The 2016 Spooktacular Giveaway Hop Has Begun!

Posted: October 20, 2016 in Giveaway Hop, Holidays, Uncategorized
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spooktacular 2016

It’s that time again. Time for the 2016 Spooktacular Giveaway Hop!

For my stop, I’m giving away a print book from Amazon valued up to $20. Winner’s choice. International entries are welcome.

Entry is super easy. Just leave your email address and tell me what book or movie scared you the most.

Giveaway ends October 31st.

Good Luck!

Follow the tour from the links below for a chance at more fun prizes!



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky kitty below!

halloween jack in the box photo: black cat in a box toy cat-ina-box.gif

  1. I never watched Exorcist until about ten years ago or so and that movie scared me! I couldn’t finish it while it was dark outside I had to wait till the next day and it was daylight…lol. I really want to try the book version. 🙂


    • fuonlyknew says:

      That was the first and only movie I ever walked out on. I was a teenager, and it scared me so bad. Now, I’ve watched it and it doesn’t affect me near as much.

  2. Freda Mans says:

    Stormi, I agree. The original Exorcist movie was epic.
    The movie that scared me the most is The Amityville Horror. Anything that is based on real events, and spooky as it was, yup…. I never wanna go to that house. Ironically it is back on the market again for sale. I wonder why?! 🙂


  3. I found “The Conjuring 2” to be a fantastic movie and made me jump a few times, when horror movies usually don’t do that.

  4. Kathy Gonzales says:

    Christine by Stephen King , it scare me as a kid!

  5. You rock my dear. kimbacaffeinated at g mail dot com I am loving the Exorcist on tv right now…my kind of spooky!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I have it set to record On Demand. I’m busy catching up on I Zombie and preparing for this Sunday’s new season of The Walking Dead!

  6. I didn’t sleep with the lights of for ages after reading Pet Sematary by Stephan King!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Oh yes. That line Gage says, “I want to play…with you!” I don’t think there was a minute through the whole movie when you didn’t feel creeped out!

  7. I saw the exorcist, but I think The Omen was scarier. I don’t do a lot of movies unless they’re on TV.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  8. miki says:

    i was terrified ( stil is) by the movie IT by stephen King

  9. darkchiibsb says:

    cujo dark_chii_18 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I always forget Cujo! I think it’s because it was so disturbing. The book and movie had different endings and both were intense. Have you read his book, Gerald’s Game?

  10. darby says:

    darby dot brazoski at gmail dot com. I can think of a few Stephen King books that were super scary!

  11. I found all of Stephen King’s books pretty scary 🙂

  12. Gail Rosenstrom says:

    I love scary and horror books and movies so im pretty hard to scare
    moonfairy521 at aol dot com

  13. uptildawnbookblog@gmail ~ I don’t scare easily but still get the chills when I hear Fur Elise (Beethoven) from Stephen King’s movie: IT!

  14. Lee Todd says:

    I’m not a horror movie lover…A Nightmare on Elm Street just confirmed that for me! lol


  15. Tanya Guthrie says:

    My parents let me watch pretty much whatever all growing up so I grew up with Freddy and Jason, but I had this doll that looked just like Chucky. Needless to say being as I was under 9 years old at the time I was beyond freaked out and I still won’t watch the Child’s Play movies! Tanyamarieward*at*hotmail*dot*com

  16. Karen DeVaney says:

    I remember reading Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews as a young teen and being so scared.

  17. Lauren Becker says:

    Oh, I don’t know. I used to freak out a lot easier when I was younger, so I tended to avoid spooky things! Texas Chainsaw Massacre was a pretty freaky film though.

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  18. The Exorcist was extremely scary for me!

  19. Oooohhh that’s a hard one. Lots of movies have scared me lately like Don’t Breathe but my all time favorite scary movie would have to be Jeepers Creepers! Still gets me after all of this time!

  20. I don’t watch horror movies since I’m too chicken! Suspense books from Lynette Eason and Irene Hannon always have me biting my nails and sleeping with the lights on.

    colorvibrant at gmail dot com

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I love suspense. That’s probably why I enjoy the old black and white vampire films. They didn’t have CG and the technology we do now, so they relied on music, tense scenes, and light and shodow to fill you with dread.

  21. Sheena Wapneski says:

    Both Christine and I scared me as a kid. I actually like Christine now but still won’t watch It!

  22. Anne C says:

    I’m a horror movie fan and I’ve watched a lot. Some movies I loved are Babadood and Drag Me to Hell.

  23. Crystal Cox says:

    My mom took me to see Poltergeist at the drive in at a very young age and that movie scared the tar out of me and even to this day I hate clowns. And no I have never watched It lol.

  24. Judy Thomas says:

    The book that scared me the most was The Stand by Stephen King because it could happen.

  25. Sylvia M. says:

    I’m with Heidi and don’t watch horror movies. The book that scared me the most was The Truth Seeker by Dee Henderson.


  26. Zoe says:

    The movie that scared me the most was Coraline. It’s such a unique and thrilling movie. Plus, those button eyes were hella scary.

  27. Paranormal 2 and Blair Witch Project were very scary.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      The first two Paranormal Activity movies were great. And The Blair Witch Project was an epic in a new genre of found footage!

  28. Leah says:

    World War Z scared me but not because of the zombies, the idea of a worldwide problem like that is scary. 😛

  29. Allie L says:

    The Conjuring 2 movie scares me the most right now.
    iheartmemorethanyou at yahoo dot com

  30. Ana M says:

    I have to say The Shining (movie) really scared me.


  31. Tiffany D. says:

    Halloween is by far the scariest movie to me. Michael Myers has been haunting my dreams for years. Thank you!


    • fuonlyknew says:

      Showing my age here, but I went and saw that along with a couple others for a scary marathon at the drive-in theatre. Scared me so bad. It was a new genre then, slasher films, and was almost more than I could take.

  32. lorih824 says:

    I’m not crazy for scarey and I have a 4 year old who doesn’t like it either . However as a teenager I watched The Shining and it creeper me out ?
    Happy Halloween!

  33. Sara Theissen says:

    One movie that scared the wits out of me for months was V/H/S

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I really liked the first collection. The second, not so much. Have you seen it?

      • Sara Theissen says:

        I have! The second one wasn’t as scary to me. But the first one really just freaked me out. Specifically the short where the couple in the hotel room are being filmed by someone that broke in, and then killed. Freaked me out for months.

  34. Loretta Sullivan says:

    I never got over the original Psycho!

  35. Penny Olson says:

    The Shining.
    penny dot olson at gmail dot com

  36. tfs93 says:

    The movie that scared me the most was The Changeling. It is an old movie with George C. Scott as the main character.

    videoclimber AT yahoo DOT com

  37. Rita Wray says:

    The Exorcist really scared me.


  38. Trix says:

    Evan Gilbert’s BROWN-EYED DEVIL was pretty disturbing!


  39. Child’s Play scared me because I happened to catch a look at it as a kid and I was worried my toys were going to come alive and get me. webkin(at)gmail(dot)com

  40. julie abe says:

    i have a low, low, low tolerance for scary things. even action movies can be scary! definitely the ring or the exorcist is scary.

  41. Becca says:

    The Ring scared me the most – I had to sleep with the light on for quite a while! sbcashortie at hotmail dot com

  42. rsbrandt44 says:

    ABSENTIA scared the bewhillikers out of me.

    rsbrandt44 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  43. Alison King says:

    The book and the movie, It, by Stephen King really creeped me out.

  44. kisajtoo13 says:

    The Exorcist, i still cant watch it! Wrong turn is another that really scares me. The hills have eyes is bad too! Thanks for sharing!

  45. pamk258 says:

    Funnily enough John Q scared me the most
    scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com

  46. Cali W. says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! The movie The Decent scared me the most. 😉

  47. Nightmare on Elm Street 2 scared me the most! ineeadietcoke at aol dot com

  48. Michelle J. says:

    The Ring

  49. techeditor says:

    I’m thinking way, way back: THE STAND by Stephen King

  50. The shinning!
    livingbelowtheclouds (AT) gmail (DOT) com

  51. Jen B says:

    It sounds silly, but when I was tiny I found Chitty Chiity Bang Bang scary. It was the part when Grandpa is about to land in Vulgaria, I was certain something terrible was going to happen to him!

  52. Susan Smith says:

    I was scared by the movie IT by Stephen King

  53. Donna Harms says:

    I love a lot of scary movies…love the original “Halloween” 1& 2 movies, the “Nightmare on Elm Street” movies, “Friday the 13th”…etc I will say that two movies that me jump was “Thirteen Ghosts” & “Ghost Ship”… they were added to my favorites list 😉 Books… “Pet Sematary” was up there… fuades3 at

  54. Jana Leah says:

    Pet Cemetery – the movie & the book are very creepy. Thanks for the chance.

  55. Linda says:

    I found The Turn of the Screw by Henry James to be really scary.

  56. Nikki Godwin says:

    Silence of the Lambs totally freaked me out the most!

  57. Joy F says:

    The old Poltergeist movie. Love it!! The tree scene scared me so bad when I was younger.

  58. Darlene Ysaguirre says:

    The Shinning has left me scared of hotel hallways and being snowed in. I literally start to get anxiety when walking down an empty corridor in a hotel. Every Halloween i still enjoy watching it though lol.

    darlene90731 (@) (yahoo) .com

  59. Meredith Miller says:

    Saw scared me. I don’t watch creepy movies anymore. meredithfl at gmail dot com

  60. Holly Thomas says:

    Thirteen Ghosts has always scared me the most over any movie – The Chuckie Movies would be next scariest for me, they always did creep me out as well!

    holly9816 (@) yahoo (dot) com

  61. Jaime Lynn says:

    IT got me. BIG time! Thank you for the giveaway!

  62. Michele L says:

    The book, In a Dark Place by Ray Garton was probably the scariest. It still creeps me out when I think about it.

    shermie40 at yahoo dot com

  63. Tashia says:

    Horror movies don’t really bother me but the movie “The Purge” scared the heck out of me. I kept having to pause it and get up to look around. It scared me so much because it is something that our government could very easy allow.

  64. Mary Rose Benipayo says:

    I love the movie Coming Soon (benipayomaryrose at yahoo dot com)

  65. Amber Terry says:

    The movie that scares me the most is probably The Conjuring 🙂

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  66. Hands down The Exorcist! If I even heard the theme song, Tubular Bells, on the tradio at night I would get scared. Ha ha. lalainthelibrary(at) gmail(dot)com

    Happy Halloween and thanks for the fab giveaway. 🙂

  67. wolfluvr420 says:

    Children of the Corn really got me when I was younger. Mostly because I live across from a corn field!

  68. Elizabeth S says:

    Scary books/movies usually don’t scare me too much…13 Ghosts freaked me out when I first saw it though.

  69. BookAttict says:

    It by Stephen King scared the crap out of me!
    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  70. Megan Kyser says:

    I hate all scary movies… but when I was little I would hide behind the couch during the wolf parts of the Neverending Story. Thanks for the giveaway! megankyser at gmail dot com

  71. Daniela says:

    Probably The Moving Finger by Stephen King. It is a collection of super creepy short stories.
    Thank you for the giveaway!!


  72. Samantha Loving says:

    i love scary movies but demon ones freak me out. most recently was the newest paranormal activity

  73. Elizabeth Stacy says:

    The scary movie I watch was SAW dam it was scary. Thank you for the opportunity

  74. Alca says:


    I am not really a fan of horror movies. But I remember that someone has super clever ideas to watch a Circle on the elementary school. I don’t really like it. But on the other hand I like Sleepy Hollow 😀 Maybe because Johnny Depp and because it isn’t really scary 🙂

  75. ladymagnolia99 says:

    When I first saw the movie The Shining by Stephen King the twin girls really freaked me out. They are really eerie. The whole movie is still scary to me!!!

    Judy Cox

  76. Dolores Quigley says:

    I saw The Exorcist way back in 1973. Scared the heck out of me and I had nightmares for months.

  77. sallygg says:

    The movie that scared me was It. I remember turning it on late one night and alone and had no idea what it was even about. That started my Stephen King love though. Poltergeist scared me too, i still love that movie.

  78. jmesparza821 says:

    The movie that scares me the most is The Exorcist.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  79. Maureen says:

    The one that does it for me is Psycho
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  80. The Conjuring 2 scared me! I loved it!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

  81. Amanda D says:

    I hate scary movies but for some reason I watched Scream and I had to sleep with the lights on that night.

  82. hrtansoul says:

    I have never been a fan of horror movies. I seen The Shining at a young age and it ruined me for any more.

  83. Elin says:

    I don´t remember the name, and I don´t really want to look it up either. The one scene I remember over and over is the big clown sitting in a chair and the babysitter asks the parents in the phone abut that scary clown staring at her. They don´t know what she´s talking about and when she looks over again it´s gone…
    I do generally like scary movies, but after that I can´t see any movie with a clown in it again.

  84. amy bowens says:

    It scared the crap out of me. I have been afraid of clowns ever since

  85. I’ve seen the opening scenes of IT and that was enough for me.


  86. Jennifer Frender says:

    The movie that has always scared e the most is The Strangers. Not a big fan of it.

  87. Deana says:

    Halloween was always the scariest movie I saw.

  88. fhms97 says:


    definitely insidious!

  89. The movie “White Noise” scared me when I was younger.


  90. tiago rosado says:

    i hate the movie Arachnophobia ,it made scared of big spiders…..

  91. Katie says:

    Watcher in the Woods! Thanks for the chance. lilacqueen75(at)gmail(dot)com

  92. Daisy R says:

    I don’t do scary movies, like ever. Not a fan. But I let a friend in high school drag me to Poltergeist. By the end of the movie I was in the floor with by back to the screen. Thanks for the chance to win! daisykr_99@yahoo(dot)com

  93. Kym Amaral says:

    I don’t watch much that’s scary, my favorite Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus 😉



  94. IT was a scary movie – I still don’t like clowns!
    Dianna (dedezoomsalot at yahoo dot com)

  95. Nikolina84 says:

    Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers scared me!

  96. Raluca Denise says:

    The Ring movie scared the sh*t out of the me!
    lady_dyralu (at) yahoo (dot) com

  97. samantha penrod says:

    I was scared of Event Horizon, it was terrifying. samimudrack @

  98. bunnyclem says:

    The Ring & The Grudge

  99. amarantinebv says:

    I think Silent Hill scared me the most. Thanks for the giveaway! (Valentina B. – on the raffle)

  100. Tamra H says:

    “IT” scared me the most! Dang clowns!

  101. Mandy R says:

    The Shining is one of the last scary movies I watched. I just can’t do horror. I’m such a pansy!

    corozondemono at gmail dot com

  102. Rayna Reveur says:

    Origin by Jessica Khoury scared me the most. raynareveur (at) gmail (dot) com

  103. The movie that scared me the most is Drag Me To Hell.

  104. Janie McGaugh says:

    I avoid really scary movies and books and, while I’m sure I’ve read books and seen movies that scared me in one way or another, I can’t think of a specific one at the moment. jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  105. Jan Lee says:

    The book that scared me the most was Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry. I was alive when this story happened, although I was young and didn’t understand it much. When I was older and the book was written, I read it and was scared about this happening again even though he was in jail.

  106. Sue S says:

    The Shining with Jack Nicholson. Every time I watch it.

  107. Cynthia P says:

    Not a big fan of scary movies, but I will watch ghost movies if they aren’t too bad. I liked the Woman in Black. blueirishmoon at hotmail dot com

  108. ashfaanwer says:

    The Shining freaked me out!
    thanks for the giveaway
    blackcapballistics at gmail dot com

  109. The Visit (2015) really messed me up. lol!

    Thanks for the giveaway. Happy Halloween!

    jellylovesbooks at yahoo dot com

  110. Tiffany says:

    I hate horror movies, so most horror movies I’ve watched actually scare me. Recently I watch Annabelle and I was really really scared xD my email is thebookishthought[at]gmail[dot]com

  111. beth says:

    The Road, both book and movie, scared me.

  112. Della Williamson says:

    The movie that scared me the most? I was 9 and had a serious fear of spiders in those days. Out grew it when had biology in high school. But was totally freaked out when Tarantula was aired when I was 9

  113. Jess D says:

    Oh my, Gerald’s Game by Stephen King really scared me. Probably because I mostly read it in my dorm room at night while alone. Silly me

    i_love_books at aol dot com

  114. anne3230 says:

    Wait until Dark with Audrey Hepburn which was not a horror movie, but still scary.

  115. BookLady says:

    It and The Shining by Stephen King

  116. cheryl s says:

    I remember being scared when reading Where Are the Children?
    msboatgal at aol dot com

  117. KateS says:

    The movie The Conjuring!


  118. So when I was a little kid much to little I saw Stephen King’s the IT. OMG that movie scared me. I don’t know how I saw it, but man I never should have watched it as a kid… I’m scared for life.

    tigerlilly_liz (at) hotmail (dot) com

  119. piroska says:

    The Shining scared the bleep right out of me!!

  120. Dakota Palmer says:

    The exorcist

  121. Shannon says:

    Any movies or books with evil clowns always scare me.

  122. Brandi S. says:

    Movies that scare me are It, Doom, and the Paranormal Activity movies. Happy Halloween!
    flava_sava_chick at yahoo dot com

  123. Stephanie Brown says:

    One of the only modern horror movies that has legitimately scared me is The Babadook. I had to take a break!

  124. Chucky and the Exorcist creep me the most

  125. When I was a young girl I watched the Werewolf of London. I had nightmares over that for several years!

  126. I really liked or was scared by “The Shining” or pretty much anything by Stephen King.

    Thanks for giving.

    Besos Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  127. Hi!
    Thank you for this giveaway!
    The movie that scared me the most was Insidious. I even had nightmare.
    Also, I remember when I was (not so) little, I got scared while watching Blair Witch. It’s embarrassing to tell, but that night I went to sleep in my mom and dad’s bed.

    My email address is: bookdustmagic @ hotmail . com

  128. I thought that The Girl From The Well by Rin Chupeco was pretty scary. 🙂

  129. Heather E. says:

    House of Leaves was probably the book that freaked me out the most.

  130. unevenfist says:

    Saw was just messed up!

  131. moosehog83 says:

    the birds and carrie growing up…

  132. Terra Heck says:

    I like scary movies and books EXCEPT for Nightmare on Elm Street. Freddy Krueger traumatized me. Thanks.

  133. I thought the movie the Exorcist was scary.

  134. _Sandra_ says:

    Besides The Exorcist and The Shining (“Here’s Johnny!”), Let The Right One In (original Swedish version) movie and the book really freaked me out.
    sandra.zg.13 @

  135. Mary D says:

    Waaaay back in the early 70’s I was a huge fan of anything Dark Shadows, so when the movie House of Dark Shadows came out, naturally I begged my dad to let me see it. Welp, it ended up being far more intense than the campy soap opera and my adolescent self had nightmares for a week. Didn’t care, still love Dark Shadows to this day lol ;D

  136. Lisa Walker says:

    Nightmare on Elm Street terrified me when I was younger.

  137. Lisa Walker says:

    liese1235 at gmail dot com

  138. Elizabeth R says: It was the shining(book) for me, still nervous about topiary.

  139. Ash says:

    It was probably The Stand by Stephen King
    ashenowl31 (at) gmail (dot) com

  140. Jennifer Rote says:

    IT is the worst. Still don’t like clowns.
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  141. Emma A says:

    Oh gosh, I really don’t like horror movies, hmm…well, I was pretty creeped out by E.T.

  142. Carolyn Daley says:

    I hate most creepy and disturbing books and movies. I prefer to watch family fun movies like Hocus Pocus and Casper and read non-horror fantasy/paranormal fiction.

  143. bn100 says:

    the shining

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  144. Seyma Shabbir says:

    I think It by Stephen King scared me the most as a kid. as an adult I loved As the Word Dies – First Days by R. Frater.

  145. Stephen King’s It. I was already afraid of clowns, and that book/movie cinched it for me.

  146. Alina R says:

    Stephen King’s books Salem’s Lot and It.
    linaramz at yahoo DOT com

  147. Krysta B. says:

    I have to say that Stephen King’s ‘It’ scared me the most growing up, that movie made me hate clowns.


  148. The movie that scared me the most was the original Nightmare on Elm Street. I thought Freddy Krueger was going to come into my dreams.

  149. Conjuring was creepy. I was forced to watch cause my friends love horror movies. ?

  150. holdenj says:

    Beloved. Still remember how I didn’t realize it would be that spooky.

  151. Dovile says:

    ‘Christine’, based on a novel by Stephen King.

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  152. The Shining (book) terrified me, as did It. EEK!

  153. latishajean says:

    I would say The Ring scared me 🙂 Thank you for the great giveaway!

  154. Linda Kish says:

    The original House on Haunted Hill. But, I was young when I saw it the first time.
    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  155. I’m easily scared. The Ring or the Saw movies really bothered me (but then again, so did Star Trek Borg episode). edysicecreamlover 18 AT gmail DOT com

  156. slehan says:

    I was scared by The Shining.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  157. Julie says:

    I thought The Descent was a really scary movie.

  158. I don’t really get scared from movies, and the only book that ever made me lose sleep was John Sauls’ Blackstone Chronicles book An Eye for an Eye. For some reason that doll just scared me to the point of paranoia.
    kiltgirl 1 AT yahoo DOT com

  159. Lily M... says:

    Hi!! Thank you so much for this opportunity, my sister has always been scared of the Exorcist and it kind of stuck with me, so now I can’t look at that girl’s face, creepy.

  160. I will always remember going to the theater to see Jaws with my Dad and brother and how scary it was and so glad my dad was there!

  161. Marlene Ezell says:

    The book that scared me the most is PET SEMATARY by Stephen King.

  162. Patricia Wagner says:

    Scariest movie would be Carrie

  163. Definitely the Exorcist that my friends made me watch back in high school.

  164. Ann Smith says:

    Everything from Stephen King scares the crap out of me. Thanks for the giveaway! at gmail dot com

  165. Stephanie says:

    IT by Stephen King scared me so bad I now despise clowns!


  166. AEKZ2 says:

    The movie Serpent and the Rainbow scared me the most.

  167. Shea Balentine says:

    I love scary movies, however the movie “The Strangers” literally gave me chills. It was based on a true story and it was one of those “It would really happen” movies… will never watch it again!

  168. Both the movie and the book IT by Stephen King has scared me more than any other horror/scary book or movie ever has.

  169. Keighley Malcolm says:

    Definitely Wolf Creek ?? that movie was terrifying!!

  170. melissa Miller says:

    It is the scariest

  171. Aricchi says:

    I don’t get scared easily so It IS funny that the first thing that came to mind is : Harry potter the chamber of secrets XD maybe because I was a kid?

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