What’s New On My Bookshelf #250 ~ We Interrupt For This Important Message!

Posted: March 18, 2018 in giveaways, reviews, What's New on My Bookshelf
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This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Iā€™m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Sunday Post

Some chit chat.

We interrupt for this important message!

What a mess! I got locked out of my email address and the provider was no help at all. More or less said I was SHIT out of luck! So I had to create a new one. I’ve been busy refollowing blogs and trying to connect with friends and authors. But, I lost all of my folders that contain contact info. So, if you notice I’m not replying to your emails to my address or I’m not visiting your blog, please let me know at my new email – fuonlyknew(at)gmail(dot)com. You may not see much of me around town this week. I’m sure you can imagine how much time I’ll be spending tracking everyone down.

For everyone who suggested names for my plant, thanks so much! I’ll be sharing new photos and the winner’s choice next week!

Have a fabulous Sunday!


My new books this week.

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This weeks reviews. Click on the covers to view them.


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Other posts on my blog this week.

My Monday Minis #38 ~ Gaelanā€™s War

Six Feet Under by Tonya Kappes ~ Review and Giveaway

Two Day Sale And Giveaway ~ The Protective Warrior by Cami Checketts

The Kidā€™s Korner #29 ~ Donā€™t Ever Look Behind Door 32

Who let the dogs out ā€¦ā€¦ Requiem For A Rescue Dog Queen ~ Excerpt and Review

The Sundown Series ~ Tour and Giveaway


Leave your link and Iā€™ll come visit you.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

  1. Greg Hill says:

    Oh that sucks. And it’s even worse when the provider is no help! Urgh.

    Hidden City looks good, and I just saw a review somewhere for Six Feet Under. Looks like a fun cozy…

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yeah it does. It’s oing to take time to reconnect with folks. Oh well.And I think you commented on my review for Six Feet Under. LOL

  2. sjhigbee says:

    Well that’s just dreadful – we all have those mishaps, but that’s what we expect our provider to do. That’s what we pay them for!! For what it’s worth, I haven’t noticed any change and your posts are still dropping into my inbox:). Here’s hoping the coming week is MUCH better, Laura!

  3. Cricket says:

    That really sucks. Don’t ever look behind door 32 looks super cute. Hope this week is better for you.

  4. Oh my gosh, that sounds awful. Sorry about the email experience! There was no way to get it back, like no security question or anything? I hope that never happens again. It’s like losing a key, I guess… I hope this week will be treating you better!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It wouldn’t recognize my password or my security question answers. Must have been hacked. I’ve refollowed a bunch of blogs, changed my email addy to all sites. Now to track down authors and publishers. That will take time. I’m not as freaked out as I was when it first happened. LOL

  5. That sounds like a total nightmare. It’s making me think that I should take a physical note of everyone I follow and all the contact stuff just in case.

  6. Oh, wow. What a nightmare! šŸ™

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m making headway. I know I lost some author and publisher contacts that will take work to track down.

  7. StackingMy BookShelves says:

    Sorry you got locked out of your email. I can imagine that is nightmarish. Hope this week is better and you enjoy all your new reads!

    Mary #SundayRoundup #10

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m making sure it never happens again. I’m working on reconnecting everywhere and not as stressed as I was:)

  8. Joann Downie says:

    White Witch looks excellent, I am going to add that one. I want to read Six Feet Under also. That’s terrible about your email, that would be hell for me!!

  9. Oh what a nightmare! Hopefully people will understand. I hope this week is a better week for you.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I just worry about those that are trying to reach me through my old email. I can’t access it so I’m sure I’m missing something important. Oh well. It will get sorted out eventually. Thanks:)

  10. Donā€™t Ever Look Behind Door 32 was a cute book. Eep…I hope your email provider wasn’t Google. I would be freaking out. I hope this week is stress free for you!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I really liked the book. Children’s books are so fun:) It wasn’t Google! I’m using gmail now.

  11. Oh, that is awful! My yahoo e-mail was hacked a few years ago, and I had to create a new one. I then went to gmail…but I also now have a different yahoo account.

    Good luck with it all…and thanks for visiting my blog.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      This is twice that my yahoo got hacked. They wouldn’t help me resolve the issue so I’m now using gmail.

  12. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Locked out of your email!!!! Gosh I would have panicked! I hope it never happens again!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I did panic. Luckily, I have super great computer guru and he helped me set up a new email provider and synced all of my devices. Still a little stressed about contacts I might not recover though.

  13. Jenea says:

    Jeez, that sucks about your email. I canā€™t believe that email provider was no help at all. What a waste! I help you get it all straightened out Enjoy the new books you received. Happy reading.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yeah. They weren’t helpful at all. Kind of glad I’m not using them anymore now. Nothing like a new book to relieve the stress, right:)

  14. Sorry to hear about your email! What a giant pain in the butt. Hopefully this week is better!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yep. A giant pain but I’m working with a new provider now and slowly will get things back on track:)

  15. What a drag. I hope everything works out soon!

  16. How cruddy you got locked out! I can’t believe you couldn’t get back in with their help. That’s horsefeathers! That sucks major. Sorry you’re having to start over.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Thanks, Charlie. You expressed it perfectly. I’m reconnecting to most but there are some I had in folders that I hadn’t written anything down about. Hopefully they will find me again.

  17. carolesrandomlife says:

    That is terrible! So much of my life is saved in my email. I just can’t even get my mind around losing it all. Sorry that happened to you and boo to the provider for not be more help. I hope you enjoy your new books and have a much better week!

  18. Angelized1st says:

    That sucks! I feel your pain. I’m always locking myself out of accounts. Maybe you should get a notebook or log to keep track of all your passwords.

  19. Stefanie says:

    Aloha; mahalo for dropping by. That dog rescue book looks fun as well as the Mystic Falls and oh boy I do love witches. I’ll be checking those out on Goodreads.
    Yeah, my cousins and I used to hop the back fence and explore around Daly City. My older cousin used to let me ride on his bike’s seat while he pumped away his Mongoose that we rode. Those were the days.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      My mile delivery person came bearing gifts this week:) Our neighborhood was awesome. Not like that nowadays, is it.

  20. Omgawd! Why on earth did they lock you out of your acciunt in the furst place?! šŸ˜± That’s awful! ((((((hugs))))))

    I looooooove the cover of White Witch. šŸ“š

    Here’s to a better week coming up, and I am looking forward to more banana progress photos. šŸŒž

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I guess I was hacked. Happened before too. Probably a good thing to use a different one anyway. Just wish I could have got back in to get my contact folders. White Witch sounds as great as it looks. Can’t wait to read it. Thanks:)

  21. That sucks about your email. We had that happened to us and it was a pain. Now I just use gmail and have yet to have problems.

  22. That really sucks especially when we depend on email address everything for everything. I hope you didn’t not miss anything during the time.

  23. Sorry to hear about your email trouble! Stuff like that is so stressful because you can’t make your provider feel how important it is!! Anyway, I’ve never heard of any of these books you’ve shared here. Book blogging is so much fun because I “meet” people who read such different books!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yep. They just don’t care. Until it happens to them! I love visiting blogs and finding new authors and books. I’ve found some truly great ones by recommendations.

  24. Hidden City sounds really good! Sorry to hear about your email account.

  25. Ash says:

    Getting locked out of your email is the worst. I’ve made so many new emails for that specific reason.
    Lots of great posts last week!

  26. Heidi says:

    Getting locked out of your email address, that is awful. I hope you get everything worked out. Good luck!

  27. So sorry to hear that! What a pain in the arse x Chin up! We’ve got you! xxx

  28. Oh that link doesn’t work – to contact you! šŸ™

  29. A Renfro says:

    Sorry to hear about your email situation. I hope you get it worked out. Have a great week.

  30. Oh how frustrating about the email situation! I’d be losing my mind! The Vickie McKeehan books look interesting. I’ll have to check them out. Hope you’re having a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It’s always something, isn’t it. I’m curious about Vickie’s series. This is a cozy mystery one and different from her other books.

  31. What an awful thing.I’m mad on your behalf about your email provider. You’d think they could do something šŸ™ I hope the rest of your week goes better.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I guess they just don’t care. Kind of glad I’m not using them now. Who needs more crappy customer service!

  32. Daniela Ark says:

    OH MY GOD! What a mess! I bet you have been busy! You poor thing! Losing all those documents. Maybe someone can recover them for you?

    • fuonlyknew says:

      My computer guru tried everything. If he can’t do it, nobody can. But he set me up with a new one and synced all of my devices. He rocks!

  33. amynikitawords says:

    Oh my word what an absolute pain!! I’m so sorry you had to deal with that! I know what you feel like, and it is SO frustrating.

    Hope you’re having a good week and reading lots šŸ™‚

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I’m still finding sights where I have to change my email. It’s slow going but I’ll get there. I do it in little bites:)

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