Freakin Fridays!

Freakin Fridays is my own little meme. I’ll be posting about books, movies, and all things scary.

Feel free to join in and do your own Freakin Fridays posts!

Tune in every Friday. Get your scare on!

Let’s have some fun!

For today’s post, I’ll be telling you about The Dead of Winter by Lee Enderlin

The Dead of Winter


For a horror story to be really good, it has to have a bad-ass villain.

This book has one.

Don’t let her small size fool you. She’s no longer human and she’s got a taste for man flesh.

This story starts a long time ago. Back in 1714,  when Indians had never met the white man.

It’s the worst famine any of them can remember. They have to make another hunting trip to replenish their food or they’ll all starve when winter truly sets in.

When the hunters fails to return from a hunting foray, White Moon fears the worst. She fears the white men have killed her tribe.

She’s all alone. The only one left alive after the white men killed the other women and children.

It’s been days and she has no idea when or if anyone is coming for her.

It couldn’t hurt to just have a little. Just one small piece. What else could she do?

So, White Moon strips off a small piece of meat from one of the dead. Just enough to get her through one more day.

The next day, other members of her tribe find her. She’s saved.

But she can’t let them see what she’s done. If they do, she’s doomed.

I’m sure you’ve figured out she’s doomed.

They perform a grotesque ritual and bury her body.

One day, she’ll rise again and take revenge on the white men.

windigo photo: Windigo tumblr_m3xrmse1Ka1rutx6lo1_500.jpg

Present day in Claridge, Connecticut.

It’s been a long winter and spring is no where in sight.

Bodies are being discovered. They’ve all been devoured and posed in the same strange position.

No animal could pose them like this, so who or what is killing them.

As the medical examiner puts it, ” I hesitate to use the word ‘human’ in a bizarre case like this, but you got something out there that ain’t no bear or anything like it. In other words, someone put those people in that position.”

There’s some thing out there in the bone chilling darkness. Something hungry. Hungry for man flesh and hungry for revenge against the white men.


I got a good scare with this book.

That tiny creature lurking just on the periphery of the light, standing hunched over and so still. Just creepy.

In the beginning, you feel for White Moon, but by the end, you’ll fear the Windigo.

The story flashes to the past to give the necessary background. Then it returns to present day, where all hell breaks loose.

A very insidious horror story, with some ‘the sins of the fathers’ in it.

I felt sorry for the town of Emergence. These people had no idea why revenge was upon them. Why this creature demanded its pound of flesh.

I had a scary good time reading The Dead of Winter.

I especially liked the authors take on the Windigo. I haven’t found too many stories with this supernatural being in them, and this one had a curious spin on it.

5 Stars for this chilling tale.

I’ve read Lee’s short story collection

Four Tales for Midnight


Four tales of extreme suspense and mystery aimed at getting the heart pumping. Hard. A soldier on D-Day finds an enemy soldier acting very strangely indeed; a jilted husband creates a grisly scavenger hunt; a marriage reconciliation service ABSOLUTELY guarantees positive results—the question is, how? And more!

Turn out the lights and enter a bizarre world, but remember—don’t go in the basement!

You can read my 5 Star review here.

To learn more about Lee Enderlin and his books you can visit his website

Tales of Mystery and Midnight

  1. I love both covers. The one for Dead of Winter LOOKS so peaceful. lol

  2. […] Freakin Fridays #10 ~ WINDIGO ( […]

  3. […] Freakin Fridays #10 ~ WINDIGO ( […]

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