Exciting news for all Chupacabra fans!
Michael Hebler has more of his Chupacabra Series for us.
Set in the old west and brimming with atmosphere and horror, I can’t wait to tell you all about it in my review. Michael also has been a great sport and answered some questions for me. Please enjoy our interview and my review.
Don’t forget to get your free copy of Book One, Night of the Chupacabra HERE. Thanks Michael! And keep reading to enter the amazing giveaway!

Press Release
Newport Beach, CA
In concordance with the release of book two in the Chupacabra Series, “Curse of the Chupacabra,” by fiction writer Michael Hebler, the series’ first novel “Night of the Chupacabra,” will be made available free for e-book download on Kindle Readers and devices supporting Kindle Apps through Amazon.com from September 10 to September 12, 2013 only.

My 5 Star Review
Click on the icon below to get your free copy now!

Author: Michael Hebler
Style: Series
Theme: Dark Thriller / Horror / Western
Length: 68,000 words
Format: .mobi (Kindle)
****E-Book Retail: FREE (September 10 – 12, 2013) / $2.99 (September 13, 2013)****
Night of the Chupacabra Synopsis:
There is a creature that lurks in the vast open deserts of the west. It can only survive on blood and, although it prefers to prey on the weak and young, it will slaughter anyone or anything, once provoked. It is unnatural, deceptive, and difficult to kill. Word about the existence of this elusive beast has not spread since anyone who has crossed paths with it did not live long enough to tell of their account.
In the Chupacabra Series, a vampire-like, cryptozoological creature (which literally translates to “goat-sucker”) takes a supporting role to a cast of memorable characters who struggle to survive while finding their place in developing America. Currently slated for six books, the Chupacabra Series echoes strong family themes and the sacrifices required for that nature of love; and while some characters do survive long enough to make it through multiple novels, each volume will host a different protagonist to lead the reader through its continuing journey.
Once the free days for the e-book of “Night of the Chupacabra” are over on September 12, and beginning September 13, the digital edition will continue to show support for its successor “Curse of the Chupacabra” by dropping its price from $4.99 to $2.99. ”
Curse of the Chupacabra” will be available in both print and e-book formats beginning September 10, 2013, and is now available for print Pre-Order on the author’s official webpage, www.michaelhebler.com, where more on the Chupacabra Series also can be found, as well as additional information on Hebler’s writings.

So Michael, let’s get to the interview!
1) I like that this book makes me feel like I’ve stepped back into time. Your writing is subtle, so I can’t put my finger on how you do it! I just feel the old west while reading:)
Thank you. That’s such a wonderful compliment! I’m not a doddler. I like to keep things always moving and always fresh. The subtleness probably stems from years and years of writing screenplays, which teaches a writer that less is more. But we’ll see if you think the same after reading “Legend,” which has clocked in at 82,000 words, while “Curse” is 70,000. And as for writing western, I can definitely pinpoint my inspiration to the movie “Unforgiven.” It is one of my favorite films and treated the western like an authentic time period and not something you slap marinara on top of. The western-style has definitely become second nature to me when it comes to the chupacabra. I’m a little nervous about writing Book 5, “Return of the Chupacabra” because I feel it’ll be a challenge to remove the “western” since the series does not stay within the Old West. However, books 5 & 6 will be good transition novels for what stories I dream up beyond the Chupacabra Series. I’m not sure I’ll be revisiting the Old West soon after the fourth chupacabra book, but you never know.
2) What you can tell us about future books in the series?
What’s that? You want me to talk about the overall Chupacabra Series? Oh, I couldn’t do… it all started when I finished the full story of “Night”—then just called ‘el Chupacabra.’ I had done tons of research and created such an elaborate world that it just felt wrong to leave it all behind so soon; besides, I had grown to love these characters so much (the ones who survived, at least) that I transitioned into an overbearing parental figure who couldn’t let go. I know some of you who are reading this can relate… right? I had made the decision to do a trilogy, and I wanted my second book, “Curse,” to be my Empire Strikes Back, and then promised myself to keep the Ewoks out of book three, “Legend.” So, “Legend” will round out the trilogy, but just as in book’s one and two, the main protagonist will be different. In fact, let me just state that each book in the series will have a new protagonist.
Going back to what I had originally stated about the time and detail it took to create this world and the mythology, I discovered I definitely had enough for a prequel book, which will be book four, “Dawn of the Chupacabra,” and is the book I am currently half through the first draft. “Dawn” will be the most horrific book of the series (a hard R-rating) and I’ll give you a hint… the chupacabra doesn’t even show until over half-way through the story. “Dawn” will also tie the short story I had written in 2011, “Hunt for the Chupacabra” to book one.
And that’s where the series will end its time in the 1800’s. Leap forward about 105 years later to 1991 for book five, “Return of the Chupacabra,” the year when chupacabra sightings were first reported. This is when the series will fall into place with the current chupacabra mythos. With books one – four, I had the world at my feet to create a fictional origin story, but in all actuality, I purposely did not match it to the folklore known today, which I have received some criticism for. But I never thought that mattered because it was why I started the series in the Old West; to allow more artistic license. So, with book five, it will be a whole new paradigm; however the main theme will not change. The Chupacabra Series has always been about love; not the romantic kind, but the family kind, which is an important part of Latin culture (mi familia). That is why family love was chosen to be the main theme for this Latin folklore horror series because they are essentially related. And as for the true chupacabra diehard fans out there, “Return” will be the book that will feel more like home. Except for one or two questions that can only be answered by having read the previous volumes, it will basically be a standalone book.
Now originally, the series was supposed to end at five, but after outlining the story, I discovered that there was always meant to be a sixth, I just had yet to realize it. “Blood of the Chupacabra” will be essential because it will bring the standalone story that is book 5 together with the first four books, to create a full circle in the series.
There you have it, and I think I did it without revealing any important plotlines or twists. Whew!
3) Many authors say that reading a lot of books is important if you are serious about writing. Is that true for you, and if so, are there any authors who have influenced you?
While I agree with your statement and believe writers should read, I can’t say I’ve read tons of books. My main problem is that I’m a SLOW reader, so reading a lot of books would take away all my writing time. But don’t misunderstand, I have read my fair share and usually always have a book I’m reading. In fact, right now, I’m about a quarter of the way through J.K. Rowling’s “The Casual Vacancy.” I did start reading at an early age. One day I closed the back cover of Dr. Seuss then opened the front cover of Stephen King. My mom had a bookshelf filled with his books. In fact, there was one particular book cover that influenced the cover of “Curse of the Chupacabra” which used to freak-me-the-hell-out as a pre-teen, yet I found it so intriguing, I couldn’t stop staring at it. It was the original hardcover of Cujo. For some reason, the dog’s snout was so prominent within the mist, I never saw the rest of Cujo’s head that was thinly veiled in the background. All my eyes would see was this dripping snout, which looked like a scarier version of the trash monster’s eye in the original Star Wars movie (and probably why I liked the cover so much). That faintness of Cujo was what inspired the chupacabra’s face in the train tunnel for “Curse of the Chupacabra.” Childhood comes full-circle, yet again. Now that I’m currently writing my fourth novel, I’m definitely starting to become aware of my subconscious influences more and more. I think they would be: King, Rowling, Crichton, and Dickens. King for his content, which is borderline horror but more about the mystery and characters; Rowling for her style of writing, its flow and structure; Crichton for his attention to detail; and Dickens for his remarkable sense of plot and story.
4) Was it easier to write and publish Curse of the Chupacabra as it’s the second book in the series?
Oh yes! I definitely learned a lot during, and after, “Night of the Chupacabra.” Of course, with the first book, it was basically a learning process. The time spent from the first written word of “Curse” to handing my baby over to the printers, like a parent sending their child to their first day of school, was chopped in half. In fact, I’m already finding “Legend” an easier process because of having learned from two books, and its 12,000 words longer! I’m sure they’ll keep getting easier and easier the more I write. Being able to write and publish a book in my sleep… that’s my goal!
5) Do you have any tips you’d like to share with other writers?
Hmm. Know your audience, that’s definitely one I’d like to share and one I’ve struggled with myself. However, admittedly, I only did it to myself because I wanted to write a series that had a little bit of everything for everyone. Also, if you’re lucky enough to have a folder (internal or external) of ideas that you are excited to write, begin with the one that is the most commercial. Do your research and discover what the biggest genre is, which is probably YA at the moment, and start there. You have a better chance of making a name for yourself and that will open doors which will allow you to pull out the more genre specific ideas from that folder. Your follower base will have already been established. I don’t think “The Casual Vacancy” would have done as well if Rowling hadn’t written “Harry Potter” first.
6) How do you spend your free time?
LOL! What free time!? Seriously, I think I’m always working on something. It’s really difficult for me to sit still and not be productive in some way. In addition to writing, I also have a career as a film publicist. I just got back from a junket in New York (by the way, long plane trips are an author’s best friend) and am gearing up to promote a film at the Toronto Film Festival. When I’m not writing or publicizing, I do volunteer as a driver for Meals on Wheels in my local area, as well as participate in the C/S/N/R (capture/spay/neuter/release) program; animals are my weakness. And if I’m not doing any of that, I’ll write up a post for my blog, watch TV or a movie, play a video game, or read. And that last bit might sound like fun time, but I’m usually on the prowl for my next inspiration.
Five Fun Shorts!
1) Morning person or snooze button? – Morning person. There is nothing like the stillness and tranquility of the world before it awakes.
2) Favorite book to movie? – The Color Purple. The movie’s been my favorite since 1985, and of course, I had to read the book.
3) For the good guy or the bad guy? – Bad guy. Even though they’re bad, they’re still the underdog.
4) Favorite cartoon? – The original Scooby-Doo’s from the ‘70s—the ones that had a musical number chase interlude.
5) Are you superstitious? – I have to say “no”; however, I do occasionally find myself knocking on wood and avoiding cracks on the ground.
Well that was a lot of fun! Thanks so much Michael. Lots to think about and thrilled to know there will be many more Chupacabra books!

Author: Michael Hebler
Style: Series
Theme: Dark Thriller / Horror / Western
Length: 308 pages (print) / 70,000 words
Binding: Perfect bound & digital (.mobi, .epub, .pdf )
Retail: $16.95 (print) / $4.99 (e-book)
Buy Links
Amazon / B&N / Goodreads / Shelfari
Curse of the Chupacabra Synopsis
They never thought their luck would be their curse. In the months following the onslaught, the extraordinary survivors continue to know no peace, as they are haunted by signs that the relentless creature remains on their trail. However, this fight will be better matched, now that they’ve discovered an advantage that will help protect them from the monster’s bloodthirsty lust. But once faced with the decision to kill the beast, the choice will not come lightly since it is still unclear which loved one the chupacabra possesses.
My Review
You can run but you cannot hide!
Not many survived the last faceoff with the Chupacabra.
Suzanne was one of the lucky few.
Now she’s running, with a young girl in tow, trying to stay as far ahead of the beast as she can. Suzanne should’ve known Jessie wouldn’t stay with the older couple that took her in. She’s resourceful and cunning and wants to be with Suzanne.
But Suzanne, once a prostitute, can barely take care of herself and thinks Jessie would be better off with someone else.
The decision is taken out of their hands when the chupacabra finds Jessie and she barely escapes it bloody clutches.
Again, they run and there’s nowhere to hide.
The chupacabra is back!
Sadly, most of the characters from Night of the Chupacabra, the first book, aren’t. They didn’t survive.
Suzanne did and I’m glad. She may have had to resort to the oldest profession in order to get by, there weren’t many opportunities for women in the old west, but she’s kind of heart, astute, and charmingly vulnerable.
Another survivor is Jessie. She’s young and bold, a real scrapper too. She’s been trying to manipulate Suzanne into letting her stay, and she does something really crazy that puts Suzanne in a vulnerable situation.
It turns out good though, as Suzanne’s rescuer is a tall drink of water named James. He’s an actor traveling with a theatre group and he saved her from a brutal assault by a scoundrel.
James is quite the gentlemen and he’s charmed by Suzannes beauty. Wanting to keep her near, he invites the two ladies to travel with the troupe.
What they don’t know is, they are about to have an uninvited guest. A really angry one.
Something I’ve always loved is character driven novels. I’m a people person and have to have someone to care about, someone to laugh with, and someone to loathe.
I have all of those in Curse of the Chupacabra and that’s not including the chupacabra.
He is back and scarier than ever. Boy is he ever.
The author has a different take on the legend of the chupacabra which makes for confusing feelings towards it. It adds to the suspense, for sure.
Lots of laughs, some tender moments, and scares galore. I had so much fun continuing with this series.
5 Stars

Michael Hebler recently became an author alongside building a successful career in feature film publicity, but his passion to create stories with suspense, laughter, and heart is not his only love. Hebler also volunteers his time weekly for charities in his local area including Meals on Wheels, and abets for animal rights by aiding in the CSNR (capture/spay/neuter/release) program.
To date, Hebler’s publications include, “
Night of the Chupacabra,” (Chupacabra Series #1), and his first publication, “The Night After Christmas,” a holiday picture book for believers of any age. Hebler also authored the micro story, “Hunt for the Chupacabra,” preceding the events of book one.
Hebler can also be found rambling on his blog “My Little Obsessions.”
# # #
Name: Michael Hebler
Email: info@michaelhebler.com
Website: www.michaelhebler.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mhebler
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/The-Chupacabra-Novel-Series/189413924437649?fref=ts
Blog: http://michaelsobsessions.blogspot.com

Now for the amazing giveaway!
1 Top Winner) signed copies of print versions of both Night of the Chupacabra & Curse of the Chupacabra (US Only)
1 Second Winner) signed copy of Curse of the Chupacabra (US Only)
1 Third Winner) ebook copies of both Night of the Chupacabra & Curse of the Chupacabra(International)
3 Runner-ups) ebook copy of Curse of the Chupacabra(International)
Ebook winners will have a choice of: MOBI, EPUB, PDF
To enter, please leave your email address, specify if entering for US or International Giveaway or both, and answer this question:
“Have you ever seen something you couldn’t explain?”
Giveaway ends September 30th.
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!
For all of my giveaways go HERE.