The Night Before Christmas ~ Blitz and Giveaway

Posted: November 28, 2018 in giveaways, Romance, suspense
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Thanks for stopping in for my spot on the Blurb Blitz.The Night Before Christmas sounds like a wonderful story for your holiday reading list.

I have a fun excerpt for you.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway.


The Night Before Christmas

by K.S. David

The Night Before cover


From the author of A Promise Kept and Every Single Wish, comes an exhilarating romantic suspense for the holidays.

As Center City and its quirky residents get ready to ring in the holiday with merriment and good cheer, Calista Tate is forced to make a terrible decision? Does she stay and fight for the life she’s created or – does she run away? One man could be her angel – her saving grace. And, the promise of love may be strong enough to make her hold her ground. The wrong decision could put them both at risk.

Calista Singletary decided it was finally safe to settle down. She opened a small bakery, has a new home and life is good. That is until she gets arrested for killing her elderly neighbor. It doesn’t help that she chased the old man out of her house with a rolling pin two days earlier. The same rolling pin is found under his bruised and bloody body. Calista thinks some trickery is underfoot. Good thing her sexy attorney, Marc Collins, thinks he can get the charges dropped.

But Calista knows that when the authorities start digging, they’re going to uncover her true identity. That’s when the real horrors will begin. She usually stays packed and ready to blow town at the first sign of trouble – assuming a new name, a new look, a new story. But she’s growing close to Marc and just once, she wants to feel normal. Will the cost be too high?

Three years earlier, the man Calista loved sucked her into a world of indescribable horror. She’s the only one who can testify to the atrocities he committed by Thomas Langston. She stole three million dollars of his money and maimed him the day she left. In return, Thomas made her a promise. He would always love her. He would never stop looking for her. And the next time he saw Calista – he was going to kill her.

Enjoy this peek inside:

“He walked in on me in the bathroom!”

I had been taking a well-deserved bath. After a sixteen-hour day in my bakery, my hands felt like rubber, my ankles were throbbing, and my back felt like I’d been beaten with a baseball bat. The break would feel like a week-long vacation, and I intended to take advantage by sleeping in, eating junk, watching a little football and reading a good book. A hot, steamy bath had been on my too-do list all day. Love ballads filled the halls of my house, and I planned to polish off a bottle of Chablis.

“Way to go, Fred.”

I rolled my eyes to the night sky annoyed. Fred’s encouragement came from another neighbor who shared the center of our cul-de-sac with a man who’d been a thorn since the day I moved in. I didn’t know his name – didn’t care either, but I knew his taste in music, women and the brand of beer he preferred. Loud music boomed from his backyard nightly. He wore aged denim and a t-shirt so old the letters had started to peel. A soiled black bandana was pulled low over his brow and tattoos covered visible skin – except his hands, his neck and his face. I could always tell when he was coming or going because the motor in his Harley made my windows shake. I squinted up at the man. Streetlights barely illuminated his face and his bandana made it impossible for me to get a good look at him, but he had a firm jaw and full lips. Catching my examination, he winked. I sneered at him. I didn’t do grimy and I didn’t do assholes – at least, not anymore.


Author K.S. David

K. S. David lives in the Mid-Atlantic with her husband, their three children and a menagerie of pets. New storylines are constantly running through her head. She keeps notebooks tucked in pockets of the car, the nightstand and makes voice recordings just about all day long. She’s addicted to true life mysteries and crime shows, both of which marry well with a great romance. Some of her favorite things are long walks, reading in bed, baking and of course, writing her next novel.

Author Links: Amazon / Goodreads / Twitter / Facebook

Purchase on Amazon

The book is on sale for only $0.99.


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


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christmas tree photo: TreeLightsCat TreeLightsCat.gif

  1. James Robert says:

    Always fun to hear about another new book. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Mary Preston says:

    This does look like a great holiday read.

  3. This is definitely one I want to read! Not sure whether to thank you or tell you off (for adding to mr TBR list lol) 💕😘

  4. The synopsis and excerpt make me scared for our brave protagonist!

  5. Tammy says:

    Ok, that gorgeous cover does not say “thriller” to me, but wow this sounds good!

  6. Rita Wray says:

    Sounds like a good book.

  7. Stormi D Johnson says:

    Such a pretty cover!

  8. My Christmas reading list is growing every time I read your blog! I love how you feature books that I’ve not heard of before, it’s always good to find new books. 🙂

  9. Anne says:

    Thanks for this amazing feature and giveaway. Sounds enthralling.

  10. Great post, I enjoyed reading it!

  11. Debbie P says:

    This book sounds like an awesome read.

  12. Chelsey says:

    Thanks for sharing!

  13. What a great sounding story! I love that first line of the expert. 😉

  14. Denise Duvall says:

    A murder mystery with a baker for a suspect! Yes! says this baker! Love the cover too!

  15. diannekc says:

    Sounds like a great holiday read. Adding to my TBR list.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I plan to dive into my holiday reads this weekend. If not, Christmas will have come and gone before I share them. LOL

  16. Such a pretty cover hiding the mystery.

    sherry @ fundinmental

  17. Denise Duvall says:

    Love the cover, all the lights on the house! Who would expect a grizzly murder?

  18. Mindy Bel says:

    Thanks for the great giveaway!
    The book looks like an amazing read!

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