Welcome to Teaser Tuesday hosted by Ambrosia @ The Purple Booker.
Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read.
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser for this week is from
The Dark Man
The Graveyard: Classified Paranormal Series #1
by Desmond Doane

Genre: Horror / Paranormal
My teaser from page 63 in the eBook.
Things that go bump in the night have terrified people since we had to look out for nocturnal predators, praying that our campfires didn’t burn out. No matter how many times you’ve flipped off the last switch and encased yourself in darkness, daring or begging something to show itself, there are times when you’ll get spooked.
Read on if you want to know more.
My Review
It’s always a good thing when I grab a free book and wind up really enjoying it. This is one of those books.
I like a good ghost haunt. Or in this case, a demon one. Ford Atticus Ford did one thing. One very big thing. Live. On television. And it ruined him. The famous paranormal investigation show was cancelled. His marriage fell apart. And his best friend will never forgive him.
Now, Ford does private investigations. Working with police departments to delve into cases and maybe find those answers they can’t get in conventional ways. When he comes across a particularly dangerous haunting, he begs his best friend, Mike Long, to help him just this one time. But getting rid of a top tier demon is no mean feat and if they aren’t careful, they could become possessed or the demon could latch on to them, bringing danger home to their loved ones. That’s if they don’t die trying to send it back to Hell.
The story starts out with the event that destroyed Ford. Then moves forward to his present situation. I was a fly on the wall, wishing I could yell at Ford, “Don’t do it!” Yet, he risked a little girls life and sanity, and he was lucky she wasn’t killed. I felt outrage and disgust for his actions, understood it when many, along with his best friend, shunned him. But I also came to know Ford, and he won me over. I ended up hoping he’d find his way back to favor.
I particularly enjoyed it when Ford’s friend, Mike, grudgingly agrees to help him. He has a very interesting way of accepting, much to Ford’s discomfort and pain. Yet, Ford takes it in stride. As they work the case, despite their best efforts, they quickly fall back into old routines, and find themselves enjoying it. Desmond did such a great job of making his character’s genuine and often laughable.
And the author has a talent for writing scenes that chill you, fill you with foreboding, and down right scare you. He gives a satisfying ending to this case while adding curiosity about the next one, plus leaves you wondering when Atticus will finally face his demon.
Feel like going ghost hunting? I recommend you give this a go. And the other two books in the series are already released, so no waiting when you finish this one.
4 Stars
If this sounds like something you’d enjoy, it’s free on Amazon right now! Just click on the cover to grab a copy.
Ford Atticus Ford, former host of the hit ghost-hunting reality show Graveyard: Classified, has more than a few regrets—especially after young Chelsea Hopper was attacked by a demon.
Assisting police departments by conducting paranormal investigations and uncovering buried clues now provides Ford with an ounce of redemption, but it will never be enough.
What occurred on that long-ago Halloween night was unforgivable, and Ford, chasing ratings and stardom, let it happen. With Graveyard cancelled and his reputation destroyed, Ford sets out to avenge little Chelsea, and to save his own soul—if he can.
Other books in the series.

And the collected edition containing all three books.

How about you? Got a tease? Tell me!
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