Magnus, the runt of a litter of Shade Wolves, wants nothing more than to be a loyal, strong member of the pack. But when an ancient enemy threatens his friends and family, he faces a choice that could tear him from all he’s known and loved.
Born in captivity, the giant panther Kelor knows nothing but suffering and loss. He struggles to find his place in this world of terror, and he battles to protect his family without succumbing to the darkness lurking inside him.
Falling captive to the evil Warden, the two are forced to fight in the battle of the beasts known as ‘The Trail of Bones’. How will Kelor and Magnus learn to work together? How will they escape a fate of despair and death? How will their choices affect their comrades? Their enemies? And the forgotten magic that could doom all life of their world?
Let the adventures begin!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VINjGQocwlM]
Enjoy this thrilling excerpt.
“You’ve seen a Shade Wolf? While the sun was overhead?” Chief Draghone asked. The boy nodded. “Then you were too close to their dens. I thought we talked about this Adolphus? You could endanger the entire village with your foolish desires.”
“But you said the Shade Wolves are our friends. That they protect Thornmount and the forest just as we do,” the boy said.
“True, but neither man nor beast likes it when an intruder comes to his home uninvited. And with a new litter coming, you’re lucky they didn’t tear you apart and feed you to the cubs for their first meal.”
Surprisingly the boy did not back down. Mildly irritated, the chief still admired his son’s conviction and passion. “I did no harm, father, I swear it. He even spoke to me. He warned me to go away,” Adolphus said with the excitement only a boy could display.
“And what did this Shade Wolf say?”
“He said run with purpose.”
“And did you?” the father asked.
“Of course. I’ve never run so fast. When I made it back to the village, the wolf was gone,” Adolphus said excitedly.
Thayne Draghone bellowed with laughter, and put his massive arm around his son. They all fear what they do not understand, he thought. That is why you are chief.
“You still have much to learn, young one. Listen closely, son, for this is truth,” he said as he knelt next to his boy so they could see eye to eye. “Run with purpose is not a warning, it is an ancient wolf saying.”
The boy was perplexed; this was not at all what he thought happened during his brief encounter with the wolf. “I don’t understand. What does that mean?”
“Run with purpose. It means do not waste energy, life, seasons. When you hunt, hunt until your prey is in your jaws. If you fight, fight with all your strength until you win your enemy’s throat. If you love, love until your heart stops beating. And if you must run, go swiftly until you run with your pack once more. This is the way of the wolf. This is the way of the warrior. And I pray to the gods it will be your way too,” the chief explained.
Adolphus looked back in the direction of the wolves with a new understanding and appreciation. His fear vanished, replaced with admiration and a sense of wonder. I want to see a Shade Wolf again. I’ll be brave, he thought.
“Come boy, the night grows darker still. Your mother will whip your hide… and mine if we don’t return to the cooking fires soon,” said Thayne.
“Can’t we stay a while longer? I want to listen. I wonder what they’re saying now, Father,” said the boy.
“When the sun rises I’ll travel to their den and pay my respects. I will offer gifts of meat and dugan entrails in celebration of new life. I was hoping my son could accompany me, but I fear if he doesn’t find his bed soon, he’ll be too weary,” said the chief.
He barely finished his sentence before the boy scrambled down the watchtower and scurried toward home. The father chuckled as he watched his son dash away. Run with purpose, young one. Now you’re getting it, he thought.
Editorial Reviews
Salisbury is a rising star in genre fiction. This book makes a unique and exciting contribution in the fantasy realm. The first of great things to come. –Jake Black, “The Authorized Ender Companion” “Smallville” “Ender’s Game: Recruiting Valentine”
Amazon Reviews
A fantasy adventure that features lots of action and intrigue that is geared to a YA audience.
There are moments in this tale that are especially well done… story telling at a level that I’d be interested to see what this author would do with an adult orientated fantasy work.
As a dedicated YA work… 5 Stars.
~ Ray Nicholson
The beginning of a great adventure!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the first book of the Trail of Bones series. It is an unpredictable adventure, with heartwrenching acts of love and friendship. The story ended before I was prepared to put my Kindle down, and now I will wait anxiously for the second book to be published. In the meantime, I think I’ll read it again with my eleven-year-old son; I’m sure he’ll love it as much as I do. Give it a read!
Enthralling story line that really pulls you in
…The characters were some that I will not easily forget because he explains their background in a way that makes the reader really connect and believe they are real. He creates a world that I long to see. I really grew to both love and hate different characters. I think that is a sign of a really great author when they can make us feel so much emotion towards a character.
~ Janason
Make sure you visit the other stops on the tour and see other exciting posts!
I like the cover. Nice trailer. Thanks Laura.
You know I like it when I’ve posted for two tours!
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