The Horse Valley Adventures ~ Tour Reviews and Giveaway

Posted: April 6, 2015 in Action/Adventure, Blog Tour, Children's books, Fantasy, giveaways
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I took one look at the covers of these books and just had to read them.

Something amazing! The author, Liana-Melissa Allen, started this series as a fifth-grade assignment and now she’s turned them into a series at the age of nineteen. Wow!

I have an interview with the author to share.

Come on in and meet some funny, colorful characters from Horse Valley.

Enjoy my reviews and meet the author.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

But first, an interview with Liana-Melissa Allen

Do you have another profession besides writing?

Drawing and playing on the piano or both professions that I incorporate with my stories. I make illustrations for my books and come up with themes on the piano to put into a book trailer.

How long have you been writing?

Third grade was when I decided to be an author, and I’ve been making up stories ever since.

Do you ever get writer’s block? What helps you overcome it?

I only get writer’s block when I doubt myself. When doubt creeps in it stifles creativity and can leave one totally at a loss about what you set out to create. It is vital that one realizes that writer’s block is a self-induced mental barrier that only you can demolish. My personal method is to take a break and do something fun to get my creative juices flowing again. I usually listen to music, draw, or play on the piano to help me chase away that dastard little demon known as doubt.

Do you snack while writing? Favorite snack?

Occasionally, I’ll snack while writing because I’m so immersed in what I’m writing that I can’t leave my desk. My favorite snack foods are chips, fruit, and string cheese…and popcorn (my dad makes the best popcorn).

If you were stuck on a deserted island, which three books would you want with you?

I remember a couple of my friends and I discussing this once, since we’re all bookworms. I can confidently say that it would be one of the Harry Potter books, maybe the third one, Little Women, and Anne of Green Gables.


The Three Little Horses and the Big Bully Donkey (Book 1)

Donkey's Kite The Three Little Horses and the Big Bully Donkey.
My Review
The author put her own spin on the tale of The Three Little Pigs.
Her characters are three horses, brothers, who’ve just lost their home to a fire.
Each one sets out to build their own home. One takes the lazy way, one takes the impractical way, and one takes his time.
All of these houses might have worked accept for one thing, the big bully donkey.
I wish I could share with you the illustrations for this tale. They are so fun and full of little details. I found myself taking a lot of time on each page, looking for little things, like a bird here, a frog there. Such a delight.
Max, Lax, and Jack, the three horses, are so different. I could see what was coming for each one and the author had me giggling as the donkey came kicking on their doors.
Any child would love these brothers and pour over the illustrations, taking away some valuable lessons, and smiling all the way home.

5 Stars


Book Description

A tale (based on the “Three Little Pigs”) about three little horse brothers who suddenly lose their house that is destroyed by a fire. The young horses are totally alone and thrust into the reality of having to depend on themselves and each other against a bully donkey, who wanders the forest wrecking homes and bullying the other animals. This warm-hearted tale promotes strong values and has a fun premise. Written and humorously illustrated in vivid color throughout by Liana-Melissa Allen, the story is a proven winner for reading aloud to children.

 Donkey’s Kite (Book 2)
Donkey's Kite.
My Review
I very much enjoyed the first book in this series so I knew I was in for more fun adventures with Max, Lax, and Jack, and their new friend, Donkey.
The friends are excited. it’s a perfect day for kite flying and each has made their own, hoping theirs would be the one to fly the farthest.
Poor Donkey’s kite won’t fly and he asks for help from his new friends. But, one each one is too busy to listen to him.
Donkey wanders down to the lake, sad and frustrated. Some mean Canadian geese poke fun at him,  putting him on the receiving end of bullying. Then, with a swoosh and a huge splash Gusty, the big white goose, crashes the bully party and shoos away the mean geese.
He listens to Donkey, and together they build a new kite. It’s a good one and everything is fine, until it isn’t.
This is another fun adventure in Horse Valley. I enjoyed visiting with the characters again and meeting some new ones.
Children will learn the true value of friendship and not giving up. There were more wonderful illustrations that kept me lingering, looking for all the hidden gems secreted on each page.
With such fun, colorful characters and lessons to be learned, children will delight in this new adventure and be begging for more.
 5 Stars
Book Description

The three horses Jack, Max, Lax and their friend Donkey are back!

In Horse Valley, it’s a perfect day to go kite flying. Jack, Max, Lax, and Donkey decide to get creative by putting together their own homemade kites. However, Donkey’s kite doesn’t work. No matter how hard he tries to get it to fly, it just keeps tumbling to the ground. How will poor Donkey get his kite to fly? A friendly goose named Gusty is delighted to help him out.

In this Horse Valley Adventure, Donkey learns not to give up when all seems hopeless. The friends all learn a lesson about helping others and true friendship.


Author’s Bio:
Donkey's Kite Liana-Melissa Allen

Liana-Melissa Allen is a young author and illustrator of children’s books and books for youth. She has written, illustrated and published six books. Her most recent one is the colorfully illustrated children’s book “Donkey’s Kite”, the second book of “A Horse Valley Adventure” series. The first was “The Three Little Horses and the Big Bully Donkey”. The lovable cartoon characters, Max, Lax, Jack and Donkey makes them a favorite of first and second grade students. She is now working on her third book of “A Horse Valley Adventure”.

The magical world of fantasy has inspired Liana’s imagination since as long as she can remember. Part of this was fueled by her dad reading aloud to her every day when she was younger. As a result, reading is her primary passion along with music. These two passions feed her imagination into stories and drawings, which she joyously sketches out into storyboards for a potential book.

Liana-Melissa is also a dedicated classical/jazz pianist, and mostly enjoys older music, especially from the big band era and the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s. While playing the piano, her imagination often leads to a great amount of improvising. Frequently, Liana will improvise a theme for one of the stories she is writing. Capturing this improvised music became a priority, which ultimately resulted in theme music for “A Horse Valley Adventure”. The “Horse Valley” theme will be used for a short animated video featuring her Horse Valley characters.

Liana-Melissa loves to hear from her young readers. Please visit her website at for more information, and to contact her by email. Visit her on Facebook too.

Where to buy the books:

On Author’s Website
Barnes & Noble


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


Use the links below to follow this fun tour!

March 16 – Hello, my name is Alice – review / guest post
March 16 – The Autistic Gamer – review
March 17 – Book Dilettante – review
March 17 – Being Tilly’s Mummy – review / guest post / giveaway
March 18 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – review / guest post / giveaway
March 18 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – review of both books / giveaway
March 18 – Breath of Life – review / author interview / giveaway
March 19 – Working Mommy Journal – review of both books / giveaway
March 20 – Pinky’s Favorite Reads for Kids – book spotlight
March 23 – My Devotional Thoughts – review / guest post / giveaway
March 23 – Thoughts in Progress – review / giveaway
March 24 – Bound 4 Escape – review of both books / giveaway
March 25 – A Mama’s Corner of the World – review / giveaway
March 26 – Bluerose’s Heart – review / author interview
March 26 – Experiencing Parenthood – review of Book One
March 27 – Green and Glassie – review / author interview / giveaway
March 27 – Walking with Nora – review of both books / giveaway
March 27 – Just One More Chapter – review of Book One
March 30 – Just One More Chapter – review
March 31 – The Cheshire Cat’s Looking Glass – review / giveaway
April 1 – View From the Birdhouse – review of both books / giveaway
April 1 – Experiencing Parenthood – review 
April 1 – Life With Katie – review of Book One
April 2 – Girl With Camera – review of Book One
April 2 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! – review / giveaway
April 3 – Girl with Camera – review
April 3 – Library of Clean Reads – review of Book One
April 6 – fuonlyknew – review / author interview / giveaway
April 7 – Life With Katie – review of Book Two / giveaway
April 8 – Deal Sharing Aunt – review of both books
April 9 – Library of Clean Reads – review / giveaway
April 10 – Jessica Cassidy – review of both books
April 10 – One Frugal Girl – review 


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

horseshoe photo: Horseshoe horseshoe.jpg

  1. Glenda S. Hefty says:

    I have an in-home daycare so read lots and lots of books to children. These look like wonderful books to read to them. Also I think my grandson would enjoy these books.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      They would be wonderful stories to share. I wish my son was younger so he could enjoy them as much as I did:)

  2. Taylor Dean says:

    I want to win these books because my grandsons would LOVE them!!
    Congrats to the author for her accomplishments at only age 19! Nicely done!

  3. These books are so cute and Laura’s reviews sold me on them! I enjoyed the wonderful interview.

  4. Ree Dee says:

    My nephew is turning five and he loves horses! This set of books would make the perfect gift!! Thank you for the giveaway!

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