyone hi and I hope to be seeing you here and at http://www.fundinmental.com
Loved having you Sherry! Your answers were awesome.
Now lets get to work and get your followers back. They’ve missed ya!
What an awesome interview, Sherry and Laura! I learned a lot about my fave reviewer. 😉
Lada 🙂
Thanks Lada. I am glad you enjoyed it. Laura is really good an interviewing and I had a good time doing it.
Thanks Lada. Sherry rocks!
I’ll be joining the ranks of your reviewers soon and will be featuring your free download of Golden Train tomorrow afternoon. Me and Sherry are tag teaming you:) lol
Wow, thank you, Laura – and Sherry 🙂
This is so nice of you both!
All the very best.
Great interview! Loved learning all about Sherry! I wanna come swim in her pool and hang out too! Sounds wonderful! BTW, Sherry, I don’t fly well either–as a matter of fact, I refuse to fly unless it’s an emergency. I get very motion sick, so I get it! Not fun!
Since both of you sisters love horror, I’m still surprised you like my books–but I’m not complaining for one single minute! Hope you regain your followers, Sherry. Your blog is wonderful, so I don’t doubt you’ll get them all back quickly! Thanks to Laura for a great interview, and thanks to Sherry for sharing all about your interesting life!
Thanks Taylor. A pitcher of margaritas is always ready. The pool is always open, even though it does get kind of cool in the winter.
Laura and I have similar tastes in books. I think I go more towards thrillers and she goes more horror, but we love all books and try not to limit ourselves. We don’t want to miss out on a good author or a good book.
I have learned to love Vampires and Zombies, thanks to Laura.
Romance has risen high on my list of loves since I have found such great authors as yourself, Vickie McKeehan and many others.
Blogging has opened up so many opportunities to find new authors. So congrats to you and all the others that have published their books and exposed us to them in the blogging world. Keep up the great work.
Sherry makes excellent margaritas and the pool is always so refreshing. We try to work on our reviews before we sample them too much:)
I want you house and lovely pool please Sherry. I wouldn’t mind a cocktail from the Tiki hut either. 🙂
Come on down. I always have a pitcher of Margaritas ready. ^_^
Yum. Sounds great.
I wish all of us could meet at Sherry’s. I want to meet everyone so badly! Guess I’ll have to double up on lottery tickets!
We all will, or in my case start buying lottery tickets 🙂
I’ve got my lotto. It’s the only get rich quick scheme I have. lol
Oops, hit post comment too early.
I love watching The Big Bang Theory and 2 Broke Girls too.
Hope you get most of your followers back, Sherry.
I love sitcoms. They make me laugh and I always feel better after watching them. Thanks Emma.
[…] Blogger Interview ~ Sherry ‘the fundinmentalist’ reveals herself! (fuonlyknew.com) […]
What a great interview this was! I really enjoyexd it. I don’t think I knew you were both FL gals. So am I ~smile~ I can sympathize with losing your followers, yuck! I will tweet an invite for followers to rejoin. I’m certain a few of the folks who follow me are long time friends of Sherry. Bless you both. We authors would be lost without wonderufl reviewers like you.
And where would we be without your wonderful stories! Bless you too Bette.
I’m not in Florida though. I’m on the Gulf Coast of Alabama in a small artists town. It’s a single tax colony, Fairhope, and only 50 minutes away from Sherry.
We’re in shouting distance!
Thanks so much Bette. It is a pleasure sharing the wonderful books and the great authors I have discovered since blogging. I love doing it. I appreciate your help spreading the word. ^_^
Love and hugs, Sherry! 🙂
I knew there was a damn good reason why you wanted a room by the pool (in the Eternal Palace). I could feel your affinity with water in my… well… water… LOL
LOL. You got that right. Hope to see you there soon. ^_^
We’re mermaids! Didn’t ya know? lol
You’re up next Ella!!
Great interview, you guys! Man, I hate spiders too, but I can’t stand to kill them. I make my husband capture them and take them outside.
Thanks Marny. We had so much fun doing this!
I have a phobia for spiders too. The tiniest ones look giant to me! Had one chase me across the kitchen last night! Well. he ran towards me and I ran away! lol
I am awful. My hubby runs away and I am the one who smashes the critters into smithereens. Except for Daddy Long Legs. I never smash him. ^_^ But I don’t really see those spiders here in Florida. The ones they have here are big and ugly or those little black jumpers. lol
I put a spider in my upcoming sci fi / fantasy novel, DragonFly just for Sherry. When you read it you’ll know it’s for her!
I’m so ready for just a peek!!!
LOL. I can hardly wait to get my hands on it. Okay, hmmmmmmmmm, a spider, sci-fi, fantasy, DragonFly, Squadron. Hmmmmmmm. I’m thinking. ^_^
Well, here’s a clue… it’s not a major character but it helps introduce two of them to each other in a way that made me think of what Sherry might do in the same circumstance.
[…] Blogger Interview ~ Sherry ‘the fundinmentalist’ reveals herself! (fuonlyknew.com) […]
LOVED THIS!!!!! I love all things with the Tag Team Sisters! YOU BOTH ROCK THE HOUSE!!! Lots of love, Emily
And we love you.!
[…] Blogger Interview ~ Sherry ‘the fundinmentalist’ reveals herself! (fuonlyknew.com) […]
[…] Blogger Interview ~ Sherry ‘the fundinmentalist’ reveals herself! (fuonlyknew.com) […]
[…] Blogger Interview ~ Sherry ‘the fundinmentalist’ reveals herself! (fuonlyknew.com) […]
I’m late reading this but just wanted to say that it blew my mind that you and Sherry are sisters! That’s too funny – I had no idea!
Ha! We don’t normally tell people, but now that we are tag teaming authors, it seemed like a good idea! You can read our reviews of a book and see how differently the story touches us.
Thanks for stopping by late or not. ^_^ Even though we have a lot in common, we approach our reviews from two different perspectives.