Freezing Point by Grace Hamilton ~ Tour and Giveaway

Posted: September 15, 2018 in apocalypse, giveaways, Science Fiction
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Freezing Point
After the Shift Series Book 1
by Grace Hamilton
Genre: SciFi, Post-Apocalypse
In the dawn of a new Ice Age, families everywhere are taking to the road to escape the
frigid landscape—but you can’t outrun the cold.
No one could have predicted the terrifying impact of human interference in the Arctic.
Shifts in the Earth’s crust have led to catastrophe and now the
North Pole is located in the mid-Atlantic, making much of the eastern
United States an unlivable polar hellscape.
Nathan Tolley is a talented mechanic who has watched his business dry up due to gas
shortages following the drastic tectonic shifts. His wife, Cyndi, has
diligently prepped food and supplies, but it’s not enough to get
them through a never-ending winter. With an asthmatic young son and a
new baby on the way, they’ll have to find a safe place they can
call home or risk freezing to death in this harsh new world.
When an old friend of Nathan’s tells him that Detroit has become a paradise, with
greenhouses full of food and plenty of solar energy for everyone, it
sounds like the perfect place to escape. But with dangerous
conditions and roving gangs, getting there seems like an impossible
dream. It also seems like their only choice.
Grace Hamilton is the prepper pen-name for a bad-ass, survivalist
momma-bear of four kids, and wife to a wonderful husband. After being
stuck in a mountain cabin for six days following a flash flood, she
decided she never wanted to feel so powerless or have to send her
kids to bed hungry again. Now she lives the prepper lifestyle and
knows that if SHTF or TEOTWAWKI happens, she’ll be ready to help
protect and provide for her family.
Combine this survivalist mentality with a vivid imagination (as well as a
slightly unhealthy day dreaming habit) and you get a prepper fiction
author. Grace spends her days thinking about the worst possible
survival situations that a person could be thrown into, then throwing
her characters into these nightmares while trying to figure out “What
SHOULD you do in this situation?”
It’s her wish that through her characters, you will get to experience what
life will be like and essentially learn from their mistakes and
experiences, so that you too can survive!
Follow the tour HERE
for exclusive content and a giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

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  1. Mary Preston says:

    I love this cover. Post-apocalyptic is always exciting to read.

  2. I have her prepper apocalypse series and certainly have my eye on this one!

  3. This sounds ‘chillling’ 🙂

  4. Sharon Extine says:

    Liked the description of your book. Looking forward to reading it. Thanks.

  5. Lelia T says:

    Ooh, gotta get this!

  6. Bridgett says:

    I would love to read your book and what a great excerpt.

  7. That looks like my city in the winter. 😂

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