Archive for July, 2018

ashes and sin banner

Of Ashes & Sin
by Ariana Hawkes & K.N, Knight
(Fire Trails, #1)
Publication date: July 13th 2018
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance
ashes and sin cover
A world without fire. Three sizzling shifters. One flame-haired hustler. An elemental bond that could bring light back to the world, or be the end of them…

The last Phoenix has perished in a huge blaze of flames, extinguishing fire from the earth. Ranger Mason is a nineteen-year-old shifter whose spirit animal has not yet been fixed. An orphan, hustler and part-time exorcist, she scrapes a living in a dangerous, burned-out world, with no idea of the unique power she holds. That is, until a sexy tiger, bear and eagle shifter trio bursts into her life, convinced she’s the key to recreating fire.What none of them realizes is that she’s no fire elemental, but something even more rare and special…something that will create the strongest possible bond between them, but also threaten to destroy her. Ranger is the only one capable of uniting a dragon with the three water, earth and air elementals, but as the love bond between the four of them ignites, the guys are unwilling to risk her safety—even if it means restoring balance to the world.But Rael, Zain and Oran are not the only ones who have discovered Ranger’s gifts, and suddenly the decision is taken out of their hands. Will she be able to create peace between her three mates, who have vowed to do anything to protect her, and a dragon intent on keeping her in his cave as his personal, flame-haired treasure?

Purchase: Amazon
About K.N. Knight
K. N. Knight has been writing fantasy novels for the last twenty years and collecting katana swords for even longer than that. She has 35 bestselling novels under her belt and more than twice that number of swords. Now writing under her real name for the first time, she’s turned to reverse harem, because who wouldn’t. She’s known as Cayenne or even Cayenne Pepper in some circles and she lives with her husband and three boys in Seattle. When she’s not causing or fixing trouble, she enjoys shower sonatas, velvet cupcakes and drawing anime portraits. Sign up for updates at / Email

About Ariana Hawkes

USA Today bestselling author Ariana Hawkes writes spicy romantic stories with lovable characters, plenty of suspense, and a whole lot of laughs. She told her first story at the age of four, and has been writing ever since, for both work and pleasure. A horse-lover, an ex-financial writer, a former competitive runner, and a Minoan civilization aficionado, she graduated in English and Latin Literature from Oxford University and nowadays lives in Massachusetts with her man and two huskies.Facebook / Twitter / Email / Newsletter




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The Dociles
by Valerie Puri
Publication date: July 12th 2018
Genres: Dystopian, Young Adult
dociles cover

Walls are meant to keep the monsters out…

Deep in the forest there is a wall where no wall should be. Behind it live the people of the Commune, the last remnant of human kind.

Jennie Caraway has lived behind the wall her entire life, certain that it protects her and her brother from the lemerons, ravenous undead monsters whose only desire is to kill – and feed.

Jennie’s peaceful existence is shattered when she uncovers a secret organization whose purpose threatens to destroy not only Jennie, but her entire world. The Order has a deadly mission, and they will stop at nothing to see it completed.

Jennie and those closest to her must expose the evil truth before they are killed – or worse.

Enjoy the excerpt:
The ranger had feared he might risk encountering a lemeron that night; anyone who came too close to one rarely lived to tell the tale. The torrential rains and the intense darkness had made it nearly impossible for him to see. As he ventured through the blackness, finding his way with his outstretched hands, he couldn’t shake the feeling something bad was about to happen.
That’s when the lightning began, giving him intermittent visibility. He saw the skeletal figure stagger forward becoming visible through the heavy rain. The blotchy-grey flesh of the lemeron sagged from its bones and hung like ill-fitting clothing. It released a guttural moan causing the ranger to go rigid.
When he saw the lemeron approaching him, the ranger turned and hurried in a new direction, one perpendicular to his previous course. After putting some distance between himself and the monster, the ranger took care to disguise himself in the underbrush growing beneath a tall tree. He gazed in the direction he had just come from to see if the lemeron followed him. The loud pounding of his heart in his ears made him aware of its rapid pace. He tried to slow his heart rate if only to hear better, but it was to no avail.
He was startled by a crack behind him, the sound of a stick breaking underfoot. His fear turned to terror as he felt a boney hand seize his left arm. As the ranger spun around, the firm grip tightened, and sharp fingernails pierced his skin. The blood drained from his face at the sight. He was staring into the grey, sagging face of a lemeron.
He struggled and tried to pull away from the monster, but the action only made it clench tighter, its fingernails digging deeper and deeper into his arm. The cloudy, yellow eyes of the lemeron were wide and hungry. Its green lips parted, exposing blackened teeth. It lunged at him with its fully bared teeth.
The ranger was certain he would die in that moment. He frantically grabbed for the dagger hanging from his belt, his trembling fingers wrapped around the cold handle. He drew the blade from its sheath and instinctively swung it upward. His attack cut diagonally through the lemeron’s chest, sending it stumbling backward, but it was not enough for the monster to release him. Brown, congealed blood oozed from the rotting flesh. The ranger raised his dagger high above his head, and with all his strength, brought the blade down. His aim was good, and the small blade sliced through the monster’s wrist, severing the hand, thus releasing the ranger from its grasp. A crackling groan escaped from its throat, not from pain – lemerons feel no pain – but from anger.
The ranger ran mindlessly through the darkness, stumbling over the tangle of slippery roots covering the forest floor. He had to put as much distance between himself and the lemeron as possible. He smashed into a tree, not noticing it was in his path. Searing pain exploded through his left shoulder, and a rush of warm liquid ran down his arm. It must be my blood, he thought. His arm felt like it was on fire, but he could not stop to tend to it. He could hear the beast crashing through the underbrush behind him.
His head pounded, his heart raced, adrenalin surged through his veins, and his muscles begged him to stop running. Suddenly he slammed into something massive. The force of the impact knocked him on his back and the air rushed from his lungs. Dazed, he lay on the soaked ground while the freezing raindrops battered his face. He remained horizontal and motionless until he was able to recover his breath and regain control of his limbs.
The ranger stood up and reached his hand out in front of him to feel what had stopped him. The oppressive night was growing ever darker as the storm raged; he could barely see his hand in front of his face. He touched something smooth and hard – it felt like stone. Lightning ripped across the sky in a spider web of brilliant streaks. In the prolonged flash, the ranger saw a stone wall extending as far as he could see in either direction.
He was trapped. His only options were to go backward or to go forward. Behind him was the lemeron, and in front of him was a wall four times the height of a man. Frantically, he felt the surface with his hands and discovered crevices large enough to use as footholds where the large stones met. Quickly making his decision, he climbed the wall not knowing what he would find on the other side.
Author Valerie Puri
dociles author

Valerie Puri has always had a lifelong interest in all forms of artistic expression. She has tried her hand at many things, yet she always found her way back to reading and writing. With inspiration everywhere, she finally put pen to paper (or rather, fingers to keyboard) with the intent of publishing her stories.

Writing has always come naturally to Valerie, and for a time she even worked as a technical writer. She continues to hone her skills by having at least one writing project in the works at any given time. Her true passion lies in the freedom that comes with writing the stories that pour from her imagination and real life inspiration.

Valerie believes that the experiences we have in life are just stories waiting to be written.

Follow Valerie:
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Freaking Fast

by David Pereda

freaking fast cover

Genre: YA / futuristic / action / adventure



The city is Asheville, North Carolina, and the year is 2066. As renowned mathematician Alexandra Martin travels in her self-driving car to assassinate the love of her life, she reminisces about how they met and fell in love fifty years earlier in middle school when she was a thirteen year old poor math whiz and he a wealthy teenager. Alex recounts her struggles to be admitted to the best private school in the county, her happy teenage years running track, and her close relationship with three handsome and charming boys: Xavier, the intellectual; Andrew, the golden boy; and Vitali, the suave foreigner. One by one, she visits the three boys of her youth, now successful professionals in their sixties, one of whom is her intended victim.


Check out the excerpt:

Year 2066

8:30am. Asheville, North Carolina


Today I’m going to kill the love of my life.

This deliberate act should not to be misinterpreted for what the sensationalistic media will surely call a crime of passion, because it isn’t. There’s nothing passionate in what I am about to do. My action is premeditated, has been planned for a long time, and will be executed for the benefit of our city, our country, and our crumbling world – as well as for my own peace of mind.

I know people say things they don’t mean all the time, especially when they are stressed out, upset, or angry. People lie either to hurt others or to protect themselves or simply because they like to lie. I swear that every word written here is the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God. May He also forgive me for this murder I’m about to commit.

I have chosen this date for a reason. Today is my birthday, and the anniversary of our first kiss, fifty years ago. I turn sixty-three years old today. Five decades ago, I would have been considered an old woman at this age, gray-haired and wrinkled, and possibly overweight. But that was then. Nowadays, thanks to the medical advances of the past fifty years, of which I have partaken freely – they’re there, right, so why not make use of them? I’m in the prime of my life. I look and feel not a day over thirty and have the sculpted body, the vigor, and the mental acumen of a highly intelligent woman in her twenties.

When I was a teenager, there was this beautiful model named Cindy Crawford, who in her sixties looked like she was in her late thirties and was an example to women all over the world. She was to me. But the world has evolved, and that was then, and this is now.

Were Cindy Crawford alive today she would look like my older sister or maybe my young-looking mother, even though we would both be about the same age.

But I digress. I have, perhaps, too much on my mind. Images of the past keep streaming through my head. I think of the love of my life, him, and wonder what could have been but wasn’t; what was and shouldn’t have been.

I feel like crying as I see my life play out, in black-and-white like an old movie, on the screen of my mind.

freaking fast teaser


Author David Pereda

freaking fast author

David Pereda is the award-winning author of nine novels, including Havana Blues and However Long the Night, as well as the Havana Series of thrillers featuring the dashing Doctor Raymond Peters and the beautiful but deadly Cuban assassin Marcela. He has traveled to more than thirty countries and speaks four languages. Before devoting his time solely to writing and teaching, David had a successful international consulting career with global giant Booz Allen Hamilton, where he worked with the governments of Mexico, Venezuela, Peru and Qatar, among others.

A member of MENSA, David earned his MBA from Pepperdine University in California. He earned bachelor degrees in English literature and mathematics at the University of South Florida in Tampa.

He lives in artistic Asheville, North Carolina, with his youngest daughter Sophia, where he teaches mathematics and English at the Asheville-Buncombe Community College. He loves sports and is an accomplished competitor in track and show-jumping equestrian events.

Author’s Amazon page

Buy Link: Amazon




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Live, Love, Repeat
Milestones Book 1
by JD Corbett
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Over the last 25 years, Liz Banner’s life has grown stagnant. Not that
she hasn’t loved being a stay-at-home wife and mother, but she
didn’t mean to lose herself in the process. And after surviving the
most challenging time in her life, Liz realizes that life is too
short, and second chances don’t come around very often.
With a milestone birthday approaching, Liz is determined to live a little.
And when her best friend, Anne, gifts her a ticket for a 10-day
luxury cruise, Liz decides it’s the perfect excuse to experience
new things, and just take some time to relax with some of her
favorite women. But her idea of a relaxing vacation gets thrown
overboard when a few surprise guests make an appearance and attempt
to win their way back into Liz’s heart.
With a second chance at life…and love, turning 50 never felt better.
Check out this peek inside:
Liz feigned shock. “Excuse me, but are you implying that I’ve become boring?”
Anne laughed heartily. “Your words!”
Liz placed a hand on her chest, still acting offended.
“Well, I did have to practically beg you come on the cruise with me,” Anne said, averting eye contact with Liz.
“You bought me a ticket for my birthday! Of course, I was going to agree to go.”
Anne shrugged a shoulder. “I was just saying that reading about burping babies and sex once a year on your anniversary got a little stale.” Anne sipped her wine, then muttered, “A lot less fun than reading about your best shag partner, anyway.”
Liz’s eyes widened but she had no retort. Anne was right. But adulthood was relatively boring. She peered out to the crashing waves. “I think I saw him today. In Atlanta.”
Anne’s eyebrows knit together. “Who? Your best shag mate?” She giggled at her own joke and took another swig from her glass.
“Seriously your best shag mate?”
Liz playfully patted Anne’s shoulder. “His name is James!”
“James. Shag Master. Whatever. When you were seeing him, the sex was all you wrote about.”
Liz rolled her eyes then nodded slightly, silently admitting to the accusation. “Okay, yes, he was incredible. But that wasn’t the only thing that was perfect between us. And after he left, I don’t think there was a day that went by that I didn’t think about him.”
“That was so long ago, Liz.”
“I know. But every once in awhile, I wonder ‘what if’, you know? Not that you can live your life always thinking about the ‘what could have beens’. But sometimes I wonder if he would have stayed, if we would have lasted. I think we both knew in the back of our minds that it would be short term. No commitments. Maybe that’s what made our relationship so amazing.” Liz stared blankly out onto the horizon, lost in the past. “If he had stayed, we probably wouldn’t have lasted. That’s what I’ve spent the last 30 years convincing myself of anyway.”
Anne sighed and dramatically said, “Alas, we may never know. But I do know that any man would be a complete prat to leave you under any other circumstances.” Anne held her glass up. “Cheers.”
“Cheers.” Liz tapped her glass to Anne’s. “And cheers to us turning 50!”
“Absolutely cheers to that! To our birthday cruise.” They clinked glasses again then both sat in silence, taking in the peaceful sound of the waves hitting the sand.
Jen Drapp, who writes under the name of J.D. Corbett, was raised in
Charleston, South Carolina. As a girl, she was obsessed with learning
and reading about historical and fictional characters; one of her
favorites being Scarlett O’Hara. Jen has always loved writing,
whether it was short stories about made-up worlds or even essays for
school. She has recently had two contemporary romances published and
continues to learn and grow as an author. Jen currently lives in
Northern Virginia with her husband, daughter, and a 15-year old very
fat cat.
Follow the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!



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Pump Up Your Books is pleased to bring you

Avery Daniels’ NAILED: Resort To Murder II Book Trailer Blitz

July 2 – 27!


Author: Avery Daniels
Publisher: Blazing Sword Publishing, Ltd.
Pages: 284
Genre: Cozy Mystery/Amateur Sleuth



Julienne is snow bound in the middle of the Rocky Mountains with a killer striking at will.

Julienne LaMere gets to attend a Resort Management conference at a prestigious ski resort in the Colorado Mountains. What should be an enjoyable getaway attending workshops by day and shopping and enjoying the resort by night comes to a screeching halt when a loud-mouthed guest is murdered plus the roads and town shut down for an epic blizzard.

In addition to attending the conference, dodging a smitten teen boy, and seeking clues among the gossiping – and increasingly tense – guests, her best friend’s heart has warmed to an unlikely man and may get broken. As if her mind isn’t already fully occupied, Julienne and her new boyfriend Mason are skiing down troubled slopes in their relationship. Will Julienne put the scant clues together and unveil the culprit before a murderer gets away?

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Enjoy the peek inside:

Alpine Sun Resort had touches of the classic white exterior with alpine timber framing and balconies fitted with window boxes for flowers in spring and summer. Aspens and evergreens surrounded the sides and back where a stream meandered past. The research I’d compiled hadn’t done it justice. I felt like I’d been transported to a luxury version of a Brothers Grimm fairytale.

To the right of the entrance driveway stood a large snowman around six feet tall sporting a top hat, with a tree branch speared through its head, and a bright blood red scarf around its neck greeted me. It seemed gruesome to me and a feeling of dread washed over me.

“A slice of Germany. Feels quaint and cozy, don’t you think? Hope they have a German hunk available.” Porsche smiled.

“If there’s one on this entire mountain, I’m sure you’ll find him.” Porsche attracted men with her sense of assurance and she changed boyfriends as often as her nail polish.

“With any luck.” She winked. “You know me, I’ll find a diversion. Don’t worry about me entertaining myself.”

A uniformed valet was opening my car door before I could register his presence. At the entrance, I turned and drank in the view with a deep breath tinged with the scent of pine. The snow-draped ski slopes to the one side and the quaint town on the other were idyllic.

The ominous sky, roiling gunmetal and smoky gray clouds choking out the sun, was the only blemish in the lovely tableau stretched before me. This storm system was setting up to give us a good dump of powder and the skiers would be thrilled. I wasn’t too concerned. The roads were usually the main issue. Colorado is fortunate to only occasionally experience road closures.


Avery Daniels

Avery Daniels was born and raised in Colorado, graduated from college with a degree in business administration and has worked in fortune 500 companies and Department of Defense her entire life. Her most eventful job was apartment management for 352 units. She still resides in Colorado with two brother black cats as her spirited companions. She volunteers for a cat shelter, enjoys scrapbooking and card making, photography, and painting in watercolor and acrylic. She inherited a love for reading from her mother and grandmother and grew up talking about books at the dinner table.

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Disorderly Conduct

(A Maggie McDonald Mystery)

by Mary Feliz


Disorderly Conduct (A Maggie McDonald Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Lyrical Underground (July 10, 2018)
Print Length: 233 pages

Professional organizer Maggie McDonald manages to balance a fastidious career with friends, family, and a spunky Golden Retriever. But add a fiery murder mystery to the mix, and Maggie wonders if she’s finally found a mess even she can’t tidy up . . .

With a devastating wildfire spreading to Silicon Valley, Maggie preps her family for a rapid evacuation. The heat rises when firefighters discover the body of her best friend Tess Olmos’s athletic husband—whose untimely death was anything but accidental. And as Tess agonizes over the whereabouts of her spouse’s drop-dead gorgeous running mate, she becomes the prime suspect in what’s shaping up to become a double murder case. Determined to set the record straight, Maggie sorts through clues in an investigation more dangerous than the flames approaching her home. But when her own loved ones are threatened, can she catch the meticulous killer before everything falls apart?


Author Mary Feliz

Mary Feliz writes the Maggie McDonald Mysteries featuring a Silicon Valley professional organizer and her sidekick golden retriever. She’s worked for Fortune 500 firms and mom and pop enterprises competed in whaleboat races and done synchronized swimming. She attends organizing conferences in her character’s stead, but Maggie’s skills leave her in the dust.

Author Links:

Website / Blog / Facebook /Twitter / Kirkus

Purchase Links: 

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July 9 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! – SPOTLIGHT


July 10 – cherylbbookblog – SPOTLIGHT

July 11 – The Power of Words – REVIEW

July 12 – Reading Authors – SPOTLIGHT

July 12 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

July 13 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW

July 13 – Babs Book Bistro – GUEST POST

July 14 – Christa Reads and Writes – REVIEW


July 15 – Cozy Up With Kathy – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

July 16 – Bibliophile Reviews – REVIEW

July 17 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW

July 17 – Jane Reads – GUEST POST

July 18 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW

July 18 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT

July 19 – Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews – REVIEW

July 19 – A Blue Million Books – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

July 20 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW

July 21 – The Montana Bookaholic – REVIEW, GUEST POST

July 21 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT

July 22 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW



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A Soufflé of Suspicion: A French Bistro Mystery

by Daryl Wood Gerber


A Soufflé of Suspicion: A French Bistro Mystery
Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Crooked Lane Books (July 10, 2018)
Hardcover 296 Pages
ISBN-13: 978-1683315865
Digital ASIN: B075QMR44B

The buoyant mood at Bistro Rousseau deflates when Chef Camille’s sister, Renee, turns up dead in the chef’s kitchen, and Mimi Rousseau must tease the real killer out of a mélange of menacing characters.

Crush Week in Nouvelle Vie is a madhouse—in a good way. Tourists pour into town for the pressing of the Napa Valley’s world-renowned grapes and all the town’s businesses get a nice lift, including Bistro and Maison Rousseau. Mimi is raising the ante this year with a Sweet Treats Festival, a wonderland of croissants, cakes, tarts, and soufflés crafted with expert care by the area’s top talents.

Chef Camille’s sister Renee is managing the festival with a cast-iron fist, upsetting everyone, including her sister. Which is bad for Camille when Renee turns up dead in the chef’s kitchen. Mimi is still building her business, so her first course of action is to whip up answers and catch the unsavory perpetrator before Camille takes a dusting and gets burned.


About Author Daryl Wood Gerber


Agatha Award-winning Daryl Wood Gerber is best known for her nationally bestselling Cookbook Nook Mysteries and CHEESE SHOP MYSTERIES, which she pens as Avery Aames. She will soon debut the new French Bistro Mysteries. Daryl also writes stand-alone suspense: DAYS OF SECRETS and GIRL ON THE RUN. Fun tidbit: as an actress, Daryl appeared in “Murder, She Wrote.” She loves to cook, and she has a frisky Goldendoodle named Sparky who keeps her in line!

Author Links

Visit Daryl or Avery at

Daryl’s Blog – Avery’s Blog – Mystery Lover’s Kitchen – Killer Characters –

Facebook:   Daryl      Avery 

Twitter: @AveryAames @DarylWoodGerber

Goodreads:    Daryl Wood Gerber     Avery Aames

Purchase Links

Amazon  B&N   BookBub  Kobo




Follow The Tour

July 6 – The Book Diva’s Reads – SPOTLIGHT

July 6 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW

July 6 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT

July 7 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW

July 7 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

July 8 – The Power of Words – REVIEW

July 8 – A Blue Million Books – GUEST POST

July 9 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW


July 10 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW

July 10 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

July 11 – cherylbbookblog  – REVIEW

July 11 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT

July 12 – The Book’s the Thing – REVIEW, GUEST POST

July 12 – Mysteries with Character – GUEST POST

July 13 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW

July 13 – Jane Reads – GUEST POST

July 14 – The Montana Bookaholic – REVIEW

July 14 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT

July 15 – Moonlight Rendezvous – REVIEW

July 15 – Lisa Ks Book Review – REVIEW, GUEST POST

July 16 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW

July 16 – That’s What She’s Reading – GUEST POST

July 17 – Rosepoint Publishing – REVIEW

July 17 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW

July 18 – A Holland Reads – REVIEW*

July 18 – Mystery Thrillers and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

July 19 – Melina’s Book Blog – REVIEW

July 19 – Valerie’s Musings – REVIEW, GUEST POST


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His Untamed Love

Cuffs and Spurs #4

by Anya Summers


Genre: Erotic Romance



Visiting the Black Elkhorn Lodge and Resort is Mia Evans’s last option. She’s bordering on a nervous breakdown. Everyone in her life she thought she could count on deserted her. And, to make matters worse, she has the foulest case of writer’s block in the history of the world. She figures getting herself out of the prison her apartment in Chicago has become will help jar her life and her writing out of the rut they are in. But she isn’t prepared for the surly, sexy cowboy – who looks like her every dark fantasy come alive – riding into her life on his trusty steed.

Cole Stewart only loved one woman in all his thirty-five years, until he lost her forever and swore he would never love another. Since then he’s had a revolving door with the subs at his lifestyle club Cuffs & Spurs, all with the unwritten rule that he doesn’t get involved or do relationships of any kind, period. That is, until Mia Evans, the burned-out, anxiety ridden author, needing to get away from her real life, nearly runs him over with her car. Seeing the haunted expression in her gaze and a body he craves, the Dom in him knows he must have her, must taste her and feel her writhing beneath him. But will he be willing to risk his heart for the untamed passion he finds in her arms?

His teaser

Check out this peek inside:

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Mia whispered.

Peering at the craggy mountains, she shifted her vehicle into park and killed the engine. She gawked at the main building of the Black Elkhorn Lodge and Resort, although resort was a term she would use lightly. It was the furthest thing from a resort Mia had ever viewed. Not that she’d vacationed at a plethora of them in her lifetime but at the few she had visited, there had been pools with sexy bartenders ready to refill your beverage, not miles upon miles of untamed wilderness to behold and brave.

Whereas… this?

Mia was about as out of her element as a whale on dry land. What did she actually know about the great outdoors? Nothing. She wasn’t a survivalist or outdoor enthusiast. The closest she’d come in the last few years to the great outdoors was a walk in the park near her apartment. But here, slate gray spears of rock touched the vast blue sky, almost competing with one another in height and savage beauty. Mountain slopes were blanketed with dense forests of pine and evergreen. The mountains surrounded the resort property, which was nestled inside a lush valley with tall grass and rolling fields. The chestnut-colored log cabins were charming, with a rustic appeal, and blended with the land of rugged outdoors.

Mia was in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, a breathtakingly beautiful land that filled her with hope and was absolutely terrifying—all at the same time. Fear of the unknown, of being lost, abandoned and alone in the wilderness hummed in her system, right in step with the inherent desire to explore the world around her. She understood she was in a panic-inducing conundrum.

Kind of like the rest of her life.


Author Anya Summers

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Anya grew up listening to Cardinals baseball and reading anything she could get her hands on. She remembers her mother saying if only she would read the right type of books instead binging her way through the romance aisles at the bookstore, she’d have been a doctor. While Anya never did get that doctorate, she graduated cum laude from the University of Missouri-St. Louis with a M.A. in History.

Anya is a Bestselling and Award-Winning Author published in multiple fiction genres. She also writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance under the name, Maggie Mae Gallagher. A total geek at her core, when she is not writing, she adores attending the latest comic con or spending time with her family. She currently lives in the midwest with her two furry felines.

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Purchase links:  Amazon / Nook / iBooks


Don’t miss these exciting titles by Anya Summers and Blushing Books

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36291235 36294108 36603130 36902542 37547385

Cuffs and Spurs Series

38334562  His Unexpected Love: Carter and Jenna, the Beginning (Cuffs and Spurs Book 2) by [Summers, Anya]  39010099  His Untamed Love (Cuffs and Spurs Book 4) by [Summers, Anya]

and more in the series coming soon:

His Tempting Love releasing September6. 2018

His Seductive Love releasing November 8, 2018

His Secret Love releasing January 8, 2019

His Cherished Love releasing March 8, 2019




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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

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This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

I’m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.


Some chit chat.

Here we are again. Another week flies by and nothing much to report. Rain here every afternoon and steamy hot.

I almost forgot! I do have something crazy to tell you. I went to work Monday. A normal day. Went to leave and my car wouldn’t start. The starter just died. Had to leave it for repairs. That’s one great thing about where I work. There is the detail side, where I work. Then we also have a large mechanics shop and tire center. Very convenient for me! I was given a loaner truck to drive home. I went to work Tuesday. Got done. Was getting ready to leave and my boss told me he had damaged my car while moving it the day before. They had to tow it from around the corner and forgot and left the driver’s door open. You guessed it! The door caught on a steel frame pole and was bent back to the front quarter panel. I still have the truck to drive as mine is now at the body shop. My boss felt so bad. I wasn’t mad though. Accidents happen and my car will be fixed and back to me next week. All pretty again.

Got some more pics to share.

Remember the sega seed ball that was forming?


Here’s an update. It’s way bigger than my head now! I’m going to get lots of new plants from it this year. It’s soft, like velvet.


And some of you asked about the banana trees. Here they were when they first started growing.


And remember the pink flowers with the small green corn stalk leaves?


Here’s the banana trees. Reaching above the house!


And both of them now. The smaller ones on the left are what’s left after the pink flowers die. Still don’t know what that plant is. LOL


I love green!

Have a fabulous  Sunday and brand new week!


My new books this week.

Bodies on the Beach (Hang Ten Australian Cozy Mystery Book 1) by [Alabaster, Stacey]  Home is Where the Bark Is (Paws Fur Play Mysteries Book 1) by [St. Claire, Stella]  Bikinis & Bloodshed: A Kaley Kalua Aloha Lagoon Mystery (Aloha Lagoon Mysteries Book 8) by [Stoddard, Anne Marie]

Flo Charts (Silver Hills Cozy Mysteries) by [Cheever, Sam]  39726253  26113752

I went a little crazy on the cozies and then….. I find these!

Primordial (Sam Aston Investigations Book 1) by [Wood, David, Baxter, Alan]  Overlord (Sam Aston Investigations Book 2) by [Wood, David, Baxter, Alan]  The Squad by [Brown, Eric S.]

I came across Primordial and Overlord on twitter and then did some browsing and found more creature books. Had to feed my fix. LOL


And here are some FREEBIES for ya.

Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure they’re still free before you hit that buy button.

Harm None (A Davies & West Mystery Book 1) by [North, Will]  Earthweeds (Sons of Neptune Book 1) by [Little, Rod]  Snowman Shivers: Two Dark Humor Tales About Snowmen by [Leslie, Mark]

Social (The Social Media Bundle Series Book 1) by [Huss, JA]  Run to Ground (Rocky Mountain K9 Unit Book 1) by [Ruggle, Katie]  Hold Your Breath (Search and Rescue Book 1) by [Ruggle, Katie]


My reviews this week.

NONE! But I have a bunch coming up.


Other posts on my blog this week.

Game Of Secrets by Kim Foster ~ Release Blitz and Giveaway

A Welcome To Rebuild Mystery ~ Locked Out ~ Tour and Giveaway

Teaser Tuesday #241 ~ House Of Furies

Murder In The Cards ~ A Psychic Poker Pro Mystery ~ Spotlight and Giveaway

Author Kristen Collins ~ Showcase and Giveaway

Scornful Scones by Mildred Abbott ~ Blast and Giveaway

The Friday 56 #186 ~ Dying For A Taste

Chloe Shipton & The Quill Of LeFay ~ Excerpt and Giveaway

Grab your free copy of Dying For Space and catch up on the series

The Hellcat Series by Sharon Hannaford ~ Book Tour and Giveaway


Leave your link and I’ll come visit you.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

A Cat’s Chance in Hell
Hellcat Series Book 1
by Sharon Hannaford
Genre: Urban Fantasy
If the Demon Master gets his way the City is about to become Hell on Earth.
Gabi has some extraordinary talents. Some might call them supernatural,
but for her they’re just part of everyday life. What she knows
about the supernatural would give most humans nightmares forever.
Ridding the streets of bad-ass creatures of the night is Gabi’s
other job. Taking up the mantle of her father’s legacy, she is a
Hunter for the Societas Malus Venatori. The first female ever
bestowed the title. Her day job is a little less dangerous. Most of
the time.
Being ambushed and kidnapped by the sinfully sexy Master Vampire of the
City should have been just another night on the job, except for the
fact that Julius has other plans for her. When he reveals that his
nemesis wants control of the City and has plans to fill it with
Demons from the Etherworld, creating an army of Ghouls and turning
humans into nothing more than cattle to feed his Clan, Gabi must
choose her path. She must decide whether to join with Julius in a
stand against the Demon Master or flee the City with her friends and
family, leaving the Vampires to wage their own war and the rest of
the residents to their fate.
But it’s not in Gabi’s nature to back down from a fight, no matter
how impossible the odds. As the Malus Venatori prepare for war, Gabi
finds herself pulled deeper into Julius’s world and she makes some
disturbing discoveries about her unusual supernatural abilities. Her
existence might just be the answer to a mystery as old as the Vampire
race. Even more unsettling than that is her undeniable attraction to
Julius and the taste of his blood. But before she can come to terms
with her conflicting desires they must all survive the Demon
onslaught and find a way to safeguard the truth of her heritage.
While the supernatural bad guys know her as Angeli Morte,
her friends call her Hellcat!
If you like your heroine smart, sassy and absolutely kick-ass and your
Vampire hero sexy as sin and twice as dangerous you’re going to
love the Hellcat Series.
Contains adult content.


​“They’re still human,” Gabi whispered, not sure if she was speaking to herself or Julius.
“They could still be infected,” Julius warned. “Maybe they haven’t had time to become fully Ghoul yet. How long does the transformation take?”
“I don’t know.” Gabi replied.
“How long have you been here?” Julius demanded of them.
They all just looked at him in utter terror, not one of them could get a word out, and the one who had been moaning began to cry softly.
“Bugger, they’re scared shitless,” Gabi cursed roundly. “We’ll leave them here for now. Byron will know what to do with them. Let’s carry on and see what other horrors this crypt holds.” They backed out of the cave-like room and Julius shot the bolt back in place.
As they headed towards the next doorway, the acrid stink of burnt flesh, hair and clothing came wafting down from the entranceway. Apparently, the flame-throwers had arrived.
They checked three more open rooms and found all of them in much the same state as the first, give or take a body or three. Gabi had begun holding her breath whenever they entered one — the stench was stomach churning, she was sure she wouldn’t feel like eating for a week.
The next door they came to was closed. The sounds from the other side seemed familiar, almost identical to what they had heard from the other occupied room. If anything, the sniffling sounded more like crying. They didn’t let down their guard and entered the same way as before, quickly and ready for anything.
On the pallets this time was a woman holding a small body in her lap. She was facing away from the door, her shoulders hunched protectively as she sniffled over the limp bundle in her arms. Gabi froze in shock. A mother and child, in these conditions? Her stomach rolled nauseously but her anger burned white hot. She unfroze and moved closer to the pair, wanting to see if there was any hope of saving the child, though she could only hear one heartbeat besides her own.
As she bent towards the woman, she heard Julius say, “No Gabi, I don’t…” and in that instant the woman struck. Hurling the body of the child off her, she spun and plunged a splintered shard of wood straight into Gabi’s side.
“No, you can’t have her!” the woman shrieked. “Child of Satan. She’s mine. You can’t have her.” The woman was raving now, screaming as she gathered up the pitifully small body and backed into a corner like a brutalised animal.
“Gabrielle,” Julius shouted in alarm. He reached her before reality did and caught her as she swayed towards the dirt floor, her hand clutching at the crudely made stake protruding from just under her right ribs.
“Fuck,” she said slowly as she felt hot, sticky blood seep onto her hand.
All Hell Breaks Loose
Hellcat Series Book 2
In the City, the Werewolves are restless. 
Gabi is striving to get back to life as usual. Dealing with the aftermath
of being kidnapped and tortured by Dantè, wrapping her head around
being a Dhampir, and trying to figure out Julius’s unexpected
attitude as he withdraws from her and becomes cool and distant. As if
that isn’t enough to cope with, she receives the disturbing news
that someone she cares about has been dragged unwillingly into her
world after a brutal and calculated Werewolf attack.
As rogue Werewolves run rampant through the City, it becomes clear there
will be no gentle reintroduction to Gabi’s duties as Hunter for the
Societas Malus Venatori. Once again the Vampires join forces with the
SMV to contain the threat, but the odds seem stacked against them and
the casualties keep mounting. Tensions run high as the perpetrators
manage to stay one step ahead of the Hunters and the senseless
violence continues. No one suspects betrayal from within, until
Gabi’s pets unmask a traitor. But the traitor isn’t the real
threat and the war has only just begun.
This time their nemesis isn’t playing by any rules and no one is safe in
this deadly, new game. Not even the Master Vampire of the City. As
the undeniable chemistry between Gabi and Julius reignites, they
realise the danger isn’t only to the human population of the City,
but threatens to overwhelm them all. What they finally uncover brings
Gabi into very real conflict with the SMV Council and leaves her
questioning her life-long allegiances.
Not all monsters come in obvious monster packages and sometimes what
you’re fighting to protect is what you should be fighting against.
Not everyone will walk away from this fight intact.
Strap in, hang on and grab a breath while you can. All hell is about to
break loose!
“The Hellcat series is one wild ride … one of the best new series to hit
the dark urban fantasy world, ever! Two words: more, please.”
Diane Nelson (Sand in my Shoes Reviews)
A Cold Day in Hell
Hellcat Series Book 3
The City may be calm, but is the Hunter about to become the hunted?
For the first time in months the City is peaceful, so peaceful that
Gabi’s suspension from the Societas Malus Venatori doesn’t feel
like a punishment. Her relationship with Julius is stronger than ever
and Kyle has finally found his soul mate, even if he seems to need
some convincing. Gabi thinks boredom is her most serious problem. She
couldn’t be more wrong.
The visitor Julius has been both expecting and dreading arrives, bringing
with him dire news. An old enemy, out to destroy them, has revealed
to the Masters of the Vampire race that Gabi is a Dhampir. The
visitor’s presence also answers the question that’s been
simmering in Gabi’s head for years; the truth of her origins. This
truth brings with it a deeper understanding of the implications of
her very existence, and she doesn’t like what she discovers. But
it’s too late to change what’s been done and Julius must now
answer to the Princeps’ Court.
As Gabi makes plans to leave the City, drawing danger away from friends
and family, a dark prophesy by the Magi Oracles forces her to change
course. She will not be leaving the City alone, and she will not be
running from the threat. She, Julius and a handful of others will be
heading straight into the mouth of the beast. They must present
themselves at Court before the Princeps travel to the City and
inadvertently uncover one of the most closely guarded secrets of the
Magi world.
While the Princeps wear a face of impartiality and civility, what boils
beneath the surface is a storm of selfishness, greed, lust and
perversion. Danger lurks in every corner and it soon becomes clear
that someone is determined to ensure that Gabi will never get the
chance of a fair hearing.
Old friends and old enemies do what they have always done best, while new
friends and new enemies emerge at every turn. Only one thing is sure;
it’ll be a cold day in Hell before Hellcat goes down without a fight.
Put the coffee on and warm up your page-turning finger, it’s going to
be a long night.
This is a full length novel.
Please note this novel is written in UK English and contains some adult
To Hell and Back
Hellcat Series Book 4
When Werewolves start turning up dead, drained of blood, the City’s
Alphas turn accusing eyes on the Vampires. It doesn’t take much to
get the newly-formed Werewolf Alliance riled up. But once Vampires
start dying the same way it becomes clear they have a mutual enemy.
An unexpected visitor brings news that vulnerable supernaturals from
neighbouring towns are also being kidnapped and murdered, and that
the City seems to be the focus of the violence. With no idea of the
motives behind the attacks, Gabi and the rest of the City’s
defenders immediately commit to eliminating whoever, or whatever, is
behind the bizarre and gruesome acts.
Adding to the chaos, demons suddenly attack in unprecedented numbers,
stretching the City’s supernatural resources thin. The reappearance
of an old foe from the Etherworld sparks fears that Mariska is back
and still seeking revenge. And that once again, she’s made
powerful, dark alliances. When all fingers point to something
hellbent on uncovering whatever secrets the City hides, eyes finally
turn to the Magi.
A war will be waged for the greatest supernatural prize of them all,
and the outcome is impossible to predict. Not even the presence of a
powerful Princep and the shocking revelation of Julius’s true
potential can assure victory for the pure of heart.
This time Gabi is determined to get Mariska in her crosshairs, and she’s
ready and willing to even the score. But there is no guarantee that
everyone will survive this trip to Hell and back!
Come Hell or High Water
Hellcat Series Book 5
The City’s supernatural community is still in mourning, but there’s
no time to spend licking their wounds. The face of the City has
changed forever and now her citizens must keep up or risk succumbing
to the darkness.
As the Magi withdraw to protect themselves and their vulnerable power
source, it falls to the Werewolves to step into the void left by a
crippled SMV. The Vampires are more than willing to help, but things
are moving in the shadows; bad things that threaten to destroy
everything Julius has worked for. Princep scheming seems suspicious,
but in truth the greater danger lurks much closer to home.
When one of Gabi’s Werewolf friends is kidnapped by tech-savvy
vigilantes it seems like an open and shut case of humans fearing what
they do not understand. But as Julius travels from the City to answer
the Princeps’ summons, leaving Gabi in the relative safety of the
Clan, it soon becomes clear that they’ve misjudged the real enemy.
Left confused and floundering, it’s the Princep Benedict who finally
provides the information they desperately seek. But his answers do
not come without a price.
Defending their beloved City may seem overwhelming, but, come Hell or high
water, Hellcat and Co will do whatever it takes.
Batten down the hatches, a tempest is imminent.
There’ll Be Hell to Pay
Hellcat Series Book 6
Just a few months ago Gabi thought her life was damn near perfect. She
could never have imagined that meeting one man would spark a chain of
events that would change everything. The only resemblance to her
previous life is her relentless hunt for supernatural criminals.
Right now, her world has narrowed to two points of focus; co-leading
the newly formed Special Investigations Department alongside Julius,
her Master Vampire Consort, and searching for the traitorous Vampire
Caspian and his pregnant Dark Magus cohort, Mariska. Catching up with
friends and making peace with her mother are also on her agenda for
the week, but life may just have other plans.
Even the most rookie supernatural investigator would figure out that
things aren’t going well for the Magi of the City, but the High
Council is maintaining its silence and remaining distant from the
other races. The safety and security of the City’s population is
falling ever more heavily on the shoulders of the fledgling Werewolf
Alliance, leaving Kyle, Trish and the other Pack Alphas to handle a
rising influx of demons committed to infiltrating the City and
wreaking havoc.
There are many scenarios that keep Gabi from her sleep, and when one of
those concerns becomes a sickening reality, it rocks her to the core.
Taking one of those most dear to her is a dangerous game, one that
few would play, knowing what she and Julius are capable of. The list
of suspects is short and the guilty party soon shows their hand, but
is this all just a ruse and what could they hope to accomplish by
riling up such powerful enemies?
There is no rest for the team as, with one emergency over, they are handed
a scrap of information that will ultimately lead them straight to
Caspian and Mariska. But are they truly ready for the final standoff?
Who will make the ultimate sacrifice and how will the rest deal with the
repercussions of an ancient prophesy that culminates in the birth of
Mariska’s twin children?
This is the nail-biting conclusion to the Hellcat Series.
Buckle up boys and girls – there’s turbulence ahead.
Raising Hell
A Hellcat World Novel
The rest period is over and the ultimate endgame round has just begun.
The City has seen a peaceful lull for the past three years. The Werewolf
Alliance has settled into their role as peacekeepers, stamping out
threats the moment they rear their heads. The Magi have recovered
from their losses both in numbers and strength and the Veil is more
solid than ever. The Vampires never rest; the desire to create
Dhampirs grows despite the law and the deadly consequences, but even
their weapons are gathering dust.
And yet all of them know this peace is an illusion; a small space in time
to rest and regroup. Because the Decuria still exist in the shadows
and the Prophesy calls to all sides. The battle of the millennium is
looming and only one side can win.
A new player has joined the game as old foes prepare to once more roll
the dice. The board pieces are set, the gameplan is decided and the
protectors of the City are the only ones who don’t know the rules.
Kyle and Trish have the family they never dared to wish for. Not only two
daughters but an ever-growing, ever-strengthening Werewolf Pack. The
love and security of family is everything they desired, but the
weight of responsibility is burdensome and they can never let down
their guard. Just when they thought everything was black and white,
they are faced with a new choice; one that is all shades of grey, one
that could change the Werewolf world forever.
Still reeling from the shock of the decision they must make, the fragile
peace is inevitably broken, leaving the Pack blind-sided and chasing
their tails. It will take everything they have to keep their family
and friends safe. They will have to find strength in their weaknesses
and vulnerability in their strengths if they are to survive this
assault. Can they ever be prepared for the consequences of that which
has been prophesied?
Fasten that safety belt and grab a handhold, this will not be a quiet Sunday
afternoon drive.
Sharon has been calling herself a writer since she was eight years old. She
wrote her first auto-biography at age ten. As a teenager, she was
teased about being a witch, because she wore lots of black and walked
around with her black, Oriental cat on a lead. She never disagreed
too loudly, after all, that may have drawn attention to the herd of
unicorns that lived in her back garden. 
Born and raised in South Africa, she has called New Zealand home since
2008. Her life consists largely of looking after her husband, two
kids, three cats, a dog, a pony and a horse, but her working day is
spent writing, and her occasional hours off usually include books,
horses or a glass of good red wine. 
Though she has had many jobs over the years, her favourite is, without
doubt, being paid to write about the characters who take up residence
in her head. After an early foray into writing for children, Sharon
discovered Urban Fantasy; the genre that felt as though it had been
created with her in mind. She loves nothing more than to create
strong-willed, female lead characters, who challenge those around
them almost as much as they challenge themselves.
Sharon also loves animals of all shapes and sizes. She has owned all the
usual suspects one would keep as a pet, and a few more exotic ones
thrown in for good measure. She spent her teens working at a tourist
farm and animal park, and as a result has handled everything from
porcupines and warthogs, to ferrets and hedgehogs. She has been
surrogate mom to many orphans including; kittens, lambs and an eagle
owl. No matter how hard she tries, animals always seem to steal the
limelight in her novels.
Follow the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!



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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.