Thursday Theatre #5 ~ What if mermaids were real?

Posted: May 24, 2013 in Meme, Theatre Thursday, Trailer, Videos
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Welcome to Thursday Theatre

Here is where I’ll be posting video clips about books and movies and fun stuff.


What if mermaids were real?

Wouldn’t that be awesome.

Here’s a trailer from The Discovery Channel.


And here is one of my favorite scenes!


Go here to watch more amazing video footage


Coming May 26th to The Discovery Channel..

I have a secret. I come from a long line of mermaids.

That’s why I live within spitting distance of the ocean!

The next time you take a dip, look behind you:)


sign the end photo: The End the_end_sign_webpic.jpg

  1. Taylor Dean says:

    I want them to be real! So fascinating!
    That first trailer was really sad!

  2. Awesome. It’s amazing what they can do with video nowadays. Mini-movies. Makes me want to believe it is true. I have seen that video before, and it is very sad.

  3. sandys5 says:

    What do you mean, if mermaids were real? They are real or at least I want to think they are. I am so fascinated by them. You just never know. I watched the movie from Animal Planet and I loved parts of it.

  4. Emma says:

    These are so cool. Very interesting to hear of your mermaid lineage.

    A few months back Margaret over at Story Addict posted up some short vids about Mermaids. Check this one out below and just wait to jump out of your seat! Let me know if you get a fright. Fast forward to when they’re in the water.

  5. That was great Emma. Had me laughing more than screaming. ^_^

  6. jannashay says:

    That was fabulous. I wish mermaids were real. Thanks, Laura.

  7. Megan Hand says:

    I have seen this! It was SOOOOO creepy, but really fascinating. Makes me wonder… 🙂

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