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CATHARSIS, Legend of the Lemurians (Earth Keepers Chronicle 1) will be FREE for 2 days: 5/22-23!
Download CATHARSIS ebook on: Amazon US UK DE.
Available on all international Amazon sites.
Karma can be a beautiful maiden or a bitch… Lemurians…Atlanteans…Hidden origins of humanity…
Before recorded history, before Humanity, since times immemorial, the Earth Keepers have been watching over our planet. Marked at birth and endowed with supreme powers, the nine chosen ones are the Earth’s record keepers and moderators, and when the time comes, ultimate decision makers. This is the first of their chronicles.
Legend of the Lemurians
The population of the red planet Catharsis, on the outskirts of the Andromeda Galaxy, is exceedingly beautiful. But Catharsians harbor a terrible secret: they have to share the planet with another race, which they call the Uglies, although the Uglies themselves prefer to be called Lemurians. Alas, no one on Catharsis cares what the Uglies prefer. Being ugly is considered a contagious disease, and the Uglies are herded into a reservation called Camp Ugly, where they live out their drudgery behind an electric fence. But the Uglies don’t seem to fret as they raise their young, guard the planet’s Crystalline Engine, and sing their heart-stopping songs to the Goddess of All, Mother Mu. And so, both races co-exist without much interaction, until the ultimate disaster strikes.
Morf is a seventeen-year-old Ugly who finds himself in the middle of it all. He is thrust fatefully into the leadership position when no one else can fill its shoes. Will the catastrophe bring to light everyone’s true beauty and true ugliness? Will planet Catharsis survive? What destiny lies in store for the Uglies? We are about to find out…
This metaphysical YA fantasy/scifi novelette is prequel and companion to THE EARTH SHIFTER, and first in the new Earth Keepers series.
This top-rated read, containing powerful and timely messages, is great for readers age 12 through adult.
Genre: YA crossover, visionary/metaphysical, fantasy, dystopian sci-fi, alternative history
Lemurian Crystal & Atlantis (Earth Keepers 2 & 3) ebooks are coming soon! Also, this enchanting 3 part mini-saga will soon come out as one novel, entitled: EARTH KEEPERS CHRONICLES: ORIGINS (ebook & paperback). Stay tuned!
Download CATHARSIS on: Amazon US UK DE. Available on all international Amazon sites.
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- CATHARSIS, Legend of the Lemurians, will be FREE on Amazon 5/22-23! (
Have to remember to pick it up for myself. ^_^ Her only book I don’t have and I just finished Gold Train, so it couldn’t happen at a better time.
Awesome, Sherry
Thank you so much, Laura. So nice of you…
On my TBR! Thank you, Laura! (gnashes teeth as she plans sweet revenge)
I liked the name Lemurians but to call them ugly – It just really threw me off. It seems like this story has been told over and over again. This may be an interesting concept though. Being part Jewish I dont like the idea of housing people in camps b/c they are ‘different’ no matter the outcome of the story, whether it be positive or negative. I could get into the Hunger Games b/c that was based on economics more so than differing appearances. I would totally understand a segregation type concept but not camps behind an electric fence where the people are all okay with being trapped. Thats likes saying its okay to be locked up cuz the uglies didnt care. What kind of message is that sending? The Indians were placed in reservation camps and trust me, they didnt and certainly dont like it.
Now I am sure in the story the ‘uglies’ probably come out the winners but I just dont like the way in which the story was written.
I am sorry if this post offends anyone and I apologize but the synopsis offended me. I’ve always said what I feel and always have – I just hope you all understand that. =]