Not Really My Sunday Post

Posted: May 27, 2018 in What's New on My Bookshelf
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Hi ya’ll!

I won’t be doing my usual Sunday Post this week. My internet is out at home and the earliest date to fix it is June 1st.


I will be on the internet now and then when I can hook up to someone’s Wi-Fi, but I probably won’t be seeing ya on Twitter, Facebook or your blogs much as time will be limited.


I’ll miss ya and I’LL BE BACK!


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

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  1. Greg Hill says:

    Aw no that’s frustrating- hope they get it back on earlier for ya if possible. And happy Memorial Day hope you have a nice weekend!!

  2. See you soon I hope!

  3. Oh man, that is a total bummer! I would go crazy if I had to wait that long! See you when your back up and running!

  4. kozbisa says:

    My condolences. I remember being without internet after Sandy. It was a terrible 8 days. At least I read now.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I manage to get a little time by using work wi-fi. I sure miss the convenience of home. LOL Hopefully it will be up again by the 1st!

  5. That sucks, but it’s all part of the digital world today. Be seeing you soon…Til then, happy reading and Netflixing. 🙂
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  6. Lelia T says:

    Ack, what a bummer…BUT it’s a great excuse to give yourself a well-deserved break for a few days 😉

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Yep. And I’m doing some fun stuff. Reading more books and watching some movies. House is pretty darn clean too. LOL

  7. How frustrating! Hope you get your internet connection back soon!

  8. So sorry. Hope you didn’t get hit too hard by the hurricane down there. Hoping for a quick fix!

  9. feeroberts64 says:

    Hoping everything will be up and running soon. Looking forward to more posts.

  10. Oh, no! 🙁 I hope they surprise you with an early fix!

  11. A Renfro says:

    Sorry to hear that. Good luck.

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