This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.
I’m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Some chit chat.
Last week I was talking about how I’m working two jobs while finishing out my notice. Well, they talked me out of not quitting my old job. I know. I know. I’m easy. LOL But, I choose which days I can work as my other job will keep me pretty busy. I work weekends there though so I have some week days off. Why not make some money. LOL This is a trial basis though. My new job is most important and if I find I’m too tired or stressed trying to do both, I’ll quit the old job. Or just not work shifts there every week. Maybe every other. We’ll see.
Now, I’ve started hands on training. I’m working and learning at the same time. I’m not a spring chicken. Have had plenty of jobs. Why do I feel so nervous? I’m thinking that I THINK too much. LOL Worry too much. The job isn’t that difficult, it’s just learning the proper way to do it. Do you feel nervous when starting something new?
On a brighter note. The Prairie Voles are back. I used to feed them on my back deck, but then a hawk figured it out and I won’t be offering up easy prey anymore. Now I feed them out along the fence line where they nest and hide in the tall grass. They don’t run so much as hop and bounce. The babies look like furry popcorn, hip hopping along. I’ll try to get some pics, but they are quick! I was looking them up on the internet and discovered that they mate for life. The male bonds with a female and they are exclusive. If the female dies, he doesn’t seek a new mate. I’ll be extra careful to feed them in a safe place so they don’t lose their partners.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
My new books this week.
And I couldn’t resist these deals on the boxed sets!
And here are some FREEBIES for ya.
Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure they’re still free before you hit that buy button.
Books reviewed this week. Click on the covers to read them.
Other posts on my blog this week.
Blitz and Giveaway ~ Monsterland Reanimated by Michael Okon
Extinction Of All Children by L.J. Epps ~ Blitz and Giveaway
Mischief And Mayhem ~ Author Interview and Giveaway
Teaser Tuesday #256 ~ Let There Be Light
Lawrence In The Fall ~ New Release Blitz and Giveaway
The Kid’s Korner #36 ~ The Krampus
The Talented 2 ~ New Release Blitz and Giveaway
Murder At The Marina by Janet Finsilver
Isle Of Savages by T. Briar ~ Review and Giveaway
Tag Team Review and Giveaway ~ Survivors: A Dinosaur Lake Novel by Kathryn Meyer Griffith
Blitz and Giveaway ~ Spin by K.J. Farnham
Leave your link and I’ll come visit you.
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!
For a list of my reviews go HERE.
For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE
To see all of my giveaways go HERE.
I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.
Whoa, you picked up a lot of books with those boxed sets. Enjoy! Two jobs . . . you are a tough woman!
My biggest problem now is finding time to read! LOL
You’re going to be busy working all the time! I hope that learning the new job is going well. I don’t think that I have ever seen a Prairie Vole before. I hope you have a great week!
It is going to be busy. I just need to find a routine soon so I can fit in some reading.
Two jobs is a lot but at least you have flexibility. that can be a good thing obviously. I hope it all works out well! And yeah I think it’s perfectly normal to be nervous, so I wouldn’t feel too bad! It takes a while to get comfortable with any new job.
That’s cute about the voles!
I have a feeling I’ll have to go to just one job soon. They are giving me a lot of hours and say that will probably be the norm. I love the voles! Too darn cute:)
Be careful not to work too much! It’s great that your old job wanted to keep you, but make sure you get some time for yourself, too.
I definitely get nervous about new things – especially now with my teacher training, and different people coming to my classroom to observe my teaching. But it’s all good
Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
I’m really only nervous before I start working. Then I’m too busy trying to take everything in to think about it:)
Those Prairie Voles are cute! Don’t work yourself to much as you said we are not spring chickens anymore…lol. I am always nervous when starting something new!
Have a great week and happy reading!
They are so cute. They hop between the fence line and the pool and I laugh every time. It’s funny how we get ourselves all worried when we try something new. It usually isn’t near as hard as what we expected.
Be sure to take care of yourself. I think it’s ok short term to still work some at the old job but realize you are putting extra stress on yourself while you are already trying to learn new things. But I can see the strategy of being sure you still have options available if somehow the new job doesn’t work out.
Ah they may look cute but vole are rodents. Just no.
Have a great week and I hope you get a bit of time for you and reading!
Here is my Sunday Post
I’m already planning to take a week away from my old job after two weeks. I work all week days and can’t be two places at once that week. LOL They are cute rodents though. LOL Abd they stay away from the house. They like tall grass and fields for burrows.
So many tempting books! I hope to get around to some of my older books soon…thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
I did good not to grab all of the freebies myself. LOL
Oh that’s so sweet with the voles! I didn’t know they mate for life.
I didn’t know that either. Makes them special:)
Prairie voles ARE SO CUTE!!! I would be all over them. All the time. Good luck with your two jobs. Get it!
After a hawk perched on my roof, I knew not to feed them near the house. They love sunflower seeds and birdseed.
Furry popcorn???? Bwahahaha that’s a great visual Laura! Now that’s only natural to feel nervous! I would too! And I admire your courage at handling two jobs!!! Have a great week xoxo
They are super tiny and pop just like popcorn. LOL I have a feeling I’ll be quitting my old job after a while. Getting all the hours I want at the new job and I think I’ll get worn out.
I always get nervous about learning new things-new routines, new jobs, etc. I’m just a nervous person though. Hope the voles do well this year and stay safe!
I’m sometimes nervous and a worrier. LOL I stress myself out! The voles are doing okay. They are cautious and so fast.
The voles are so cute! I can’t resist furry rodent things so I’d be feeding them too! It’s natural to be nervous in a new job, whatever age we are. I was always like that. I can understand you taking the opportunity to do the two jobs to see how it goes. Extra money is always a good thing! It must be nice to know how much your old job is valued if they want you to stay!
They are a joy to watch! I’m two days into training on the job and it’s been up and down. I’m slowly learning everything.
Love the variety! The Vampires of Shadow Hills Series looks really good!
I haven’t read a vampire book in a while and couldn’t resist snatching the set:)
Don’t work too hard
Those little prairie voles are too darn cute. I was able to grab Army of God and Asking Fur Trouble as well. Hope you have a great week and are able to fit some reading in.
I don’t think I’ll have to work too hard for long. They set my schedule and I might not have time for both jobs then. So, I’ll be forced to give up my old one. Probably best as it’s a hard job and I’m not getting any younger:)
I hope you are able to keep up with everything and not get stressed. Ahh those prairie voles are too cute.
Watching the voles will be great stress relief!
It sounds like you’ve got a good situation now with the job thing. They’re willing to work with your schedule, and like you said, it’s like you’re stuck with it forever if it’s too much, you can always quit in the future. I’m get nervous about everything, so… lol. I don’t blame you! Aww I didn’t even know what a prairie vole was, that’s so cute!
Yeah, I have a feeling I’ll eventually quit my old job. My new one is keeping me hopping. Just like the voles. LOL
I think I missed the news about your new job. Congrats! I’m sure after a little breaking-in period, you’ll be an expert.
I’m two days in and I’m catching on to some things. Others are still confusing. I just need a little more time to learn those. Can’t wait for it to feel normal. LOL
The Prairie Voles are so cute!!
They sure are. I watched them this morning and it was a great start to my day.
Oh wow! Two jobs are going to keep you running but it sounds like a good decision. Enjoy your reading and get some rest!
It sure is keeping me busy! LOL