Freakin Fridays #17 ~ Cats and Dogs and Mermaids

Posted: July 12, 2013 in Freakin Friday
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Freakin Fridays!

Freakin Fridays is my own little meme. I’ll be posting about books, movies, and all things scary.

Feel free to join in and do your own Freakin Fridays posts!

Tune in every Friday. Get your scare on!

Let’s have some fun!


I’m beginning to wonder if the rains will ever end.

Living on the Gulf Coast, I expect the daily afternoon torrential downpours. I do live in a tropical state, but this is getting ridiculous. It’s been raining for days and days.

What usually takes me about 16 minutes to drive home from work, took me 57 minutes.

It was a white knuckle drive as my wipers couldn’t keep the windshield clear and most of the roads I would use to get home were blocked off due to flooding.

I was doing about 10 miles an hour, creeping through rushing water over the roads. The water was so fast it had whitecaps and hit the fences on the side of the road and flew upwards.

I looked up at the sky thinking, “What’s next?”

Maybe it’ll rain cats and dogs!

raining cats and dogs photo: G 20_raining_cats_and_dogs_concept.png

So, okay. It didn’t really rain cats and dogs. A good thing too, because I wouldn’t know what to do with them all!

I was worried that my wicked cousins would come calling since there was so much water they could easily swim right to my doorstep.

Believe me, any visit from them is too soon!

evil mermaids photo: damn,thats soo hott! Mermaids-2.jpg

I was beginning to think I would have to worry about water spouts too.

A water-spout looks like a tornado over the water and can have winds up to 90 plus mph!

water spouts photo: water spouts waterspouts.jpg

They mostly fall apart as soon as they hit land, but with all of this rain, who knows!

Hopefully, the sun will return to dry up all of the water and I can bask in it’s warmth again.

I miss sitting out by the pool, reading and playing on my computer.

If I don’t get outside soon, I’ll go crazy, and I don’t want that!

I wonder if there is a dance you can do to make the rain go away? LOL

  1. ellamedler says:

    And in an inexplicable twist of weather whims, I’m baked, parched and constantly getting dehydrated as I’m doing the final-final edit on my book. 🙁 There’s not a drop of rain forecast for the next ten days – in the UK, for God’s sake! How did this happen? Unless the sun is trying to make it up for ten continuous months of rain last year…

  2. Awesome post Laura. And so true. I saw the sun just long enough to mow the lawn and clean the pool. Took a quick dip before the thunder and lightening came rolling back in. And Ella, ten months of rain, ahhhhhhhh, just don’t know what I would do. Guess I would get a lot of reading done. LOL

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It was a very scary ride home. I kept thinking I would be washed away. The water was rushing and actually had whitecaps!
      Had to go past my road and come around the back way to get to my house!
      Did you have to drain your pool? Mine overflowed.

  3. Definitely a freaky Friday! Thanks!

  4. Taylor Dean says:

    Oh my! That’s scary! We get flooding rains like that on occasion here in Texas and it makes for some very scary driving. Glad you made it home safely.

  5. emaginette says:

    Sounds wet, but I love a good storm. Stay safe out there.

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