I have the most wonderful story to share with all of you furbaby lovers.
It’s Release Day for Vanessa Morgan’s Avalon, a truly heartwarming tale.
Once you meet Avalon, you’ll look at your cat with different eyes.
I have my review and a fun excerpt to share with you.
And a giveaway, so don”t forget to enter.
But before we get to that, here’s something special.
Fans of The Big Bang Theory show should recognize this little tune:)
Soft kitty,
warm kitty.
little ball of fur.
Happy kitty,
sleepy kitty,
I wonder if there’s a little bit of Sheldon in Avalon!
A Heartwarming True Cat Story

My Review
The day Avalon crossed paths with Vanessa, her life as she new it ended. Was it fate?
I think it was. Avalon was a handsome cat, a Turkish Van, the breed Vanessa had been looking for. She new they were a possessive breed, but nothing prepared her for this cat.
He tortured the other cats in her household, threw up on her guinea pig, and flew into tantrums, tearing her house apart if she looked at another creature, especially another cat.
But there was another side to Avalon. Adoration. He adored Vanessa. He was hers. And as Vanessa’s life changed, she was his.
This story is about Vanessa as much as it’s about Avalon. She tells much about herself, her past, her thoughts, as the years pass.
Sharing her vulnerabilities, sacrificing opportunities, through good times and bad, Vanessa gave her all to Avalon.
Most pet owners soon learn they aren’t owners. Their pet is not a pet, it’s a member of the family. And sometimes they rule the roost.
The extremes Avalon went to astounded me. Puking on the guinea pig, terrorizing the other cats, letting his displeasure be known with escalating howls, even kicking her boyfriend out, he was to be commended for his unswerving spirit.
The things Vanessa gives up for Avalon may seem like a bit much, but haven’t we all done things for our furry friends that may seem ridiculous to others? I know I have.
Vanessa feels like their paths crossed for a reason. Her and Avalon were meant to be together. And I believe her. Never have I heard of such a bond as they shared.
This story made me cry. But I smiled through the tears and when I finished it, I hugged my dog and my cat, gave them some special treats, and when we snuggled together at bedtime, I felt whole.
5 Stars
Some cats need nine lives to make a difference. Avalon only needed one.
From Amazon bestselling author Vanessa Morgan, Avalon is the heartwarming and once-in-a-lifetime love story of a girl and her neurotic Turkish Van cat.
With humor, the author details how Avalon made other creatures cringe in distress whenever he was around, how he threw her dates out by means of special techniques, and how he rendered it almost impossible for her to leave the house. Avalon was so incorrigible that even her landlord ordered her to get rid of him. But beneath Avalon’s demonic boisterousness, Vanessa recognized her own flaws and insecurities, and she understood that abandoning Avalon would be the worst she could do to him. Thanks to her unswerving loyalty, Avalon transformed into a tender feline, and even landed a major role in a horror movie. In turn, Avalon made it his mission to be there for his human companion.
By turns jubilant and deeply moving, Avalon is a memoir for anyone who has ever been obsessively in love with a pet.
Enjoy this peek inside the book!
Around three o’clock that night, Avalon was fed up with the strange
man in his bed. He plonked his rear down on Gilles’ pillow,
complaining fretfully in his ear while tapping him on the face.
After nearly an hour of incessant wailing and poking, more drastic
measures were required. The new solution: pushing Gilles out of bed.
Avalon succeeded.
Climbing back under the covers wasn’t an option. Unable to sleep,
Gilles got up. “I guess I didn’t pass the test.”
“Give Avalon some time. Maybe he was just irked because you took his
side of the bed.”
But Gilles had already understood that this wasn’t going to be a
one-time event.
For several minutes, Gilles and Avalon sized each other up. Then
Gilles said, “I’d better leave the two of you alone now. It’s clearly
what the little guy wants.”
I swear I could see Avalon smirking when Gilles put on his jacket and left.
Instantly, Avalon leapt onto me, and compensated for the evening
before. He entered a kiss-induced trance. This cat was all about
exclusivity, and when granted that exclusivity, his love was immense.
“Are you really that happy that Gilles is gone?”
In reply, Avalon looked at me with swoony eyes and purred loudly, then
swatted out his paw to urge me to continue to pet him, which I did.
A phone call interrupted our tender moment. It was Gilles.
“There won’t be any train to Brussels for hours,” he said. “Is it okay
if I come back to your place for a while?”
“Of course.” His return would offend Avalon, but I couldn’t possibly
leave Gilles outside in the rain for several hours.
As soon as Gilles appeared at the front door, Avalon’s pupils widened
to a pitch black.
Let’s see who’s the boss here, he seemed to be thinking.
Being a cat of action, Avalon went through his usual attention-seeking
routine: making a selection of irritating noises, scratching the
wallpaper, and pushing objects to the ground.
When that didn’t work, Avalon opened Gilles’ overnight bag and threw
out a piece of clothing. His eyes so dark and evil they could be
gateways to hell, Avalon stared at his adversary and waited for a
reaction. He then pulled out a box of gel wax. Again, he looked up at
Gilles to make sure he understood that all this bungling was meant to
get a message across. A third object followed, then a fourth, a fifth,
a sixth, until there was nothing.
Hell-bent on winning the game, Avalon took Gilles’ coat in his mouth
and towed it toward the front door. There, he used his right paw to
tap the keys hanging from the wooden doorframe.
Avalon’s message couldn’t be any clearer: there was room for only one
man in my life. A feline one.
Purchase links for Avalon
Amazon US / Amazon UK / Amazon FR
Author Vanessa Morgan

Vanessa Morgan is an author, screenwriter, and blogger. Two of her
works, The Strangers Outside and A Good Man, have been turned into
films. Her short film script Next to Her is currently in
pre-production. When she’s not working on her latest book, you can
find her reading, watching horror movies, digging through flea
markets, or photographing felines for her blog Traveling Cats
(http://travelling-cats.blogspot.com). Avalon has appeared in several
of her books and films.
Social media links
Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Google +
Bloglovin / Amazon / Blog / Goodreads

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