31 Days Of Thrills And Chills #3 ~ The Curse Of The Zombie Zoo

Posted: October 3, 2018 in Children's books, horror, reviews
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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


The Curse Of The Zombie Zoo

by Erik Masterson


Genre:  Children’s Book / Horror


My Review

I confess, the cover and title got me to grab this without even reading the blurb to see what it was about.

It’s a rather wondering story with a group of kids trying to find some adventure. One thing leads to another and they stumble upon a long abandoned zoo. Imagine their shock when they discover the animals are still there, along with their caretakers, but they are undead. Okay, this had me perking up since the beginning of the book was a bit slow. Things picked up quickly and I became very curious where the author would take the story from here on out.

While tagged as horror, it was more of an adventure and mystery as someone is keeping the zoo’s inhabitants trapped. I liked the characters and the story brought back memories of when I was young and also looking for an adventure. Never stumbled on a zombie zoo though.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes. Though it was a bit slow at the start. Would I read this author again? Yes. I would be willing to try another story.




Abby Pruitt and her brothers, Philip and Sam, discover an abandoned zoo in the woods. A zoo where the dead find no rest and myth and magic mingle with the real world.

The Pruitt children are drawn to the forgotten zoo of Forest Heights that is host to the undead animals and people that died there so long ago. An ancient curse holds them all to this place.

They make friends among the undead at the zoo, and they discover that old grudges and mysteries linger long after death. Disarray and upheaval quickly follow the children to the abandoned zoo and things go horribly wrong before the curse is broken.

From summer vacation to the snow days of Christmas Philip, Sam, and Abby do their best to help their undead friends at the zoo…even if it means letting them go forever.

Amazon / B&N


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  1. I like the book cover but I think I’ll stick with traditional adult zombie books!

  2. Sounds fun to me. Are you sure you didn’t secretly name this month-long feature “Let’s Screw With Barb’s TBR/Wishlist As Much As Possible?”

  3. That sounds like a cute book. Friendly zombies and their zombie animals!

  4. Liliana says:

    Aw this sounds very cute! Glad you enjoyed it! 🙂

  5. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Well Laura I think that I could read that one LOL Not too horrifying for me. Baby steps and all ;-)))

  6. Laurie | Bark says:

    Yep, that cover cracks me up. I would’ve grabbed it too.

  7. Looks cute. Glad you enjoyed it.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  8. bookwormbrandee says:

    What a neat way to celebrate the month, Laura! I’m happy you ended up liking The Curse of the Zombie Zoo despite the slow start. 🙂

  9. carolesrandomlife says:

    Can you really go wrong with a zombie zoo?! I would definitely read this 🙂

  10. Yes, the cover and title immediately drew me in. Plus zombies!

  11. northwoman says:

    I agree the cover makes it look interesting but it doesn’t seem as it worked out as interesting. Great review. Anne – Books of My Heart

  12. This book sounds like so much fun! I am thinking that it is the right amount of thrill for me. 😉

  13. At least it’s a cute cover! 🐶

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