What’s New On My Bookshelf #107 and The Sunday Post

Posted: May 3, 2015 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Another fun way to share your book news and enjoy others is The Sunday Post hosted by

Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Head on over and leave a link to your Sunday Post and hop around to visits others.


Some chit chat.

Not much new has happened since last week. I did get a four day weekend and am enjoying it. Was weeding in one of my flower gardens and ran into a very nasty thorned vine. I came inside and forgot to wash my hands. Rubbed my eyes and they were on fire. I was freaking out. It took hours for my burning and watering eyes to get better. Now I’ll wear latex gloves under my gardening gloves. That was a toxic vine.

I’d love some help here. My Kindle is doing the slow death. It works, it doesn’t work. It freezes and drives me crazy.

I’ll go to use the highlight and it freezes. I shut it down, reload, which takes forever, and then it doesn’t save my place and I have to find it again. So frustrating.

I’ve begun keeping a print book close by while I use it in case it freezes up on me.

I bought it a couple of years ago and I’m glad it lasted this long with how much I use it.

Now I’m looking at new ones.

Which should I get?

A Kindle Fire, Paperwhite, or basic Kindle eReader?

I noticed the Kindle Fire is on sale right now for $99 and I almost grabbed it. Then I checked the Paperwhite and debated the price. Then I talked to my sister.

I remember she mentioned the Kindle Fire didn’t have a long battery life.

The Paperwhite is so much like the basic Kindle, the only thing I noticed different was it’s great for outdoor reading. Since I read in the shade, my basic Kindle is fine for that.

Got any suggestions on which I should get? What do you like about yours?

I’ll be hopping over to check out your Sunday posts so be sure to leave me your link!


Here are my new books for review.

From Netgalley


And this new one just released by Kristine Mason!


And I’ll be reviewing Madman Across The Water by Caroline Angel. Can’t share the cover with you yet. Plus waiting on a couple more.


New ones just because.


I had to grab Dog River Blues.

I live right across Mobile Bay, not too far from where this story takes place, and I’m excited to read about places and people I’ll recognize!

I surprised myself at only grabbing this one new book. But lately I’ve been on a buying spree and need to read, not get more. LOL


And here are some freebies for ya!

Click on the covers to get yours and remember to make sure they’re still free before you click that buy button.

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Books I reviewed this week. Click on the covers for my reviews.

Another light week on reviews. I’ve been averaging around seven a week and needed some brain down time.

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Books I’ll be reviewing next week.


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I also have a couple more that I will fit in somewhere. Not sure which ones yet.


What I won.

I won these lovely books from the Bestselling Poetry For Kids Giveaway.

pets and poetry books 008Β  pets and poetry books 009Β  pets and poetry books 010

And check this out! Each book has the audible disc inside.

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I plan on reviewing the book and the audible version for each. Should be a fun mix!

Thanks so much Heather!

And I won a couple of gift cards.

One from Taylor Dean from her Wordless Wednesday Posts. It’s a really fun meme and you can check it out HERE.

And one from Goddess Fish for hosting. Thanks ladies!


News from around the web.

Kayla has a fun post for her Top Ten Tuesday meme on Bibliophilia, Please ~ Books Which Feature Characters Who Are Talking Animals

And this post by Cait fromΒ  her blog Paper Fury was awesome fun and a huge hit ~ 10 Things You SHOULD Regularly Tell Writers

I know I had more than this to share with you. I just have to figure out which wrong folder I sent them too! LOL


Other Posts on my blog this week.

Find Her by Amanda Kaitlyn ~ Tour Excerpt and Giveaway

An Eldritch City Short ~ Beneath ~ Tour Review and Giveaway

Cover Reveal & Giveaway ~ The Tale of Willaby Creek by Victoria Lindstrom

Teaser Tuesdays #112 ~ Unlovely by Celeste Conway

Moccasin Trace by Hawk MacKinney ~ Tour Excerpt and Giveaway

The How To Series by Cassie Mae ~ Swoon Romance YA Wednesdays Blitz and Giveaway

The Shadeborn Series by K.C. Finn ~ Blog Tour and Giveaway

#T4T Two For Thursday Blitz & Giveaway ~ The Dead Zed Series by Scott Craven

A Mothman Mystery ~ Wrong Side Of The Grave by Bryna Butler ~ Tour Review and Giveaway

M9B Friday Reveal ~ Cover Reveal and Giveaway for Minotaur by Phillip W. Simpson

The Friday 56 #60 ~ Dying For The Past by TJ O’Connor

When a clone is killed, is it murder? The Day Before by Liana Brooks


Have you joined TSU yet?

Click on the widget to friend and follow me!



Fora list of my reviews go HERE

For a list of free books updated daily go HERE

For all of my giveaways go HERE


So, what did you get to read this week?

Got any recommendations?

I’d love to know and thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew.

  1. My kindle fire died a slow death too and I got a new smaller kindle fire and though I like it I think I would rather have a kindle paperwhite just for reading. πŸ™‚

    You got some great looking books! This week will be my review of part one of Aoleon! πŸ™‚

    Week in Review

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m leaning towards the Paperwhite, but afraid to hit that buy button quite yet. LOL
      I’ll be over to read your Aoleon review. I’m reviewing the final book Tuesday. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

  2. Red Iza says:

    If you’re looking for a long battery life, then yes, the paperwhite is what you need – you almost need to recharge it only once a month – and you can read it while the weather is sunny without any problem.
    But if, like me, you’re also listening to music or watching movies, then the kindle fire is your friend πŸ™‚ I have never tried other tablets/e-reader, so I wouldn’t know about other brands.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m mostly using it for reading. The kindle is heavier and the battery life is less. But I’ve wanted one for a while. Oh, how will I decide. LOL

  3. I downloaded a few of your freeies.:)

    I have a Fire and a Paperwhite and love them both but I use them for different things. All I read on my Fire are cookbooks and childrens books. I mainly use it as another computer and for live streaming movie and TV. The bulk of my digital reading I do on my Paperwhite as it’s easier on my eyes and the Kindle features are easier to use. Both have good battery life, dependent on what you’re doing.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I like how you use your eReaders. Most people mention streaming movies and music as being why they got the Fire. I’m mainly using for reading so looking closer at the Paperwhite:)
      Enjoy the freebies. Were they the cozies?

  4. Wonderful book haul. Enjoy!!

    As for eReaders. I had a nook when they first came out. It was nice until it died about a year after I got it, but by then I had an iPad. I’m in love with Apple. I like that I can read both my nook and kindle books plus use social media apps, watch movies and play games on it. I’ve never owned a Kindle, so I can’t comment on them. I manly use my iPad mini to read and watch Amazon Prime videos. I’m big now on Amazon and kindle books. B&N died away for me, so I don’t know what is out their on Nooks. They just don’t compete on eBook prices with Amazon. I try to saving anyway I can on my book addiction.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I knew I wouldn’t go for a nook as my account is with amazon. I’ve been wanting an iPad but not sure about spending that much money. I’m still not sure which way to go, but watching sales now.

  5. So sorry about the toxic vine! My husband got into something last summer that wrapped around his arm and then he came in and had put his arm around me. His arm looked like he had leprosy and I had a rash around my midsection. We never did figure out what it was but it was nasty! I have a fire and a paperwhite and do the majority of my reading on my paperwhite. This is mostly because my fire is the big one and is so much heavier and I find that the screen has a lot more glare. The battery life isn’t great either. It’s great as a tablet but not so useful as a reader. I’ve had my paperwhite for 18 months or so and love it. The battery life is good and hasn’t been too glitchey. The bad thing with any kind of ereader/tablet is there’s not really a good way to fix it. Have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’ve had bad luck this year already. That vine was something else but I’m back to normal. Still haven’t finished cleaning that area though.LOL And then I got bit by a spider and still fighting that.
      You covered my hesitation over the Fire and I’m pretty sure I won’t go that way. Probably the Paperwhite. I think.

  6. Tammy says:

    I have a Kindle Fire HD and love it. Although I’ve had it for almost 2 years and it’s starting to act up, so I’ll be getting a new one soon. I’m hoping Amazon is coming out with a new version soon, I really don’t want to buy last year’s Kindle, LOL! Great pile of books you have, enjoy!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Your comment makes me look at the Fire again. I hope I can decide before my kindle dies. LOL

  7. katarguelles says:

    It’s great you had a 4 day weekend but sorry to hear about the vine! I’m not a gardener and that’s what I am afraid of (also bugs lol). But it’s good to hear you are ok!

    I’ve always had a NOOK but I have gone had 3 versions already. No matter what brand they just eventually stop working. I hope you find one you like.

    Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I still haven’t finished clearing the area of that nasty vine. Thinking of a full protective body suit. LOL
      I’m getting so much advice about my question of an eReader. Now to decide:)

  8. I have both a kindle paperwhite and fire. The fire is one or two generations old and I don’t use it too much anymore. The sound quality isn’t great. I love my paperwhite, but don’t know how it compares to the less expensive kindle. It’s the second paperwhite I’ve had and each has been great. I’ve been using kindles for quite a few years and the paperwhite is the best reader I’ve had.

    Enjoy your 4 day weekend. So sorry about the noxious vine. That’s scary. Dog River Blues has a great cover. I hope you enjoy it. Have a great week, Laura.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I will probably get the Paperwhite. It’s on sale right now and most people are recommending it over the Fire.
      I haven’t finished clearing those vines yet. Kind of afraid of them now. LOL

  9. Laura says:

    I’m dreading my kindle breaking, I’ve had mine nearly 2 1/2 years and use it more or less daily, which worries me about it going! The Fire is more tablet like which is what puts me off, I’d just get distracted by it! I also like not having a back light, it hurts my eyes less!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      The back light is one of the reasons I was leaning away from the kindle. Plus it’s heavier and the battery needs to be recharged more frequently. I’m surprised my basic Kindle lasted so long. It’s been used daily and dropped many times. LOL

  10. Deborah says:

    Can’t offer you any help on the Kindle front I’m afraid. I use an iPad for reading and mine’s only 1.5 years old and is starting to freeze a lot. But… not when I’m reading – which I do via a few different apps – so that’s a relief. Good luck, whatever you decide!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Uh oh. Good thing it doesn’t freeze while you are reading. I may get an iPad in the future. I wonder how long they usually last.

  11. I upgraded from a basic Kindle to the Paperwhite, and I’m loving it. What I enjoy, and did not have on the basic, was the ease of moving books from the cloud to the device and back again…and I also loved how it “saves” my place. All the features are very user-friendly, and I’ve heard that the Fire is not as good as a reader. It is better if you do a lot of other things, like games.

    Hope you enjoy whatever you pick….have a great week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m hearing more and more good things about the Paperwhite so I’m really leaning in that direction!

  12. Love my Paperwhite and cover, wouldn’t look any further than that. Some nice book wins lately!

  13. I never replaced my last kindle. I just use the kindle app on my iPad mini and that works fine for me. Of course it’s not great in the sun but I just read one of my physical books then. Well done on your lovely win πŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’d love an iPad but not ready to spend that kind of money yet. Thanks so much. I love the poetry books and can’t wait to read and listen to them:) Such gems!

  14. Yeah, the fire doesn’t really have great battery. Plus there’s a glare when you’re in the sun, so the paperwhite is obviously better in those aspects. I just bought the fire because I plan to have it with me when I’m out of my dorm and just on campus next year so I can read during those like, two hours in between classes and I really like to listen to music and watch movies and browse the internet during my free time haha, so I went with the Fire.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      That’s what my sister said too about the Fire. She won a regular Kindle and now uses it more. I don’t need it for listening to music or streaming movies, so I’ll probably go with the Paperwhite.

  15. The Child Garden looks spooky, I NEED to find out more about this one πŸ™‚

    Enjoy all of your books and check out my haul

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I does. The title caught my attention and then the cover grabbed me. After I read the blurb, I was sold!

  16. Nice books you have there! I have a Kobo Glo so I can’t speak to the Kindle debate. However, if I got one I would tend toward the long battery life and reading light, rather than the tablet type. Good luck with your choice.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m all over the place in genres! LOL
      That’s my main buying points. Battery life and glare.

  17. Daniela says:

    ohhh I just love visiting your blog Laura! love its design πŸ™‚
    you are right. We do have similar taste in books. Just got The Cold Forever! Thanks for the tip. Sorry I can’t help you with your kindle question. All I have is my I-phone and I-pad where I read, write and blog πŸ™‚ Hope you do find a solution soon

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Thanks so much Daniela!
      I want an I-pad but not sure if I really need it or just want it. LOL The Cold Forever sounds and looks awesome doesn’t it?

  18. shannonmiz says:

    Well, I have had both a regular Kindle and a Kindle Fire (which I have now) and I don’t think I could go back to regular Kindle. I just love the convenience of updating Goodreads when I am finished reading for the night, checking my email, visiting a blog or two, checking Twitter, all without leaving my bed πŸ™‚ But, if you are ONLY going to use it for reading, then yeah, the battery life isn’t huge on the Fire. Mine lasts about 12 hours or so, usually. Good luck with the decision, hope you have a great week and enjoy the new books!

  19. I love that those poetry books came w audio discs! Poetry seems to have more meaning when read aloud. When I was teaching the students really enjoyed thinking of different ways to present poems orally like girls on one stanza, or the whole class coming in on last lines, things like that..it made them really think about the poems and the meaning and if I chose their idea they were like the choral director. The best part is that it wasn’t my idea. I just said we were going to read out loud together and the next day one of the students asked to do it a different way and it grew from that.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      So do I! I had no idea they had discs until I opened them. You have some smart, enthusiastic students. I bet that’s such fun.

  20. The Child Garden cover is really awesome and looks kind of creepy ( in a good way!). Also I love my Kindle Paper White.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I agree. That’s why I couldn’t resist getting The Child Garden. Sounds like it’ll be quite intense too.
      More and more people are suggesting the Paperwhite. It was my first choice but I keep looking at the Fire. I’ll just be using it to read so the Fire is probably not the best choice.

  21. I have a fire and hate it- I don’t think I have turned it on in a year. It is hard to read in the sun due to the glare. I love my paperwhite. I will by another when it dies. Have you tried removing a lot of books from it? It sounds like a caching issue.
    Thanks for visiting.

    If you get that kind of acid burn you can try neutralizing it with milk if it mostly on the skin. Sounds like it was poison ivy!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yeah. Another for the Paperwhite. I’m getting closer to choosing it. I remove most books after I write my reviews. And I did a purge of books I know I won’t read any time soon. Didn’t make a difference. Poor baby is just worn out. LOL

  22. atothewr says:

    Sorry to hear about your Kindle. Another reason why paper based books will always win out. Never have to charge them or worry about them freezing or die on you. My father in law gave me his old Kindle to read on – so far so good.

    By the way, I did a review of Beneath this weekend. Thought you might want to read it.


    I really enjoyed it – great short story and you really do get a good feel of that city while you read it.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      They are having a big sale so I need to hurry up and decide soon.

      So glad you liked Beneath too! I’ll be by shortly to check it out. I’m so behind on visiting blog posts. Yikes!

  23. yvonne473 says:

    I love my Paperwhite for reading. I have a Kindle Fire, too, and it’s nice but the Paperwhite lets me read in the sun as well. It’s usually the reader I use (and the battery life does last longer than the Fire).

    Good luck with whichever you get.

  24. Bemused sounds good, hope you enjoy

  25. Lola says:

    Oh a four day weekend sounds like bliss. That thorned vine sounds nasty, I would freak out as well if my eyes would burn. I am glad it went away eventually. And that’s sad your kindle is dying. I hope you can get a new one, I have a Kobo e-reader, so I can’t say much about kindle e-reader, although I would advise an e-ink screen as it reads just like paper. I hope you’ll have a great week!

  26. Naomi Hop says:

    A shame your kindle is on the way out. I have the app on my iPad, and I got a new one of those for christmas!
    Have a great week!

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

  27. You always have books that give me the slight chills. Lol! Thanks for stopping by last week! πŸ™‚

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