Pistols In Paradise by Katherine Kayne ~ Excerpt and Giveaway

Posted: November 13, 2020 in giveaways, Romance
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Pistols in Paradise
Katherine Kayne
Publication date: November 18th 2020
Genres: Romance, Women’s Fiction

Be swept away by the romance of old Hawaii.

On the run for a crime she did not commit and abandoned by all who should cherish her, Agnes Todd has learned the hard way not to trust anyone. After finding refuge on a remote island ranch five thousand miles from her homeland, Agnes hopes for a new life free from fear and judgment—hard to come by for a single mother in 1905. Armed with only her wits and her grandmama’s pearl-handled pistols, she’s become rather skilled at protecting herself and her young son, Johnny.

But when her pursuers catch up with her, she must flee again—straight up the side of an ancient volcano and right into the arms of George Lang, a gentle giant of a man with a gift for fixing things. That is, everything but his own fractured heart. Will Agnes and her pistols blaze their way into his love?

A prequel to Katherine Kayne’s award-winning Bound in Flame, this sharpshooting novella revisits the early lives and hard-won romance of two beloved characters.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

He settled her deeper against his chest, feeling the natural body heat building.

“I don’t think you can run forever.”

“Running is the only way to keep Johnny safe.”

“Are you sure?”

“No. But it’s all I have to go on.” She slumped against him as if in defeat. The braid of her hair fell to the side, exposing the pale nape of her neck. He leaned forward and kissed it. She tensed and then softened as he spoke again.

“Then you will do what you believe is best. That’s all you can do.”

Just as he had done what he thought was best. Positioning the fire so that it might be seen. She would never forgive him. Never.

He should not care, but he did. Deeply.

Her chin rested on the arm encircling her. “Thank you for not telling me I’m an idiot female.”

“You may be many things, Agnes, but a fool is not one of them.”

At that she twisted, looking up at him. Her features a soft pearly blur in the firelight. Inviting. He leaned in. It had been a long time since he’d kissed a woman in tenderness. But some things you don’t forget how to do. She settled back against him, truly relaxing for the first time. And slept. He did not.


Author Katherine Kayne

Katherine Kayne now writes the romances she only dreamed of reading as a girl. With horses and magic and happily ever after . . . and heroes strong enough to follow their heroine’s lead. Counting herself fortunate to live in Hawaii a part of each year, Katherine created the world of the Hawaiian Ladies’ Riding Society to tell the stories of the fearless horsewomen of the islands’ ranches. Because who doesn’t love a suffragist on horseback? With a bullwhip? Wearing flowers? If you come along for the ride, be prepared for almost anything to happen. Katherine can promise you fiery kisses, charming cowboys, women who ride like the rainbow to save the day, and that rarest of beasts–handsome men who like to dance.

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  1. Mary Preston says:

    The cover is wonderful. Love the title too.

  2. Gwendolyn Jordan says:

    I like the cover

  3. Rita Wray says:

    Sounds like a good read.

  4. Tammy says:

    Sounds like a fun story, i love the combo of the Hawaii setting and sharpshooters😁

  5. Anne says:

    Captivating, wonderful, and an unforgettable and beautiful story with great characters and a special setting.

  6. James Robert says:

    Thank you so much for taking time to bring to our attention another great read.   I appreciate it and thank you also for the giveaway. 

  7. Cathy French says:

    This has a beautiful Hawaiian cover. Sounds like a good romance read.

  8. diannekc says:

    I love the cover! Sounds like a great book, I like the Hawaiian setting.

  9. Bridgett Wilbur says:

    I just love your cover.

  10. Debbie P says:

    I love the book title. It sounds like a really great read.

  11. Wendy Hutton says:

    sounds like a great book, thanks

  12. Denise Duvall says:

    Love the plot and the cover! Those pistols remind me of a duel.

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