A Cat’s Chance in Hell
Hellcat Series Book 1
by Sharon Hannaford
Genre: Urban Fantasy
If the Demon Master gets his way the City is about to become Hell on Earth.
Gabi has some extraordinary talents. Some might call them supernatural,
but for her they’re just part of everyday life. What she knows
about the supernatural would give most humans nightmares forever.
Ridding the streets of bad-ass creatures of the night is Gabi’s
other job. Taking up the mantle of her father’s legacy, she is a
Hunter for the Societas Malus Venatori. The first female ever
bestowed the title. Her day job is a little less dangerous. Most of
the time.
Being ambushed and kidnapped by the sinfully sexy Master Vampire of the
City should have been just another night on the job, except for the
fact that Julius has other plans for her. When he reveals that his
nemesis wants control of the City and has plans to fill it with
Demons from the Etherworld, creating an army of Ghouls and turning
humans into nothing more than cattle to feed his Clan, Gabi must
choose her path. She must decide whether to join with Julius in a
stand against the Demon Master or flee the City with her friends and
family, leaving the Vampires to wage their own war and the rest of
the residents to their fate.
But it’s not in Gabi’s nature to back down from a fight, no matter
how impossible the odds. As the Malus Venatori prepare for war, Gabi
finds herself pulled deeper into Julius’s world and she makes some
disturbing discoveries about her unusual supernatural abilities. Her
existence might just be the answer to a mystery as old as the Vampire
race. Even more unsettling than that is her undeniable attraction to
Julius and the taste of his blood. But before she can come to terms
with her conflicting desires they must all survive the Demon
onslaught and find a way to safeguard the truth of her heritage.
While the supernatural bad guys know her as Angeli Morte,
her friends call her Hellcat!
If you like your heroine smart, sassy and absolutely kick-ass and your
Vampire hero sexy as sin and twice as dangerous you’re going to
love the Hellcat Series.
Contains adult content.
“They’re still human,” Gabi whispered, not sure if she was speaking to herself or Julius.
“They could still be infected,” Julius warned. “Maybe they haven’t had time to become fully Ghoul yet. How long does the transformation take?”
“I don’t know.” Gabi replied.
“How long have you been here?” Julius demanded of them.
They all just looked at him in utter terror, not one of them could get a word out, and the one who had been moaning began to cry softly.
“Bugger, they’re scared shitless,” Gabi cursed roundly. “We’ll leave them here for now. Byron will know what to do with them. Let’s carry on and see what other horrors this crypt holds.” They backed out of the cave-like room and Julius shot the bolt back in place.
As they headed towards the next doorway, the acrid stink of burnt flesh, hair and clothing came wafting down from the entranceway. Apparently, the flame-throwers had arrived.
They checked three more open rooms and found all of them in much the same state as the first, give or take a body or three. Gabi had begun holding her breath whenever they entered one — the stench was stomach churning, she was sure she wouldn’t feel like eating for a week.
The next door they came to was closed. The sounds from the other side seemed familiar, almost identical to what they had heard from the other occupied room. If anything, the sniffling sounded more like crying. They didn’t let down their guard and entered the same way as before, quickly and ready for anything.
On the pallets this time was a woman holding a small body in her lap. She was facing away from the door, her shoulders hunched protectively as she sniffled over the limp bundle in her arms. Gabi froze in shock. A mother and child, in these conditions? Her stomach rolled nauseously but her anger burned white hot. She unfroze and moved closer to the pair, wanting to see if there was any hope of saving the child, though she could only hear one heartbeat besides her own.
As she bent towards the woman, she heard Julius say, “No Gabi, I don’t…” and in that instant the woman struck. Hurling the body of the child off her, she spun and plunged a splintered shard of wood straight into Gabi’s side.
“No, you can’t have her!” the woman shrieked. “Child of Satan. She’s mine. You can’t have her.” The woman was raving now, screaming as she gathered up the pitifully small body and backed into a corner like a brutalised animal.
“Gabrielle,” Julius shouted in alarm. He reached her before reality did and caught her as she swayed towards the dirt floor, her hand clutching at the crudely made stake protruding from just under her right ribs.
“Fuck,” she said slowly as she felt hot, sticky blood seep onto her hand.
All Hell Breaks Loose
Hellcat Series Book 2
In the City, the Werewolves are restless.
Gabi is striving to get back to life as usual. Dealing with the aftermath
of being kidnapped and tortured by Dantè, wrapping her head around
being a Dhampir, and trying to figure out Julius’s unexpected
attitude as he withdraws from her and becomes cool and distant. As if
that isn’t enough to cope with, she receives the disturbing news
that someone she cares about has been dragged unwillingly into her
world after a brutal and calculated Werewolf attack.
As rogue Werewolves run rampant through the City, it becomes clear there
will be no gentle reintroduction to Gabi’s duties as Hunter for the
Societas Malus Venatori. Once again the Vampires join forces with the
SMV to contain the threat, but the odds seem stacked against them and
the casualties keep mounting. Tensions run high as the perpetrators
manage to stay one step ahead of the Hunters and the senseless
violence continues. No one suspects betrayal from within, until
Gabi’s pets unmask a traitor. But the traitor isn’t the real
threat and the war has only just begun.
This time their nemesis isn’t playing by any rules and no one is safe in
this deadly, new game. Not even the Master Vampire of the City. As
the undeniable chemistry between Gabi and Julius reignites, they
realise the danger isn’t only to the human population of the City,
but threatens to overwhelm them all. What they finally uncover brings
Gabi into very real conflict with the SMV Council and leaves her
questioning her life-long allegiances.
Not all monsters come in obvious monster packages and sometimes what
you’re fighting to protect is what you should be fighting against.
Not everyone will walk away from this fight intact.
Strap in, hang on and grab a breath while you can. All hell is about to
break loose!
“The Hellcat series is one wild ride … one of the best new series to hit
the dark urban fantasy world, ever! Two words: more, please.”
Diane Nelson (Sand in my Shoes Reviews)
A Cold Day in Hell
Hellcat Series Book 3
The City may be calm, but is the Hunter about to become the hunted?
For the first time in months the City is peaceful, so peaceful that
Gabi’s suspension from the Societas Malus Venatori doesn’t feel
like a punishment. Her relationship with Julius is stronger than ever
and Kyle has finally found his soul mate, even if he seems to need
some convincing. Gabi thinks boredom is her most serious problem. She
couldn’t be more wrong.
The visitor Julius has been both expecting and dreading arrives, bringing
with him dire news. An old enemy, out to destroy them, has revealed
to the Masters of the Vampire race that Gabi is a Dhampir. The
visitor’s presence also answers the question that’s been
simmering in Gabi’s head for years; the truth of her origins. This
truth brings with it a deeper understanding of the implications of
her very existence, and she doesn’t like what she discovers. But
it’s too late to change what’s been done and Julius must now
answer to the Princeps’ Court.
As Gabi makes plans to leave the City, drawing danger away from friends
and family, a dark prophesy by the Magi Oracles forces her to change
course. She will not be leaving the City alone, and she will not be
running from the threat. She, Julius and a handful of others will be
heading straight into the mouth of the beast. They must present
themselves at Court before the Princeps travel to the City and
inadvertently uncover one of the most closely guarded secrets of the
Magi world.
While the Princeps wear a face of impartiality and civility, what boils
beneath the surface is a storm of selfishness, greed, lust and
perversion. Danger lurks in every corner and it soon becomes clear
that someone is determined to ensure that Gabi will never get the
chance of a fair hearing.
Old friends and old enemies do what they have always done best, while new
friends and new enemies emerge at every turn. Only one thing is sure;
it’ll be a cold day in Hell before Hellcat goes down without a fight.
Put the coffee on and warm up your page-turning finger, it’s going to
be a long night.
This is a full length novel.
Please note this novel is written in UK English and contains some adult
To Hell and Back
Hellcat Series Book 4
When Werewolves start turning up dead, drained of blood, the City’s
Alphas turn accusing eyes on the Vampires. It doesn’t take much to
get the newly-formed Werewolf Alliance riled up. But once Vampires
start dying the same way it becomes clear they have a mutual enemy.
An unexpected visitor brings news that vulnerable supernaturals from
neighbouring towns are also being kidnapped and murdered, and that
the City seems to be the focus of the violence. With no idea of the
motives behind the attacks, Gabi and the rest of the City’s
defenders immediately commit to eliminating whoever, or whatever, is
behind the bizarre and gruesome acts.
Adding to the chaos, demons suddenly attack in unprecedented numbers,
stretching the City’s supernatural resources thin. The reappearance
of an old foe from the Etherworld sparks fears that Mariska is back
and still seeking revenge. And that once again, she’s made
powerful, dark alliances. When all fingers point to something
hellbent on uncovering whatever secrets the City hides, eyes finally
turn to the Magi.
A war will be waged for the greatest supernatural prize of them all,
and the outcome is impossible to predict. Not even the presence of a
powerful Princep and the shocking revelation of Julius’s true
potential can assure victory for the pure of heart.
This time Gabi is determined to get Mariska in her crosshairs, and she’s
ready and willing to even the score. But there is no guarantee that
everyone will survive this trip to Hell and back!
Come Hell or High Water
Hellcat Series Book 5
The City’s supernatural community is still in mourning, but there’s
no time to spend licking their wounds. The face of the City has
changed forever and now her citizens must keep up or risk succumbing
to the darkness.
As the Magi withdraw to protect themselves and their vulnerable power
source, it falls to the Werewolves to step into the void left by a
crippled SMV. The Vampires are more than willing to help, but things
are moving in the shadows; bad things that threaten to destroy
everything Julius has worked for. Princep scheming seems suspicious,
but in truth the greater danger lurks much closer to home.
When one of Gabi’s Werewolf friends is kidnapped by tech-savvy
vigilantes it seems like an open and shut case of humans fearing what
they do not understand. But as Julius travels from the City to answer
the Princeps’ summons, leaving Gabi in the relative safety of the
Clan, it soon becomes clear that they’ve misjudged the real enemy.
Left confused and floundering, it’s the Princep Benedict who finally
provides the information they desperately seek. But his answers do
not come without a price.
Defending their beloved City may seem overwhelming, but, come Hell or high
water, Hellcat and Co will do whatever it takes.
Batten down the hatches, a tempest is imminent.
There’ll Be Hell to Pay
Hellcat Series Book 6
Just a few months ago Gabi thought her life was damn near perfect. She
could never have imagined that meeting one man would spark a chain of
events that would change everything. The only resemblance to her
previous life is her relentless hunt for supernatural criminals.
Right now, her world has narrowed to two points of focus; co-leading
the newly formed Special Investigations Department alongside Julius,
her Master Vampire Consort, and searching for the traitorous Vampire
Caspian and his pregnant Dark Magus cohort, Mariska. Catching up with
friends and making peace with her mother are also on her agenda for
the week, but life may just have other plans.
Even the most rookie supernatural investigator would figure out that
things aren’t going well for the Magi of the City, but the High
Council is maintaining its silence and remaining distant from the
other races. The safety and security of the City’s population is
falling ever more heavily on the shoulders of the fledgling Werewolf
Alliance, leaving Kyle, Trish and the other Pack Alphas to handle a
rising influx of demons committed to infiltrating the City and
wreaking havoc.
There are many scenarios that keep Gabi from her sleep, and when one of
those concerns becomes a sickening reality, it rocks her to the core.
Taking one of those most dear to her is a dangerous game, one that
few would play, knowing what she and Julius are capable of. The list
of suspects is short and the guilty party soon shows their hand, but
is this all just a ruse and what could they hope to accomplish by
riling up such powerful enemies?
There is no rest for the team as, with one emergency over, they are handed
a scrap of information that will ultimately lead them straight to
Caspian and Mariska. But are they truly ready for the final standoff?
Who will make the ultimate sacrifice and how will the rest deal with the
repercussions of an ancient prophesy that culminates in the birth of
Mariska’s twin children?
This is the nail-biting conclusion to the Hellcat Series.
Buckle up boys and girls – there’s turbulence ahead.
Raising Hell
A Hellcat World Novel
The rest period is over and the ultimate endgame round has just begun.
The City has seen a peaceful lull for the past three years. The Werewolf
Alliance has settled into their role as peacekeepers, stamping out
threats the moment they rear their heads. The Magi have recovered
from their losses both in numbers and strength and the Veil is more
solid than ever. The Vampires never rest; the desire to create
Dhampirs grows despite the law and the deadly consequences, but even
their weapons are gathering dust.
And yet all of them know this peace is an illusion; a small space in time
to rest and regroup. Because the Decuria still exist in the shadows
and the Prophesy calls to all sides. The battle of the millennium is
looming and only one side can win.
A new player has joined the game as old foes prepare to once more roll
the dice. The board pieces are set, the gameplan is decided and the
protectors of the City are the only ones who don’t know the rules.
Kyle and Trish have the family they never dared to wish for. Not only two
daughters but an ever-growing, ever-strengthening Werewolf Pack. The
love and security of family is everything they desired, but the
weight of responsibility is burdensome and they can never let down
their guard. Just when they thought everything was black and white,
they are faced with a new choice; one that is all shades of grey, one
that could change the Werewolf world forever.
Still reeling from the shock of the decision they must make, the fragile
peace is inevitably broken, leaving the Pack blind-sided and chasing
their tails. It will take everything they have to keep their family
and friends safe. They will have to find strength in their weaknesses
and vulnerability in their strengths if they are to survive this
assault. Can they ever be prepared for the consequences of that which
has been prophesied?
Fasten that safety belt and grab a handhold, this will not be a quiet Sunday
afternoon drive.
Sharon has been calling herself a writer since she was eight years old. She
wrote her first auto-biography at age ten. As a teenager, she was
teased about being a witch, because she wore lots of black and walked
around with her black, Oriental cat on a lead. She never disagreed
too loudly, after all, that may have drawn attention to the herd of
unicorns that lived in her back garden.
Born and raised in South Africa, she has called New Zealand home since
2008. Her life consists largely of looking after her husband, two
kids, three cats, a dog, a pony and a horse, but her working day is
spent writing, and her occasional hours off usually include books,
horses or a glass of good red wine.
Though she has had many jobs over the years, her favourite is, without
doubt, being paid to write about the characters who take up residence
in her head. After an early foray into writing for children, Sharon
discovered Urban Fantasy; the genre that felt as though it had been
created with her in mind. She loves nothing more than to create
strong-willed, female lead characters, who challenge those around
them almost as much as they challenge themselves.
Sharon also loves animals of all shapes and sizes. She has owned all the
usual suspects one would keep as a pet, and a few more exotic ones
thrown in for good measure. She spent her teens working at a tourist
farm and animal park, and as a result has handled everything from
porcupines and warthogs, to ferrets and hedgehogs. She has been
surrogate mom to many orphans including; kittens, lambs and an eagle
owl. No matter how hard she tries, animals always seem to steal the
limelight in her novels.
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