Book Blast and Giveaway ~ Ronald Chapman’s A Killer’s Grace and My Name Is Wonder

Posted: September 5, 2016 in giveaways, New Release, suspense
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Check out these two new books from Ronald Chapman.

Enjoy the excerpt.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

A Killers Grace

AKillersGrace cover

Genre: Suspense



From the high desert of New Mexico comes a tale of mystery, murder and redemption. When journalist Kevin Pitcairn receives a disturbing letter from a serial killer, he is drawn into a compelling journey with profound psychological and spiritual implications, not just for the murderer, but for himself and society as a whole. As he tries to investigate and then tell the story, he finds himself battling his own inner demons and sordid history. Events conspire to propel an isolated matter to a national stage and audiences that are increasingly hostile. Forced to explore the roots of human psychology and sanity, Pitcairn must navigate moral and philosophical realms. What is the nature of evil? What powers of choice do humans actually possess? How may we be redeemed? And in the end, how do we reconcile with ourselves?


Enjoy the excerpt

The nightmare began in 1988. He was on assignment for the Indianapolis Star a few miles down the Ohio River from Evansville, Indiana, in the town of Mt. Vernon. A plastics manufacturing site had been conducting studies to prevent catastrophic chemical emergencies, a major news story. He visited Hawk’s, a tiny bar and grill, then at the urging of the barman he meandered down the hill to the riverfront titty bar where he proceeded to get very drunk.

Somehow he drove his car to downtown Evansville, but rather than heading for his hotel room he found another bar. After that, his memory was spotty.

 The nightmare filled in troubling details. Lurid wallpaper in a seedy, riverfront hotel formed the backdrop. His right hand clenched an ugly little man by the throat. Pitcairn’s whitened knuckles stood out in vivid contrast to the man’s face with its bulging blue eyes and torrid complexion. Bluish tinges of asphyxiation gave way to dark violet as bubbles frothed on the man’s lips. In the periphery of Pitcairn’s vision the man’s arms and legs flailed. A terrible focused fury held him against the wall until the struggling ceased. The little man’s eyes dimmed. He dropped with a dull, lifeless thud when Pitcairn eased his grip.

Pitcairn awoke at dawn, slouched sideways in the seat of his car. The dirt parking area lay atop a wooded bluff above the banks of the Ohio River. At first he had no recollection of the night, but when the image of the man he strangled came to him through the drug and alcohol induced fog, he bolted for Indianapolis.


My Name Is Wonder

MyNameIsWonder cover

Genre: Inspirational Fable



My Name is Wonder chronicles the transcendent adventures of a little goat with big dreams. Join Wonder and his wisecracking guide, the mysterious crow Mac Craack, on a journey through the scenic landscapes of the American Southwest and into the heart of a mindful presence. Along the way, you’ll meet an unforgettable cast of creatures, each with an important lesson to teach.


Author Ronald Chapman

RonaldChapman author

Ronald Chapman is owner of an international speaking and consulting company, Magnetic North LLC. In addition to international accreditation as a speaker and national awards for radio commentary, he is the author of two novels, My Name is Wonder (Terra Nova Publishing, 2016) and A Killer’s Grace (Terra Nova Publishing, 2016 and 2012), two works of non-fiction, Seeing True: Ninety Contemplations in Ninety Days (Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2008) and What a Wonderful World: Seeing Through New Eyes (Page Free Publishing, 2004) and the producer of three audio sets, Seeing True: The Way of Spirit (Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2016, 2005), Breathing, Releasing and Breaking Through: Practices for Seeing True (Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2015), and Seeing True – The Way of Success in Leadership (Magnetic North Audio, 2005). Ron provides a wide array of social media content at,

content for people in substance abuse recovery at,  and other content from his master site,  He holds a Masters in Social Welfare from The University at Albany (New York.) Prior to his relocation to Atlanta, Georgia in 2008, he was a long-time resident of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Note: A Killer’s Grace is one of two novels by Chapman being released simultaneously by Terra Nova Publishing, the other being My Name is Wonder. The publisher commented, ““It is remarkable that these two books can be so very different but somehow speak to the same messages.”


A Killer’s Grace:  Amazon

Ron Chapman Websites:

 Ronald Chapman for other information from the author.

Seeing True for ongoing social media content including blogs, v-logs, graphical materials, etc.

Progressive Recovery for materials relevant to those in recovery from substance abuse.

Facebook Page


Note: My Name is Wonder is one of two novels by Chapman being released simultaneously by Terra Nova Publishing, the other being A Killer’s Grace. The publisher commented, ““It is remarkable that these two books can be so very different but somehow speak to the same messages.”

My Name is Wonder Amazon Buy/Pre-Order: Amazon


“…a book for the ages, with profound truths simply stated. First there was Jonathan Livingston Seagull and then Yoda—Now there is Wonder…”

-Beverly Molander, Minister and Radio Host of Activating the Power of Yes

“…an exploration of human nature and into the allegorical realm that shows us how to be wise teachers and guides…”

-Paula Renaye, Author of Living the Life You Love

“Clarity is an aspect of love, it is seeing clearly. Ron Chapman sees with those eyes. He pays attention as few do to the miracles around us.”

-Stephen Levine, Author and Teacher


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  1. Mary Preston says:

    Is the fable based on a known fable or your own creation?

    • Ronald Chapman says:

      Hi Mary, when I was much younger, I was inspired by Jonathan Livingston Seagull. While Wonder is not at all like that story, it certainly has some of the feel of it. Other than that, its entirely original. The story fell upon me while on a writing vacation in Victoria, BC after spending some time in a petting zoo with goats and crows. Check out my author video for that story. Enjoy! And thanks! Ronald Chapman

  2. Ronald Chapman says:

    Thank you for excellent breadth! And all the support. Very much appreciated. Ronald Chapman

  3. Killer Grace sounds interesting. 🙂

    • Ronald Chapman says:

      Stormi, the feedback from reviewers confirms it. Pretty provocative on the whole, and a fast read. Check it out, and let me know what you think. Ronald Chapman

  4. Danielle says:

    thanks for sharing the book info with us, ice added it to my tbr pile

  5. Anne says:

    A captivating and intriguing feature which interests me. Victoria, B.C. was special and worth the visit. Did you see B.C. and Alta. too? The Rockies?

    • Ronald Chapman says:

      Hi Anne! I’ve slowly been working my way across Canada on writing vacations: Victoria four times, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto and Halifax. Fine options to escape the heat down South. Enjoy the read! Ronald Chapman

  6. diannekc says:

    Both books sound like interesting reads. Looking forward to reading.

    • Ronald Chapman says:

      There are very different, but in my thinking they are like the darkness and light of what the Italians call chiaroscuro, without which nothing comes into form. Check out my author idea to hear the whole story about how that can be. Enjoy!

  7. rsbrandt44 says:

    Makes me right homesick for New Mexico, it does.

  8. I shared this one too. The books look so different, yet interesting. 🙂
    sherry @ fundinmental

    • Ronald Chapman says:

      Cool Sherry! The two book are like bookends to me, the one the dark path to innocence, the other the light-filled or noble path. Mostly though, I’m pleased to have been able to write two very different novels. I’m just not a genre kind of guy. Thank you very much! Ron

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