Merry Christmas from Anthony Renfro! All of his stories will be free!

Posted: December 7, 2014 in Freebies!, Holidays, horror, Short stories and collections

Wishing You A Merry Southern Christmas!

I’m so excited!

Anthony Renfro is going to have all of his books available as free downloads!

I’ve read his Zombie Holiday Trilogy and I’m reviewing each story to coincide with each holiday.

You can find the link to my A Zombie Thanksgiving review further into this post.

And I’ll be reviewing A Zombie Christmas on the 18th so be sure to stop back by! There will be another short story surprise review also.

So check out the dates, mark your calendar or save this post, and get your books FREE!

Here’s what Anthony Renfro has to say!

I plan to start running my stories for free over the next couple of weeks. This is what I hope will be an attempt to capture some readers who need something to read over the holidays and capture readers eager to snatch up free stories for the ebook readers they get as gifts. Most of my stories are thriller and suspense like horror stories. I hope to also capture readers who are a bit run down with all the Christmas stuff and want to read something just a bit different this holiday season.

If want to you can re-blog this on to your site, like it on Facebook, Tweet it out, Google Plus it, whatever. Just get the word out for me if you can.

Feel free to drop your links to your free stories into the comment section below. I will have this post stuck to the front page of my blog for a couple of weeks, so feel free to come by anytime and leave me a link to your stories. Maybe together we can generate some buzz about the writing we so love to share with the world, and if something grabs my attention I might just put up a post about it.

Click on this link to connect with Anthony.


Click on the covers to see the books on Amazon and get your free copies on the specified dates.

Here is the schedule.

December 7 – 8

Killer Treads



December 9 – 10

A Haunted House Tale

A short story about five students on Halloween night who discover the secrets and terrors of the town's most infamous haunted house.


December 11 – 12

Daylight Vampires and Sunrise Werewolves

A Western short story about a town called Saltwater Junction besieged by creatures of the night who now do their stalking in the bright light of day.


December 13 – 14

Terror Ride

A short story about the evil that consumes two guys who decide to steal a car and take a joyride late one night.


December 15 – 16

Evil Beach

A short story about two boys who discover a hidden beach and the evil deadly secrets that lie within its soft white grains of sand.


Here’s the schedule for when my Zombie Holiday Stories will be free.

A Zombie Thanksgiving: December 9 – 13

You can read my review HERE.


A Zombie Christmas: December 17 – 18

Catch my review on December 18th also.


A Zombie New Year: December 12 and December 20 – 21


A Zombie Holiday Trilogy: December 19th


Author Anthony Renfro

Anthony Renfro

Anthony Renfro lives in Apex, North Carolina. He is a reader, writer, runner, husband, father, and stay at home dad – one of the toughest jobs anyone could ever do. He was born in Bristol, Tennessee, and is a graduate of UNC-Greensboro.

You can find him at many spots on the web, but if you really need to find his center in the social media storm it would be at his blog,

Now reach out, just beyond the light, right into that big black space, and let him take your hand on a journey into cold dark places. You will be scared, and you may even be terrified, but in the end you might just find you liked the ride.

Find him on:

Amazon ~ Goodreads


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Merry Christmas!

For all of my giveaways click on Zombie Santa below.

zombie santa photo: Zombie Santa Zombie_Santa_by_cool_slayer.jpg

  1. bluekaren says:

    Wow! I am elated to get these and get started reading them. Thanks for sharing!

  2. atothewr says:

    Thanks again for all of this. It is so, so, so, appreciated. i’ll send you a copy of my latest novel for free once I get it in paperback.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It’s my pleasure Anthony. Having such fun with your stories. Looking forward to your new one! Have a wonderful week. And hope you get many downloads. This post is getting a lot of hits!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Have you thought of adding your short stories as an anthology like your zombie holiday ones? I read collections like crazy.

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