What’s New On My Bookshelf #57 ~ Now that’s a lot of books!

Posted: March 9, 2014 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly bookhaul post where  I’ll be telling you about all of the books I got this week, whether print or e-book plus all things new on fuonlyknew.

I got a few books this week, some free, some for review, and some I purchased just for my reading pleasure.

I also post reviews on another blog aknifeandaquill . It’s all about horror. If someone doesn’t die, we don’t do it here!


Here’s some I picked up to review on both blogs. Double exposure for the author:)



Here are some I picked up to review on fuonlyknew.


Spotted Frozen Past Free and it still is!  I already have it. Click the cover to get yours!

Got some good ones!


Got some freebies for ya!


And a few more.


Tried to find a little something for everybody.

Just click on the covers to get yours. Make sure they are still free. Were at time of posting.

You can also find more free books HERE.


Books I took in for reviews.

This is weird. I have no new ones added. But I do have a bunch I’m reading on now. And I have several I’m considering. I’ll let you know next week:)


Books I won.


I won Pathways of the Dead from a giveaway tour. My thanks to Dark World Books and thanks so much to Jonathan Allen.


Reviewied this week

Special Offers Cover  Special Rewards 1000X1600 Kindle  Special Attraction cover Kindle

Giveaway and my reviews for all three of these HERE.


Tragic Desires has a brand new look!

TD 2nd 2.1

Read my review and enter the giveaway HERE.



Check out the giveaways and my review HERE.


Reviewing this coming week


I said I’d be posting my review last week but time got away from me:)

You can read my review on my Monday Minis post on March 10th.


Read my review and enter the giveaway on Tuesday, March 11th.


Read my review and enter the giveaway on March 12th.



I’ll be doing my review on my Freakin Fridays post March 14th.


Several more reviews and awesome giveaways coming this next week.

Not sure yet which ones I’ll be posting. Be sure to stop by!


Other posts this week. Just click on the links to see the posts.

Trailer Reveal Blitz ~ Will Shakespeare and the Ships of Solomon

He serves another evil ~ Children of Lubochius ~ Cover Reveal and Giveaway

Three times loving it! Special Attraction Review Tour and Giveaway

Drasmyr is FREE! Mathew D. Ryan’s From the Ashes of Ruin Prequel

Help choose the voice of Sydney Rye for the audio book Unleashed and enter the giveaway!

Book Blast and Giveaway ~ The Leland Dragon Series by Jackie Gamber

Teaser Tuesdays #60 ~ Enchanted by Alethea Kontis

Book Blitz and Giveaway ~ WhiteHart by Sarah Dalton

Blog Tour Review and Giveaway ~ Tragic Desires – Tragic #2 ~ A Stand Alone by A.M. Hargrove

New Release ~ In the Fading Light by Tara Brown ~ Tour and giveaway

WWW Wednesday #33 ~ Grimmtastic Girls and Screamscapes

Angels, Demons and all things inbetween ~ Falling Angels Book Tour and Giveaway

I do believe in monsters. Before the Full Moon Rises Book Blitz

By Vanessa Barger ~ A Whispered Darkness Cover Reveal and Giveaway

Zombies Infest Cruise Ship! The Confessions of Sylva Slasher ~ Book Tour Review and Giveaway

Train hop across a dystopian US with AB’Gale ~ The Boxcar Baby Book Blast and Giveaway


Go here to find all of my giveaways. Enter one or enter all of them!!

Go here for a list of free e-books.

Busy, busy, busy. So many delicious reads! Some I’ve read and will be posting my reviews soon.

So what did you get this week? See something you like? Do you have any of these? Leave a comment and let me know.

  1. Taylor Dean says:

    Hi Laura! Thanks for the mention of I Have People! Much appreciated!
    I’ve read The Island and I really enjoyed it. (and the sequel as well)

  2. All kinds of goodies. ^_^ I think I have feedburner up and running, but I need you to come by and resubscribe at the top right sidebar on my home page – http://www.fundinmental.com. I will still be using the newsletter too for a while. Now, I cross my fingers and hope things work. ^_^

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