What’s New On My Bookshelf #162 and The Sunday Post

Posted: June 19, 2016 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Another fun way to share your book news and enjoy others is The Sunday Post hosted by

Sunday Post

Kimberly the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Head on over and leave a link to your Sunday Post and hop around to visits others.


Some chit chat.

Hello everyone and Happy Sunday!

It’s good to be back. Went out of town with family last week and had bunches of fun! It went by too fast. LOL Got back to some serious heat waves. Heat index warnings around 110. Yikes! That pool never felt better!

I was thinking about my fur babies the other day. All of them are getting up there in years. My dog, Quigley, is going to be 11. He no longer will jump up into the SUV. I have to practically pick him up and at 90+ pounds, it’s a chore. LOL

My cat, Sheba, is over 23 years old. She no longer likes to jump up into her chair, and prefers to snuggle up on the couch. Still a seat stealer though. I swear, I get up off the sofa and don’t make it three steps before she’s moved into my spot. And she now sits at Quigley’s bowl when I’m preparing his food, and she actually eats some of it before she’ll let him eat it. I think it’s the gravy she’s liking. He will lay nearby and wait for her to be done, even though he’s so much bigger than her. Cute!

And my little parrot, Spot, (my son named him!) is in his twenties. He no longer builds nests in the paper on the bottom of his cage but he still makes these cute high pitched chirps to his girlfriend in the mirror.

Seeing how they’ve changed and mellowed with age has me reflecting on how I’ve changed. I no longer want to rush out and stand in line for a premiere showing of movies, or go to loud concerts. Certainly don’t miss the pub scene. I’m  more content to be at home, enjoy the pool, binge on shows and movies, and, of course, read my books!

I try not to fret so much at how my body looks different. Those wrinkles that stare back at me in the mirror. The crepe skin that’s starting to appear. I’m concentrating more on trying to like myself. And I quit smoking! It’s been two months now. I know that doesn’t sound long, but if you’ve smoked for as many years as I have, it’s a lot.

Enough about me. Let’s get to all of the books from the last two weeks!

I’ll be hopping over to check out your Sunday posts so be sure to leave me your link.


New books on my shelf. Some I won, some are for review, and some I just had to have.

Print books.

27068793  18811872  30151071  25540390

25101395  30065442  30071743

New eBooks

27650023  30292692  mirror-image-3b-01 (1)

HowToDrawCoolStuff cover  25026555  29456590


And here are some freebies for ya!

Click on the covers to get yours and remember to make sure they’re still free before you click that buy button.





Books I reviewed the passed two weeks. Click on the covers for my reviews.

29541343  28524631  28149492

27177390  29965285  23462671

FIXIN' TO DIE  27191173


Books I’ll be reviewing next week.

29639558  27214380  29235793

And I meant to post reviews for these two last week but got super busy. I’ll also be reviewing the fifth book along with these two if I get it finished in time.

28780162  28800006  30058589


Other posts on my blog this week.

The Girl Who Changed Fate

Blurb Blitz and Giveaway ~ Cozy Mysteries From Lyrical Press

How To Draw Cool Stuff by Catherine V. Holmes

The Healer’s Rune by Lauricia Matuska

Fixin’ To Die by Tonya Kappes ~ My Cozy Review and a Giveaway

The Friday 56 #111 ~ Headed For Trouble

Cooking up something for a….Friend Of The Devil ~ Author Interview and Giveaway

So Twisted…So Good…Sister Dear ~ Author Playlist, Review, and Giveaway


For a list of my reviews go HERE

For a list of free eBooks go HERE

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

horseshoe photo: Horseshoe horseshoe.jpg


So, what did you get to read this week?

Got any recommendations?

I’d love to know and thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew.

  1. Deborah says:

    Laura I know exactly what you mean about the getting older thing. Every time I see that meme which jokes about having a big Friday night (and that being, going to bed at 9pm and reading), I’m like… “Yep.”

  2. Greg says:

    Congrats on quitting smoking! I smoked for a while (college thing) and it’s hard to quit, so good for you. And yeah I love movies but I don’t feel the need to do the crazy premiere when the whole place is swamped. No thanx!

    23 years old! Wow go Sheba! That’s great- and very cute that the dog waits. 🙂 I like the look of that Survivor book- nice cover. Have a great week and stay cool!!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Thanks, Greg. Saving a lot of money along with getting healthy now that I quit:)
      Sheba is going strong. Doesn’t jump as high but still plays like a kitten:)

  3. Oh my, lifting anything that weighs 90+ pounds does not sound like an easy feat lol. And how cute that your dog waits for the cat to eat! I feel like that’s one of those typical cats vs. dogs things, haha.

    Congrats on quitting smoking!!!

    Hey, we both got Vincent, Survivor this week! Looking forward to seeing what you think 🙂

    • fuonlyknew says:

      He rules the couch and she rules the food. LOL And thanks, I waited until I was sure I was ready and then set them aside. Quitting smoking isn’t easy, but I know I’m done for good!
      Vincent, Survivor is getting interesting:) I look forward to your review too!

  4. Nick says:

    Aww your fur babies sound so cute! Good for you for quitting smoking! You should feel very proud!
    Ink and Bone is a book I really should get! I’ve been hearing amazing things about it.
    I hope you have a wonderful week and happy reading!

  5. Yes, we change as well! Our bodies, our hair, our skin. I’m quite proud of my wrinkles, actually, most of them show that I smile a lot, and I think they are awesome! I’m a little less happy with the fact that my waist keeps expanding, but at the same time there’s no way I’m going to stop eating my favorite food, or drink beer and wine.
    I bet it’s strange to see your pets grow older, though. Of course, our Freddy is still a baby, so I have no idea how that would be later on.
    Congrats on quitting smoking! I quit, too, six weeks ago, and I’m very proud of myself! I hope you are, too! <3

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yep. The pets hide their wrinkles with fur. I’m kind of proud of mine too:) Earned them! Freddy is growing like a weed. So sweet and cute!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      How wild we both quit so close to each other. Congratulations to you too!

  6. congrats on quitting smoking!! My husband has battled that demon for years so I know that 2 months is a big deal!
    I too notice how different I am now that I’m older. Clubs, concerts, all nighters…no appeal any more. Sometimes when I am around coworkers who are still in that stage of their lives I feel old, but honestly, I am more okay with that than I thought!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Quitting smoking isn’t easy. Aside from being healthier, I like that the smell is gone! Never liked that even when I did smoke.
      Getting older sure changes our priorities and what we enjoy doesn’t it. I’m content to stay at home and enjoy it.

  7. I will be smoke free for six years after smoking for almost 40 years. I don’t even crave them anymore. I can’t stand tne smell of smoke now, so you will get there. You can do it! I have wanted to read Ink and Bone. I will be interested in what you think. The drawing book looks interesting. I will have to give it a look. Have a wonderful week. 🙂

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Forty years! Congrats. It’s already easier. I changed my smoking habits before I quit. Didn’t reach for one at the usual times like when on the computer or phone. Made it easier when I did quit. I have two books with the title Ink and Bone. I’m thinking of doing reviews for both of them in the same post and having fun comparing how different each is from the other.

      • I did tne same. I made the rule that I had to get up and go out on the sunporch to smoke and I kept my cigs and lighter out there. It is amazing how many smokes you will go without if you can’t just reach for them and light one up. I cut down to four a day before I totally quit. It does help even though the doctors say it doesn’t. That is a great review idea! I will definitely be looking for that one. 🙂

  8. A few of my fur babies are getting up there in age and no longer can jump on my bed and I have to pick them up and put them up there when we go to sleep. One is really old and is 15 and she has really bad joint problems and has gone blind, poor little fur baby. (I often have to go over and check on her to make sure she is still breathing cause she looks so still).

    We went to Silver Dollar City for a couple of days and I rode one small ride but I wasn’t not really interested in roller coasters or getting wet on water rides but really enjoyed the shows and things like that, so I totally know what you mean. 🙂

    Congrats on quitting smoking that is really had for some people so great job!

    Lot of great books you have grabbed and I sure missed your Sunday post while you was gone so glad to have you back. 🙂

    Week in Review

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m going to get some steps for Quigley. He has to get a running start to get on the bed now. You won’t catch me on a roller coaster or ride anymore. I never was that crazy about them anyway:)
      Thanks for being so sweet. Stormi. I missed ya too!

  9. Congrats on quitting smoking, that’s fantastic! I hear you on getting older, that’s me too.

    Oh, you listed Krista Ball’s Blaze! Not the best book in the series but I really enjoyed the series. Heck, she’s one of my fave authors. 🙂

    Have a great week and stay cool!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Thanks, Bea. I figure, getting older, I need to take better care of myself:)
      The cover grabbed me for Blaze. Then I checked out the series. Sounds good and thrilled to here she’s a fav author of yours!

  10. OMG I can’t believe your cat is over 23 years old! I love hearing about old, happy pets! <3 I hope you enjoy all your new books! I've been meaning to read Ink and Bone too!

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      She’s a very healthy cat, for sure. Doesn’t act old except for not wanting to jump on high furniture anymore:)
      I have two Ink and Bone books. Which one are you referring to. Rachel’s. or Lisa’s? LOL

  11. sjhigbee says:

    Yes… the years tick by every faster and I’m conscious of changes, too. The biggie for me is that my adorable granddaughter that only yesterday I was burping over my shoulder is now less than a foot shorter than I am… As for me – since I managed to control my chronic sciatica, I’m able to exercise and feel better than I’ve felt for years:). Huge respect and congratulations on giving up smoking – that’s a massive feat and I know just how hard it can be. A great book haul there – and I’ve only just realised that both Rachel Caine and Lisa Unger share a book title. How confusing is that? Have a great week:) My Sunday post – https://sjhigbee.wordpress.com/2016/06/19/sunday-post-19th-june/

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I know what you mean. My son is now 6’2” and towers over me. LOL And he has a beard! Glad to hear you are doing so well and can exercise. I recently suffered from muscle spasms in my back and they gave me some great exercises to do. Have to hold off on others for now but these new ones really make me feel stronger.

  12. Molly's Book Nook says:

    Wow! Your cat is 23 years old! That’s awesome. I get what you mean though about animals “mellowing out” when they’re older. When one of my dogs reached 13 years old, he wasn’t as lively as he used to me. I would have to help him onto the bed. Our other dog who’s 8 or 9 still acts like a puppy, though. haha

    Here is my Sunday Post
    Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yep. she’s 23 and healthy:) Quigley is healthy too. He still runs out the back door and races the guys when they pass by on their bikes. Just not quite as fast as he used to be.

  13. Congratulations on the quitting smoking! That’s tough to do. I love big dogs but there are some issues when they get older and can’t move like they used too. Lifting a 30lb dog into the car is one thing but a 90lb dog is just about impossible! Enjoy your pool and have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Quigley has put on some weight now that he’s older and I’m going to have to build some steps for him to get into the car. I worry about my back trying to lift him. LOL

  14. Leona says:

    2 months is a big deal! Congrats!

    You got a seriously nice haul there!

    Enjoy your week and happy reading!!

  15. katarguelles says:

    Welcome back and congratulations on quitting smoking! I can imagine it is tough but you are making a good step towards being healthy. I hope you like Breaking Up with Barrett. I love this series. I hope your weather cools down a little (our is going to be in the 100’s this week) and have a great week!!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Thanks so much:) I was thrilled to win Breaking Up With Barrett. It’ll be perfect for my summer reading list. Glad to hear you love the series!

  16. Megan says:

    Congrats on quitting smoking! My mom just quit. Well, sort of. It’s tough. It’s funny how pets change as they get older. Our oldest cat developed all kinds of weird personality quirks within the last year. He’s like that old guy who was pretty reserved all his life and then decided “I’m old now. I’ll do whatever I want!”

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Thanks. I’ve got the habit kicked, for sure. It is funny how they change. All of them have. And yes, they do what they please and just me the look. LOL

  17. It has been awfully hot. We go on an evening walk on the man’s days off, and even at 8 at night it is still 90 degrees. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about Baby getting older. I wish I could turn back the clock.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Not quite that hot here yet. Around 80 at night. LOL So humid though. Feels like you’re breathing under water. I wish I could slow time. All my babies are getting up there in years.

  18. buffywnabe says:

    Wow! 23 years old is a long time for a cat! But that’s so awesome to get to have them around that long. Hope you have a good week coming up!
    Check out my Sunday Post

  19. atothewr says:

    We had a cat that made it to almost twenty. A black cat with a bit of white we named Magic. I can’t believe she lived so long. Hope you have a good week and got lots of rest last week.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m feeling much better now. The spider bite still aggravates me. Not fully healed but getting there. Sheba is black all over and just a little cat. Still so healthy too:)

  20. Congrats on quitting smoking! 2 months is awesome and don’t you forget it! And I had to chuckle at the change in habits. I used to love to party on the weekends. Now, I’m all about staying home. Though I know people my age who still enjoy that kind of life, I really don’t. I always say I got it out of the way when I was young enough to party all night and get going the next day with little sleep. No way I can do that now and I don’t even want to. LOL

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I used to think nothing of staying out til dawn. Now I’m early to bed and rise with the sun, enjoying hot tea on the back porch. Sure don’t miss those hangovers. LOL

  21. Taylor Dean says:

    Quitting smoking is not easy! Congrats!
    I’d rather stay home and watch a movie in my nice comfy living room than go out to a movie nowadays as well! Enjoy all those new reads!

  22. Congratulations on quitting smoking! I can relate about looking in the mirror. Hope you have a great week.

  23. yvonne473 says:

    Congrats on quitting smoking! That’s great!

    All those books look so good. Enjoy!

  24. WTG on quitting smoking! Lots of great books you got or featured. Hope you enjoy!

  25. readerbuzz says:

    None of us will stay young-looking forever. It’s okay. Age has its compensations.

    Thanks for sharing your books!

  26. MarthaE says:

    Congrats on quitting smoking. That should be good for your furry friends too. So nice to have such long time companions. You have so many books listed — several catch my eye and I picked up two freebies. Funny – 2 different Ink and Bones.
    Happy Reading!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Thank you:) I’m amazed how healthy all of them are as they grow older. Very lucky! It’s funny I got both books the same week. Plan on reading them one right after the other and reviewing them in the same post. Should be fun:)

  27. I just reviewed Ink and Bone – I loved the book by the way and I hope you’ll enjoy it too. I’m currently reading the ARC of the sequel. 🙂

  28. I completely understand your post on the animals and looking in the mirror. I am at the same point where I just want to hang out at home and relax after a long week at work. Also, the wrinkles in the mirror are NEVER fun to look at, but makes you appreciate everything you have been through! It looks like you got tons of new books on your shelves! Happy Reading!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I love my home and have made it where I have everything I want and don’t have to go anywhere to enjoy myself!

  29. Glad you got to spend some time away with family! And wow! That is an epic haul. Thanks for stopping by my SP & STS.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  30. Lola says:

    I am glad to hear you had fun out of town. Must be nice to have a pool when it gets so warm. Animasl and humans too really do change once they get older. We’ve been taking care of my boyfriend his parents their parrot and cat for a few weeks. the cat is getting older, not as old as your Sheba though. I think he’s 13 now, he’s much more cuddly and lazy then when he was younger.

    That’s amazing you stopped smoking! And I think liking yourself is what’s most important, not what other people think. You got a nice haul this week. Enjoy your new books and have a great week.

  31. Emma says:

    I loved hearing about your pets. Wow, Sheba is a great age.

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