Archive for October 22, 2021

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for The Cairns Of Sainctuarie Series organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Hawk MacKinney will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour and for more chances to win.

The Cairns of Sainctuarie
Volume IThe Bleikovat Event
Volume IIThe Missing Planets
Volume IIIInanna Phantom

From a rocky outcrop a battle-widowed Etkaa, gazed down at the death and upheaval. Rancid green Murian blood stanched the dusklit breezes from the haze-dimmed river marshlands. Nothing has been spared by the Green Dragon forces of Bleikovia. In skirmishes along the Feldon River, Etkaaâ’s mate is fatally wounded with deadly selvon poison. Through a gruesome mountain trek of icy blizzards, they elude the Green Dragon. The battered starving Feldovats reach the coast at Eedov City only to be confronted by their implacable enemy determined to destroy the remaining Klarvkon rabble. Taking passage on crowded Maalon freighters, the refugees escape toward a new life among their Maalon hosts. Enraged Bleikovats move against the Klarvkons, bringing indiscriminate bloodshed. War once again surfaces, as it did in the muddy filth along the Feldon River of Malfesov, and becomes a different kind of war.

Generations after the great Murian upheaval of the Malfesian War against the Bleikovats, the Accords between planets Terato and Myr are signed.

Provisional Outpost Terato is under construction near a farm where Teratoan orphan Eklam a’Qoc lives with his uncle and cousin. Inquisitive strong-minded Eklam, Ek to everyone in the village, is captivated by the off-worlders technology, and becomes an apprentice to the Outpost Terato’s Murian commander, Grand Duke Korvo. Uncle a’Qoc disapproves; wants nothing to do with these outlanders, wants their shimmering doorway portals-of-travel banned from Terato. As Outpost Terato becomes operational it seems to become a harbinger stirring ageless secrets of The Old Ones and their frightful weapons, of ancient Teratoan ruins, mysterious glowing lights, unexplained killings, a sacred book in a language no Teratoan can read, a moon that doesn’t behave like a moon in its wobbly orbit.

From cosmic reaches beyond space and time the ominous secrets of Terato’s ancient ruins become more threatening. Ek and Korvo realize both their worlds face extinction with any hope buried somewhere in unknown galaxies far beyond a pastoral Terato or the sophisticated star-empire of the Murians; of missing planets in a star system with its single star in a galaxy far-removed unknown to Terato or Myr. They travel across the universe to a place long forgotten to fight this unknown foe with weapons only dreamed of. Together they face the beast that wishes to consume the entire universe.

The threat of rift invasions seems long passed. Plentiful harvests abound. The Murian first-contact Terato Outpost has grown into the sprawling Terato-Murian Terminus Terato with a hub of relay portals reaching across the vast uncharted galactic expanses and connecting with its eon-extinct Lantaraan prehistory. An exploratory Terato-Murian Jupiterr outpost is established on the gas giant seventh planet, and its quantum and gravitational energies are used to power outpost portals for an archeological survey of the fourth planet, Eorthe. The Lantaraan database aboard Terato’s ancient Downday moon shows that one or more planets of the Solaris planets have apparently been lost. Expanded archeological records on other Lantaraan orbital bodies in the Solaris system show the fourth planet from the star—Eorthe—to be a sterile wasteland. Except it is not. Eorthe’s civilization is not to the level of the Murian Empire, but it is far advanced to those of a pastoral Terato. Terato and Eorthe form the confederated United Terran League under the nominal figurehead leader of League High Judikarr Eklam a’Qoc. Jupiterr outpost expands into a major League stronghold, Jupiterr Base, when civil unrest erupts in the League, the unexpected return of rift intrusions threatens, and the Murian Emperor Klarvko Celo is assassinated. As they prepare for confrontations with an unknown ancient enemy, the internal tensions on Myr and Eorthe push Murians and Teratoans to dangerous discords.


There had been warnings…far from the Feldon River, across the flat prairies and far-flung farming settlements, in the grain fields and remote gelf ranches of the far-west reaches of Feldon provinces. Most dismissed them, “…idle gossip from those with too little to do.”

The onslaught struck late and faraway during the last harvesting moons of the growing season, and once again unsettled whispers passed. Among the markets and along trade routes far from the fields and farms of the Feldovat fiefdoms the word spread. That was before dispatch riders and message runners on ponderous muscled claks brought more disturbing rumors: “Heavy raids and ambushes all along the hinterlands this side of the Bleikov-Bormeikovat frontiers.”

One grizzled Murian farmer’s slit-pupils narrowed to thin slivers. Gently tightened the reins. Hooked to the plough, the lumbering gelf plodded to a stop. He laid the planed-wood handles of the plough sidewise onto the fresh furrow. Without moving from the trenched rows the gelf reached its thick neck to nibble the green tufts around its feet. The weathered work-aged farmer carefully slipped the reins off his shoulder. Fingered the split creeping along one sweat-stained handle, “…get this to the woodworker before spring ploughing times. Get it braced before I have to barter for a new plough handle.” Pulled off his wide-brim woven hat; wiped his forehead. Uncorked his gelf-leather water pouch; took long slow swallows. Spit a bitter-chewed slurry of brown chakklu; scowled, “…ill-tempered uplander Bleikovats.” Another long swallow…re-plugged the pouch. Bit off another twist of dried chakklu.

About Author Hawk MacKinney:

With postgraduate degrees and faculty positions in several medical universities, Hawk MacKinney has taught graduate courses in both the United States and Jerusalem. His professional writing includes articles on chordate neuroembryology, and aerospace research on muscle metabolic behavior in multi-orbital environments.

In addition, Hawk has authored several works of fiction including a historical romance Moccasin Trace which was nominated for both the prestigious Michael Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction and the Writers Notes Book Award. His Cairns of Sainctuarie Science Fiction Series and his Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series have received national and international attention.

Author Links: Website / Sage Publishing

  Purchase Links on Amazon:

The Bleikovat Event / The Missing Planets / Inanna Phantoms




a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Baby, It’s Hot Outside: A Christmas Down Under
Publication date: October 31st 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Holiday, Romance

Baby it’s Hot Outside – A Christmas Down Under
Seasonal Summer Multi-Author Novella Collection

100% pure SUMMER Christmas.

Come Down Under for a hot and steamy SUMMER festive season.

Escape those winter blues with 12 summer Christmas novellas.

A fabulous collection of sexy Down Under summer Christmas romances. Hot sun and hotter men, friends to lovers, reunion stories and more. Come visit a world of hot, sultry kisses and long, lazy days in the sun. It’s Christmas Down Under and just another day at the beach!

Join USA Today bestselling author, Bronwen Evans with ten of her fellow Australasian authors. Warm your heart, and maybe a little bit more, too, with 11 never before published sexy novellas of Down Under lovin’ in the Christmas sun. Only 11 – aren’t there 12? There are! The 12th story is a collaboration between the 11 authors in this boxed set. Each author is writing a chapter of THE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS.

  • Twelve standalone novellas (never before published)
  • 99c Pre-Order Price rising to $4.99 week of release
  • Only available until the end of January 2022 – get your copy today!

We are running a contest for this box set. You can win a Kindle Fire HD and a collection of stories…



Twelve perfect indulgences to get you in the Christmas spirit:

ANNA FOXKIRK – The Worst Noelle
ANNIE SEATON – Her Christmas Star
BRONWEN EVANS – Fast Track To Love

JACQUELINE LEE – Unrequited Love

JAYNE KINGSLEY – Twelve Days Of Christmas

KENDRA DELUGAR – Something In The Water
KRIS PEARSON – Summer Santa
MEGAN MAYFAIR – The Season For Second Chances
RAY COLLET – Home For Christmas
SOFIA GREY – A Christmas Retreat (Falling For The Colonel’s Daughter)
SUSANNE BELLAMY – Red Dirt Christmas
COLLABORATION – The Week Before Christmas – A collaborative novella with a chapter from each of the authors in this box set. We will be running a fabulous contest of guess who wrote what chapter!

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo


The Week Before Christmas – All authors in the box set….

Ryan had been a vet for a while now. He’d thought he’d seen it all when it came to the mayhem animals could create. It turned out these puppies, even at eight weeks old, were advanced players in the game of chaos.

Oscar’s spaceship themed bean bag had met its match with puppy teeth, and the filling was now scattered all over the wooden dining room floor. Shelby’s row of pot plants along the hearth of the disused fireplace in the lounge had also definitely come off second best after their puppy encounter, with dirt tipped all over the carpet.

Shelby extracted one puppy from behind the television where it had been happily chewing on cable. Holding the squirming bundle close to her chest, she walked back to the laundry.

He was scanning the room to locate the other offenders when one trotted in from the hallway carrying something in its mouth.

“What have you got there, little buddy?” He caught the puppy and gently pried the plastic object out of its mouth. His brow furrowed. What was it? One of Oscar’s toys? It was the shape of a dolphin but appeared to be battery operated. He pressed the button and the tip of the dolphin’s snout suddenly vibrated.

Oh shit. He suddenly realized exactly what the object was.

He raised his gaze to Shelby, who’d just come back into the room and was staring at the object in his hand. He couldn’t help letting a chuckle escape at her expression. It was an exact mirror of her face when he and Paul had convinced her to watch Nightmare on Elm Street when they were teenagers.

She closed the distance between them and all but snatched it out of his hand.

“It was a gag gift from Amanda,” she said.

His chuckles had simmered down to a smirk, but there was no way he could wipe that off his face right now. “Sure it was.”

God, she was beautiful even when she was embarrassed. Cheeks flushed, the blush spreading down her neck, turning her creamy skin a light pink.

“They must have got into the storage boxes in my wardrobe,” she said as she retreated down the hallway.

“I’d disinfect that if I were you,” he called after her, still not able to disguise the amusement in his voice.

So, that had been mildly hilarious. Was it really a gag gift that she’d held on to? Or something she used to enjoy herself on a lonely night?

Okay, he wasn’t going to let his imagination drift too far down this line. It wouldn’t be good for his sanity. Or the tightness of his pants.

Shelby, coming back into the room with a cloth, trod on some of the tiny balls—now coated with oil—from Oscar’s bean bag, and started to slip.

And then he was on his feet, catching Shelby just as she stumbled, his arms bracing her shoulders as her hands flew to his waist to help her regain her balance.

For a few seconds, they both breathed hard, still clinging to each other.

She glanced up at him, making no attempt to retreat from his arms. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” He couldn’t tear his eyes away from hers. Their gazes remained locked tight.

Kiss her. Kiss her. Kiss her. A voice rose in his mind. He couldn’t tell from what part of him the voice was loudest.

What part of him wanted Shelby the most? The part that wanted to take care of her, love her, be a dad to Oscar, protect her from anything bad that could ever happen…





a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.