What’s New On My Bookshelf #184 and The Sunday Post

Posted: December 4, 2016 in Freebies!, giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Another fun way to share your book news and enjoy others is The Sunday Post hosted by

Sunday Post

Kimberly the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Head on over and leave a link to your Sunday Post and hop around to visits others.


Some chit chat.

Well, I sure blew off this week. LOL

Aside from work, which was kind of slow, I didn’t do a whole lot of anything.

I binged watched Once Upon A Time from the beginning up til the latest episode. This is such a fun show. I love how they weave in all of the different characters from beloved fairy tales.

And I got most of my decorating done. All that’s left is hanging the lights on the front porch. I’ll take pictures when it’s finished.

I used to have a different theme fro decorating my Christmas tree each year. There was the silver and gold ornaments one year. Red and white the next. One year was just different ribbons and bows. With so many fun ornaments collected, I know just throw everything on the tree every which way. LOL

I took pictures of some of the ornaments. Not the best with my phone, but here they are.

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 How do you decorate your tree? Do you do something different each year?

I’ll be hopping over to check out your Sunday Posts so be sure to leave me your link.


New books on my shelf. Some I won, some are for review, and some I just had to have.

Zombie World (The Z-Day Trilogy Book 4) by [Ailes, Mark Cusco]  The Night of the Christmas Letter Getters by [Black, Eldritch]


And here are some freebies for ya!

Click on the covers to get yours and remember to make sure they’re still free before you click that buy button.

That Moment When: An Anthology of Young Adult Fiction by [Lalonde, A.M., Kaitlin Bevis , Katlyn Duncan, Leia Stone, Michelle Madow , Melle Amada , Melissa A. Craven, Jenetta Penner, Jennifer Bardsley, SL Morgan , Norma Hinkens , David R. Bernstein , Rob Slater , Melissa Algood , Heather Lee Dyer , Kira Lerner , Patti Larsen , Kelly St. Clare , Derek Murphy , Claire Luana , Roz Marshall , Rachel Morgan , Angel Leya, Shaun L Griffiths , Kristin D. Van Risseghem , Katherine Bogle , S. McPherson , Cassidy Taylor , Laurie Treacy , Stacy Claflin, Kat Stiles , Jackson Dean Chase , Amy Laurens , David Kudler , Laura Diamond , Hilary Thompson, Avril Sabine, Jamie Thornton , Jaime Munn ]  Winter Solstice: Short Stories from the Worlds of KP Novels (Kindle Press Anthologies Book 1) by [Cole, Lincoln, Cassidy Lewis, Linda, Knauss, Jessica, Ward, Jacqueline, Omasta, Ann, Ryker, Jada, Quinn, Fiona, Dutton, Monte, Hayton, Katherine, Roman, Teresa]  Frankenkitty: (Some Assembly Required) by [Harrison, R]

  White Christmas by [Lee-Potter, Emma]  The Christmas Getaway by [Barry, Jill]  Mall Santa Murder (Gemma Stone Cozy Mystery Book 2) by [Monroe, Willow]

Keeper of the Books (Keeper of the Books, Book 1) by [Morrow, Jason D.]  The Outlaw's Quest (Keeper of the Books, Book 2) by [Morrow, Jason D.]  Half-Made Girls: A Pitchfork County Novel by [Witt, Sam]

Souls by the Sea by [Talbot, Jessie G.]  Vampire Bait: Vampire Romance (The Angler Book 1) by [Nicholas, Annie]  Flying Away (The Flykeeper Chronicles Book 1) by [Gill, Caroline]


Books I reviewed this week. Click on the covers to read my reviews.

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Books up for review next week.


and I’ve been meaning to review these for several Christmas holidays. You know how that goes. LOL These are both the same title but couldn’t be more different.

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Other posts on my blog this week.

Shadow Of The Drill ~ Tour and Giveaway

One Of Windsor ~ Review and Giveaway

Teaser Tuesday #182 ~ Christmas Magic 1959

I Was Murdered Last Night ~ Tour and Giveaway

The Reader Appreciation Mega Giveaway

Reborn ~ Princess of the Blood #1

Mystic Mistletoe Murder ~ Blitz and Giveaway

The Reformation Of Marli Meade ~ Blitz and Giveaway

A Marketville Mystery ~ Skeletons In The Attic

Of The Trees ~ Cover and 1st Chapter Reveal and Giveaway

The Friday 56 #129 ~ Gemina

A Hidden Element ~ Review and Giveaway

Snowed ~ Blitz and Giveaway

The Adventures Of Natalie Bloom ~ Author Interview and Giveaway

When Ash Rains Down ~ Cover Reveal


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE

For a list of free eBooks go HERE

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

horseshoe photo: Horseshoe horseshoe.jpg

  1. Greg Hill says:

    Nice tree! I started Once Upon A Time and liked it, but didn’t stick with it. I did think it was cool though all the characters they fit in there, and the idea of the town where they’re all trapped.

    Winter Solstice looks good!

  2. Nice Tree! I love seeing photos of everyones trees this time of year. Mine however is going to look like a unicorn threw up on it by the time we’re done with our trees they always look more ornament than tree lol. I hope you have another great reading and blogging week. I’m looking forward to your review of Better off Thread.
    Here’s my Sunday Post

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I still have more decorations. Just no room for them. LOL I love the Embroidery series and I hope to grab the couple I’ve missed with a gift card or two. Crossing fingers I get some. I’ve been good. Honest! LOL

  3. I used to love putting up the tree as a kid…all the shiny tinsel and stuff! Now that it’s just my dad and I we don’t bother with Christmas at all other than the turkey and stuffing. We don’t bother exchanging presents or putting up decorations. I do miss the childhood fun of it all! At some point I hope to take a look at Once upon a time-and lots of other TV stuff but books always seem to dominate my time!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Now that it’s just me and my grown son, I often think of skipping out on decorating. But I love how everything looks afterwards and it makes me smile:)

  4. We have just one set of decorations for our tree, with some add-ons made by the kids (there probably won’t be any more of those now for a while, as they don’t really make any new ones anymore)…
    All those books look great, and I hope you’ll enjoy them!
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yeah, my son is too old to make more now, so I guard those he did make like they are precious gems, which to me, they are:)

  5. I like how you decorate your tree, I am a bit scroogy and haven’t had a tree up since my mom died. But I love looking at others trees, I still have the decorations we used growing up and they are very old and nobody makes them any more…lol. That makes me feel a bit old. 🙁 🙂 I don’t decorate the outside either as I live in the country and nobody would see my effort…so just never did. I do like to look at others lights though. 🙂

    You got me with that Christmas Letter Getter books I had to grab it…sounds fun. 🙂

    Happy reading!!!
    Week in Review

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Stormi, those ornaments must be precious. My mother had a bunch of her old ones and accidentally gave them way with some other thrift store boxes. It still haunts her. I love the old ones. So beautifully crafted.
      I found Christmas Letter Getter on a new site I followed. It looks so fun doesn’t it!

  6. I started watching Once Upon a Time a couple years ago and enjoyed it, but I suck at watching shows on regular TV once I can’t binge. So, once I got through everything I could binge, I never went back to it!
    Enjoy your week!

  7. feeroberts64 says:

    Beautiful pics. I love seeing other people’s Christmas trees. My daughter and I usually decorate the tree with the crafted ornaments that my grandchildren make, either at school or at home. We end up having new ornaments that way, and it’s fun! We also have plastic ornaments that the kids can hang on the tree without worrying if they’ll break one and get cut. The kids enjoy it.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I have a bunch of my son’s handmade ornaments that are scattered throughout the tree and other places. Even some baked gingerbreadmen ones. Also a few blown glass ornaments. But they are scattered under the tree. Too heavy to hang and don’t want them to get broken. He’s all grown now and I won’t be getting more:)

  8. OMG!! Is that Lambchop on your tree?!?!? If it is, I’m thoroughly jealous b/c, and here I’m going to show my age, I used to watch that show!!! I think your pics are so colorful and great!! We throw everything up on our tree every year, no themes are allowed in our house 😀 I don’t think I could do it, honestly…

    And I’m with you on doing a whole lot of nothing! It’s Christmas time, dammit!!!

    Have fun decorating your front porch!!!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yep. I was wondering if anyone would recognize Lambchop! LOL We are both showing our age. I also have the full size hand puppet.

  9. I love your ornaments. You got some great freebies this week.

    Megan @ reading away the days

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I always buy a few new decorations right after Christmas. Get some deals and it’s fun to find them the next year.

  10. Sometimes doing not much of anything is the best! I hope to have a day like that again soon.
    I’m still super behind on Once Upon a Time.. But what I did see I loved.
    Have a great week and happy reading! 😉

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I have a feeling the quiet days are over until next year. We try to gather as a family and do things through the holidays and my brother is coming down for a few months too.

  11. We have never had a theme for decorating our tree. Growing up we’d just put the lights on first, then the garland, ornaments, and tinsel. It was a hodgepodge of three generations. There was even a UT and Aggie glass ornament for my twin uncles, and all kinds of hand-made ornaments. Now I have a little tree that I have slowly acquired decorations for. I get a couple more each year, but it’s very basic. I’ll put pictures up next week.

  12. Whitney says:

    The poodle ornament on your tree is so cute! Lambchop is such a throw-back to — it is fantastic. I hope you have a great week.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I always have lambchop on the tree. Showing my age here. LOL And the poodle ornament is similar to some old figurines I have.

  13. I love the covers of Frankenkitty (I love cats) and of Better Off Thread…it’s so Christmasy. It makes me want to read them.

  14. Heidi says:

    My tree is covered with hand painted/ glittered ornaments that I did when my daughter was just little. The are lovely and we love adding to them every year. I am glad that you grabbed a few Christmas reads, I have that Creepy Christmas from years ago, and I still haven’t read it either.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I have decorations from way back that my son made. I also do some of the paper ones in picture frames to put throughout the house for the holidays. I’ve had Creepy Christmas since 2012. Figure it’s time to do that review. LOL

  15. Deborah says:

    Love the tree and your ornaments!

    I watched the first few seasons of Once Upon a Time but stopped a year or so ago… although I can’t remember why now. Something started annoying me…

    • fuonlyknew says:

      One thing that does get to me is that the same people get cursed over and over again. Finally starting to spread the curses around. LOL

  16. katarguelles says:

    We missed last years season of Once Upon a Time so we need to get caught up. It is a fun show to watch. I love your Christmas tree themes. For years I had gold and white but my kids hated it lol. So 2 years ago I started having two trees, one for me and one for the kids. This year I’m giving the responsibility of decorating to my daughter so it’s nice to finally relax lol. I hope you have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I have so many fun decorations I decided to just add as many as I could. I usually do a second tree on the front porch with some kind of theme.

  17. Wonderful haul. Over the past 25 years, we’ve collected ornaments so our tree is filled with a very eclectic mixture. We have “our first Christmas” Steeler ornaments, dog-themed one and then traditional Santas and snowmen. This year I bought a cute winter fox and a beer stein, along with a chewbaca and a captain america one. I can’t resist them each year and seeing yours reminded me we even have a pink poodle. We don’t up our tree until a week or so around Christmas – probably the 18th this year. Worrying about Cass tearing it down for 2 weeks is about all I can handle – although he seems much better this year – he’s left the dog stockings alone at least.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I have some new Star Wars ones. LOL And i have a cute fox too:) I was worried about my cat, but she likes to just curl up on the tree skirt. Doesn’t bother with the tree at all. She’s 23 now and I guess she’s beyond that.

  18. Still working on my decorations, but did get the light on the tree yesterday. Some progresss. LOL

    sherry @ fundinmental My Sunday Memes

  19. Such pretty decorations! I don’t think we’ll be getting a tree this year just because we’re moving at the beginning of 2017 and would need a bigger one (we go fake because of allergies). Yours is gorgeous though! Enjoy your new reads!

    Here’s my Weekly Recap!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I used to always have live trees until I lived in an apartment. They only allowed artificial ones. ever since, I just replace it every few years.

  20. Melissa (My World...in words and pages) says:

    Some great new books there! Beautiful tree! We’ll be going to cut ours down this coming weekend. I always use the same bulbs and lights, nothing different here. Have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I go to the sales after Christmas and then store new stuff for the next year. It’s fun to see the new stuff when I pull everything out of storage. After a year, ive forgotten what I purchased.

  21. Bait looks good. We have been watching Onc Upon A Time all summer but are only on season 2 …yeah we suck at binge watching..lol

  22. yvonne473 says:

    Once Upon A Time is always good. I enjoy it. Hope you have a great week!

  23. I love Once Upon A Time. Now that my kids are grown and gone, I decorate the tree with their ornaments they made while in school. Love the ones with their pictures. Have a great week.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I like the ones with my son in them too. Also have ones of my furbabies, past and present that go on the tree:)

  24. Naomi Hop says:

    The decorations look fantastic! We don’t do theme’s, just getting the decorations and tree up is enough! Looks like you have a few Christmas reads… Enjoy!

  25. Oh pretty Christmas pics! I do mine with white lights and then gold and red ornaments 🙂 It has sprigs of berries on it, too.

    Hope you’re having a good week so far!

  26. Once Upon a Time is SO GOOD!! I absolutely love it. This season has really picked up lately. And your ornaments look awesome. I love the dedication of having a different theme each year. My husband and I don’t usually put up a tree because we are so busy traveling. Oh well.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m almost through Season Five. It’s got me on my toes! It could be fun to travel and see all the decorations along the way:)

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