An otherworldly experience ~ Flux by Ellie Carstens ~ Blog Tour Review and Giveaway

Posted: June 20, 2014 in Blog Tour, reviews, Romance, YA Fantasy
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Welcome to my stop on the tour for Flux by Ellie Carstens.

For today I have the spectacular cover, a peek inside the book, and my review.



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As I began reading Flux it felt familiar and different at the same time. The blurb hints at what’s going on in this book. Only hints.

There are many events occurring. Alaina surviving her mothers murderous rampage. Her relocation from Canada to the northern most part of Norway to live with a father she hadn’t seen since she was a little girl. Starting school where the spoken language isn’t English. And dealing with Kaius, the gorgeous young man assigned as her translator. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Mystery abounded and held me captive, made me want to cheat and read ahead to see just what was going on.

Kaius and his circle of friends are different, mysterious.

Alaina feels eyes following her all the time.

A creepy guy with eyes as black as the abyss seems to be stalking her.

And her father, who she’s formed a new bond with, seems to be in on a mystery along with everyone else in the town. This makes Alaina feel like an outsider, the only one not in on a big secret.

Perhaps, once she finds out what the secret is, she’ll wish she didn’t know.

I’ve got to hand it to Alaina. The author knocked her down and kept knocking her down, and she kept getting back up. She’s a very strong young woman, but being a teenager, she’s also filled with angst and insecurity. I felt for her.

The plot is exciting, mysterious, and dangerous. There are many characters woven into the story. Each is easy to identify. And the story reads quickly, no slowing down.

If you’re wondering why I haven’t revealed much about what’s coming, it’s because I want you to be surprised and enjoy it as much as I did. And nobody likes spoilers.

I’d recommend this to anyone, young readers and adults, who likes a fun fantasy and is looking for something a little bit different.




The last thing sixteen-year-old Alaina Oftedahl-Miller expected was to watch her mom brutally destroy their life.

But, in the wake of tragedy, strength forms. Shipped off to live with her birth father, Alaina finds herself dealing with more than just being the new Canadian girl in a Norwegian school. Juggling the formation of a relationship with the man who abandoned her as a child, and a budding attraction to Kaius Vargøy–the mysterious, beautiful classmate who’s been assigned as her personal translator–Alaina can’t shake the feeling that every move she makes is being watched. Judged.

She soon learns there’s far more to this sleepy Norwegian town than she ever imagined. Kaius and his friends aren’t exactly what they seem, and the repercussions of that could send her traveling through the most unexpected experience of her life. Murder and relocation is one thing, but add in supernatural occurrences and Vikings, and even she may not have the strength to survive.

REUTS PublicationsAmazon


Author Ellie Carstens

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For as long as she can recall, Ellie Carstens has been a huge fan of reading. The genre and content are not important as long as the story holds her captive. She believes that life is too short to be taken seriously all the time and to lose one’s self in a good book is an escape worth taking. Now, she writes science fiction, fantasy, romance, and beyond, creating stories that will hopefully bring that same passion for reading to others.

Flux is her debut title and the first in a Young Adult sci-fi/romance trilogy.

Website ~ Twitter ~ Goodreads


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

  1. Sounds like a really great read. Glad you enjoyed it

  2. Supernatural and Vikings, sounds good.

    sherry @ fundinmental

  3. mcushing7 says:

    Sounds interesting! Another to add to my TBR 🙂 Loved your review too!

  4. Elisabeth says:

    There’s a dagger on the cover and it involves Vikings. That’s all I need to know. 😀

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