What’s New On My Bookshelf #97 and The Sunday Post

Posted: February 15, 2015 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Another fun way to share your book news and enjoy others is The Sunday Post hosted by

Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Head on over and leave a link to your Sunday Post and hop around to visits others.


Happy Valentine’s Day ya’ll!

happy valentine's day photo: HappyValentinesDayTeddyHeartBouncing HappyValentinesDayTeddyHeartBouncin.gif

I didn’t do much for the holiday. I spent it reading and watching movies with my son.

You’d expect me to read or watch some romantic stuff, but nope, I binged on science fiction and horror. From fiction to non-fiction. And everything in between.

My eyes are blurring as I type this. LOL

Did you do anything special? Did your Valentine bring you gifts, flowers, or candy?

What’s the best Valentine’s Day you ever had?

Now that you’re on sugar highs from all that candy, let’s talk books!

I’ll be hopping over to check out your Sunday posts so be sure to leave me your link!


Here are my new books for review.

24580345Β  20983429

22397047Β  16193991Β  22725812


New ones just because!

On my Kindle

16109210Β  22637998Β  24926112

Print Books

7912007Β  13154933

Β Β 17787513Β  21538202


And here are some freebies for ya!

Click on the covers to get yours and remember to make sure they’re still free before you click that buy button!

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Books I reviewed this week.

Click on the covers for my reviews.

22522046Β  23706866

15828866Β  23922959Β  22017707


Books I’ll be reviewing next week.

24485092Β  23261817Β 


What I won.

I did win a few giveaways but will wait until they arrive to share them with you.

Some will be a surprise even to me!


Fun news from around the web!

Over on Booktopia Blog, Andrew shares a fun Lego Take on Fifty Shades of Grey

Cait @ Paper Fury talks about authors that inspire her.

Carmel @ Rabid Read has a question on her post – Are you a seasonal reader?

Over on Herding Cats, Anna talks about When is it okay for an author to comment?

There’s a discussion @ Novel Heartbeat – Don’t be afraid to be yourself in your review.


Other Posts on my blog this week.

A Giveaway Celebrating the Release of Heart Search : Betrayal

Cover Reveal ~ Out From Under ~ A Pea Pod Girls Investigations

Monday Minis Reviews #37 ~ A Zombie Combat Field Guide

Teaser Tuesdays #101 ~ Night Carnival

My Favorite Corpse ~ How many times can you lose a dead body?

Final Stand by Rose Garcia ~ Highlight and Giveaway

Valentine’s Day is Murder ~ Cost Mystery Tour Review

Friday Cover Reveal and Giveaway ~ Joshua and the Lightning Road by Donna Galanti

The Friday 56 #52 ~ My Pet Yeti

A Giveaway Celebrating The Kingdom Within and Friends For Life


Have you joined TSU yet?

Click on the widget to friend and follow me!



For all of my 2014 reviews go HERE

For a list of free books go HERE

For all of my giveaways go HERE


So, what did you get to read this week?

Got any recommendations?

I’d love to know and thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew.

  1. Greg says:

    A sci fi Valentine’s sound pretty good. Glad you enjoyed. We went out for dinner and that’s about it, it was so cold here we just wanted to go home. Blustery and negative wind chill.

    You have such an eclectic mix of books, it’s fun to look through them. Happy reading, and have a nice week.

  2. lab1990 says:

    Happy (late) Valentine’s Day. I didn’t do much because I worked and then I had dance class. However, my sister and I DID go see Kingsman: The Secret Service which was great!


  3. My husband and I had a fun afternoon out yesterday away from our two kids. We went ot the brewery and had wood fired pizza, beer and smores. It was terrific. You got a lot of dystopian reads up there. Should make for some interesting reading.

  4. Iza Bzh says:

    What a book haul ! My boyfriend and I had a quiet evening home when I got back from work, the two of us on the sofa watching Breaking bad – not much of a Valentine celebration, but we enjoyed it that way πŸ™‚ “How many times can you lose a dead body ?”, LOL ! Well, now you’ve got to read all these books, so enjoy and have a great week πŸ˜‰

  5. Wow, so many books! I hope you enjoy them.

    The cats and I had a quiet Valentine’s Day at home on the couch, watching the snow fall.

    • Laura
      I see you like Dean Koontz? I have a story about him. In 1989 when I was ready to give up writing (long story) I wrote him and asked for advice and he and his wife called me on the phone one rainy fall night and she talked to me. He was there but didn’t what to actually talk so she relayed what he had to say as he said it. They were so kind, talked a long time to me, and gave me the name of my first agent and that agent sold four of my books to Zebra for me between 1990-1994. It’s a memory I treasure, as besides Stephen King (who I also wrote to for advice but he never answered) Koontz was another one of my favorite authors. Koontz told me never to give up and I never have. Neat story, huh/

      • fuonlyknew says:

        That’s a wonderful story and so like him. I happened to notice that his author bio in the back of one of his books mentioned his golden retriever, Trixie, in the past tense. So I wrote him a letter and told him about my golden, Lassie, and how I missed her too. He sent me a signed copy of his book about her and a personal letter written by him. He and his wife seem so nice.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It seems odd to have snow on Valentine’s Day. I guess it’s because we never get any here. Stay toasty!

  6. Emma says:

    Happy Valentine’s. Your day of movies and chillaxing sounds fun. I actually received a Valentine’s postcard from a blogger in the US I’ve been chatting to online for the past few years. That was a lovely surprise. πŸ™‚
    The book cover for Dead Spots caught my eye right away. There’s something eerie and desolate about it.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I received an electronic card from a blogging friend. It was really cute and made my day.
      Dead Spots is gonna be a good one. I love Rhiannon’s writing.

  7. Lola says:

    I actually had a great valentine’s day, normally we don’t do much special, but my boyfriend gave me a rose and chocolates and I bake brownies for him in return. We had a relaxed and fun day.

    Enjoy all your new books, you got some interesting looking books this week!

  8. I was so going to not grab one of those freebies this week but I did anyway..lol. Enjoy your new books! πŸ™‚

    Week in Review

  9. We’re not big Valentine’s Day people though my husband did bring me flowers. Other than that we did a little errand running and had dinner at home. All the madness at restaurants this time of year makes me avoid them. Your bingeing sounds like a lot of fun! Have a great week!

  10. Christy says:

    .I seriously need to catch up with the Odd Thomas series. Enjoy you books and have a great week.

  11. Britni N. says:

    Oh wow! I you have so many books that looks so fun!

  12. yvonne473 says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day! We didn’t do much – pretty much just read and watched TV. Hope you have a great week!

  13. Naomi Hop says:

    I didn’t do a lot for Valentines… hubby went out, kids and I hung at home, until he bought dinner home for us!
    Enjoy your new reads!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  14. We usually don’t do anything for Valentine’s now that we have a little guy, but this year with family in town we had a very full fun day. First we did soccer, then went to the park for a cookout, nap in the afternoon and a very nice dinner at home. I did get some amazing flowers from my men. ^_^ Have a great week!

  15. shannonmiz says:

    I didn’t do a thing for Valentine’s Day, sadly. I was just basically bitter about it, and spent the whole day writing blog posts and taking care of the kids. Just everyday stuff, I suppose! I do hope you enjoy all the great new books though πŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’ve been without a partner for so long, I’m used to holidays alone. It used to make me sad. Now I just enjoy doing what I want:)

  16. Seems like you got some good books this week, I hope you enjoy them!

    And sometimes a nice peaceful day is the best way to spend a holiday! Personally, my day was spent with my cats reading a nice long fantasy book. =)

    Hope you have an awesome week.

  17. A very nice selection of books! I need to try out the Odd Thomas series. Thanks for stopping by My Book Snack. Happy reading this week!

  18. pagesandtea says:

    lol, sci fi and horror sounds like a perfect combination for valentines to me πŸ™‚ I don’t tend to read much in the way of romance, although I do like some of the classics.

    Seeing Full Dark, No Stars in your post this week just reminded me that I’ve had that book sitting on my shelf for the longest time and really need to get around to reading it soon, I am neglecting King lately which is not good as I’m doing a King themed reading challenge πŸ™‚

    Hope you enjoy your new books!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yeah, nothing like a good scare and out of this world action to brighten the holiday. LOL
      I found King’s book as a hardcover and only paid $1.00 for it at the local used book store. I was surprised I hadn’t read it. Been neglecting Mr. King too.

  19. Kelsey says:

    I had an awesome Valentines day. I had to work in the morning but my husdand made me dinner and then we watched the hockey game and it was great πŸ™‚
    You have a ton of new books this week, Dead Spots is one I tihnk I have to get soon, I really like that author. Have a great week!

  20. atothewr says:

    Didn’t do much for Valentine’s Day either. My wife and I usually don’t.

    Full Dark, No Stars is a great collection of King short stories.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I was surprised that I hadn’t read this book yet. I thought I had but when I glanced through it I realized I hadn’t. A great find!

  21. bluekaren says:

    I love the cover for Halfskin. Loads of great books this week, even Stephen King. Looks like you have another wicked week of reading ahead. Happy reading!

  22. My goodness, Laura, that whole haul is like an artwork πŸ™‚ I hope all your new books will be amazing.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      LOL I tried to put genres together and find matching colors on the covers. Took a long time to find good books but had fun!

  23. Elisabeth says:

    Ooh, the cover of HALFSKIN is incredible.

  24. You have some interesting books this week, and some with fantastic covers. I have Full Dark, No Stars waiting to be read…I may need to dig it out of my book pile.
    Dead Spots sounds interesting and creepy…looking forward to seeing what you think of this one.

    Thanks for stopping by my haul πŸ™‚

  25. I was going to limit myself to one freebie, but, drat, I missed it. Maybe next time. Some great looking books and thanks for sharing news around the blogosphere. I love that idea and maybe do some of that, if I think of it. LOL

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Dang it. I picked a few that I thought you’d like!
      I have a folder I save posts in and try to share from different blogs each week.

  26. bruacioly says:

    We don’t celebrate Valentine’s day on my country (not on Feb 14th anyway), so it was just a normal day, though I did get to be with the boyfriend. But for some reason the holiday always puts me in the mood for romance – okay, I’m always in the mood for romance. lol. Hope you have a great week. =)

  27. katarguelles says:

    My husband and I went to watch Kingsmen. It was a bloody but funny movie to watch on Valentines Day lol. You got a lot of great books and I love the covers! I hope you enjoy them and all have a great week!

  28. I love your mix of books. I didn’t do anything for Valentine’s Day but a sci fi binge sounds good. I’m about due for another Lord of the Rings binge. πŸ™‚

    Happy reading!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I just recently binged on The Lord of the Rings! I’m starting on Harry Potter now. I forgot how fun the first movies were.

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