What’s New On My Bookshelf #156 and The Sunday Post

Posted: April 24, 2016 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Another fun way to share your book news and enjoy others is The Sunday Post hosted by

Sunday Post

Kimberly the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Head on over and leave a link to your Sunday Post and hop around to visits others.


Some chit chat.

Hello everyone and Happy Sunday!

So, what did I do this week. A lot of the usual work and stuff. I did read several books and binged on movies.

Then I went swimming. The pool has warmed to low 80s and it’s deliciously refreshing! I’m remembering my sunscreen so I don’t get too much exposure. I was enjoying the water and found myself humming a song from Finding Nemo. Remember “nothing in my noggin’ Dory?


I got so excited when the new pool stairs arrived. My brother came over Saturday morning to help me put them together. Wouldn’t you know it. The most important part was missing. So, not being able to get anyone on the phone over the weekend, I have to wait until Monday to get someone on the line and get the missing part sent to me. Ugh!!!

My son and I had a movie night and popped popcorn, turned out the lights, and blasted Ant Man into our living room on the big screen. Corny but fun.

As we were watching the movie, we noticed a sickening sweet smell in the room. Turns out my dog rolled in something dead. I got out the doggie smell good spray and dosed him good. Helped a little. Then another obnoxious odor oozed in the room. My dog does not usually pass gas. But, boy, he caused our eyes to water. LOL Can’t wait for whatever it is to pass through his system. We need gas masks!

Iโ€™ll be hopping over to check out your Sunday posts so be sure to leave me your link!


New books on my shelf. Some I won, some are for review, and some I just had to have.

Print books.

I’m trying to get caught up on some series by Koontz and King. Two of my favorite authors. Grabbed these two.

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I also received a new one from Christine Amsden. It’s Kaitlin’s Tale, a spinoff from her Cassie Scot series, which I adored. I’ll share the cover as soon as I’m allowed to.

New eBooks

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Slim pickins this week! I’m shocked. LOL


And here are some freebies for ya!

Click on the covers to get yours and remember to make sure theyโ€™re still free before you click that buy button.

I hope yaโ€™ll realize I donโ€™t grab all of the free books I show on my posts! LOL

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Books I reviewed this week. Click on the covers for my reviews.

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Books I’ll be reviewing next week.

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I had planned to review these last week but something came up and I didn’t have time. I’ll be sharing my reviews of both books on My Monday Minis Reviews next week. Hope you stop by!

And a couple more.

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Other posts on my blog this week.

Free Of Malice by Liz Lazarus ~ Book Blast and Giveaway

Teaser Tuesday #153 ~ Station 332 ~ Cymic Parasite Breach #1

Never Trust A Skinny Cupcake Baker

Legends by Destiny Blake ~ Blitz and Giveaway

Unicorn Tracks by Julia Ember ~ Blitz and Giveaway

Dilemma In Yellow Silk ~ The Emperors Of London ~ A Historical Romance

Freakin Fridays #38 ~ Preacher ~ Coming Soon!

The Friday 56 #103 ~ West Of Dead

Saturday Screams #14 ~ Cymic Parasite Breach Series


For a list of my reviews go HERE

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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So, what did you get to read this week?

Got any recommendations?

Iโ€™d love to know and thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew.

  1. Greg says:

    Movie nights are nice, I thought Ant Man was pretty good. Sorry to hear about the dog though- oops. Poor guy. And the pool sounds nice. It finally warmed up here and it was a decent week.

    I like the covers of Sunny Side Up and Until the End of the World. I always seem to end up checking out a bunch of these freebies… ๐Ÿ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      He smells a lot better today. I went to look where heโ€™d rolled and didnโ€™t find anything so hopefully thatโ€™s the end of that. LOL Iโ€™m glad you enjoy the freebies. I try to find something for everyone:)

  2. Finders Keepers was good. Yep, always the part you need the most. I am jealous about the pool. We want to move back to Florida stat. Hope you have a lovely week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Glad to hear that. I enjoyed the first book. I hope to contact the stair company in the morning and crossing fingers they get the part shipped ASAP! It would be wonderful to try and get together if you do move back!

  3. Oh, a pool! They are so great. I loved subletting my friend’s apartment. The pool wasn’t anything fantastic, but it was secluded and surrounded by large oak trees. Two best summers of my life! I hope you get ahold of somebody tomorrow and get that part!

  4. Movie nights are great – sorry you had to deal with various strange smells at the same time as you were enjoying the movie, though ๐Ÿ˜‰ I have to laugh sometimes when Freddy passes gas, he’s so tiny it amazes me that his smells can be so big!
    Your new books look great – and you got a lot of them, too ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you’ll enjoy them all.
    Hopefully, your new pool stairs are all installed now, and you can continue to enjoy your morning or afternoon swims ๐Ÿ™‚
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yeah, Quigley’s odorous offering kind of dampened things. LOL The movie was still fun though. Stairs are waiting for the part still. Can’t get in touch with them til Monday.

  5. Hurray for warm pools and warm weather! And I was going to say your movie night sounded so cute, but it sounds like your dog kind of ruined it, haha. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      A few more degrees and the pool will be perfect. I like ita bit on the cool side. In the summer it gets warm as a cuppa tea. LOL

  6. Glad you and your son enjoyed the movie but I’m sorry the dog sort of ruined it! Enjoy your week!

  7. I haven’t read SK or DK in a long time! I really need too…lol. I want to go swimming!!

    Week in Review

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’ve been away from both authors for too long also. Now to catch up on what I’ve missed. Come on over, Stormi. Plenty of room!

  8. Ow.. Swimming!! Sigh.. Itโ€™s definitely still too cold for swimming here. I hope the weather clears out soon.
    I hope your dog stops smelling so bad!! LOL!! My mother in law has a dog that passes gas regularly when we are around. Itโ€™s terrible!! Whaha
    Looks like some great new books. Have a great week and Happy Reading! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • fuonlyknew says:

      The weather couldn’t be better. Skies so blue and nice warm breeze. Pool felt fabulous! My dog smells better today, thankfully!

  9. Emma says:

    Your movie night sounds fun, bar the dog smelling. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love a swimming pool in my backyard. Of course with the weather we have in this country, I’d probably get to use it once or twice a year, tops!

  10. sjhigbee says:

    I’ve heard great things about ‘Ant Man’ – though sorry about the dog providing his own sensory extras… As for the pool – I’m GREEN with envy. We’ve had another cold, miserable week-end, which is par for the course because the grandchildren were staying and I couldn’t take them to the beach because my granddaughter hadn’t brought a coat… Oh well. It sounds as if you’ve had another thoroughly productive week. And here is my weekly wrap-up https://sjhigbee.wordpress.com/2016/04/24/weekly-wrap-up-24th-april/

    • fuonlyknew says:

      And Man was kind of corny but fun too. Looking forward to the next movie now, sans my dog. LOL Sorry about the weather. Hopefully summer arrives and stays soon!

  11. I am staying away from books in a series, unless it’s one of my fave authors. Wish they’d quit doing that. Seems everything is a three or…series any more. I keep forgetting I have the Apex Predators. Think I’ll read them next…
    sherry @ fundinmental

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m trying to wrap up some that are final. Feels sad but good to get to the end of them. You’ll love Apex Predators. She also has a set about dinosaurs!! Did you win the mullet toss?

  12. Oh, how frustrating that an important part was missing! Grrr! I hope it gets to you quickly. And your dog made me LOL. I bet whatever he rolled in he ate causing the putrid odor. Our dogs do that and we’re like ewwwww! lol

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yeah. And having to wait until Monday to talk to someone about it and get the part sent has me a bit anxious. I’m sure they’ll give me no problem about the part. I spent enough money on the system. Whatever Quigley ate is gone now. LOL No more emissions!

  13. The pool sounds divine!!

    I am doggysitting my dogs sister and I don’t know what my friends have been feeding her but she stinks to high heaven!!

    Have a good week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      The pool is divine, indeed! I wouldn’t go outside if I didn’t have one. Dogs sure can stink things up in a hurry. LOL

  14. Deborah says:

    Oh I’m sorry but I laughed at that bit about your dog…. only because you’d set the scene so well: ‘lovely evening in front of the tv with popcorn etc…’

    And the pool sounds great – even without the steps. We’re heading towards winter here so I’ve had a last couple of swims in my apartment complex pool!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I can laugh now too. Not so pleasant last night. He also sleeps with me. LOL Glad you had some more pool time before the cold settles in:)

  15. Oh your pool sounds delightful!! I want to see Any Man just for Paul Rudd – love him!! I need to get to Finders Keepers because I liked the first book – Have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      The pool is wonderful. I’m looking forward to the second Ant Man movie. Should be another fun one. And I’ve been wanting to get back into King and Koontz.

  16. I watched Ant Man recently too and LOVED it! I didn’t think I would, which was why I put it off for so long! Enjoy your new books! I’ve been curious about Stephen King’s new series!

    Here’s my Weekly Recap!

  17. What fun! Movie night. What a laugh to read about your dog getting in something and then well the gas. It can really put a damper on things, but it looks like you guys had a good lol about it.

  18. Awwww a 80s pool??? that sounds like heaven to me! ๐Ÿ™‚ I DO REMEMBER Dory! Dory is my kindred spirit because I’m JUST like her. NO KIDDING. There is NOTHING corny about Ant Man! ๐Ÿ™‚ that movie is AWESOME ๐Ÿ™‚
    Hope you DO get some gas masks! LOL As usual thx for the freebie Laura.
    I know it is kinda late (I was kick all day) but hope you visit my Sunday Post


    • fuonlyknew says:

      I enjoyed Ant Man way more than I thought I would. Now I’m excited for the next movie. I’mm be stopping over to view your post!

  19. atothewr says:

    Ant Man was a fun pleasant surprise. Glad to hear your pool is up and ready to go. If I had one it would still be too cool to take a dip.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It surprised me too, Anthony. Glad I finally watched it. The water is cool but so nice on a hot day. Should start warming up with each sunny day.

  20. buffywnabe says:

    I still need to read Mr. Mercedes! There are a lot of free books you listed! I need to check some of them out. Thanks for sharing!
    Check out my Sunday Post

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’ve been away from Koontz and King for too long. Glad to be diving back in. And I love browsing for different freebies to share!

  21. Dani Chapman says:

    You totally rock that freebie list! Thanks soooo much for sharing them! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Happy Reading! Dani @ Pauletteโ€™s Papers

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I look forward to browsing fro freebies every week. It’s fun to share them and I often grab one or two myself.

  22. Tressa says:

    So sorry about your dog! I don’t like yucky smells, so that would be bad. Now I have “Just keep swimming…” going over and over in my head. Thank you for that. Lol! The Deepest Black looks good. Enjoy all your books, thanks for stopping by, and have a fantastic week!

  23. Lola says:

    I still think it’s great you got your own pool. We had some nice weather here as well, but no swimming ;). That smelly dog incident sounds bad, glad you were able to get rid of most of the smell.
    I already grabbed death of a craft knitter earlier this week, will have to check out some of the other freebies. Thanks for sharing! i hope you’ll have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I couldn’t go outside in the summer if I didn’t have a pool! The heat and humidity would melt me. LOL

  24. LOL re those nasty smells courtesy of your doggie! It’s all part of the fun of having pets ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m too well aware of that! Love that you have your own pool, that would be a dream come true for me but would never work in our climate. It would rarely be warm enough to use it! And Finders Keepers is on my to-buy, I loved Mr Mercedes.

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