Archive for August, 2013

Wavecrossed Tour Banner

I fell in love with the cover art for Wavecrossed when it was being revealed a while ago.

I had to be a part of the Release Day Blitz!

Isn’t it so awesome?!

Check out Wavecrossed and enjoy the peek inside.



Title: Wavecrossed
Author: Andrea Colt
Date of Publication: August 22, 2013
Genre: paranormal YA
Purchase links
Amazon | CreateSpace (paperback) / B&N
A young-adult paranormal novel about selkies, tasers, kissing and secrets.
To Cassandra Kelleher, trust is a dirty word.
A teenage selkie who grew up on land, all she wants is to free her family from the man who stole their sealskins long ago. With her twin brother Brennan losing hope and her window of opportunity disappearing like the beach at high tide, she’ll try anything.
Before long, however, Cassandra can’t tell whether her biggest threat is the man holding her family captive, a classmate who’s discovered her secret, or her own paranoia. Battling broken friendships and alarming romantic entanglements, Cassandra finds that trust could be the key to winning her family’s freedom … or losing her own.
Enjoy this glimpse inside Wavecrossed
Chapter One

Midnight is the perfect time to eat a turtle.

Submerged in an icy river, I focused briefly on the thought, then let it go. My brother should be close enough to hear, and it would make him come running, so to speak. Mentally, I grinned.

My lungs craved air, so I flicked my hind flippers to propel me upwards. As my head broke the surface, I spun to scan both sides of the forested shore. No human faces peered back in the moonlight, but I pivoted in the water to check again as I sucked in a breath. Not that a nighttime fisherman would see anything odder than a seal poking her nose out of a coastal Maine river—which wasn’t a totally crazy sight, though most seals kept to saltwater—but it wasn’t random humans I was worried about. It was the other kind, the kind who knew what I was. The lying-in-wait kind.

But if anyone lurked in the shadows, I couldn’t see them. Or, I noted as I drew another breath, smell them. So I was safe. Probably.

Letting my muscles relax, I lifted my nose further into the air so the crisp breeze could ruffle my whiskers. I spun in the water again, this time for fun. Despite the danger, I loved these nights, these escapes. For a while I could lose myself in motion and instinct, forget the problems waiting for me ashore. Here, I didn’t have to pretend to be a normal teenage girl, didn’t have to smother my anger and growing desperation. Here, weightless in the river, the world felt right. For a moment, at least.

The water around me shifted, and my brother surfaced two feet away. The seal version of my twin was darker than my dappled cloud coloring; he was gunmetal spotted with shadow, his eyes round wells of midnight as he huffed out a breath.

Cass, you can’t eat turtles. Outrage tinged Brennan’s thought. What would Nicky say?

Nicky was the snapping turtle Brennan had found injured in a pond when we were in middle school. He’d taken him home and kept him in the basement bathtub for a week until his leg healed. Now whenever we met a snapping turtle, Brennan claimed it was Nicky’s uncle, or grandmother, or sister-in-law.

Nicky can’t talk, so he wouldn’t say anything. I dove, abandoning the moonlit surface. Water pressed against my fur and skin; from below came the faint clicks and rustlings of crayfish scuttling over rocks. The bottom of the river beckoned, a fascinating murky dark, and as always a part of me wanted to paint it. But if I tried, the result would look like a squid threw up on canvas—oils could never capture the life and motion of an inky midnight river.

In any case, I didn’t paint anymore. Not even in human form. I’d won schoolwide awards for it freshman year, but now I wouldn’t touch a brush for all the fish in the sea.

Brennan fell in beside me as I swam upstream.

Maybe turtles can talk. Like we do.

Mind-speaking reptiles? I snorted, bubbles betraying my mirth. I started to tell Brennan how ridiculous that was, then paused. Three years ago, when I thought I was just an ordinary high school freshman, I’d have called the idea of creatures like us ridiculous too.

They can’t talk to us, I pointed out instead.

Brennan swam above me, a shadow against the pale surface, then butted my shoulder with his snout.

Well, in any case, selkies don’t eat turtles. Weaving through the water, he sped on ahead.

I frowned. Says who? Not our parents, for sure. Trapped on land, they found the ways of our people too painful to talk about. And in the two and a half years since Brennan and I discovered the truth about ourselves, we’d never met another selkie.

Without opposable thumbs, how would they get through the shell? Brennan’s logic floated back to me as he somersaulted through the water.

They could eat them while in human form. Turtle soup is a delicacy in France, right?

Gross. Brennan paused to nose under a submerged log. I surfaced for another breath, then ducked safely down before continuing upriver. My whiskers caught vibrations through the water: I sensed fish milling about below, tasty swimming morsels, but they’d get a pass tonight. It was late.

After another thirty seconds, I realized my brother had fallen behind. I twisted in the water, but moonlight only penetrated a few inches; I couldn’t see him in the darkness. The river’s weak current tugged at me, the flow undisturbed by another seal-sized body nearby.

I sent a thought out like a beacon: Come on, Brennan, let’s go home. Tomorrow’s shift is going to suck even more if we don’t get any sleep. We were scheduled to work the Sunday brunch rush at The Golden Fish, our older brother Declan’s restaurant. I’d rather roll in needles, but skipping wasn’t an option.

In my mind, I heard a monumental sigh. Then, hardly more than a shudder of a thought:

What if we just left, tonight?

My stomach clenched. Whirling, I swam upstream without answering. Maybe Brennan hadn’t meant me to hear, and didn’t realize I had—sometimes the line between musing and directed thought was thin. Usually we laughed at apparent non sequiturs from stray thoughts, but this one wasn’t funny.

Selkies belonged at sea. I knew that. And it wasn’t that I didn’t want to bid Granite Harbor, Maine, a thoroughly un-fond farewell. Frankly, staying on land blew chunks. Big, slimy ones. It meant rules and bargains and danger, and being forced not to spit in faces that desperately deserved it.

But selkies couldn’t become their true selves without their sealskins, and my parents and older brother were trapped apart from theirs, forced to stay ashore in human form. Until two-and-a-half years ago Brennan and I had been trapped too; we hadn’t even known of our true natures then, so we’d grown up like normal kids, or near enough.

Now that we knew the truth, and had our sealskins—a gift with a price I hated to think about—we should be at sea. It was unnatural for selkies to stay on land. But though Brennan and I were free, the rest of our family wasn’t. I couldn’t leave them behind, not without a fight, and despite his possibly-unintentional comment, I knew Brennan wouldn’t either. If I looked back, he’d be following.

He’d better be following.

When I reached the stretch of bank where we’d left our clothes I finally turned to check, but no torpedo-shaped shadow darkened the water.

Brennan? I called mentally, but there was no response. My heart seized. Brennan? For an agonized second I thought he’d left us behind after all, but then there came a faint snap, as if of teeth.

Just let me eat this catfish, will you?

At my brother’s happy distracted tone, relief surged in like the tide. Brennan was my twin, and my best friend. My only friend, if you wanted to split hairs; we couldn’t trust any of our classmates with the truth about ourselves. Brennan still went to parties, but I found it next to impossible to socialize with classmates when my paranoid side branded the word THREAT invisibly on their foreheads. If any of them found out what we really were … Disaster. So if Brennan ever did leave, I’d be alone in my fight.

But he was still here, and I exhaled a bit, bubbles trickling from my nose up to the surface. I let Brennan enjoy his fish; I’d make sure the shore was safe.

Edging toward the bank, I raised my head from the water and scanned the woods carefully. This was always the most dangerous part of our nighttime swims. What if someone had come across our haul-out spot while we were downstream? What if they’d found our clothes? What if they were waiting for Brennan and me to emerge and change back into human form so they could snatch our sealskins?

It wasn’t so far-fetched a notion: after all, that’s what happened to our parents.

I inhaled deeply, my nose sorting scents: tangy pine needles, rotting fall leaves, a faint trace of fox scat. Nothing human besides our own belongings. I counted silently to thirty, but heard nothing beyond the normal rustling of small birds. As far as I could tell, we were alone. Time to trudge back to my landlubber life.

Bracing myself, I started the change.

Bone-deep hurt stabbed everywhere, stretching and cracking and reshaping my limbs and flesh. When I was ten I’d broken an arm, and it felt like that—except all my bones at once, while sandpaper raked my skin. I kept going, and after an agonizing eleven seconds—Brennan and I had timed each other once—my form solidified into one with legs and arms and breasts and hair.

And, thank God, thumbs. I used my lovely thumbs and fingers to grasp my sealskin, now floating like a cape beside me. Still underwater, I wrapped it around my torso before kicking my legs to take me to shore. The shallows here were little more than a two-foot-wide submerged ledge between the deeper part of the river and the earthen bank. I pulled myself up onto the ledge and crouched on the slick rock, water lapping at my shoulders. Steadying myself with one hand on an adjacent boulder, I stood.

Heavy. That first moment out of the water always felt like being saddled with a backpack of granite. Though the thigh-deep water would turn a normal human’s toes blue in twenty seconds—it was October, after all, and winter showed up early on Maine’s doorstep—I stayed stock still. My gaze raked the shadowed underbrush for dangers I might have missed from the water, and my ears strained for the sound of a footstep. My muscles tensed, ready to hurl me back into the river, but the night remained quiet. All clear.

Bending over, I found two smooth river stones and rapped them four times against each other underwater—the signal to let Brennan know it was safe. Our mind-speech only worked in seal form. As I clambered onto the dirt bank, Brennan surfaced mid-river, whiskers gleaming white. Waving, I slipped behind a thick, squat fir tree and found my backpack, nestled among the branches close to the trunk. I pulled out my clothes, then reluctantly unwrapped myself.

Once I was dressed, my fingers lingered on my damp sealskin, this strange key to my secret self. Growing up, my sealskin—and I—had been another’s possession, but it was mine now. I was mine now.

I’d never give that up again, not for anything.

To the untutored eye my sealskin looked like a dark, misshapen towel. The skin side was rough but supple, the reverse sleek and padded with guard hairs. There were no claws or a face or anything creepy like that, just an amorphous shape roughly twice as long as it was wide.

Home, I thought. My sealskin was home to me, more so than my bedroom in my parents’ house, or even the ocean. Contact with my sealskin made me feel strong. Cleared my thoughts. I’d been anxious and tightly wound this afternoon, in a mood Brennan classily termed megabitch, but now that I’d had a good swim I felt steadier.

I folded my sealskin, smoothing down the guard hairs possessively. My whole freedom was tied up in this thing. It killed me to part from it, to stow it in one of a dozen hiding places we’d found in the area, but we couldn’t take our sealskins back to the house. It wasn’t safe.

Slipping my sealskin into my backpack, I returned to the riverbank. Was Brennan getting dressed? I heard nothing from behind the holly bush where he’d hidden his backpack of clothes, and the dirt beside the water was dry except for my damp footprints.

I peered into the depths just beyond the ledge.

“Come on, Brennan.” The water would distort my voice, but Brennan would hear. How long did a catfish take to devour, anyway?

I inhaled, but my nose now caught only the overwhelming scent of pine. My senses were always sharper in seal form, except perhaps for touch. My human skin, without the guard hairs that covered my other self, was definitely more sensitive. And delicate—I’d nicked myself on a thorny bramble earlier, and I stretched out my hand to inspect it. The pad of my thumb, which had sported the wound, was pristine again. Changing healed little injuries, though it didn’t, sadly, maintain things like manicures. I hadn’t bothered to paint my nails in over a year.

A shadow in the river caught my eye. Finally. Brennan was … coming up too fast.

“Wait,” I yelped, but before I could move Brennan exploded out of the river, leaping into the air right beside the ledge and flopping down again. The wave of wet hit me nearly full-on. Sputtering, I shrieked a curse as Brennan disappeared underwater. Surprise cannonballs had been my brother’s signature move at the public pool when we were younger—his and every other boy’s.

My twin surfaced ten feet offshore for my reaction. My jeans were drenched, my sweater half-soaked. Not that it really mattered—my long dark hair dripped down my back anyways—but getting mad was part of the fun. I stamped my foot and cupped my hands around my mouth.

“That’s it—I’m making turtle soup out of Nicky’s cousins!”

Brennan blew out his breath in what amounted to a seal laugh, then submerged. I hastily backed up, but when Brennan reappeared he only pulled himself onto the ledge. I settled on a tree stump to wring out my hair, averting my eyes while Brennan shifted forms and wrapped his sealskin around him.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Brennan said, out of breath from the change. It had only taken him seven seconds; I wasn’t sure why he was faster than me. I rolled my eyes as he pushed himself upright. In human form my brother stood two inches taller than my five-foot-eight frame, his driftwood-colored hair lighter than my dark brown waves. But we shared the same blue eyes, and our mother’s narrow nose. And, of course, our selkie genes.

Still grinning about his prank, Brennan jumped up onto the bank and headed for his holly bush to swap his sealskin for his clothes.

As I finished wringing out my hair, my thoughts returned to our trapped family. They were admittedly never far from my mind, but although swimming cleared my head and calmed my nerves, it always brought home exactly what our parents and older brother were being denied. We’d been trying for two years to get their sealskins back, but so far we’d failed. Sometimes it felt hopeless.

“What are we going to do, Brennan?” I said, my humor gone.

“About what?”

“About our parents.” As if I could mean anything else.

“We’re doing everything we can.” His muffled voice was not nearly as urgent as I’d have liked.

“It’s not enough.” An understatement. Last week our latest attempt to find the sealskins had gone belly up, just like all the rest. The fresh failure cut at me like the icy night breeze.

I heard a sigh. “Give it a rest, will you?”

My mouth went flat. A rest. That’s all Brennan said lately. Remembering his possibly private thought, I wondered if he’d given up entirely, if he was just biding his time until I gave up too. Anger twined through my voice.

“They’ll die here if we don’t free them.”

Brennan stepped out of the shadows and shouldered his backpack.

“Melodrama alert.” Seeing my face, he hesitated. “Let’s sleep on it, okay?”

I wanted to tear into him, but getting into an argument now wouldn’t do any good. Taking a deep breath, I stood and twisted my hair into a bun, securing it with what looked like innocent hair sticks—knives, after all, weren’t allowed in school.

“Okay.” I jerked my lips into a smile and picked up my backpack. “There are sandwiches in the truck, right?” Changing took a boatload of energy, so we were always ravenous once we returned to land. Peanut butter was more filling than crayfish—and much easier to catch.

“Two for me, none for you,” Brennan joked.

“Not if I get there first,” I shot back. Falling into comforting, well-worn banter, we headed up the dark path to the truck.

We never did see the camcorder propped in the trees, watching us go.

Okay, now I’m hooked.
I have to know more about Cassandra and Brennan
Will they find the sealskins? Will they be able to save their family?
And I have to get back in the water with them. The first chapter is excellent and I actually felt like I was there, swimming with them, seeing what they saw, and even thinking turtle might not be too bad!
I’m so glad this is now available as I have to know!
About Andrea Colt
wavecrossed andreacolt
Andrea Colt grew up reading and squabbling with her identical twin. She lives in Alexandria, Virginia with her husband, a fridge full of cheese, and two feline muses. Visit to get to know her better.
Author Links
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To follow the tour for more fun excerpts and reviews click on the banner below.
Wavecrossed Tour Banner


Sex, lies, and the undead!

With witches and vamps, lust and betrayal. Haven sounds like a fast and furious read.

Welcome to the club.

Haven (Tranquilli Bloodline #1)

by Celia Breslin



Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Romance

Categories: Action/Adventure, Vampire

Erotic Elements: M/F, M/M

Publisher: Champagne Books

Release Date: July 2, 2013

Heat Level: Steamy

Word Count: 125,000

 Buy Links:

Amazon(US) / Amazon(UK) / AllRomance / Champagne Books / KoboOmnilit


San Francisco nightclub owner Carina Tranquilli works hard, plays hard, and never allows the death of her parents and her twelve-year memory gap to get her down. But her life takes a left turn when a witch attacks her on her twenty-fifth birthday.

Three hauntingly familiar vampires emerge to reveal she possesses a latent power. To protect her from their enemies, they admit to wiping her memories clean and abandoning her as a child, but now they need her help. As she struggles to evade her new protectors and even newer enemies, she meets Alexander, an enigmatic, undead musician. Insta-lust flares, leaving her wanting more.

With evil’s minions hounding her every move, and everything she thought she knew turned on its head, Carina must harness her burgeoning power, unravel her vampire family’s web of deceit, and fight to have a love life…without getting killed in the process.


A glimpse inside Haven

Turn around.


I froze, my moment of weakness chased away by a jolt of adrenaline. I resisted Adrian’s pull. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?”


“Nothing, I guess.” A wave of energy rolled into me, curled itself possessively around my body, and gave me one hell of a head rush. “Oh, wow.” I bit my lip, bracing against reaction.

Adrian tightened his grip on my waist. “Rina?”

Mark and Ren stalked over, faces grim.

“Did—? Do you—?” My mouth was so dry I could barely speak. “Do you guys feel that?”

Adrian squeezed, capturing my wandering attention, concern etched in the stern set of his jaw. “Feel what? What’s wrong?”

I started to tell them the Invisible Man hugged me against an electrified fence, but a second wave of energy bowled into me, making me tingle from head to toe. The sensation walked the line between pleasure and pain. A moan escaped me.

Mark took me from Adrian. “That’s it. We’re out of here.” He tried to pick me up, but I shook my head. Bad idea. Dizziness took the hall, and me, for a little spin.

Turn around. Turn. Around.


Was it a voice or instinct urging me on? Either way, the desire proved irresistible. I pulled away from Mark, pivoted, and forgot how to breathe.

The electric energy pulled back. The dizziness abated. All extraneous noise and people drained out of my perception until there was only Him.

Tall, fit, and bad-boy handsome with skin like pale honey, his thick, walnut brown hair hung tousled in a sexy, I-just-got-out-of-bed way. A hip, black, button-down shirt accentuated a sculpted upper body before it tucked into slacks painted on long, lean legs. The whole package made my mouth water.

Hot. Yummy. Totally my type.

“Who are you?” I whispered.

His mouth twitched in a hint of a smile as if he heard me—impossible given the distance between us. Heat spread, loosening my muscles, and my pulse sped up. Nerves. What’s wrong with me? Guys never made me nervous, not even gorgeous ones.

I nibbled my lower lip, mind racing to make sense of my reaction. His gaze tracked the movement and then slid back up. The heat from his stare hit me full force, driving a shaft of need through me. Energy rocked me again, a warm, electric breeze bathing my skin. My eyes widened in comprehension. The energy came from him.


Warning: This title is intended for readers over the age of 18 as it contains adult sexual situations (including m/m) and/or adult language, and may be considered offensive to some readers.


Celia Breslin

haven cbreslin-authorphoto

Celia Breslin writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance. She grew up enchanted by stories of vampires and the Fae, including her Irish grandma’s encounter with a Banshee in her root cellar. Imagination fueled, she penned many stories as a youth. She later earned a masters degree in French Lit. and worked as a teacher, producer, (nonfiction) writer, editor, and copyeditor, but vamps and the Fae kept calling her back to fiction writing. Celia lives in California with her family and two feisty cats. When not writing, you’ll find her exercising, reading a good book or indulging her addiction to Joss Whedon’s TV shows and movies.

Contact Links:





HAVEN on Goodreads:


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Prize is an eBook copy of “Haven (Tranquilli Bloodline #1)” and a $5 Starbucks Gift Card from Celia Breslin.

Contest is barrage-wide, open internationally and ends Aug 24.

Must be 18 years of age or older to enter.

Click on the rafflecopter link below to enter.


Click on the banner below for the complete tour schedule.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For all of my giveaways go HERE.

theatre stage photo: Theatre Stage TheatreStage.png

Welcome to Thursday Theatre

Here is where I’ll be posting video clips about books and movies and fun stuff.


Check out this very short story by Mr Creepy Pasta.

It’ll make you hair stand on end in only three minutes!




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Eyes of Love Banner copy

I have all kinds of goodies for my stop on the tour for The Eyes of Love by Angelina Rose!

I have a sneak peek inside and Angelina is a guest today, giving us some writing tips. I also have my review of The Eyes of Love.

And a giveaway!!

eyes of love  Book Cover




Angelina Rose



After a tragic loss five years ago, Sally Overby becomes an Attorney in Atlanta. She convinces herself that all she’ll ever need again is her young son, David, and her life as an attorney. Until one day, Colin Dean barges back into her life and promptly blows her safe world apart, driving her crazy as only a guy she’d had a “school girl crush” on can.

Sally is wary to love deeply. Only, with every loving look Colin gives her plus every sweet kiss, as the attraction between them sparks, she can’t help but wonder if she’s met the one she should be with. And although Colin didn’t realize his life was going to change so quickly, amazingly, he isn’t the least bit interested in fighting that change. Instead, he’s gearing up for a different fight altogether. The one for Sally’s heart.

Will Colin be able to convince her that’s it safe to love him… and that forever isn’t really out of reach?

The Eyes of Love is a novella… so you can enjoy it in just one day!


Please welcome Angelina Rose!

Writing tips

Two Important Writing Tips: Pull Readers In and Write What You Know

Of course, writing is a highly personal craft and everyone does it differently, but these two tips are probably the most common, so let’s spend a little time discussing the best way to implement them.

How many times have you picked up a book and started it, only to put it down within the first few minutes? You really don’t want the book in question to be yours do you? You know your story is good, but if it begins with something along the lines of, “Ellie sighed and got out of bed. She’d had a full night’s sleep but she was still so tired. As she got dressed she thought of everything she had to do that day. Cleaning, laundry and grocery shopping…” Guess what? Ellie isn’t the only one who’s tired. I’m practically asleep just from the first few sentences! Punch up the beginning by adding dialog or some form of action to pull the reader in. For example: “I know, I know,” Ellie muttered as she slapped the snooze button. “I’m getting there.” Her dog Jasper looked at her from the foot of the bed with concerned eyes and she sighed. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s not your fault 8 hours doesn’t seem to be enough anymore.” See the difference? It’s a little easier to connect with her as a character when you’re not exhausted from a laundry list of complaints.

Now that you’re off and running with your strong beginning, you should implement the second tip right? You should write what you know! Well…maybe. If you want to write your autobiography then you don’t need to tweak this tip at all. Other subjects can be learned with the proper amount of research, so that isn’t really a problem either. However, if you want to write a ten-book long fantasy series about a race of moth-people this tip presents a problem, right? It actually applies more than you think. As the creator of the world in your story, you are the only one who truly knows it. You just have to make sure the laws of your world remain consistent in all of the books in your series. For example, if one of the things you know is the moth-people can’t get wet, make sure to remember that and avoid swimming scenes in later books.



A glimpse inside The Eyes of Love:


Eyes of Love Book Cover Banner copy


“Hi there. I’m Gracie…” the waitress said as she put down a napkin and some silverware.

“Gracie. It’s me. Sally Overby,” she said grinning.

Gracie stopped in her tracks and squinted her eyes. “Sally? I can’t believe it! You’re stunning, honey!” she said reaching down and hugging her. “What are you doing in town?”

“Reunion. And to see Momma, of course.”

“I can’t get over how beautiful you are!”


“You were always a sweetheart of a person, but now your outside matches your inside.”

“That’s a nice way to look at it.”

“So, what have you been up to?”

“Let’s see… Became an attorney, got married, had a son, became a widow…”

“Oh, Sally, I’m so sorry! I remember that now. Your Momma told me a few years back. You’re still single?”

“Yep. But I have a date to the reunion tomorrow night, so I guess I’m officially back on the dating circuit now,” Sally said giggling.

“Date? Who with?”

“Colin Dean.”

Gracie started fanning herself. “Oh, girl, you scored on that one, huh?”

“I did. He’s a wonderful guy.”


eyes love .Sketch.Angelina Rose

My Review

Sally was the ugly duckling in highschool, always bullied. One girl was more vicious than the others and made her life a living hell.

But highschool doesn’t last forever, and Sally went on to college, getting her degree, passing the bar, and becoming a lawyer.

On top of that, she fell in love, got married, and had a son.

Now, it’s been five years since she lost her husband to an accident and she’s a single mother, just like her own mother was.

When the invitation to her class reunion arrives, she figures, why not. This ugly duckling has become a swan and it’s time to preen.

I’m sure you’ve been to at least one class reunion. It’s always fun to reunite with old friends and see how everyone has changed. Especially that sweetheart you had a crush on.

I think that was the most enjoyable part of The Eyes of Love. Well, except for when Sally runs into her old nemesis.

The newly kindled romance is endearing and the face off between Sally and the wicked witch of highschool is  very satisfying. Those years of bullying toughened her up and I liked how Sallie handled herself.

She’s tough but soft, courageous yet vulnerable. Someone you’d want in your corner.

This is a fun, heart-warming tale that’ll have you cheering for the good guys, and booing the bad ones.

4 Stars


Angelina Rose

eyes love  Author Photo

Angelina Rose has wanted to write ever since she could hold a pencil. The first daughter of immigrant parents, Angelina had her head buried in books, lost in a world of heroes, heroines and exotic places.

It was a shocking experience that jump-started Angelina’s author career.

“I awoke in the ICU… I had been unconscious for several days,” Angelina says.

In 2010, Angelina had a long stint in hospital following her involvement in a motor vehicle accident: the longest time off work (as a Registered Nurse), she’d ever had in her life!

It was then she took up pen and paper and started to write again, just as she had done when she was a child. She wrote four short fiction stories for young adults, entered them in several competitions, and managed to win three first prizes!

After happily dipping her toes into writing those short fiction stories for young adults, Angelina has now authored four books in a new “Mill Creek Crossing Romance” series… contemporary romance intended for adults.

The “Starting Over Series” is another contemporary romance series she wrote about a subject she knows well… nurses and their love life. At a recent reunion of her graduating class, she could not help but notice how the same girls would group together and laugh, chat, and even shed some tears over their lives since graduating. Many of the girls had divorced… so Angelina thought “what if a group of the nurses came up with a plan to meet in two years and have a new love story to share?” Then the first story in the series was born.

There is always a story running around in her head. A man with thick dark hair, gray-blue eyes, with an engaging smile and a quick wit… or a girl crying over a broken relationship. She finds herself talking to these characters during her day: when she’s doing dishes, or bathing babies at the hospital. These characters crop up on days at the beach or on walks through the neighborhood. This is how the stories start to grow.

Angelina’s mother was an author, so Angelina grew up with a love of words and stories. If she wasn’t writing a short story about something that took her fancy, her head was buried in books… reading, reading, reading, as her brother constantly told her…

When she’s not spending time with her goodlooking man, or quality time with her laptop, she’s working at the hospital, hanging out with her family and friends, or walking her two dogs around the neighborhood. Angelina spends as much time as she can traveling, then coming home and including some of those adventures in her stories.

Angelina really loves to hear from her readers and she invites you to connect with her on Facebook as she interacts daily with her readers there!

Buy Link:






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You can win a $50 Amazon or B&N Gift Card!

To enter click on the rafflecopter link below.


You can follow the tour by clicking on the banner below.

Catch more fun and exciting reviews,excerpts, guest posts, and interviews. And leave a comment!

The more you comment the more chances to win!

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For all of my giveaways go HERE.

WWW Wednesday

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Hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?

• What did you recently finish reading?

• What do you think you’ll read next?


What are you currently reading?

Too Dark To Sleep

by Dianne Gallagher


Time to wake up…

Maggie Quinn was the top homicide detective in Chicago’s Area One before she suffered a devastating loss. Now Quinn is damaged… perhaps beyond repair. Once the best detective in Chicago, she is haunted by dreams of a faceless man she could never catch. When the killer returns, Quinn agrees to serve as a consultant, but most cops in Area One tag her as a hazard. Except rookie detective Nick Dublowski who quickly realizes the only way the Chicago Police will catch this elusive killer is with the help of Maggie Quinn.

Back on the job, Quinn becomes as tenacious and sharp as ever. But as the investigation closes in on a suspect, the escalating murders hit dangerously close to home. Quinn’s sanity again begins to fray and her judgment is questioned. Did the suspect really do it? Or is Maggie’s tormented mind pushing her to ruin the life of an innocent man?

Avid readers of crime fiction, noir or psychological thrillers will find Too Dark to Sleep a fresh take on their favorite genre. This is the first book in a gripping new series and not to be missed.(


What did you recently finish reading?

Centaur Legacy, Touched #2

by Nancy Straight



Camille and Drake are on the run from the head of the Centaur Council, seeking the mythical pasture of Thessaly and a family heirloom that may keep them safe. As their journey progresses from the rolling hills of Ireland to the snow covered forests of South Dakota, Cami learns more about her mother’s secrets, including a twin brother and a Centaur legacy that puts a death warrant on her entire family.

Camille and Drake don’t know who to trust or where to hide. Camille’s family is quick to come to her aid, but who among them can be trusted?

A supernatural benefactor forces Drake to choose between being the man he wants to be and the Centaur warrior Camille needs him to be.


What do you think you’ll read next?


by Josh Grayson


When seventeen-year-old Sia wakes up on a park bench, she has no idea who or where she is. Yet after a week of being homeless, she’s reunited with her family. At school, she’s powerful and popular. At home, she’s wealthy beyond her dreams. But she quickly realizes her perfect life is a lie. Her family is falling apart and her friends are snobby, cruel and plastic. Worse yet, she discovers she was the cruelest one. Mortified by her past, she embarks on a journey of redemption and falls for Kyle, the “geek” she once tormented. Yet all the time she wonders if, when her memories return, she’ll become the bully she was before…and if she’ll lose Kyle.

So, whatcha readin?

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I have a really fun tour from Girls Heart Book Tours for you!
Envisioned by Nikki Narvaez.
This is the first book in The Elemental Prophecy Series.
I was first captivated by the stunning cover.
The second thing that grabbed me was it’s about Elementals. I find them fascinating and there’s a really hot guy too! Must have that!
Oh, don’t forget to enter the giveaway. It’s a really nice swag pack!


Series- The Elemental Prophecy Book # 1

By- Nikki Narvaez

Genre-New Adult /Paranormal Romance


Brielle De Luca thought she was just an average girl, despite her nightly dreams of an impending apocalypse, along with a gorgeous man that pulls at her soul.


However, on the night of her 18th birthday, everything changes when she is thrown into the Elemental World, a world where she is supposedly the One that is spoken about in an ancient Prophecy; a Prophecy that states she is the key to preventing an apocalypse.


Now she must learn to control her power over the four elements, all while dealing with the love and intense passion of her bond to the man from her dreams, Jace Vasquez.

Piece of cake, right?


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


My tease for today is from Centaur Rivalry, Touched #3




Katherine was on the other side of the door. “When you can untangle yourselves from each other, I’ve left some clothes out here for you on the table. We’re in the kitchen waiting on you two.”

“Give us a minute.” Drake’s lips were back on my neck sending more shivers through my body. His lips caressed their way up to my ear, as his teeth grazed the tender skin of my earlobe. His breath was hot in my ear as he spoke the words in a heavy whisper, “Not now, but soon. Very soon.”


How about you? Got a tease? Tell me!

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After several five-star short stories and novellas, Troy Aaron Ratliff is finally releasing his first novel of horror fiction DO I BOTHER YOU AT NIGHT?

Do I Bother You at Night Cover


They say nothing ever happens in Kansas.  Sylvester Petersen used to think so too.  That is, until a mysterious new neighbor moves in next door, seemingly out of nowhere.  His handful of friends – people who tried to help him cope with the sudden death of his wife – think that it might be an opportunity for him to get reacquainted with the world outside his farmhouse and to build a new relationship with his neighbor.  But that idea is soon snuffed out as strange events begin to happen around him.  None of them wrong.  Just strange: driving in the middle of the night, the sulfur-like odor coming off of him, the fact he doesn’t talk to anyone in the area.
And what about that dog?
Sylvester chooses the logical explanation and ignores the peculiar behavior.  But when other oddities start to happen – the kind that affects Sylvester directly – he begins to worry.  His reasoning dwindles and his growing fear points to his neighbor.
Where is that stray dog going?
After enough time, Sylvester starts to see and hear what the people of the area have been muttering about: Unexplainable blue light, corn crops moving on their own…the slaughtered cattle entirely too close to home.
And that stray dog that keeps getting fatter and fatter…
At the peak of summer, and with the walls closing in, Sylvester experiences something that will take him to the brink and haunt you forever.
Bathed in loss, terror, and human spirit, Do I Bother You at Night? will be a story you won’t forget and one that will keep you up at night.
Love thy neighbor.


It will be available on Amazon October 4th!

I have more to show you in the weeks before this release.

Be sure to stop back for more fun stuff!


I’ve read several of Troy’s short stories and enjoyed them immensely.

So, I’ve added in my previous reviews so you can learn what I thought of them!

 Just Past the Trees

Just Past the Trees


I liked this one. It’s got a couple of writers in it.

I’m a young guy, still live at home. Yeah, I know, get a life. But I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do.

I know I want to be a writer, have for as long as I can remember.

I’ve always felt writing is my strongest suit. I hope you agree. Story ideas can walk into my head like strangers at Thanksgiving, and before I know it, I’m fleshing out characters, plotting some pretty evil schemes for them to fall into, and hearing lines of prose…

But until I become famous, got to earn a living. I work for a company that repairs big rigs. I’m the runner. If they need a part of a tool, it’s my job to get it. Not glamorous, but it’s a living.

One of my jobs is keeping the property mowed.

During a Florida summer breathing makes you sweat.

You’d think I was certifiable, cutting the grass with an old push mower in the blazing afternoon heat. It’s a huge piece of property and takes all week. By the time I’m done, it’s time to start all over again.

“Job security” is what my dad calls it. “Perpetual motion through redundancy” is what I call it..

Anyway, that’s how I discovered the body, or what was left of it.

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Like I said , it has two writers in the story. The other one is Doug Robbins. He’s a crypto-zoologist traveling through Florida on the trail of the Skunk-Ape. Ever heard of it? It’s the southern version of Bigfoot.

After hearing about the dead body, Doug suspects the skunk-ape may be involved. He’s here to finally get proof it exists and hopes to write a book about it.

The two young men hatch a plan to get said evidence of its existence and that’s when it gets hairy! Pardon the pun.

Troy can condense a story and make it have such an impact. I felt like I knew these guys. And a story about writers, the struggles they go through and how far they’ll go to write that story is interesting and fun. You get two different views from two writers.

Visually written. You’ll feel like you’re there, looking into the woods, and wondering what may be looking back at you.

Nothing less than Five Stars will do!


 Little Bernie’s Map.

Little Bernie's Map


This was just supposed to be a nice, relaxing family trip. A way to escape the daily grind and forget, for a while, the problems and worries at home.

Daniel and Gina, along with their son Bernie, are heading home after a trip to Disney World.  Daniel just lost his job, but they decide to go on this vacation anyway. It may be the last one they can take for a long time.

Bernie and his father have a game they play. Bernie loves map, he collects them. At random points in their trip, Daniel would ask Bernie how much farther they had to go and he would look on the map to track their progress.

Bernie had one map that was special. A map given to him by an old woman when they stopped for a break at the Florida Welcome Center. She told him to be careful with it and Bernie tried to be.

But when weird and frightening things start to happen, the map is not first on any of their minds. All they can think about is what just happened.

What came down from the sky that day would be discussed for years to come. Each person would draw their own conclusions. One thing most agreed on was what they saw, what it looked like.

My Thoughts

It has been a long time since I have been this surprised by a story. I had to reread several scenes just to wrap my mind around what was happening. I wanted to try to form an image in my head. I sure wish this had been a movie. You’ll know what I mean when” The Flashpoint” happens.

Troy has a wonderful way of leading you into the story. There is much about this family that you can relate to. The characters are genuine and very likeable. I felt their anguish and their perseverance and really wanted things to be alright for them.

When the event happens I am stunned. I can’t wait for you to read it. It is so wild and kind of funny. It definitely makes you think. Think and say, yeah, I hear ya.

If you like Twilight Zone and Tales From the Darkside, you will love this. I also got a flash of that dread you feel in the scene from the movie The Mist by Stephen King. The one where they are driving into the mist and you just know something inexplicable is going to occur. The feeling lasts long after you finish reading.

Another 5 Star story from Troy


And last, but certainly not least,

The Uninvited Guest.

The Uninvited Guest


Looks can be deceiving as is the cover for The Uninvited Guest.

It was supposed to be a celebration. Good times for all. A wedding and new beginnings.

Harlan is crashing the party, kind of.  Jose’s mother insisted he go to the wedding and when he asks Harlan to go, he figures why not. There’ll be free food and booze and maybe some babes to dance with.

It seems like it takes forever to get there. The wedding is being held in a lodge surrounded by dense woods.

Finally, they arrive. The wedding goes off without a hitch. Now it’s time to eat, drink, and be merry. Except it’s taking forever to get to the dancing.

Finally the music starts and the happy couple do the traditional bride and groom shuffle. Everyone is oohing and aahing, taking copious pictures and video.

Harlan, standing at the back of the gathering, happens to glance out one of the windows. Everyone else is watching the happy couple, but something made him look.

Something outside, maybe a shadow, slid along the windowsill.  No, not a shadow, it had bulk. It seemed to take a long time to pass.

The windows are spaced about 5 to 6 feet apart. In the time it took to glance to the next window, it was sliding past that one too!

Everyone is still watching the couple. Harlan feels frozen in time. A look at the doors shows they’re still standing wide open.

An overwhelming feeling of dread passes over him. Something is coming. It’s almost to the doors.

The author wrote this story from Harlan’s point of view. It worked really good. I experienced everything with Harlan, felt his confusion, dread, and disbelief. And then his terror.

Have you ever had that feeling like something really bad is going to happen? That’s how I felt, right along with Harlan.

Harlan may have been an uninvited guest, but he’s not the only one.

This gets a Five from me!


Troy Aaron Ratliff

Image of Troy Aaron Ratliff

Troy Aaron Ratliff was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio and self-educated in writing, art and voice impersonations. When he’s not reading, writing and cooking up his next monstrosity, you can generally find him defending the galaxy from the forces of evil, feeding hippopotamuses, dining with foreign dignitaries and Zen masters, waking up to his supermodel wife, altering the space-time inter-dimensional warp or, more than likely, stuck in traffic somewhere in Southern California.




Lookie here!

To Catch A Princess revealed!

I just love doing cover reveals.

It’s fun to see what you thought you knew. I’m usually never even close to guessing what the cover will look like!



Gambling at Love:  To win her heart he has to risk his secrets. . .

Romantic Times: 4 Stars – “From the first page, the pacing is strong, the action plentiful and the characters interesting enough to hook you in.”

Untold wealth, a loving family, a solid career in America: the only thing Princess Tatiana lacks is the one thing she really doesn’t want—a husband. Unfortunately, her parents have just arranged her marriage to a royal from the old country. Are they kidding? It’s the twenty-first century!

Police Detective Peter Roman is a royal living incognito … and escaping a secret that has haunted his family for years. He’s been quietly in love with his best friend Prince Alexander’s sister for as long as he can remember. Little does she know that he is secretly the Grand Duke to whom she is unwillingly betrothed…

When a series of high-end jewelry heists threatens Tatiana’s exclusive charity exhibition in glamorous Monaco, the two must trap the clever jewel thief before he strikes again. In a fight for their lives, Peter’s secret identity is revealed. With danger and passion increasing to the breaking point, she must decide: catch a thief…or trust the heart of her true love.

Read an Excerpt

Apple Itunes




Caridad Pineiro

Caridad Piñeiro

New York Times and USA Today bestselling paranormal and romantic suspense author Caridad Pineiro wrote her first novel in the fifth grade when her teacher assigned a project – to write a book for a class lending library.  Bitten by the writing bug, Caridad continued with her passion for the written word through high school, college and law school.  In 1999, Caridad’s first novel was released and over a decade later, Caridad is the author of almost forty published novels and novellas.  When not writing, Caridad is an attorney, wife and mother to an aspiring writer and fashionista.




What’s not to love about MVP!

A yummy football player and plenty of romance!

I have a fun glimpse inside the book and a giveaway too.

So grab some suds and a snack and enjoy and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!


Sequel to For Love of the Game

by Rhonda Laurel



Contemporary Romance

Categories: Interracial/Multicultural

Publisher: Etopia Press

Release Date: June 21, 2013

Heat Level: Sensual

Word Count: 35,930

Available at: Amazon / ARe / B&N


The game has just begun…

Morgan Reed-Blake discovers that being the wife of MVP quarterback Seth Blake has its perks…and its challenges. Thrust into Seth’s high-profile world, she must wade through the celebrity, status, and the ghosts of girlfriends past. So when Seth takes Morgan home to his ranch in Texas and introduces her to his family and friends, she’s not surprised when his high school sweetheart comes to call. Morgan suspects she wants to rekindle the flame, and how can she blame her? Distraught over the changes their relationship has caused for Seth, Morgan wonders if maybe he’s better off without her.

Pro quarterback Seth Blake is elated that his wife Morgan is giving their “fake” marriage a real chance. But he doesn’t anticipate running into the woman who broke his heart years ago. He hasn’t told Morgan about the complicated relationship with his ex, but as he guides Morgan through the maze of his celebrity lifestyle, can he convince her the past is in the past? The MVP does not accept defeat, and he’s determined not to lose. But winning Morgan might be the most difficult game of his life…

Enjoy this glimpse inside MVP

When Morgan woke the next morning, she felt like a jack hammer was going off inside her head. Seth was still sleeping peacefully beside her with his Stetson covering his face. She tried to turn in the bed but her legs felt heavy. Morgan peeked under the covers to find she was still wearing her cowboy boots. What the hell were they doing last night?

She lifted the Stetson and put it on the night stand. Seth didn’t make a move until she pulled back the covers to remove her boots.

“Morning.” He her gave a lazy smile.

She winced. “Please don’t shout.”

“I’m not. It’s that damn whiskey you drank last night.” Seth held up the jelly jar that was on the night table.

“Why didn’t you take it away from me?”

“I did. You grabbed another one on the way back to the house. Then you threatened to divorce me if I took it again.” He shook his head and chuckled.

“And you believed me?” She laid her pounding head on Seth’s shoulder.

“There was a lesson waiting to be learned.  Listen to your husband and you won’t get hangovers from illegal whiskey.”

Morgan ran her hand through Seth’s hair. “Why do I still have my boots on?”

“Because you gave me the ride of my life last night.” Seth flashed a devilish grin.

She groaned. “I don’t remember what happened after we left the bonfire.”

“Did you, by any chance, take any gymnastics classes when you were in school?”

“Two semesters in high school. Why?”

“I’d like to make a donation to your high school’s athletics program. Your dismount is of an Olympic caliber.” He leaned in to kiss her.

“Exactly how much fun did we have last night?” Morgan moved away, shooting him a suspicious look.

“Well, we stopped short of you taking pictures of my ‘hot body’ and sending them to Michelle.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“I don’t care how drunk I was, I never would have done that.”

“Don’t worry, baby, your super freak status is safe with me.” Morgan gasped as she spied bruises on his chest. “Oh my goodness, did I bite you?”

“Yes.” He laughed. “This one is my favorite.” Seth turned over onto his side, displaying his back.

Morgan searched his back, arms, and shoulders. “I don’t see anything.”

“That’s because you’re looking for New York when you should be looking for Florida.”

Morgan’s eyes drifted lower until she reached his ass. There were two distinct bites marks. “Why did you let me bite you?”

“We were trying something new. I went with the flow. You don’t hear me complaining. Any other sports you took up in high school?”

“Fencing.” She smirked. “Let’s see you turn that into something dirty.”

“I can lunge at you with my saber any time you like.”

“You know fencing?”

“Good for hand-eye coordination. I like to watch if I catch it on TV. Besides, you never know when sword fighting will come back in style.”

She laughed while rubbing her temples. “Do you have something for a hangover?”

“I don’t know if you deserve it.” Seth tickled her sides.

“Ouch! Don’t make me giggle, it makes my head hurt.”

“Damn. I suppose I can mix up something I call the Morning after Mixer. I make it for the guys when they party too hard when we’re on the road.”

She peered from behind the pillow. “What’s in it?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Raw eggs?” She shuddered, remembering the concoctions he made daily.

“And tomato juice, some lime, a little cooking lard—”

Morgan clamped her hand over his mouth. “Just bring the drink.”


About the Author:

Rhonda Laurel is a contemporary romance writer whose two great loves are writing and landscape photography. She uses both as a vehicle to convey the complexity of the human spirit and the beauty of the world around her. Her writing career has recently gained momentum in 2012 with her debut novella, Ebb Tide. Contemporary, multicultural/interracial romance is her ‘thing’ in the form of short stories, novellas and novels, but the author also writes poetry, inspirational quotes, designs greeting cards and the occasional essay. Ebb Tide, For the Love of the Game and Masquerade were released in 2012. Shutter, Memories of You and Star Crossed in 2013. MVP, released June 21, 2013. The print anthology, ‘The Rhonda Laurel Collection’, featuring Ebb Tide, For the Love of the Game and Shutter released June 2013. California Bored and Tourism will be released July 2013. The author is happily building her backlist.

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Prize is a $25 Gift Card from Rhonda Laurel.

Contest is tour-wide, open internationally and ends Sept 6.

Must be 18 years of age or older to enter.

Click on the rafflecopter link below to enter.


Follow the tour for more fun excerpts, reviews, and guest posts by clicking on the banner below.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!