Teaser Tuesdays #104 ~ Demon Energy

Posted: March 3, 2015 in Demons, horror, reviews, Teaser Tuesdays
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Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


My Tease for this week is from

Demon Energy

by Anthony Renfro



My Tease is from 18% in the eBook.

He felt his soul losing again. The demons were crawling around inside of him, pushing his soul back to the shadows.


My Review

I’ve always been fascinated and scared sh%!tless by stories of possession. I went to see The Exorcist when it came out and didn’t sleep good for years afterwards.

This poor man is possessed by a legion of demons. They will not leave. He weakens. They linger.

Not able to exorcise the demons, the people took him to a cave and chained him to a bed.

Three priests then arrived. They prayed over the man. They fought the demons. The battle waged on.

At around 20 pages, this only took me a few minutes to read. I’d love it if the author took this and made it into a full length novel.  I’d like to know who the possessed man was. How he came to be possessed. And who the heck the three priests were. They were something else.

It’s really short but packs a punch!

3 Stars



1 Man – A 1000 Demons Possession. Redemption. Salvation. This short story is about one man tormented by evil, and his journey into the light.


I’ve read almost every book Anthony Renfro has written. I just love how he doles out his horror. Bring it on Anthony!


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

How about you? Got a tease? Tell me!

stick out tongue photo: rr-sticking-out-tongue roadrunner-stick-out-tongue.gif

  1. Beth F says:

    I don’t do spooky!!

  2. This sounds creepy even for 20 pages. To bad he didn’t make it a little longer. 🙂

    My TT

  3. P.D. Workman says:

    Sounds intriguing.

    Mine is from a YA fantasy this week: http://pdworkman.com/riseofthedragons/

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It was interesting how the author described the man feeling the demons when they came forth to take over his body. Scary good.

  4. I really enjoyed the story too. I’m deciding which Anthony Renfro story to read next. Hmmm…
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I have one or two left to review and then I’m pretty much caught up. Hope he writes fast. LOL

  5. atothewr says:

    Thanks again for the love and the share. I have challenged myself to write one of the scariest books anyone has ever read. Not sure if my current one, which I am re-writing as of today will be it or not. I have other ideas though, lurking, lurking deep within the shadows of my most tormented nightmares. Stay tuned.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      So excited!! Let me know what I can do to help promote it. Of course, I want to read and review it. Maybe do a guest post about your self challenge and writing it?

  6. Lauren says:

    Sounds intriguing, even if it is slightly creepy

  7. Years ago I was pretty much obsessed with that kind of story. I used to watch any and all movies, most of which were pretty bad really. In books…I’ve never really read books with that theme. Though, I went through a thriller phase and some of these books were pretty scary!

  8. fredamans says:

    Sometimes the shorter books pack a bigger punch! Looks decent!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I know. I read a lot of short stories now. Never used to. I can’t imagine how many good ones I missed.

  9. sennalyn says:

    Wow, that’s a great teaser! I think I have a book by this author on my TBR list, but I can’t think of it now … hm. I’ll have to check my list! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Cheers!

  10. Ooh, hope you are enjoying this one…it is definitely not my cup of tea! LOL

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  11. Marilyn says:

    That’s an eerie tease. I haven’t come across this book before. Hope you enjoy the rest of it.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  12. Jaina says:

    Oof, sounds really creepy! It’s not exactly my cup of tea, though.

  13. Woah! This definitely not something you would find me reading, but I hope you’re enjoying it! Ha ha! 😀

  14. That sounds pretty creepy. To creepy for me I am afraid, but I hope you enjoy. Thank you for stopping by earlier. 🙂

  15. ljennison says:

    Sounds exceptionally creepy. Possession is one of those things that is both enthralling and scary as – well, hell. And you’re right. It’s like it’s begging to be made into a longer format. Thanks for sharing it! And thanks for coming by Through Raspberry Colored Glasses.

  16. Alice Audrey says:

    That can’t be comfortable. Great teaser.

  17. Eustacia says:

    Sounds like a book that packs a punch! Intense teaser!

  18. Glad you stopped by GirlZombieAuthors. Great seeing new book ideas!

  19. alisbooks says:

    Oh, my gosh. I so couldn’t read this. You are way braver than me! There’s something about possessions that usually freak me way out!

  20. This isn’t something I would typically read, but I hope you enjoy it! The cover is insteresting!

  21. emmak89 says:

    Ooh wow, this is a dark TT! Thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂

  22. writenote1 says:

    It’s a good tease, but not sure I’d read the book.

    Thanks for visiting Write Note Reviews.

  23. Hi Laura,

    I don’t read a lot of short stories, but that’s about me being a bit of a skinflint as much as anything else, as I probably wouldn’t pay good money for something which is under 20 pages long!

    So long as the author manages to achieve an intriguing opening, a suspenseful story and a definitive ending, then I have nothing against a short story.

    I am not so keen on the zombie stories this author has written, however ‘Demon Energy’ and ‘Evil Beach’ do sound very good. Judging by your many reviews of the Renfro writing, you are obviously hooked and I can see why, if they all have great lines, such as those you decided to share today 🙂


    • fuonlyknew says:

      His stories all have a beginning, middle, and end like a full length novel and he quickly puts you in the stories. I find it awesome that his characters are also quickly developed. With just a few sentences, they become known to you. I love zombies so I had a great read with those too!

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