Teaser Tour and Giveaway ~ Lost Souls by Amos Cassidy ~ It comes with the wind…

Posted: March 25, 2016 in giveaways, Magic, Paranormal or fantasy, Romance, urban fantasy
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Today we’re excited to share the Teaser Tour for Lost Souls, book two in the Pendragon Chronicles, which can be picked up at the pre-order price of $2.99 and, if you haven’t yet joined Jake Winters on his thrilling journey, you can pick up The Rain, book one in the series, for the limited time offer price of 99c. Pendragon Chronicles is an adult dark urban fantasy series. Lost Souls releases March 31st, 2016.

About Lost Souls:

The temperature is falling, and something evil rides the wind…

A relative calm has settled over Longbrooke since The Artist’s demise. Jake and Ivy distract themselves from their grief by keeping the coast clear of minor beasts, while Dean works to maintain
the facade that Crystal is still alive. With the festive season almost upon them, the gang want nothing
more than to creep silently into the New Year. But a storm is brewing in the sleepy little town, and Jake will soon discover that the calm before the storm can be destructively deceptive when it hits, no one will be left unscathed.


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Check out the excerpt!

Dean’s expression was cold. “That Dog isn’t a dog, is it?”“Nope,” Jake said. This is my house! He was braced for a showdown, for a laying down of the law.


“Fuck this.” Ivy carefully placed the Dog down on the carpet. “Phew! That’s better. Heavy git.”

“You brought a Beast into your house?”

Jake clenched his fists and the sparks spat. “Yes. What of it?”

“Are you insane?”

“Er,” Ivy said, “it’s a bit more complicated than that. He, the Beast, helped us out.”

“He helped you out?” Dean’s voice was calm, but it irritated the hell out of Jake.

“Yeah, he helped us out. Don’t stand there like you’re the bloody boss of us, Dean. You’re not.” So

why did he also feel nervous as well as angry?

“I never said I was.”

“Just because you can mess with minds and are handy with your fists… Oh, you’re so fucking hard.

You must be the boss by default. Dean Moore, the bloody ninja master.”

“The what?”

Jake suddenly went bright red with shame. “The ninja master.”

“The ninja master?” Ivy said.

Dean smiled. “I like it.”

Jake’s cheeks burned, shame and annoyance doing a barn dance. “Look, this is my house and I want

this Dog here, so I can make him better. He got injured helping us out. He’ll probably want to be out

of here once he’s better anyway. I can’t leave him out there in the cold to… I know he won’t die, but,

you know…”

Dean stared at him a moment before answering. “Don’t you think he’d be safer away from you,

Jake? After all, you’re the only thing in this world that can kill him.”


“Don’t be so sensitive.”

Condescending bastard! “I want him to stay!” Now he felt like a child. Maybe he should stomp his

feet… He shook his head. “I just need to do this.”

Don’t miss out on book one, The Rain!
On sale now for only .99c on Amazon!

About the Author:

Amos Cassidy is the pen name for Richard Amos and Debbie Cassidy. Amos is a 32 year old Diva and Cassidy a 39 year old mother of three; well, four if you include the husband. A common love of all things Joss Whedon, Urban Fantasy, and a tug of war over Jensen Ackles, brought them together, and one cold February afternoon, over nibbles and coffee, their partnership was born.

You can find Cassidy hard at work in her fortress of solitude which has eaten up the majority of her garden, and Amos…well he’s still trying to get the invisibility gizmo he got off a friendly alien in exchange for a pair of earphones to work. Funnily enough he hasn’t been seen around much lately…

Frequent doses of Sugary snacks, coupled with regular injections of caffeine aid in their production of a unique brand of cross genre tales. They are always writing, but are happy to take a break to chat to their wonderful readers, so drop them a line at amoscassidy.com, or just pop over to see what they’re working on and they’ll bust out the biscuit tin.

$25 Amazon gift card & digital copies of Aurora and Hawthorn by Amos Cassidy (INT)
Ends 4/6
Prizing is provided by the author, hosts are not responsible. Must be 13 or older to enter and parental permission if under 17. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This event was organised by CBB Book Promotions.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

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  1. Sounds like they could be interesting reads. 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. That was a great excerpt. Made me curious and I do want to know more.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I like reading excerpts. You get a taste of the author’s writing and a glimpse into the story to see if it’s for you.

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