Lancaster House ~ Free to you through October 11th!

Posted: October 9, 2015 in Freebies!, Paranormal or fantasy, reviews, Romance, Series
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Taylor Dean has her paranormal romance, Lancaster House, free on Amazon now through October 11th!

You don’t want to miss this one!

Click on the cover to get your copy!


I’m reposting my review for ya!

My Review

To find out why Joy tried to kill herself, why she is under the care of Dr. Channing at Serenity HIlls, and why she is suspected of killing two men, we have to go back to the beginning.

When Joy first laid eyes on Lancaster House, she knew she had to have it.

She couldn’t wait to get started on the restoration. Couldn’t wait to bring the old house back to its former glory.

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The work was slow but rewarding. She was doing one room at a time. She would go to bed exhausted and rise to start again the next morning.

After five hours of scraping and sanding the bannister, she took a lunch break. When she returned to finish up, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was finished!

She told herself maybe she was confused, being so tired and all.

But the next night it happened again. She didn’t get the wall papering done.

In the morning, when she came downstairs, it was finished.

Now she panicked, racing through the house, but no one was there.

Not one to be scared, she knows she can figure this out.

Stop standing here like a ninny and figure this out. There has to be a logical explanation.

But there isn’t. And she is beginning to think the former owner, Andre Lancaster, is still living in the house. Either that or she is going crazy.


Mini Excerpt for ya.

“You can see me?” he asked again, his tone urgent.

“Yes,” she whispered, unable to find her voice.

For several seconds he simply stared at her, his eyes smoldering. She trembled under his gaze, her bottom lip quivering. One hand reached up, his motions slow, and cupped her cheek. He let out his breath and closed his eyes as if the feel of her did something to him.

“I won’t hurt you Zoe.”


But how can that be? He’s been dead for many, many years.

A really fun part of this story is the language. The slang from the 1920’s is quirky and I enjoyed reading how Joy figured out what Andre meant by some of the sayings.

Stuff like giggle water is alcohol. Makes sense. And Bank’s closed which means no kissing.

After you finish reading Lancaster House you tell me what you think. Is Joy crazy?

Did she just make up Andre and their passionate affair to keep from being alone?

 Is Dr. Channing right in that ghosts don’t exist?

So many questions and an ending that will let you decide, or not.

I adored Joy and Andre and want a Lancaster House of my own.

5 Stars for this haunting love story.


A Paranormal Romance

Zoe Grayson needs a change. So, she moves to another state, purchases an old, dilapidated 1920s Victorian Mansion, and sets out to restore it to its former glory. As she begins the restoration, she finds herself falling in love with the old house . . . not to mention its illustrious builder, Mr. Lancaster. Zoe becomes obsessed with the house as she discovers its secrets; hidden rooms, secret passageways . . . and a mysterious man who seems to think the house is his. Who is he? More importantly, how does he live in her home unseen and unheard?

The unexpected answers leave her reeling—and questioning everything she’s ever known. To her dismay, Zoe’s actions land her in the local psychiatric hospital, scheming for ways to return to Lancaster House . . . and the love of her life.


When you’re over grabbing your free copy, you might want to grab the other book in this series, The Middle Aisle.

The eBook is only $2.99 ! Click on the cover to get yours.


Sharing my review of this one too!

My Review

Hmm, how do I tell you about this book without spoiling it. It’s hard to review the next book in a series.

In Lancaster House, you are left wondering if Andre is real or a ghost. Is Joy crazy as a loon, desperate for any kind of love, or is her house haunted?

In The Middle Aisle, you will still be wondering. You may think at some point, “Oh, now I see.” But then, as you read further, you are in doubt again.

Taylor Dean has written a series like none other. You are kept “in the dark,” figuratively, throughout both books.

I don’t recall ever being so unsure of my own conclusions in a book.

The love between Joy and Andre is very real and so endearing. But is Andre real? If he isn’t, then is their love real?


Mini Excerpt

“You’re imagination intrigues and fascinates me, Zoe,” Wade commented, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat and ran his hands over his face. “Why don’t we take a break?” he suggested and quickly exited the room, stumbling on his own feet as he left.

It wasn’t possible, it just wasn’t possible, he thought, as his mind wandered to that moment…. Turns out it was possible, it just wasn’t real…


And if Andre is real, then that makes the alluring, malevolent Adelle real as well.

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Aah! I can’t say I ever really figured it out. But, I don’t have to. I feel it is up to each reader to decide for themselves. And whether you figure it out or not doesn’t matter. It is still a love story for all time. One that goes beyond the physical, to the otherworldly.

5 Stars for keeping me wondering.


Zoe Grayson is back in Lancaster House, ordered to bed rest for the duration of her unexpected pregnancy. Doctor Wade Channing, her overzealous psychiatrist, is living in Lancaster House, taking care of her, waiting on her, and tending to her every need. It seems to be the perfect arrangement.

There’s just one catch.

She has to tell him her story—everything that has happened in her life since the moment she escaped from Serenity Hills. It’s been quite an adventure to include renovating another home and a walk down the middle aisle.

But, that’s all over now. Nothing is real. It never was.

How did she end up in this miserable situation?


Author Taylor Dean

Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it’s paranormal, contemporary, or suspense–you’ll find all sub-genres of clean romance in her line-up.


Until the next time…..

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

halloween boo photo: BooWordSpooky BooWordSpooky.gif

  1. Sounds cool, so I picked up the first one. 🙂

    • fuonlyknew says:

      You’ll be wanting The Middle Aisle once you finish Lancaster House, Stormi. I really enjoyed these books!

  2. taylordeanbooks says:

    THANK YOU, Laura, for this amazing and wonderful post!! I appreciate you sharing about the giveaway, as well as re-posting your incredible reviews!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m happy to share, Taylor. These were the first books of yours I read and we’ve come a long ways together:)

  3. This is an amazing series and if you like ghosts, grab it now people. 🙂
    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. Emma says:

    Yay, got my free copy of Lancaster House. Thanks, Laura.

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