Black Cats and Ballet Slippers ~ Blast and Giveaway

Posted: October 30, 2014 in Book Blast, Fantasy, giveaways
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This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon gift card to one randomly drawn commenter via Rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Black Cats and Ballet Slippers

by Iva Valentino

Gemma Mayfield feels like middle school is a lot to bite off and chew. School, ballet classes, and planning on how to get Trevor Davis to ask her to the Halloween Dance are a tough balancing act. On top of that, Gemma is convinced that her science teacher, Ms. Pruett, is a witch.

When things start getting fishy at school, Gemma knows that Ms. Pruett is behind it all! Students are getting spells placed on them and start to go missing. Gemma and her best friend, Izzie, vow to stop Ms. Pruett from doing any more damage. Will they be able to save Middleton Middle School from witchcraft?


Enjoy an excerpt:

Today when I came home from school, Mungo greeted me at the door. He does this every day. He was carrying his favorite little yellow ball. So I played fetch with him for a bit, because even though he is a cat, he will never stop thinking he is a dog.

When Mom came home just a few minutes later, Mungo bounded toward the door and started growling. He always does this. He looks a bit scary with his super black fur and yellow eyes. Mom had to step around him so she wouldn’t get nipped. I believe that Mom must have made Mungo mad when he was just a kitten, because he doesn’t seem to have forgiven her. I always try to stay on his good side as well.

I told Mom about what happened today. The conversation went something like this:

Mom: “Hi, honey! How was your day?”

Me: “Not so good. Ms. Pruett put a spell on me. She totally controlled my mind for like five minutes!”

Mom: “Gemma! I think we know better than that. Ms. Pruett is just a nice old lady.”

Then she went to the living room to do her yoga. I am convinced that no one believes me about this witch thing.


About the Author:

Iva Valentino lives in Arizona with her husband and their dog, Lupo. She graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and a Master’s degree in Education. She loves living year-round in the warm desert.

Iva spent many years as a middle school teacher, where she enjoyed doing fun science experiments with her students. She currently works as a science editor at an educational publishing company. She loves travel, yoga, and photography. There is nothing that brings her more happiness than a good dance class!



Buy the book at MuseItUp Publishing, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. (on sale for $1.35 at publisher and Amazon)


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$25 Amazon Gift Card

Click on the rafflecopter below to enter.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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  1. Ty Wilson says:

    This book sounds really interesting, and I love the artwork on the cover. Fantastic!

  2. Tiffany Tosh says:

    I loved the excerpt. It was awesome scary!!!

  3. I grinned at the title and the cover is adorable, very cute and intriguing at the same time. Happy reading!

  4. Sarah Miles says:

    That excerpt is funny 🙂 I don’t normally pick up books that are set in middle school, but this sounds like a fun read! I had a black cat sort of like hers – she was super sweet to me, tolerant of my immediate family, and she’d scare the pants off of anyone else. Hissing, fur puffed up, and guarding the stairs. It was kind of funny.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      My sister had a cat like that. She was kind of scary. LOL
      I’ve read some children’s and middle grade books lately and really enjoyed them. It’s a nice break from horror, thrillers, and romance:)

  5. Danie says:

    I think this would be a great book for a middle school girl. I loved books like this when I was that age (I still do actually).

  6. Love the premise of the book! Sounds like a great teen book! Lots of love, Emily

  7. Theresa Fischer says:

    My niece would love this book!

  8. Daniel M says:

    I like the fun cover!

  9. Iva Valentino says:

    Thank you so much for hosting me! 🙂

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