My Horror Review and a Giveaway ~ Shattered by Patrick Royal

Posted: November 15, 2013 in Blog Tour, giveaways, horror, reviews
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How could I resist Shattered.

It’s about an author getting away from everything to write some words.

He won’t be worrying about writer’s block.

He’ll be worrying about what happens when he writes!

I have a glimpse inside this story and my review for ya’ll.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway.

Mind Shadows #I: Shattered

Shattered cover


by Patrick Royal



The only thing that multi-published, award winning horror author, Tom Elliot, wanted was to move to the country for a change of scenery and relaxation, to a quiet part of southern Illinois. It seemed he’d picked out a wonderful spot, miles away from the closest neighbor and even further away from civilization.

Tom couldn’t write to save his soul. Weird thoughts trampled through his head and left him wondering if he’d made a mistake moving from Chicago. Could it have been that he ripped himself from his element, like his best friend, Michael Gully, had predicted? That he couldn’t answer yet.

Words came and flowed like wildfire, but at what price? Tom’s imagination was getting the best of him and running rampant. The very characters that he created tormented him, driving him mad where he couldn’t distinguish fiction from reality.




A moan drifted from the next room and teased Tom’s ear. Stopping to listen, he struggled to figure out what he’d heard. He stepped slowly into the living room. A woman stood with her back toward him. His heart thudded fast.

The woman moaned. Her long-fitted skirt hugged her hips, and a pleated white shirt. On the floor by her feet lay droplets of blood.

Tom peeped around the woman’s body and caught a glance of her face. “Lady, who are you? Why are you in my house?” he asked and widened his eyes.

Tom still faced the woman’s back, and she wept a bit harder. “You should know why I’m here,” she said in a soft but shaky voice. She turned around, faced him, and quickly threw her arms out in front of her. Blood trickled and dripped onto the floor from deep slits across both wrists. In her hand she held a yellow hair ribbon.

Tom’s jaw dropped open and he stumbled back, widening his view. “Oh my God. Wha…?”

The woman stepped closer to him and held her arms out with her wounds still dripping blood. Her body projected forward, as if traveling in flash.

“You did this! You killed my daughter, and you made me what you see.” She shoved her bloody wrists toward Tom.

“No, no. You’ve made a mistake,” Tom screamed and backed away from her. He clung to the wall with his legs weakening and his hands trembling.

The woman stood and laughed hysterically.


My Review

A story about a writer. What he writes becomes real, or does it?

That’s the question I kept asking myself as I was reading Shattered.

It starts with some wild nightmares, but then it starts happening while Tom is awake.

His friend Mike is beginning to get worried. Tom’s repeated phone calls make him wonder what’s happening to Tom. Is he losing it?

We all hope we have a friend as good as Mike. But I wonder how many would rush to my aid if I was prattling wild things about ghosts and beasts.

I would recommend reading this book at night. It gave me the best atmosphere as I continued to read each sentence, paragraph, and chapter, on into the night.

If you sometimes feel confused while reading this book, that’s a good thing. You’re experiencing Tom’s ordeal, his confusion. He’s such a good guy, you begin to dread what’s coming, and the author doesn’t disappoint.

I can see now how well chosen the series title is, Mind Shadows

Partick has written an intense psychological horror that keeps you guessing. You’ll be taken into this story, sent down many false trails, and emerge wrung out.

I’m still not too sure if the events were real or if Tom fell down the rabbit hole.

4 Stars


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Shattered AuthorPic

Patrick Royal is a family man. Born in Virginia, raised in Northwest Indiana, and he and his wife Lynette have resided in Western Kentucky for ten years. An avid reader of Stephen King. He’s inspired to use the gift God gave him to chill his readers. He’s also the author of Novels “Jacobs Closet”, and “Sleep Stalker”.










giveaway photo: Giveaway Banner for 42nd giveaway.png

Patrick will be awarding a $10 Wild Child Publishing GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.

Be sure to follow the tour and comment, the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.

You can find the tour dates by clicking on the banner below.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the image below.

visions photo: Visions of fire - mixed mediaThis image belongs to Richard Davis and is copyrighted as such I do follow a Creative Commons License (Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 30 License) ) so you can share my work on the inter 580696_202469346565388_1584481375_n.jpg

  1. Thank you so much for hosting me!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      You’re very welcome Patrick. Thanks for twisting my brain pan! I’m going to have to read more of your stories. It’ll keep me on my head, oops, I mean toes:)
      I look forward to having you on my blog again.

  2. I love chilling, thrilling books. This sounds like my kind of creepy read. Thanks for the very interesting review.

  3. Emma says:

    I always look at the cover first, and this one is awesome. Love the crimson blood splash!
    I know you recommend reading it at night, but I’d have to have the lights on. 🙂

  4. Catherine says:

    I like the intriguing review…That you’re still not sure. Curious.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  5. Great review Laura. The cover grabbed me first – how creepy is the blood and him standing over her with the axe. Fantastic. A creepy book with an even creepier ending. I loved it!!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I knew this one would grab ya. Our reviews were a bit different this time. You really wrote a great one and got me all excited to read the book again. Well done Sherry!

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