This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.
Another fun way to share your book news and enjoy others is The Sunday Post hosted by
Kimberly the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Head on over and leave a link to your Sunday Post and hop around to visits others.
Some chit chat.
Hello everyone and Happy Sunday!
It was super busy at work this week, but worth it as I got Friday off for a long weekend. Figures it had to rain. LOL So I watched a lot of TV. Have you seen The Revenant yet. Boy does DiCaprio nail it. So cinematic. And Krampus was fun. Not super scary, but loads of suspense and Krampus was so creepy. I also binged on Penny Dreadful. I’m surprised I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. Oh well. I’ll keep watching it and see how it goes. I’m really looking forward to Preacher in a couple of weeks. Hoping it lives up to its hype.
I mentioned my attempt to install new stairs in my pool last week and the main part was missing. The company came through and I had the needed part in 2 days. Now to get my brother back over here to help finish installing it. Then I’m good to go for my mother. She comes down later this month to spend the summer and we get in the pool every day. I can’t wait to see her. We enjoy just sitting around, but also like to go shopping, out to eat, and play cards. We usually get mad at each when playing cards. We’re both very competitive. LOL And of course, we’ll be getting together with the rest of family to do some road trips and hit some casinos. I have a sister and brother-in-law that live in Florida, and a brother that lives right down the road from me. We have so much fun when we all get together. Let the good times roll!
I’ll be hopping over to check out your Sunday posts so be sure to leave me your link!
New books on my shelf. Some I won, some are for review, and some I just had to have.
Print books.
No new print books this week:(
New eBooks
I picked these up for free on Amazon. Good for my book budget.LOL
And here are some freebies for ya!
Click on the covers to get yours and remember to make sure they’re still free before you click that buy button.
I hope ya’ll realize I don’t grab all of the free books I show on my posts! LOL
Books I reviewed this week. Click on the covers for my reviews.
Books I’ll be reviewing next week.
I meant to post these reviews last week but time got away from me. I’ll be sharing them on my Monday Minis Reviews post tomorrow.
Plus I’ll be reviewing both of these on Tuesday.
And a couple more.
Other posts on my blog this week.
The Vengeful Half by Jaclyn Dolamore ~ Blitz Sale and Giveaway
The Secrets of the Keys ~ Movie Blast
Teaser Tuesday #154 ~ The Dragon Of The Month Club
Sister Dear ~ A Domestic Suspense by Laura McNeill
The Flower Fairy Superhero ~ Blog Tour and Kindle Fire Giveaway
Nighthawks by Jeremy Flagg ~ Excerpt and Giveaway
For a list of my reviews go HERE
For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE
To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!
So, what did you get to read this week?
Got any recommendations?
I’d love to know and thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew.
Sounds like good times, glad you have family close by and can get together. Cards can get competitive in my family too! Every family gathering some of the guys have to play. lol
Enjoy your long weekend!
We get pretty vocal when playing. LOL None of us like to lose!
I just bought eight more cozies! Ha ha. I got the two free ones and then I bought a 6-pack for 99 cents. The other cozie I have I saw here in your blog, too. I also picked up the Boylan House book. I will be all set for Halloween because they are all paranormal. I will be checking out your reviews for the Weird books. It great that you get to hang with your mom soon, enjoy. Have a wonderful week.
LOL I can’t ever get enough cozies. I grab them everywhere I go! And I do have some I save for different holidays and seasons.
yup, I hear you Laura! It was super busy at work too this week. WHY DOES REAL LIFE HAS TO GET IN THE WAY OF BLOGGING??? sorry… I just have to say it
I want to see the Revenant so badly! I NEED TO! Haha we tried watching Krampus yesterday but the kids were around and with all the spoiling about Santa we had to stop watching it
I didn’t enjoy Penny Dreadful as much as I thought I would either
Your time with mom sounds fun so I hope she gets there soon!
here is my Sunday Post:
I’m always saying it. LOL
The Revenant was spectacular. Krampus wasn’t what I was expecting. More funny than scary. But I bet it would scare young kids.
My mom will be here in 2 weeks and I can’t wait!
Companies that come through with their customer service are ones I’ll go back to. So glad they put out. Um, that came out wrong. lol Sounds like you’re going to have a fun summer!
I need to check out those movies. If they’re on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime then I’ve got ’em. 
They (put out, LOL) were prompt and I had the part in my hands fast. I need to do a review now. I watched the movies on On Demand. I think they’re available in several places.
Oh how I wish I had a swimming pool…lol. Glad you are about to get your stairs fixed in time for your mom to come over. You are reviewing a lot of books next week!
Week in Review
Yep. Getting everything ready for MOM!
I had several books I was planning to review last week and time got away from me so I’m finishing up the reviews and posting them this week. I’m making a teeny tiny dent in my TBR. LOL
I’m so jealous you’re getting a summer already! And your mom is coming down – sounds totally fun! What’s a little rivalry and mild fierce battling between family members? Sounds like a Tuesday to me!!
And isn’t it sad that when we actually GET customer service, we get so excited?
Have a great week!
My mom is my best friend. We compliment each other so well. Got lots of plans, but we also just enjoy sitting on the couch and watching television together.
LOL I know. Getting a person on the line is so rare now.
So many creeptastic books in your haul..I just want to click, click, click! Is it raining everywhere? We haven’t seen the sun in over a week!!
I’m loading up on more scary ones. My favorite genre since I was a wee lass. LOL It is raining everywhere. Hopefully the April shower will go away soon. It’s raining as I type this.
The long weekend sounds great! We’ve had a couple here in Australia lately as well… though I don’t ever work on Mondays or Fridays so it makes little difference to me!
It’s great you got the bits you needed for the pool steps!
It ended up being 4 days. Sadly, it was only sunny for one of them. I did get some books read and watched some fun movies though. Never wasted time:)
I have several of those books on my Kindle. They look so good. Have a great week!
I had to grab a couple. What can I say. LOL
Enjoy your haul! I’m curious about Baby Girl Doe. Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.
I will. Thanks!
Gosh, it’s been such a miserable day weatherwise everywhere! Thank you for listing all those freebies!!! I’m going to nab a few right now!
Enjoy your girl time with Mom! How nice! And I’m glad you reminded my of Penny Dreadful, because I saw that a while back and it looked really good! I will not get my expectations too high though, since you thought you would have liked it more.
Have a great week!
It’s raiing again now. I hope it goes away. Been so wet and gloomy. I miss the sun:)
Penny Dreadful didn’t grab me like I thought it would. Going to keep watching and see if it does as I get further into it.
So nice you’re gearing up for summer and having your mom there. And it’s great you have a pool. I envy that. It looks like you got some good books. Have fun reading this week.
Lots of pool time and it’s fun to read, take a break and take a dip, then read some more. I spend a lot of mornings outside once the pool warms up enough to get in. Which it has now!
Looks like you had a pretty epic week!
Honestly, though, if people believed we all picked up every. single. book we show on our posts….I mean, we’d all be literally drowning in books! (of course, I think this same thing on every Friday Finds post I put up, because I do mine a bit differently and showcase all the awesome CHEAPIES I found that week even if I didn’t pick them up myself (which usually I don’t)).
Regardless, it sounds like you’re going to be super busy with family stuff in the very near future–fingers crossed you have a ton of fun! Enjoy your new acquisitions, and thanks so so much for stopping by my Sunday Post this week. Happy book-ing to you!
I know. Imagine how many kindles you’d need to hold all of them. LOL And we’d never be able to read them all.
May is a busy blogging month, trying to get things caught up because I will be bust once my Mom gets here. She also spends time at my sister’s and brother’s houses so I’ll have time to blog ahead some.
I’ve been wanting to see Krampus since it came out last year! I am actually surprised to hear you say that it was fun and not scary at all. I really thought it was going to be on the more horror side of things. Either way, I am a huge horror junkie and it is definitely still on my to-watch list.
And oh boy, all those freebies! I definitely went to grab some of those
Happy reading!
It might scare younger kids or some people. Takes a lot to scare me. It’s funny too. Especially the ginger bread attacks. I’ll watch it again.
Grab away. I try to find some freebies for everyone’s taste.
Oh, your summer sounds lovely. Can I come? I would love to swim each day. When I would play any type of game with the ex-fiance’s family, both of his parents would get angry. His mother even screamed at me once because I won the game and she ended up losing horribly. I now have tons of games in my closet that rarely see use anymore. I hope you get those stairs installed soon. Have a great week!
If you’re ever in the area, email me. I’d love for you to come by. As for playing games. We are all so competitive. Someone always gets mad and the cuss words start flying around. LOL
So I downloaded Sprinkled this week… and I’m like 99% I’m never going to read it because it’s not my type of book, but the cover was just so pretty lol.
But yay getting a long weekend! And good luck with the pool stairs. It sounds like you’re gonna have a great weekend with your mom
I already have it. I’m going to add it to my challenge so I will finally get to it. Trying to make a little dent in my TBR!
Enjoy the time with your mom! I love spending time with my family — husband and daughter, of course, but also my sister’s family, my parents (both sets), my husband’s sibling’s families…
I need to check out your review of the Mary Robinette Kowal book. She’s an author I’ve been meaning to try—specifically her Glamourist Histories, but Ghost Talkers looks good too. Somehow Forest of Memory slipped my notice (or maybe my memory.)
We are a tight knit family and always have a good time, no matter what we’re doing!
I won Forest Of Memory. My first book by the author, but not my last.
The Revenant was a great movie. Leo really did nail that role.
I know. He’s getting some great roles that allow him to show his talent. Speaking of movies. Have you watched The Hateful Eight yet?
Thanks so much for posting all those freebies! I can’t wait to check them out!
Happy Reading! Dani @ Paulette’s Papers
Grab away! I have a lot of fun browsing for different ones to share. The hard part is not grabbing all of them myself. LOL
The Revenant was an excellent film! I need to buy it, because it’s so good. So glad Leo finally won an Oscar. It’s nice you’re able to get your pool stairs fixed by the time your mom comes to visit. I’m sure you’ll have a blast! Enjoy your week!
I rented it On Demand. Watched it twice already. I’ll definitely be buying it.
Hopefully it’ll stop raining long enough to get the stirs installed. My mom gets here in 2 weeks and I can’t wait!
Sounds like you have a great summer ahead of you. How fun that your mom is going to visit.. And the pool.. Wow!! I would love to be able to get in the pool every day.
I also saw The Revenant and thought it was brilliant!! I’m a huge fan of Leonardo DiCaprio so maybe I was a little biased.. but I think he did an amazing job.
Have a great week and Happy Reading!
Yep. We’ll be having a lot of fun. I wouldn’t even go outside in the summer if I didn’t have a pool to dip into and cool off. The humidity makes you melt here. LOL I didn’t really care much for Leonardo when he was younger, but he sure is honing his craft now:)
I hope you’ll be able to get the pool stairs installed before your mom arrives, Laura! It sounds like you are up for a terrific summer in her company, even if you both get competitive when playing cards
You got some great-looking books last week, enjoy!
Have a wonderful week and happy reading.
The rain kind of put a snag in getting the stairs installed but I have 2 weeks to get it done and my brother is a great help. You should here us when we play cards. We have a swear jar! LOL
I haven’t watched any of the movies you watched, but yay for a long weekend! That’s good to hear you got the missing part of the poll stair so fast, now lets hope your brother can install it soon. It sounds like you’re looking forward to your mother visiting. It must be nice to have a pool on warm days. I hope you’ll have a great week!
The rain actually allowed me to get some house work done and enjoy some movies. I usually only watch movies during the week, but stayed up late each night catching up on ones I’d been waiting for. I am so excited for my mother to get here. We’ll be having a lot of fun together.