Teaser Tuesdays #91 ~ A Zombie Christmas ~ Giveaway and freebies!

Posted: December 9, 2014 in apocalypse, Freebies!, giveaways, Holidays, horror, Teaser Tuesdays, Zombies
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Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


My tease is from

A Zombie Christmas

by Anthony Renfro



Here is my tease from page 73  of the paperback.

“I want the kids in this neighborhood to wake up Christmas morning and find a present at their door. I want them to feel like Santa is still here, and he is one mean zombie-killing machine that won’t let Christmas die, no matter what the situation.”

and from page 81

The three men sat huddled in the cold, waiting and watching the mall parking lot. There were a lot of zombies shuffling around the open ground, some going into the mall, some coming out. Many of them were carrying shopping bags as if they had spent this day doing last minute Christmas shopping.



In a Zombie Apocalypse, three men risk life and limb to bring happiness to surviving kids on Christmas morning.


Anthony has A Zombie Christmas print copy giveaway on Goodreads

You can enter the  Giveaway HERE

Ends December 14th


I’m so excited!

Anthony Renfro is going to have all of his books available as free downloads!

I’ve read his Zombie Holiday Trilogy and I’m reviewing each story to coincide with each holiday.

You can find the link to my A Zombie Thanksgiving review further into this post.

And I’ll be reviewing A Zombie Christmas on the 18th so be sure to stop back by! There will be another short story surprise review also.

So check out the dates, mark your calendar or save this post, and get your books FREE!

Click on the covers to see the books on Amazon and get your free copies on the specified dates.

Here is the schedule.

December 7 – 8

Killer Treads


December 9 – 10

A Haunted House Tale

A short story about five students on Halloween night who discover the secrets and terrors of the town's most infamous haunted house.


December 11 – 12

Daylight Vampires and Sunrise Werewolves

A Western short story about a town called Saltwater Junction besieged by creatures of the night who now do their stalking in the bright light of day.


December 13 – 14

Terror Ride

A short story about the evil that consumes two guys who decide to steal a car and take a joyride late one night.


December 15 – 16

Evil Beach

A short story about two boys who discover a hidden beach and the evil deadly secrets that lie within its soft white grains of sand.


Here’s the schedule for when his Zombie Holiday Stories will be free.

A Zombie Thanksgiving: December 9 – 13

You can read my review HERE.


A Zombie Christmas: December 17 – 18

Catch my review on December 18th also.


A Zombie New Year: December 12 and December 20 – 21


A Zombie Holiday Trilogy: December 19th


Author Anthony Renfro

Anthony Renfro

Anthony Renfro lives in Apex, North Carolina. He is a reader, writer, runner, husband, father, and stay at home dad – one of the toughest jobs anyone could ever do. He was born in Bristol, Tennessee, and is a graduate of UNC-Greensboro.

You can find him at many spots on the web, but if you really need to find his center in the social media storm it would be at his blog, apoetryjourney.wordpress.com.

Now reach out, just beyond the light, right into that big black space, and let him take your hand on a journey into cold dark places. You will be scared, and you may even be terrified, but in the end you might just find you liked the ride.

Find him on:

Amazon ~ Goodreads


How about you? Got a tease? Tell me!

stick out tongue photo: rr-sticking-out-tongue roadrunner-stick-out-tongue.gif

  1. Zombies! I love those, especially, the zombies still shopping. It does kind of feel that way towards the end of the silly season!

    This is mine http://editingeverything.com/bookish-thoughts-2/teaser-tuesdays-antigoddess-by-kendare-blake/

  2. boyishbookworm says:

    Zombies and Christmas… Interesting combination 🙂 Here is my TT post: http://boyishbookworm.blogspot.hu/2014/12/teaser-tuesday-3.html

  3. LOL. That book title is epic and the teasers are great too. Thanks for stopping by.
    Here’s my teaser for your readers.

  4. Oh no…just when I thought the mall couldn’t get more crowded or dangerous…zombies appear…lol

    My Tuesday post: http://www.bookclublibrarian.com/2014/12/first-chapter-first-paragraph-85-and.html

  5. Great teasers! I feel like malls everywhere are filled with zombies this time of year… lol
    My TT: http://book-forthought.blogspot.com/2014/12/teaser-tuesdays-dec-9.html

  6. Emalie says:

    Christmas and Zombies? This sounds so cool! Hope you enjoy it 🙂

    Here is my TT

  7. Love Anthony and THANK YOU for profiling his wonderful work! Lots of love, Emily

  8. Cynthia says:

    A Christmas book with zombies?? That sounds amazing!!

  9. empeck says:

    These teasers were everything I’d hoped they would be. LOL I’m not a big fan of zombies or Christmas, but put the two together, and you’ve hooked me.

    I’ll be adding some of those books to my to-read list. 🙂

    My TT is here.

  10. Ha I do like the sound of this take on a Christmas story – I bet those children are scared. Thanks for visiting my TT https://cleopatralovesbooks.wordpress.com/2014/12/09/teaser-tuesday-december-9/

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It’s sad they can’t be dreaming about sugar plums. But there are some sweet and funny moments to share too.

  11. Dagny says:

    Zombies everywhere! Mine this week takes place in the winter, but it’s not Christmas fare. White Fire by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child at http://wp.me/pZnGI-gh

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I do love my zombies. LOL I can’t wait to read White Fire. I love those authors and always rush to get each new release!

  12. fredamans says:

    Looks like a fun holiday read!

  13. Kathy Martin says:

    Zombies? I totally and completely avoid zombie books. They are way too weird for me. I’m glad you are enjoying them. Happy reading!

  14. Suzie Quint says:

    I hadn’t heard of these. The author must be just a little twisted. That’s not a bad thing, mind you.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      He’s sure got a different way of thinking with these. I loved the idea of bringing some sense of normalcy to the holidays, even with the danger of being eaten:)

  15. writenote1 says:

    You read some really different books! Not sure if this is for me, but I liked the teaser!

    Thanks for stopping by Write Note Reviews.

  16. A zombie Christmas!? Yes! I would so read this! What an interesting twist; did you watch the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead? Gah!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      You’ll love these. Make sure to grab them when they’re free! I did watch the finale. I almost cried that I’ll have to wait until February for more. LOL

  17. I read this one too. I’m glad I didn’t post it for my TT. Great minds think alike. Thanks for sharing all the freebies too.
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT ~ My Christmas Soldier

  18. Alice Audrey says:

    Great zombie teaser.

  19. I am not much of a zombie fan, but this one does sound funny…so thanks for sharing, and I might check it out. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      You could take out zombies and add something natural but deadly and it would still be a great story. I love my zombies though. LOL

  20. Jamie says:

    Zombies and Christmas sounds like an interesting combination. Zombies shopping? Great teasers. Will be checking out this author. Thanks for stopping by Fantasy Book Chick!

  21. Kim says:

    Wow! Another good reason to stay away from the mall at Christmas time! Sounds like a fun book! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy reading!

  22. atothewr says:

    Thanks again for sharing my work. I also have lots of freebies spread all over the web on Noise Trade, Wattpad, and Pressbooks to name a few. You can read full chapters at most of these sites.

    Again, you rock for posting these. Thanks for getting the word out about me.

  23. Haha, this is DEFINITELY as original as it comes!! I LOVE zombie books, and I love Christmas books as well! I may just have to check this one out! I hope your enjoying it!!

    Thanks for stopping by my TT @ Addicted Readers! 🙂

  24. Louisa says:

    Oh, those are awesome teasers! Hilarious! And so sweet! Love! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

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