What’s New On My Bookshelf #84 and The Sunday Post

Posted: October 26, 2014 in Book Promos, Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Another fun way to share your book news and enjoy others is

The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer


Not much happened this week. Work was crazy and I was so tired when I got home that all I wanted to do was watch my favorite shows, catch a few horror movies, and read. All hard to do when I had to fight to keep from falling asleep.

I have a very physical job. I detail the interiors of vehicles and it’s not easy. A lot of the equipment is bulky, there’s lots of scrubbing and lifting and carrying, but it does keep me in shape. Though, it wears me out when I have a long day.

The good part about it is, when I’m done I can leave so going in early and getting it done lets me get home with daylight to enjoy. But that won’t be for long as daylight savings time approaches.

How do you feel about the time change? Should they continue doing it? It doesn’t seem like we really need it anymore.

Enjoy my goings on this week and I look forward to visiting your posts!


My books for review

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These are some I picked up just for me.

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And here are some freebies for ya! Click on the covers to get yours.

And remember to make sure they’re still free before you click that buy button.

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Reviewed this week

Click on the covers for my reviews.

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Reviewing next week.

My computer was down for several days so some of these were delayed until next week.

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What I won this week


I won Wolf Slayer from Angela Addam’s release week book tour. Thanks so much Angela!


Other Posts this weeks

The Noru ~ A YA Fantasy Freebie Blitz and Giveaway

13 Tales to make you…Shiver

Teaser Tuesdays #86 ~ Kitty Hawk and the Curse of the Yukon Gold

The Divinicus Nex Chronicles ~ Guest Post and Giveaway

There’s something witchy brewin ~ Spelled by Kate St. Clair

Thursday Theatre #38 ~ Did somebody say…Wherewolves ~ Author Interview and Giveaway

The Making of Michael Bishop by Kathleen Collins ~ My Realm Walkers Review

The Friday 56 #42 ~ A Zombie Holiday Anthology

The Friday First Chapter Reveal & Giveaway ~ Lucas MacKenzie and the London Midnight Ghost Show


For all of my 2014 reviews go HERE

For a list of free books go HERE

For all of my giveaways go HERE


So, what did you get to read this week?

Got any recommendations?

I’d love to know and thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew.

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  1. Some great reads, Laura!!! I’m reading Scarlet Order by David Lee Summers! AWESOME!!! Lots of love, Emily

  2. Wow, impressive haul! The Chef at the Water’s Edge seems to be grabbing me…hope you enjoy them all, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Lola says:

    I actually watched some horror movies as well this week, although they weren’t really scary. It’s hard sometimes to find the energy to do anything when you’re tired from work. I understand you get tired from such a physical job, I really wouldn’t be able to do such hard work for whole days. I am glad I can sit behind a computer the whole day.

    I almost forgot about the daylight saving time, it was half past three this afternoon when I finally remembered the clock had to go backwards. It did feel like the day had an extra hour, so that was nice. But beside that the daylight saving time just trows my schedule off, I think they shoudl stop with it, but that’s probably not going to happen.

    You got a lot of new books this week, i hope you enjoy them!

  4. WOW, Laura, you got a lot of pretty creepy-looking books this week! I am usually able to scare myself so badly that I have to be careful not to read something creepy too close to when I’m going to bed πŸ˜€

    The daylight saving is not really working, I think. I don’t understand why we continue to do it – but I enjoy it better in the fall because we ‘gain’ an hour, however, I wish we could just stay on the same time and be done with it!

    Have a fantastic week, and happy reading.

  5. Amazing how much a cover can sale a book. A good says ” come and read me”.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yep. A good cover is important. It’s also important to me that the cover actually represents the story.

      • I belong to a groups that reads and discuss cat mysteries. Our grip is to see a cat on a cover and no cat is in the pages. Sure turn you off on an author if you think you reading and get something completely different.

      • fuonlyknew says:

        That’s like when a model on the cover has blond hair and the character in the book has black. Little things like that can affect how I enjoy the story and my rating. It’s not all about the cover art. A cover can be very simple and still be good if it’s consistent with the story.

  6. I liked Wolf Slayer. Have you read the first book? I reviewed both at the blog.

    I can imagine you’re exhausted when you get home! Physical work takes it out of you.Get some rest and then you can read. πŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I just grabbed the first book and hope to get started on the series soon. I’ll have to hop over and check out your reviews.
      I’m not one to nap so I go to bed early and read til I get sleepy. Needless to say, that happens quick sometimes. LOL

  7. It is so hard when you are physically tired. As for the time change..maybe it is all in my head but I adore the fall back part. The moving forward..nope I hate it. Lordy you have an awesome haul this week..I need to check out some of these.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Lots of goodies this week. I spend quite a bit of time trying to find different freebies to offer up. I’m getting better at not grabbing every one too. LOL
      I think the worst of the over booking has passed at work, so maybe I won’t be as tired and can do some reading without falling asleep.

  8. Greg says:

    You seem to have all the scary reads this week! Come Along With Me looks like a good kids book and Loose screw too, I’ve seen this one elsewhere today and it looks cute. As for daylight savings time, I’m not really a fan- it always seems to screw up my internal clock every year! I would be fine with not doing it. πŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Lots of scary ones for the last week or Halloween month. Come Along With Me is quite good. And I had to have Loose Screw. I read another book in the series and had such fun so I jumped at the chance to get the first book.
      Looks like most of us agree. The time change isn’t needed anymore.

  9. Booketta says:

    You’ve got some good books there and nice covers too. Your job does sound busy but good that you can get home early-ish. I don’t think we need daylight saving and as one of my yoga colleagues said if Scotland has gone independent then we could continue with BST. Historically, it is to help Scottish farmers.

  10. Sounds like an exhausting job! I think day light savings is pointless these days.

    I hope you have a lovely, less exhausting, week ahead! =)

  11. I’m not familiar with any of the books you got this week, but a lot of them look Halloween-y which I love! Hope you have a good week!

    SP & STS
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Only a few days left until Halloween. I can’t believe it’ll be November this weekend. I want summer back. LOL I’ll still have lots of scary books though. They are my favorite.

  12. Christy says:

    Down with time change! My TV has been set on the Chiller channel a lot this month, gotta get my horror on. πŸ˜‰ Hope you enjoy your books.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      You’d think ScyFy channel would have some good ones but I’ve also mostly been on Chiller. Sometimes LMN has some good ones too. And then there’s all my DVDs and Netflix!

  13. Yvonne says:

    I have some of those books on my Kindle. They look great. I’m not a big fan of time changes either.

    Hope you have a good week!

  14. Nyze says:

    I can see we both have a rough week, but when I got home all i wanted to do is sleep because of exhaustion. Hardly had time to read. Hope this week will be nothing but amazing for you babe πŸ™‚

    Thanks for dropping by my blog πŸ™‚

  15. Cait says:

    Woah, your job definitely does sound exhausting. And those are some super spooky books you’ve got there…I’m still shuddering at Porcelain! >_< I do like reading horror, but I seem to pick up really dodgy ones and I've kind of been turned off at the moment. Oops!
    Thanks for stopping by @ Notebook Sisters!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I posted my review for Porcelain today. It’s on my Monday Minis Review meme. I’ve been very lucky and most I’ve picked up are excellent. I also have some authors that send me their books as they release them, and they are always great! When I find an author I enjoy, I’ll read any genre they write and work my way through their books. One author took me two years. LOL

  16. Constanze says:

    I haven’t heard of any of these books, but some do look interesting. But I’m not a fan of horror at all, so I probably won’t be picking them up. I didn’t read a lot last week – the thing was: I started a lot of book. I think three or four books. And tried to continue reading those I didn’t finish. So it’s weird because I kind of read a lot (Including French magazines about furniture to teach myself French πŸ˜€ ).

    • fuonlyknew says:

      That’s an interesting way to learn French. I wouldn’t mind learning a couple of foreign languages. Perhaps then I’d visit those countries. If I could be so lucky!

  17. Wow, it sounds like you have quite a busy and tiring job and you just need to unwind afterwards. Woah, you got a massive haul with lots of spooky looking books! AHHH Porcelain dolls are sooo creepy to me, so I could never pick that book up. I hope you enjoy your books!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Work is a little less hectic so far this week so I’m hoping to be able to read for a while before falling asleep. I have so many good books to read. I just reviewed Porcelain and talked about the dolls. The fact that I’ve never liked them and they still creep me out. LOL

  18. Physical jobs do keep you in shape – and that is often in a book – that a hero or heroine were toned by real work. Can you listen to audio books while you work?

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yes I could listen to audio books. I have my player and listen to music. Thanks for the awesome idea. I’m going to try it and let you know how it goes. Yippee!

  19. Oh you stacked up your Halloween shelf pretty great!!! πŸ˜€ I’m not a big fan of such books though πŸ˜› Nice haul! πŸ™‚
    Book Maniac Reviews

  20. pagesandtea says:

    Some great, scary looking reads for you this week. I can’t decide whether I love the cover for Sceadu or am terrified by that grinning face πŸ™‚ It still looks like something I would read though.

    The time change takes some getting used to for the first few weeks, I’m not really sure that we need it, it’s pretty grim when leaving work and it’s already dark.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I was thrilled when I was offered a copy of Sceadu. I think it’s more of a young adult read and it sure sounds good. That cover has me thinking alien clown? It’s really weird, in a good way.LOL

      I remember when I had this one job. I’d leave to go to work, in the dark, and it would be dark for the drive home. I hated it.

  21. We’ve had the daylight savings debate going on here in Australia for a while. It ended up getting change to us having 6 months of daylight time and 6 months of standard time. I’m starting to think why change it at all, I’m not sure we need it anymore either.
    Nice haul this week, you’ve picked up some interesting reads. I hope you enjoy them.
    Sharon @ Sharon’s Book Nook!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m not sure if we need it anymore either. I like the extra hour of sleep but when I lose it, it’s hard. And when my son was in school, getting him ready an hour earlier was hard for both of us.

  22. Awesome. Books, books and books. LOL

  23. At least it keeps you in shape, but I can imagine how exhausting it must be! I’m looking forward to the extra hour πŸ™‚

  24. Berls says:

    I am not at all a fan of the time change – it always gets me all out of wack. I mean, yes, i’ll get an extra hour and that’s nice…. until I lose it in the spring. I know it used to serve a purpose, but now I think we’re just stuck in an antiquated system :/ I’m exhausted just thinking about your job – detailing cars is hard work. At least you don’t have to hit the gym after work, right? Have a great week!

  25. They Call Me Crazy and Loose Screw both look interesting. You got a ton of books again. I hope you enjoy them all! Thanks for stopping by. πŸ™‚

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