Archive for October, 2013

Beasty Blitz

I admit it. The first thing that attracts me to a book is its cover.

The cover has to cause a reaction, whether funny, visually dazzling, or I have to know what it is intriguing.

The Beasty Series has me thinking how awesome these characters would look on the big screen.

Then I dug deeper and discovered these are about a cursed man, spirits of the dead that possess people and walk among us, and a woman with a broken heart and the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Sounds like a Blockbuster!

Great news too!

I have a fun giveaway.

Plus these books are on sale at a great low price!

Read on to learn more, enter the giveaway and get your own copies!

Beast Within

Title – Beast Within

Series – Beasty #1

By- Tyffani Clark Kemp


Gabriel Slade runs Hollywood with his gorgeous blue eyes and egregious temper. No one knows that underneath it all is a man with a frozen heart, cursed to become a beast at every full moon. For seven days he has no choice but to roam the earth as a vicious animal, until he meets a woman who can change it all.

Luna Grace has a hatred for everything Gabriel Slade stands for, but she doesn’t even know what he looks like. When a chance encounter reveals feelings Luna never knew she harbored, it stands to reason that she would run.

Can Luna overcome her hatred and break the curse? Or will Gabriel’s temper keep her from realizing her true feelings, dooming him to remain the beast forever?


Goodreads / Amazon Kindle / Amazon Paperback


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Title- Beast Anew

Series – Beasty #2

By – Tyffani Clark Kemp


Now, it’s Luna’s turn…

Gabriel Slade has returned to take his rightful place as Captain of The General’s army. Luna stayed behind to nurse a broken heart and a precious secret that could mean the end of all mankind.

Humans possessed by the spirits of the dead are searching the earth for a child that will have the power to bring the apocalypse upon the world. Gabriel must find this child if he hopes to keep order and peace with the humans, but his heart keeps getting in the way. He must save the world from darkness, while making the one decision that could cost him everything.

Gabe once thought that roaming the earth as a hideous, angry beast was his curse. Now, without the love of his life he feels more helpless than before.


Goodreads / Amazon Kindle / Amazon Paperback


Beasty sale

To get your copies for this sale price click on the image above.


About Tyffani Clark Kemp

Tyffani Clark Kemp

Tyffani Clark Kemp has been writing since she discovered in the sixth grade that it wasn’t enough just to read about fantastic places, but she could create her own. She weaves small bits of herself into everything she writes whether it be a science fiction piece about aliens or a dramatic romance fraught with conflict and love. She lives in South Carolina with her family and her fluffy shii tzu-mix dog who thinks he’s a Saint Bernard.


GoodreadsBlog-Website / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest 


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Giveaway Prizes:

3 Mary Kay makeup packs worth $15-$20

Click on the rafflecopter link below to enter.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For all of my giveaways click on the zombie survival plan below.

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fun zombies photo: Zombies have fun! ffdsafsafafdsaf.jpg

Hollows End Banner 450 x 169

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Hollow’s End.

I’ve got a treat for ya’ll.

The prologue and first chapter!

You’ll be entering the town of Sleepy Hollow and the mysteries that lie in wait on the Hudson River.

Unseen forces surround Hunter and Rowen as they race to uncover the secrets and lies before the veil between the living and the dead rises.

 Hollow’s End

The Legend Series

Book One
Marianne Morea

hollow's end MarianneMorea


Genre: YA paranormal romance/ horror

Publisher: Coventry Press, Ltd

ISBN: 0988439638 / ASIN:  B00EUM92OO

Number of pages: 242

Word Count: 91,568

Cover Artist: Kim Killion

Amazon   BN   iTunes

Book Description:

The dark water of the Hudson River isn’t the only blackness looming in the distance of the quaint river town of Sleepy Hollow. Two hundred years of secrets and lies are bleeding into the present, and high school seniors, Hunter Morrissey and Rowen Corbett, find themselves linked with unseen forces shrouded in mystery and violence.

Truths, buried and long forgotten, have risen at a time when the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. Only Hunter and Rowen hold the key to locking the past in the past, and setting old wrongs to right. Can justice be served? Can the two find a way to straddle both worlds and solve the mystery when they don’t understand the clues?

Inspired by historical events that surround the village of Sleepy Hollow and the famous legend that shares its name, this Young Adult Horror takes you on a journey full of history and suspense with a splash of romance and the paranormal.

Hollows End Button 300 x 225


‘He’s coming! He’s coming!‛ one of his soldiers cried, running past the crude tents. The devil himself on his heels. The sound of the black horse, its hooves tearing into the loamy earth, echoed through the forest. The ominous herald announcing its rider’s approach—the Angel of Death.

Both man and beast found nothing but agony waiting at the end of the man’s sword. Slaughter and brutality his hallmark. He wielded them well.

His men fled, stomachs roiling with fear. The knowledge they had assisted his butchery, complying in mute terror, afraid to raise their eyes to his lest they be next, clear on each countenance. He swore he’d ride them to hell and back, their scalps hanging from his saddle, dripping bloody as tokens for the gods of war if they defied him. They would never be free…

Chapter 1

The alarm clock buzzed, its repetitive blare piercing what was left of my sleep. I opened my eyes half way and peered at the red digital numbers staring back at me through dim light. With a groan, I slammed my hand on the clock’s hard plastic top, hoping to hit the snooze button and not the volume. Closing my eyes, I rolled over tucking one hand under my pillow and the other under my chin. But it was too late. My conscience was wide awake and already sparring with itself.

Get up! You’re going to be late again. No, I won’t, just five more minutes…

‘Rowen! It’s six-thirty!‛ my mother’s voice shot from the hall.

Five minutes. Just five more minutes.


‘I heard you the first time!‛ I yelled at my closed bedroom door. Why did morning have to come so early and be so loud? I groaned again. If I didn’t get out of bed soon, she’d come upstairs looking for me, and that was the last thing I wanted.

Yawning, I reached over my head and stretched, arching my back to let the blood flow into my resting muscles like a reveille call.

Up and at ‘em, troops!

My mother was up early, even by her standards. I wasn’t surprised, though. It was that time of year again. The time when our little shop, The Silver Cauldron, became the town headquarters for spells and charmed candles and, of course, witches brew. The season when the quaint river town of Sleepy Hollow transformed into a mecca for all things creepy.

With my crazy mother organizing everything from the kids ragamuffin parade to the annual costume ball, there was never a spare minute to think or breathe. On top of everything else, she took over as coordinator for this year’s Blaze—over 4,000 hand carved jack-o-lanterns lining the historic three hundred-year-old Van Cortlandt estate. It was no wonder I didn’t want to get up. I was exhausted just being her daughter. My mother, Laura Corbett, was Sleepy Hollow’s unofficial official town witch, and in a place where everyone knows everyone, that’s saying a lot.

‘It’s just Halloween,‛ I mumbled flipping my covers back, but in our house it was never just Halloween, nor was it ever just about trick-or-treating. It was the Witch’s New Year and one of the biggest sabbats on the wheel of the year. Not that I believed in that sort of junk. That was my family’s thing, not mine, even though my mother and grandmother had been trying to make it mine since the day I was born.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat for a moment. I’d heard it a thousand times, ‚We’re different, Rowen, embrace it. People would kill to be able to do what we can.‛ Like people needed more reasons to think I was half a freak. And as to wanting to be like me, uh… I didn’t think so.

‘Rowen, hurry up! I need to talk to you before you leave,‛ Mom’s voice called again.

My room looked like a tornado hit. Clothes and shoes everywhere, and the books and math sheets I reviewed last night were still in a haphazard pile across my desk. Two empty Coke cans topped a pile of candy wrappers, and a large, half eaten bag of potato chips lay crumpled on the floor next to my backpack.

Oh God, I didn’t.

At the incriminating sight, my hand shifted to my stomach, and a familiar self-loathing settled onto my shoulders. I slumped a bit, cringing inwardly at what the scale would read this morning.

With a sigh I pushed myself to stand and slid my gaze to the clothes I somehow remembered to set out. My lateness was reaching epic proportions, yet school was only halfway through the first semester. Most of the student body had learned to get out of the way when I came barreling in for homeroom.

Mom seemed to think my tardy nature would improve once I earned my driver’s license, but of course, that didn’t happen. I was seventeen and already driving for the past year. We lived around the corner from the high school, and senior privilege or not, I didn’t relish the idea of taking my mother’s minivan.

Grabbing my outfit from the back of my desk chair, I walked into the bathroom and snapped on the light. I had no problem envisioning my mother, coffee cup in hand, impatiently waiting for me to come downstairs while she planned her latest concoction for the store.

When my mother says she needs to talk it usually means extra work for me, and considering how busy it’s been I’m surprised it took her this long to ask. Not that I mind helping out at the shop with all its curiosities, but I can’t seem to stomach the people who come in just to gawk. Of course, the townspeople wouldn’t dare insult my mother that way, but the tourists loved to look at the whole lot, including us.

I took inventory of my face in the mirror, running fingers over the puffy skin beneath my eyes, trying to ignore the glare from the bathroom’s overhead lights. Telltale dark smudges from my late date with calculus were evident beneath my lower lids, making my hazel eyes look a little muddy. ‚Now, that’s attractive,‛ I grumbled reaching for my makeup remover. Giving each eye a quick swipe, I checked my reflection for any marked improvement. No such luck.

Most of the time, I liked the way I looked. From the dark curls and high cheekbones I inherited from my dad, to winning the genetic lottery for great skin courtesy of mother’s side of the family. Most of my friends hated that I never got zits or blemishes, but Mother Nature evened the playing field, seeing to it I gained weight if I so much as looked at junk food.

I muttered an expletive thinking about the bag of chips I’d massacred and pushed the bathroom scale under the vanity with my foot. One of these days I’d learn not to let the number glaring up at me from between my feet dictate the kind of day I would have, but today was not that day.

The Corbett’s tended to be on the fleshy side, or at least that’s what it looked like in all the family pictures. I wouldn’t know firsthand, though, my dad having died when I was little, and his parents before I was born. Then again, having a mother who leaned more toward the vegetarian line helped a lot in that department.

Gathering my hair, I twisted it into a loose bun at the top of my head. There was a peculiar tension building in my stomach, and I didn’t think it was the potato chips. I was out of sorts, restless for some reason, and a dull ache throbbed behind my eyes. I grabbed my toothbrush and turned on the tap, breaking one of the cardinal rules of my house by letting the water run while I brushed my teeth.

A calculus test was scheduled later this morning, but I was never one for being neurotic over grades. So why was I so edgy? I rinsed my mouth and stuck the toothbrush in its holder. The blunt pounding behind my eyes escalated and I winced, tilting my head down against the pain. That was when I saw it, or thought I saw it.

I stood motionless with my hand frozen in place as I stared at the water in the sink. The slow drain had allowed the flow to gather in the basin and ribbons of red curled and spread like blood streaming into the water. It didn’t look like rust or red clay or anything else. It looked like blood, swirling and coating the white porcelain with streaks and tiny clots. Worse yet, it smelled like blood, with a sharp, metallic tang that lingered in my nose and throat. I gagged, squeezing my eyes shut.

A wave of dizziness hit and I gripped the edge of the vanity, sucking in short shallow breaths trying to work up enough air to yell for my mother. I swallowed against the sour bile taste in my mouth and counted to ten, and when I opened my eyes, only clear water flowed in the sink.

My hand shot forward turning off the tap, and I pumped the lever handle behind the faucet a bunch of times. I held my breath ‘til the last of the water ran down the drain.

 Did I say half a freak? How about a full-fledged weirdo, complete with psychotic visions? Backing up, I grabbed hold of the towel rack and sank to the floor, the cold tile adding to my already goose-pimpled flesh. 

Minutes passed and though my heart rate slowed, my mind raced. Was this some leftover nightmare skewed from Chiller TV? Part of me wanted to yell for my mother, but the other part knew she’d make a huge deal about it, and I didn’t have time for a protection spell or whatever else she’d think to do.

The clock was ticking, and I needed to get myself together and out the door. Afraid to tempt fate and run the water in the sink again, I wet a washcloth under the bathtub tap. ‘No more sleep deprived delusions for me, thank you.‛

The problem was this didn’t feel like a byproduct of too little sleep. Something happened, I sensed it. Gran told me the night of my birthday that my aura was bleeding.

Happy birthday, darling, and by the way… Gee, thanks. Love you too, Gran.

That night my mother made light of it, telling me everyone’s aura bled from time to time, it’s part of coming into your own—yet I hadn’t missed the look she shot my grandmother. And what the hell did that mean? Was I coming into my own as a strong, independent woman, or did some weird, cosmic witchiness hit me square in the face courtesy of my messed up gene pool? Right now, I didn’t want to know. I wanted to go to school and take my exams like any other normal teenager.

After slapping on deodorant and body mist, I dressed, not bothering with make-up. I unfastened my claw clip and finger combed my hair before throwing it back into a messy bun, then grabbed my homework and shoved it into my bag. I allowed one last look in the mirror, hesitating about the no make-up, but no amount of cover-up would camouflage my fear-induced, chalk-white cheeks. Instead, I plastered a smile onto my face and headed downstairs, praying my mother’s instincts would be too preoccupied to notice.

The blissful aroma of fresh brewed coffee filtered from the kitchen, making my mouth water before I walked through the doorway. Even more sublime, the scent of homemade pumpkin bread floated alongside the smell of fresh ground walnuts. ‘Hey,‛ I mumbled, scraping one of the chairs back from the table. ‘Smells good. You had time to bake this morning?‛

‘I know how much you like pumpkin bread, so why not,‛ my mother answered, putting a warm slice in front of me. ‘I thought it’d be nice for us to have a treat together, especially since I’ve been so busy lately and haven’t been around much.‛

She thought right, and I took my first easy breath of the morning. ‚

‘Mmmmmm, incredible,’ I said with my mouth full.

Reaching for her mug on the counter, she patted my shoulder and I cringed. The moment she touched me she’d know something was up. On cue she jerked her head around, eyes already probing.

I exhaled. ‘Cut it out, Mom, come on. I’m tired, that’s all.‛ I shrugged her off purposefully, but she wasn’t buying it. ‘I’ve got a huge math test today, and calc’s been kicking my butt since the beginning of the year, so can we not do the Wicked Witch of Westchester County thing this morning?‛

Taking a deep breath, my mother looked at me the way she looks at her rune stones when trying to divine a hidden meaning. ‘Okay, Rowen, if you say so. But whatever it was you saw…‛

‘I know, Mom, relax. Like I said, I’m just tired. Didn’t you have something you needed to talk about? It must be important or why else would you need to bribe me,‛ I said, waving my pumpkin bread her way before plopping another piece into my mouth.

My mother flashed me a half smile, knowing I’d used one of her trademark moves usually reserved for arguments with Gran. ‘You’re right, but I think I could do better than pumpkin bread if I wanted to bribe you. Truth is, with New Year’s a little less than two weeks away, the store is going to get crazy the closer it gets, and with everything I’ve got going I could really use your help.‛

‘It’s October, Mother. New Year’s isn’t for two months.‛

‘You know what I mean, smart ass, Samhain is next week. And in case you’ve forgotten, Halloween is a fire sabat that requires a ritual cleansing to protect the town and honor the wandering dead.’ 

‘Yeah, but jack-o-lanterns? Seriously?‛

‘Pumpkins are the easiest way to get everyone to participate without them really knowing. Unfortunately, they aren’t going to carve themselves, and we’re short of volunteers.‛

‘I know,‛ I said taking another bite of my pumpkin bread. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll do my part until every last jack-o-lantern is carved and placed.‛ I wondered what the prissy town supervisor’s wife would say if she knew my mother had orchestrated a pagan ritual involving the entire town right under her pious nose.

As if reading my mind, Mom smirked. ‘I knew I could count on you, Rowen, but do me a favor. Don’t be such a teenager this week. The veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. I want you to pay attention, okay?‛

I nodded, and she gave me a smile, but for the first time in my life my mother’s smile didn’t reach her eyes.


About Marianne Morea and where to find her.

hollow's end M._Morea
I’m a New Yorker, born and bred, and for the most part my stories and my characters embody the grit and complexity of the city. An avid traveler, I use my experiences from around the world in all my books. There isn’t a place my characters live or travel to that I haven’t been myself.

Like most authors, my love affair with the written word started as a child with the books I read. Even today, I love to read almost as much as I love to write. My favorite stories are the ones that transport me, that bring me to places and introduce me to characters that leave me breathless…the ones that spark the fire of my imagination, allowing me to dream in the world of ‘what if?’

I’ve always been a scribbler, and from the time I could write my name I’ve been making up stories. So it was no surprise when I earned degrees in both Journalism and Fine Art, but after working in the trenches of Madison Avenue as a Graphic Artist, I decided to do what I love most full time. Write.

In the meantime I am also a founding member and former President of The Paranormal Romance Guild, a not-for-profit organization for readers and authors of the genre…and when I’m not ‘bichok’ (but in a chair hands on keyboard), I’m spending time with my husband and our three kids, traveling to exciting, romantic places …for inspiration, of course!

Website / Facebook Twitter / Goodreads

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For all of my giveaways click on the ghoul below.
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This is my own version of a weekly bookhaul post where  I’ll be telling you about all of the books I got this week, whether print or e-book plus all things new on fuonlyknew.

I got a few books this week, some free, some for review, and some I purchased just for my reading pleasure.

I also post reviews on another blog aknifeandaquill . It’s all about horror. If someone doesn’t die, we don’t do it here!


Here’s some I picked up to review on both blogs. Double exposure for the author:)

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Here are some I picked up to review on fuonlyknew.


and this one

Got some good ones!


Got some freebies for ya!

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and some more freebies.


Just click on the covers to get yours. Make sure they are still free. Were at time of posting.


Books for Review.


Trying to slow down for the holidays. I have too many review books. But I had to have this!


Books I won.

I didn’t win anything this week. But, several of my giveaways are ending this week and some lucky winners will be getting awesome prizes! Go HERE to enter the giveaways before they end!


Reviewed this week. Busy writing more!

You can read my review on my Monday Minis post HERE.


As the World Dies: Untold Tales Volume 1  As The World Dies Untold Tales Volume 2  As The World Dies Untold Tales Volume 3

You can read my reviews and enter the giveaway HERE!


harvesters trailer mock up 4

You can read my review and enter the giveaway HERE!


Scheduled reviews for next week.

Mondays Minis Review

Not sure yet which story I’m reviewing but you can catch it on my Monday Minis Post.


Bad Juju

Catch my Review, my comments about voodoo dolls and enter the giveaway on Wednesday, October 30th.


Several more reviews and awesome giveaways coming this next week. Be sure to stop by!


Other posts this week. Just click on the links to see the posts.

4th Annual Spooktacular Giveaway Hop!

Trailer Reveal ~ Few Are Angels by Inger Iversen

Release Day Giveaway ~ Dead Plains, The Zombie West Series: Book Three by Angela Scott

New Release ~ Ninet Eight by Shannon Mayer and Crawl Between The Sheets Scavenger Hunt ~ Huge Prizes!

Monday Minis #16 ~ Rag Doll ~ A short horror story ~  Free today! I know I’m a day late!

Only 99 cents for Nine Killer Thrillers ~ A Killer Deal and a Giveaway!

Teaser Tuesdays #44 ~ Fathomless by Jackson Pearce

My Reviews and Two Giveaways ~ As The World Dies, Untold Tales by Rhiannon Frater ~ Lots of Zombieness

WWW Wednesday #22 ~ A millionaire, a mermaid, and a medium

My Blog Is….Going To The Dogs ~ Collared #4 in the series! Giveaway Blast

From The Sydney Rye Series ~ Strings of Glass ~ Giveaway Blast

The Power To See by Jennifer Anne Davis ~ Release Day Sale

Praise for A Light in Dark Places ~ Spotlight and Giveaway

I have the Cover Reveal for Beneath Manhattan Skies by Emma Meade

Giveaway and My Review ~ The Harvesters ~ Can They Survive?

The Friday 56 #4 ~ It’s Horror. No, It’s Humor. No, It’s Eat, Brains, Love!

Blood in the Past by Jordanna East ~ Free Today!

Just Released! Controlling The Dead by Annie Walls ~ Special Two Day Sale and Giveaway!


Go here to find all of my giveaways. Enter one or enter all of them!!

Go here for a list of free e-books.

Busy, busy, busy. So many delicious reads! Some I’ve read and will be posting my reviews soon.

So what did you get this week? See something you like? Do you have any of these? Leave a comment and let me know.


Purchase Controlling Dead in the next 48 hours for the special price of 2.99 and get exclusive bonus content!
Hurry once the offer ends the content will be gone forever.



Release Day! Controlling the Dead by Annie Walls!

Available now!

Amazon / B&N


Title: Controlling the Dead (The Famished Trilogy #2)
Author: Annie Walls
Published: Oct. 27, 2013





With the help of her new companions, the path Kansas follows leads to more knowledge of the ever adapting famished.

The team finds help in unlikely places, meeting more survivors, and discovers the possibility of a new beginning.

When the team experiences a devastating loss, Kansas struggles to keep her humanity from fading and distorting like that of the surviving society around her. It begins with knowing who to trust and who to leave behind. First, she must trust herself – she won’t make the same mistakes twice.

As the answers to her questions are revealed, Kansas begins to understand the knowledge comes with a heavy price and great responsibility of controlling the dead.

In a trilogy plot thick with twists and turns, this adult dark fantasy is as emotional as it is horrifyingly gripping.


annie walls signaturelbw

Annie Walls


Author of dark fantasy and sub-genres of horror. Voracious Reader and Googler. Lover of dark humor. Horror Buff. Zombie Apocalypse Enthusiast. Loyal Cracked follower. Pinterest Addict. Wife of adoring husband. Mother of a seven year old Bruce Wayne. Cook. Maid. Kisser of boo-boos. Ultimate Time Waster. Perfect Procrastinator. Lolly Gagger. Trubie. Cake Decorator. Tea Drinker. Sculpey Sculptor. Girl Gamer. Perfectionist in the art of Facebook stalking. And now, God help me, a blogger. Oh yeah, and a twitter, twatter, tweeter. Well yeah, I’m one crafty bitch.

Facebook /Goodreads / Twitter / Blog

Purchase Book One on Amazon!

Taking on the dead


 MY 5 STAR Review

Life for Kansas was perfect until the day the world changed.

She has been hiding out for four years in solitude. It’s the only way to survive. The only way not to draw the living dead. Helping a small group of people, she learns the new world might not be what she assumes. Venturing out of her refuge and comfort zone, she meets Rudy, who helps her find a greater purpose. She realizes that the world has moved on without her. Only it’s not what she expects. Her knowledge of the living dead grows and only makes her more curious as humanity continues to hang on by a thread. While on her search for answers she finds comfort in new friendships and love, but her past seems as if it will haunt her forever.

Kansas takes it upon herself to help other survivors, which would be easy if the famished were the only obstacles.

In a trilogy plot thick with twists and turns, this adult dark fantasy is emotional as much as it is horrifyingly gripping.

*Not intended for a young audience. Mature content.*


giveaway photo: Giveaway Banner for 42nd giveaway.png

2 Controlling the Dead Prize Packs!! Includes a signed copy of Controlling the Dead, swag, and a Famished Trilogy inspired zombie survival kit

Click on the rafflecopter link below to enter.





Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For all of my giveaways click on the zombie survival plan below.

zombie survival photo: Zombie Survival Plan zombie-photo.gif

fun zombies photo: Zombies have fun! ffdsafsafafdsaf.jpg

Blood In The Past

First book in The Blood For Blood Series

A psychological thriller sure to get your endorphins pumping!

Great news!

Today you can get your own copy FREE.

Click on the cover or the Amazon image to get yours now!

You’ll want to get reading this one as the second book will be releasing soon!


Blood in the Past 2






My Review Reposted
Actions have consequences.
You’ve heard of the ripple effect. A pebble tossed in the water creates ripples, which grow, expanding outward.
Jillian is the pebble, and her affair with a married man is the first ripple.
What happens after are the expanding ripples.
I didn’t expect to like  Jillian so much.
She’s messing with a married man, and no matter what lies of his she chooses to believe, it’s a big no-no in my book.
Powerful writing drew me to Jillian. I wanted more for her. I wanted her to be happy and free.
As she gets tangled in a web of lies and infidelity, I became more and more fearful. Her obsession with her lover grows and takes a bizarre turn.
If only Jillian and her roommate hadn’t been mugged.
If only  Calvin Kyle hadn’t been the responding police officer.
If only he hadn’t been so attractive.
If only they hadn’t started their affair.
A lot of if onlys.
bloody hands photo: 110 Bloody-Hands.jpg
There are so many people affected by this affair. So many victims.
I guess you could call them collateral damage.
Jillians act of desperation plows through several families, leaving bodies in her wake.
I almost didn’t want to continue reading. I just knew this wasn’t going to be pretty, but I had to know what happened.
Boy, was I right.
This short story had me sweating blood! It was relentless.
Blood in the Past is only 8 chapters, but by the time you finish reading, it will feel like a lot more.
The writing is bold, making this cast of dysfunctional and flawed characters come to life in the pages.
As Blood in the Past is the prelude novella to the Blood for Blood Series, I can hardly wait to see what the author has cooked up for her other stories.
Such strong writing, if I didn’t already know, I never would have guessed this was the authors debut novel.
5 Stars
Don’t forget to get your free copy of Blood in the Past HERE.


About Jordanna East

Jordanna Logo Final

Jordanna East readily confesses that she started writing a novel one day when she was broke and unemployed. Her cable had been turned off. SHE WAS BORED. So she sat down on her bed and started writing…and she hasn’t stopped. Though, now she has cable and pens her Psychological Thrillers at an actual desk. Blood in the Past is the prelude novella to her debut Blood for Blood Series, which follows three lives entwined by deaths and consequences, revenge and obsession. Blood in the Past is scheduled for release June 19, 2013.

Visit her website here

See what she’s up to.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For all of my giveaways click on the ghoul below.
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The Friday 56 hosted by Freda’s Voice.

The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader and find any sentence, or a few (no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.



I remembered this stupid trick my ex-sort-of-boyfriend Jason used to do when he’d take me on dates to the diner. He’d palm one of those plastic things of coffee creamer, hold it up to his eye, and stab it with a fork. This was just like that. Except for real.


An old lady with curlers in her hair aimed a beat-up camcorder at Jamison. I could imagine what this looked like to them. A huge man in a government truck massacring a couple of innocent teenagers.


Eat, Brains, Love

By Jeff Hart

Eat, Brains, Love



Two teenage zombies search for brains, love, and answers in this surprisingly romantic and laugh-out-loud funny debut novel with guts.

Jake Stephens was always an average, fly-under-the-radar guy. The kind of guy who would never catch the attention of an insanely popular girl like Amanda Blake-or a psychic teenage government agent like Cass. But one day during lunch, Jake’s whole life changed. He and Amanda suddenly locked eyes across the cafeteria, and at the exact same instant, they turned into zombies and devoured half their senior class.

Now Jake definitely has Amanda’s attention-as well as Cass’s, since she’s been sent on a top-secret mission to hunt them down. As Jake and Amanda deal with the existential guilt of eating their best friends, Cass struggles with a growing psychic dilemma of her own-one that will lead the three of them on an epic journey across the country and make them question what it means to truly be alive. Or undead.

Eat, Brains, Love is a heartwarming and bloody blend of romance, deadpan humor, and suspense that fans of Isaac Marion’s Warm Bodies will devour. With its irresistibly dry and authentic teen voice, as well as a zombie apocalypse worthy of AMC’s The Walking Dead, this irreverent paperback original will leave readers dying for the sequel that’s coming in Summer 2014.


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For all of my giveaways, click on the scary pooch below.

Don’t worry. He doesn’t bite!

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Halloween is almost upon us. It’s time for tricks and treats!

I have a treat for you today.

I’m always up for reading horror and when Halloween draws near, I just can’t seem to get enough of it!

Doesn’t the cover art give you chills?

I’m here to tell ya, the story will too!

Check out The Harvesters!

And don’t forget to enter the giveaways. There are two of them!

The Harvesters

by Ashley Hill

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The Harvesters (Harvesting Series #1) By Ashley Hill

Publication Date : November 28th 2012

Genre: Young Adult/New Adult Horror



Welcome To The Harvest!
I know. Harvesting season usually takes place in the late summer.
Here on the Gulf Coast, we harvest all year long.


My Review

You get all of the ingredients for a good horror story. A thunderstorm, a rustic old cabin deep in the woods and some really creepy characters. There’s the huge shambling guy with the axe, the sly shotgun wielding old man, and the creepy kids.

I think the kids creeped me out the most. It had me thinking Blair Witch, when they hear the weird voices outside their tent and the kids giggling and slapping the tent.

The Harvesters is relentless and you land right in the thick of it from the get go.

Ash creeps around in the cellar of the ratty cabin and finally spots her boyfriend, Jason. He’s manacled to a metal table.

From this point on, I girded myself for what was coming.

Ash manages to get his hands free before this huge man throws an axe at her. She heeds Jason’s warning and hightails it but is rushed by a little kid. She sweeps past him and slams the door of the cellar shut behind her.

That’s when she hears the whispering.

She rushes to the truck outside, but, of course, there are no keys. A vision flashes in her head of the keys hanging on a hook inside the cabin.

This is where I wonder what I would’ve done. We know the warnings for these scenes. “Don’t go back inside!” But if your true love is lying in there, helpless, about to be carved up, what else can you do?

So, in she goes again.

From the very beginning it’s a mad dash through this short story.

You’ll get to read about it from two points of view. Ash narrates most of the story, but Jason does have his own side to tell.

Then their story meets again as they struggle to survive multiple attacks with no help for miles in any direction.

I was thinking serial killers or a family of cannibals maybe. I’m still not sure exactly what they wanted from Ash.

That brings me to the ending. It’s a cliffhanger and a big one. I kind of saw it coming, but I think I would have been disappointed if it wrapped up neatly.

This way, I get to look forward to more. I wonder if one of the next books will be about Jason. He has a dark past and I think his story would be harrowing.

We’ll see.


Purchase Links:

Amazon / B&N / Smashwords


Ashley Hill

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I’m a college student still trying to get a handle of the adult world. When I need to get away from it I lose myself in books, my own writing, and in spending time with my amazing boyfriend which he supports me to no end. Finding my passion in books has led me to finding a passion in writing my own fictional stories back in 2009, I have turned this into a dream career and going one step further I would love to open up my own book store.


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Giveaways. Yep, there’s two!

I have one ebook copy of The Harvesters to giveaway.

To enter, please leave your email address so I can contact you and answer this question,

“What’s your favorite thing about Halloween?”


Grand Prize Giveaway

5 copies of The Harvester

The winners will also receive copies of the future titles for this series, once they are ready to publish.

To enter, click on the rafflecopter link below.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For all of my giveaways click on the ghoul below.
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I finally get to see it!

Here’s the cover for Emma Meade’s upcoming new release Beneath Manhattan Skies!

This is the anticipated sequel to Under the Desert Moon.

It’s been a while since I read Under The Desert Moon and I’m looking forward to finding out what Erin has been up to and whether a certain someone has followed her.

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Beneath Manhattan Skies by Emma Meade

Publication date: November 2013

Genres: New Adult, Paranormal, Romance


November in New York is cold but full of possibility for college freshman Erin Harris. When her twin brother, Nick, shows up on her doorstep for a surprise visit, Erin is delighted. Unfortunately, Nick’s arrival coincides with the discovery of a body outside her apartment building, a body drained of blood. Right away, Nick assumes vampires are involved. He’s not exactly their biggest fan since Erin dated one in high school.
Juggling nosy roommates, a first date with a gorgeous guy from college and a brother on a Van Helsing kick is enough to keep any nineteen year old girl busy – And then Erin’s old flame walks back into her life.
Is Erin destined to be caught up in supernatural shenanigans, or will she choose a different path?
(A 45,000 word Novella).

I’ve read all of Emma’s stories and am so excited whenever I get my hands on a new one.

Click on the titles below to read more of my reviews of Emma’s books.


Dark Whiskey

End of the Line

End of the Line

Under the Desert Moon

Under the Desert Moon

Night Sighs

Night Sighs

The Awakening & Other Stories

Awakening and Other Stories

The Dead Beats

The Old Vampire (Short Story)

Dead Beats and The Old Vampire

Emma Meade
Emma Meade writes paranormal fiction. She lives in rainy Ireland and loves all things supernatural. Stephen King’s The Stand is one of her most loved books and she’s lost count of the number of times she’s read L.J. Smith’s trilogy, The Forbidden Game.
Books, DVDS & TV show boxsets take up lots of space in her home and she collects all the Point Horror books she can get her hands on.
She is not ashamed to admit that Dirty Dancing and Twilight make her top ten movie list but wishes to point out that The Last of the Mohicans, Reality Bites, Dead Poets Society, Stand by Me and The Goonies are in there too.
Writing supernatural stories & watching marathon re-runs of Buffy are some of her favourite ways of escaping reality.
Author Links:

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For all of my giveaways, click on the pooch disguised below.

Don’t worry. He doesn’t bite!

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Jennifer Anne Davis is celebrating her release of The Power To See, a thrilling tale of family loyalty, love, and betrayal, by offering it for the amazing low price of 99 cents!
The sale is for today only, so head over to get yours now!
Read on to learn more about The Power To See and where you can get a copy of your own.
The Power to See
By- Jennifer Anne Davis
Publication Date- October 24th, 2013  
At first glance, twenty-two-year-old Brianna’s life seems perfect. But she harbors a deadly secret—her father is the leader of a ruthless drug cartel. Brianna struggles to find her place in a world her father meticulously controls, and believes she is nothing but a pawn in her father’s deadly games. 
After graduating from college with an enormous debt, Dominic finds himself lured by money and power into a job that appears too good to be true. He doesn’t realize he works for a drug cartel until he’s in too deep. Trying to keep his family safe, he takes a deal offered by Brianna’s father and agrees to marry Brianna while continuing to work for the cartel. 
Brianna and Dominic must rely on one another as their lives become further entwined in the lethal drug world. When Dominic discovers a deadly secret, he begins to question everything and turns to Brianna for support. However, Brianna’s heart belongs to another man—an undercover DEA agent. 
The DEA closes in on the drug cartel, forcing Brianna and Dominic to choose sides, igniting a battle between family loyalty, love, and survival. Brianna soon realizes that she may be the only person capable of bringing down her father’s empire—if she can find a way to outsmart the master manipulator, without losing herself, and her heart, in the process.
